
HP: Magic Beasts and how to tame them

Cancer is shit. So after Nicholas died, R.O.B. send him in the magical world of Harry Potter to live a new life. A few request later, he is on his way. To tame all magical beasts. Or that's what he would, if the plot wouldn't come in his way. _____________________________________________________ As you have seen in the title and synopsis, this is a HarryPotter fanfiction. I made a mistake when choosing the genre, because it was my first time and the Support couldn't help. The universe belongs to J.K.Rowling.

1st_Planewalker · Fantasy
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43 Chs


As we arrived at the dock inside the castle, Hagrid climbs some stairs with us,

before he knocks on a heavy wooden door and announces our arrival to the Deputy Headmistress.

Professor McGonnagal is similar to her actor counterpart, but aged a lot better.

Maybe the mana in the body makes it more healthy. Magic benefit perhaps, but it's well known that

wizards and witches live longer than muggles.

She holds her little indroducing speech about the houses and tells us to look representable, when she returns to get us.

I know how we'll be sorted, but I'm nervous to find out in which house I'll end up in.

Hopefully Hufflepuff or Rawenclaw. Those are not as close to the plot and the whole

Griffindor and Slytherin rivalry.

Because the hat takes your opinion in consideration, I should be fine.

Around 5 minutes later, McGonnagal returns and we follow her in the great hall.

The staff is the same as canon, if you take the DADA professor aside.

Quirell seems to have been the Muggle professor at the moment,

but I shouldn't come into contact with him.

On one side I don't want to be involved with major characters like Voldemort or Harry

and I also wouldn't take muggle studies if they begged me to.

But I don't come to this till the end of my second year.

As we go through the middle passage of the tables, Nymph waves to me and gives me a supportive

smile and nod. I don't know a lot of the students gathered here exept the Weasley brothers and

Percys future girlfriend Penelope Clearwater, who is a second-year from Rawenclaw, and Marcus Flint at the same age group in Slytherin. Next to the 3 Weasleys at the Griffindor table, I saw a younger Oliver Wood.

I didn't pay much attention to the Sorting. Cedric goes to Hufflepuff, as he should and after another 15 or so new students, my name comes up. Appears that because of the war, there is a lesser number of students, as it was said that Lunas peers and younger would become one of the biggest inflow of students, because the war ended in 1981. It's like the wizard babyboom.

With such thoughts I walk up to the stool and the singing hat, whose voice was better than in the movie.

Despite that, the lyrics were the same.

I put him...it?...on top of my head.

"Hmm. Loyal to an unusuall group. More knowledgeable than the others."

"Hufflepuff and Rawenclaw are both options I prefer.", I toss in.

"Why that boy. It isn't like you lack the abilities to get in the other two.

Manipulates to get his goals done. And having the courage to face death.

You make for a tough choice, lad." Every child manipulates their parents, to get what they want.

But calling it that just because I wanted some treats for Anluan from them, can hardly be considered manipulation.

"I like to keep out of trouble and those seem to be my best options.", I say honestly.

"I have something in mind, that's the best choice for your growth. You shall be ... GRIFFINDOR!"

Well, shit.

Growth, really?

Instead of keeping myself out of the future trouble, you throw me right in the eye of the storm?

But I couldn't change the outcome. Only remind myself, to stay away from the golden trio.

Under the normal applause, I go to my new house table.

After the last student behind me got sorted, the Headmaster holds a short speech.

"I welcome you all into Hogwarts and hope your making the best of your time here.

But I remind you and all your seniors again, to stay away from the forbidden forest."

Maybe that works for the others, but I go in as soon as I am strong enough to explore.

"I wish you all a good feast and after the meal you'll follow the respective prefects to you common room.

Now, Bon appetit everyone."

He snaps his fingers and trays full of delicious food appears on the table.

Most of the new students went to Slytherin, so aside from me is only two girls went to our house.

After a Brief introduction of Linderina Crane, Elspeth McGillony and me, I try to strike a conversation with Charlie Weasley, who is with Nymph in his fifth-year, because if I remember correctly he would work I a dragon sanctuary in Romania in the future.

His interest could be similar to mine, so trying is worth it.

It is a nice conversation, when Olliver doesn't Interrupt to talk about Quidditch where I am clearly lost. My only interest in flying is on the back of a griffin or dragon, but broom? No, thanks.

Later that evening, when we retreat to the Griffindor common room, the prefects assigned me a room for myself.

In Griffindor you are in a dorm with your peers, but with lacking male ones this year, they asked if I wanted to live with the second-years.

Now the choice was a dorm with Percy, Olliver and two others or a room for myself, where I could practice my unique magic and let my familiars out. Not a tough choice for me.

In my room I don't need to unpack, because of 'Inventory', so I change and go to bed,

while thinking on how to avoid a bunch of idiots, who think recklessness is equal to courage.

At least Bill and Charlie don't seem that bad, but Bill is in his last year and Charlie is often training with the Quidditch team. Maybe I should promote interhouse-relationships by going to Nymph and Cedric most of the time.

Appears to me to be a good method to stay away from the chaos that is bound to this house.

Problems my future self can handle.

Today is thursday, so the teachers decided school would start next monday, what gives us a long weekend to learn our way through this labyrinth of a school.


Hello readers,

we reached more than 10k views in just over a week and

I wanted to say: I thank all of you for your support.

Even though it's my first writing experience,

I enjoy your comments that give helpful ideas

and good critic to improvement myself.

I try to research and bring a lot of facts into this fanfiction

like the weekday of his first schoolday or the other

students that have minor parts, but sometimes

I need to add or change some things to make it work.

I hope you understand and enjoy this story.