
Hp: hogwarts history teacher

Transmigrated to hogwarts to work as a history teacher with a system

legionnaire · Book&Literature
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On a wet Sunday afternoon, Michael was sitting at home in his office (read kitchen table) surrounded by tens of different books all on history, philosophy, literature and ancient documents. furiously reading the books Infront of him with a mad look in his eyes as his hand furiously typed away onto his laptop.

Hours past with his energy never dropping as he continued write like his life depended on it (which it certainly does ;0 ). Then he suddenly stops and slowly scrolls through the entire document he wrote multiple times, "finally!" he yells as he quickly saves his work and drops it into the submissions folder on his Universities website. the document title, 'Michael Veras - History Masters Thesis - The Implications, Effects, and Uses of mysticism and mythos in ancient cultures and their evolution on modern culture and philosophy'

"ha haha haaa! I'm done with this bullshit thesis prompt, screw you professor Richmond, finally I can get some sleep." looking at the corner of his laptops screen reading the time 12:30am Monday 2023. "Jesus! I cant believe I stayed up three days straight just to finish this damn paper" he growled as he stood up to walk to bed in his tiny apartment, as he lay down he quickly fell into the dark realm of Morpheus.


"pssst hey, wake up" said a voice seemingly off in the distance of his mind.

"hmmmm another five minutes..." he sleepily replied.

"its really important you need to wake up" it continued,

slowly retreating from his deep sleep, Michael slowly felt something was wrong, he lived alone, in a tiny apartment in the city, but there was strangely no sound of cars or the people like usual, as well as the fact that he felt grass beneath him, oh and he lived alone. quickly shooting to his feet assuming a defensive position against the intruder in his apartment, only to be greeted with an endless plain of grass under a picturesque cloudy blue sky. confusion racked his brain as he tried to make sense of what happening, but was quickly interrupted by a light coughing from behind him.

spinning around he came face to face with a young woman with blond hair and blue eyes, in a ethereal white sundress, staring up at his 6'3 figure.

"welcome, Michael to limbo" she stated plainly as she spread her arm signaling to the expanse around them.

"what?" dumbfounded Michael replied thinking maybe he was still sleeping and this was all a weird lucid dream.

"its not a dream, sadly Michael you died last night during your sleep, due to your extreme consumption of energy drinks to stay awake, you strained your heart too much and it failed a few hours after falling asleep." she state in a sad and respectful voice as she touched his head with a glowing finger imparting the knowledge of his demise into his head, and calming him down.

"damn, I guess that damn paper did kill me like James said it would. Hmmm so what now?" he spoke after a minute contemplating, "oh where my manners, nice to meet you I'm Michael Veras, though you probably already know that, who are you??

"I am Alice, I am what certain degenerates would call a ROB or random omnipotent being, though most including me aren't the least bit random or truly omnipotent, but we are powerful enough. as for what going to happen, two things really, one your leave limbo and continue into you chosen afterlife based on your beliefs and values, or I can make you a deal and allow you to live a new life while performing a job for me in another world. so what will it be?" she replied as she sat down at a table that appeared next to them while pulling out two sheet of paper denoting his choices.

"just for context what is the job I would be performing?" Michaels asked with a bit of hesitation, as he was agnostic in his life and not really knowing what would happen should he go to the afterlife.

"simple you would be working as a history teacher in a school in a another world" she said as a faint smile appear on her face giving her a glowing and radiant beauty. "with help of course"

"oh ok, seem simple enough, what world would I be going to and what would be the extent of your needs of me in that aspect?"

"you would be going to the wizarding world of the harry potter books, to replace the ghost teacher binns, as for the extent of your goals, mainly just the proper education of the magical children in history and the wider world, whilst removing the bad prejudices of the kids through history and philosophy." she replied as the terms she said glowed and appeared on the piece of paper, " to help with this you will receive a full education of magic from that world up to journeyman rank whilst history and philosophy while be given at grandmaster rank. you will also receive a system that will help you manage your knowledge, teaching, student and your wider impact on the world, as well as hold a store that allows you to buy basic amenities/items and knowledge packs."

"wow going into a fictional world and getting to used magic, almost good enough to have to deal with kids heh, nah just joking love teaching kids, the wonder my little brother had in his eyes every time I told about ancient history and all that was why I wanted to get my masters in history, so I could teach it to more people... if I take this job will I ever be able to see my family again?" he joked then spoke in a faint voice.

"yes, after you finish the job your can meet your family, when your done you can head to the afterlife and spend time with them until you decide to reincarnate." she firmly replied showing her seriousness in the matter.

"alright then, I take the job so lets get this show on the road ay!" he cheered slowly getting more excited after his worried were put to rest.

"sure lets!" she replied as she clicked her fingers, and everything went black for Michael.