
Chapter 27: Ashamed?!

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I waved my wand for the one last time, adding a jacuzzi-like effect to it, then leaned back, waiting for her consciousness to return after the latest round of playing.

There was a huge smile on her lips as her eyes opened, though she looked like she might elect to return to her sleep any second, an unacceptable development.

I had no intention spending hours in the bathtub while she caught up with her sleep. "Good morning, sleepyhead," I said, unable to keep a smug smile off my face.

It was hard to not to feel pride after pushing a breathtaking beauty to the unconscious with just my touch.

Her eyes forced open in panic. "Malfoy-," she said in a panic as she tried to stand up, only to slip even deeper in the water, unbalanced, her coughing stealing rest of her sentence.

She was wheezing and sputtering as she rose, though in her panic, she probably missed the fact that she had risen more than what could be called appropriate, revealing her tits to my gaze, partially hidden by the bubbles that managed to stick her naked skin.

It was a mouth-watering view, a fact I had no problem informing Fleur about, no words necessary.

It took a second for her to realize I was avoiding her eyes, focusing on her chest instead, and another second passed before she could process what that meant.

She sank in the water in a hurry, even her chin hidden under the bubble. "Come on, sweetheart," I said in a casual tone. "Isn't it a bit late for to be ashamed of your own body, not that you have anything to be ashamed of, of course."

As usual, the casual compliment brought another deep blush to her face. Well, it enhanced the previous one that was already there, not a surprising fact considering the details of the situation.

"Still," she managed to murmur. "I need to dress and go, we're finished."

"If you prefer so," I said, but she made no move to get out of the water, no doubt not wanting to keep her body hidden from me.

Unfortunately for her, it only made me more enthusiastic about the situation.

Seeing that no movement was incoming, I let my hands sink under the water, traveling until they reached to her foot.

I took a hold of her delicate appendage and brought my hands closer to the surface, her gaze focused on her own toe currently peeking out of the foam barrier.

I let my finger dance over the sole of her feet, making me glad that massage was one of the skills I had attained in my past life.

"I need to go," she repeated once more, but compared to this one, even her panicked exclaim at the first one came across as one of the finest examples of decisiveness.

It was a weak, trembling statement, clear that she didn't say because she believed it, but said because it needed to be said, so that later on, she could rationalize the moment in her mind.

I decided to allow her to have that moment, it was nothing more than a symbolic gesture of pride after the armistice was signed.

"You can always go after resting a bit to catch your breath," I answered, even as I pressed my fingers deeper into her skin.

Soon, she forsook her ability to speak in lieu of biting her lips.

Still, I received my answer in the form of a nod, doing its best to come across reluctant. Not a task that she was able to succeed much.

My fingers continued their dance after switching to her other foot. "Do you want to have any wine," I asked, pointing to the small table that was just outside her reach, holding an exquisite vintage of rose wine.

She nodded and reached, one hand pressing to the edge of the tube for stability as she rose, the other reaching for the wine, her breasts on display once more.

I didn't know whether she missed that detail or didn't care, but both of the options were attractive in their own manner, but also showed that I needed to hasten my plan.

When I completed massaging her calves and moved to her thighs -a time which she managed to drain more than half of the bottle-, her attempts to act like it wasn't affecting her was long forsaken.

Her face was a mask of pleasure, her arms clasped on the edge of the tub, one only leaving for occasional sips from the wine, not caring a bit about the fact that the cover of bubbles was getting thinner and thinner, displaying a delicious silhouette crawling under the water.

It suited me perfectly, as I climbed up on her thighs, just at the edge of her nether lips, but carefully avoiding to touch.

The expression on her face was delicious, losing all traces of the struggle, enjoying the moment.

Of course, the pure bliss was replaced with frustration when the minutes rolled but I deliberately avoided her most sensitive spot despite repeatedly alluding to it.

For the first time in the bathtub, she raised her gaze to meet mine, questioning. I just shrugged, my smug smile telling the complete story.

If she wanted me to bring her to the climax, she had to ask for it. Otherwise, she would return home with an unfilled need burning her heart.

It took less than ten seconds for her to fold. "Draco," she murmured in a voice barely above a whisper. "Is it possible for me to complete the third part of the deal as well?"

I nodded, amused that she managed to find a way that didn't come across pure horniness.

Appearances were important, even if we both knew the reality behind it. I patted my lap and moved a bit forward. She sat on legs, her own wrapped around my waist.


Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read ahead by 10+ chapters or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

