A guy who loves anime and reading books and fanfictions of his favourite anime and books, suddenly found himself in one of those books. To be exact in the world of Harry Potter or in simple words you can call it a world of magic. He loved Harry Potter and its fanfictions too, and now he suddenly found in that world himself, but the things is… he didn’t found himself at the beginning of the story or end of the story but at… well this much is enough for starting, but you can read and find out how he will live and interact with everyone here in an another world.
Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read ahead by 27+ chapters or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.
"Hm," she says, "Viktor told me things about Durmstrang, but I wouldn't have called some of it interesting. They don't admit Muggle-borns at all!"
I think I remember that from a particular Harry-as-twin fanfiction, now that she mentions it.
"That's not very smart of them. Maybe that's why the girl I danced with from there didn't like me."
"Did she know you're Muggle-born?"
I shrug. "I dunno, she just said I talk too much."
Hermione's mouth falls open, then she throws her head back and laughs uproariously. Her face turns red as her body shakes with mirth.
"Breathe, Hermione, breathe!"
"I'm sorry," she says, still having spasms. "Maybe you should keep telling her she likes you until she believes it?" This comment causes her to lose control again, and I can't help but laugh with her.
"It's going to be very difficult to tell you the rest when you're like this, ya big jerk."
"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she says, pulling our hands in to wipe her tears away. I can tell she really isn't. "What else happened? Actually, why were you dancing with her anyway?"
"Oh yes, well that was part of my brilliant plan to foster inter-school and inter-House relations. I have danced with at least one girl from each of the four Hogwarts Houses and one each from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. I think Harry is going for it as well."
"Are you sure it's not your brilliant plan to dance with as many pretty witches as possible?"
I try to look shocked and offended, but she gives me The Look. My shoulder's slump exaggeratedly in defeat. "Damn."
"Language, William."
"Who'd you dance with from Hufflepuff?"
I told her about Susan Bones and her aunt, and about me apparently guessing correctly that she'd never worn one of the anti-Harry badges.
She looks at me surprised again. "You're right, I doubt she would have worn one. As a baby, Harry ended the war that killed many of her family. But of course you knew that, didn't you?"
"You know, Susan might be a good friend to have when we have to...well, never mind. Enough about depressing topics. Luna looked rather happier than normal."
"You can tell that?" I ask, surprised. "I suppose she was. I told her that I love her."
This causes her to stumble. "What?"
"Yeah, that was her response, too. I told her that you and I both, plus Harry and probably Neville all love her, and then I told her why. She seemed happy about it, and then she told me she loves me, too." I frown at her look of shock.
"I didn't lie, did I? I mean, how could you not love Luna?"
"N-no, you're right. You just surprised me is all. You might recall that not everybody talks about love quite as easily as you. It just took me a second before I realized how you meant it." Then she looks at me seriously.
"Are you sure she understood how you meant it, and that she meant it the same way?"
I think back on the conversation, and I have to frown and shake my head. "The way I told her...I'm pretty sure, but I suppose I can't be entirely certain."
"Do you think I should talk to her about it? She doesn't know...uh, you know...about me. At least, I haven't told her. She can be at least as perceptive as you, though."
Hermione sighs. "You know, I don't think you quite understand what effect those words can have on a girl who's never heard them from someone outside of her family."
"I'll talk to her, if you don't mind...it might make her uncomfortable if you do it. More uncomfortable, I mean."
"Thanks Hermione...you can tell her anything you think she should know about me. I trust you."
"Except what I don't know myself," she says bitterly.
I sigh sadly and pull her closer. "Except that."
She doesn't respond for a moment. "I'm not going to push you away again, William," she says softly, as if she knows what I'm doing.
The song ends and our embrace lingers several moments longer until she takes a deep breath and lifts her head from my chest.
"Well, I still need Ravenclaw and Beauxbatons partners if I'm going to...what was it? 'Foster inter-school and inter-House relations,' I think you put it."
I smile. "I'm glad you see it my way."
"I do see it that way," she says, "but I wouldn't say it's your way."
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," I say with a grin.
"Of course not. Go find some beautiful witches to dance with, William."
"Well, if you must be so vulgar about it...judging by my present company I think I've been doing rather well in that regard."
She shakes her head and smiles. "See you later, William."
Some time later, despite it being the last dance of the night, Astoria once again uses me to energetically twirl herself around the dance floor.
In fact, I think the previous four hours have only served to increase her energy. After dancing so much I'm much more confident than I was, but she's also much more daring.
Somehow I bluster through the extra lifts, spins, and dips while she laughs in delight.
She's still bouncing around by the time our extended group splits into two outside the Great Hall: the Slytherins head to the dungeons while the Gryffindors head to Ravenclaw Tower first to drop off Luna.
I grin from ear to ear when Daphne allows me to repeat on her the hug and cheek kisses I gave to Astoria, a display that shocks the others and apparently encourages more overt displays of affection between members of our group from rival Houses.
I try very hard not to laugh out loud when Luna unabashedly hugs all four Slytherins, including an apparently too-stunned-to-scowl Blaise.
Once we drop Luna off – after another round of hugs, plus kisses on the cheek for me, Harry, Hermione, and Neville, of course – our leisurely walk back to Gryffindor toward is filled with laughs thanks to stories both from earlier in the night and from earlier in the year.
I make sure to thank Neville once again for the dress robes...I really would have missed out on the fun without them.
Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read ahead by 27+ chapters or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.