
Hp: Hermione Granger and the Fight Against Darkness

Join Hermione Granger in her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as she and her friends band together to confront the darkest wizard of their time. As the threat of Voldemort looms ever larger, Hermione is determined to fight back against the forces of darkness that threaten their world.

Amelie796 · Book&Literature
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The Hidden Door

After enduring an endless barrage of her parents' disappointment and hurt, Hermione locked herself in her room and began to pack. Crookshanks strolled out from under her bed, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the trunk, and let out a delighted meow. At least someone in this house was as excited to return to the Wizarding World as Hermione.

For the first time since she had been home, she slept soundly, comforted by the thought that time would pass faster while she was asleep. When she woke up, her parents sat at the table without their usual work clothes. A sense of dread settled in Hermione's stomach, and a panic attack popped up inside her. Were they going to stay home and prevent her from leaving?

"Good morning," Hermione said cautiously.

"Morning," Bert murmured. Mary just sighed.

"Not going to work today?"

"No," Bert answered. "We figured we'd see you off."

Hermione let out the breath she had been holding. "That's very nice of you. Thank you."

The Grangers ate in painful silence. Hermione kept looking at the clock, willing the seconds to tick by faster. At one point, she wished she had the Time-Turner back to go into the future and get everything over with.

Finally, there was a knock at the door. Hermione forced herself to walk calmly. Opening the door, she was met with Finnegan's broad grin.

"'Ello, Hermione!" he said, tipping his postman's hat.

"Can we help you?" Bert's question came from behind Hermione. "Do we have a parcel?"

"No, Dad," said Hermione, silently chastising herself for forgetting to tell them who the associates were. "This is Finnegan and his sister Keelin. They are the ones who are taking me to the Wizarding World."

"But he's our postman!" Mary said, her brows furrowing in confusion.

"He's also a wizard," Keelin added with a smile. "Nice to finally meet you, Dr. and Dr. Granger. My brother has said wonderful things about you. I never thought he'd voluntarily go to the dentist."

"Thank you, but I am still hung up on you being a wizard," Bert said.

"Guilty as charged, sir," Finnegan said with a wink.

"And you have a human job?"

"Muggle," Hermione corrected her mother.

Finnegan smiled. "I'm, as you would say, undercover."

Hermione knew this conversation could go south fast. "Shall I get my trunk?"

Keelin and Finnegan stepped out to allow the Grangers to say goodbye to each other. A wave of guilt washed over Hermione, and she hugged her parents tightly, hoping it would convey the depth of her feelings. She knew it wouldn't, but that was all she could do.

When she stepped outside, she saw the twins leaning casually against a Black Cab, her trunk already stowed in the passenger area. The morning sun cast long shadows on the pavement, and the scent of blooming flowers filled the air. "Right then," Keelin said. "Ready?"

"Where are we going?"

"London!" Finnegan exclaimed, getting behind the wheel and pulling the door shut.

Two hours later, the Black Cab was weaving around the London Borough of Islington. Islington's Victorian homes and quiet backstreets unfolded before her, their charm capturing Hermione's attention. The architecture was absolutely brilliant, and she imagined herself on Cherry Tree Lane in one of her favourite childhood movies.

"Here we are!" Finnegan said, pulling off to the side of the street.

"Where is here?" Hermione asked.

"Can't tell ya," Finn said with a mischievous grin, turning in the driver's seat.

"It's a secret," Keelin added.

"Oh, come on," Hermione said. "Just tell me."

"No, really," Keelin said. "It's a secret, and we aren't the secret keepers, so we can't tell you. We don't even know what's here."

"But she may be able to!" Finnegan said, nodding towards a young woman standing near a streetlamp in a very bright Union Jack shirt, neon shorts, and bright cherry-red hair. To most people on the street, she looked like a tourist, albeit a very odd one. To Hermione, however, it was clear that the woman was a witch trying—and failing—to blend in with the bustling London crowd.

"Oi, Tonks!" Finn called out the window.

"Oi, Finn!" the witch named Tonks shouted across the street. "And Keelin! It's been too long!"

"Love the new look," Keelin said, getting out of the car and hugging Tonks. "Red's a good colour on you."

Tonks's bright cherry-red hair transformed into a deep royal blue with a simple toss of her head.

Hermione gasped, her eyes widening as she recognised the ability instantly. "You're a Metamorphmagus!" she exclaimed.

"Ah, cheers!" Tonks smiled. "Not many get it on the first try." She held her hand out to Hermione to shake. "Nymphadora Tonks, but please call me Tonks."

"If you wanna see 'er really change her looks, call her Nymphadora," Finn laughed.

"Nice to meet you, Tonks," Hermione said. "I'm—"

"Hermione Granger," Tonks finished. "I've heard all about you! You have some fans in there," she said, motioning to the row houses behind her.

"I'm sorry?" Hermione said.

Tonks waved her hands. "Oi, sorry. Got ahead of myself. Lots to explain."

"Yeah, we should be going anyway," Keelin said, holding her hands out for a hug from Hermione, which Hermione obliged. "It was so nice to see you again, especially under much calmer circumstances."

"Absolutely," Hermione grinned.

"I'll see you next summer, yeah?" Finnegan asked, lining up for Hermione's next hug after Keelin.

"Yeah," Hermione said slowly. "I probably won't be home for Christmas."

"Figured," he said. "I'll look after your mum and dad for ya."

"Thank you," she replied, trying to keep the guilt from rising again.

After exchanging a few more hugs with Tonks, Keelin and Finnegan climbed back into the Black Cab, their laughter fading as they drove off.

"Right then," Tonks said, digging into her pockets. "Ready?"

"For what?"

"For this. Just read it to yourself."

Tonks handed Hermione a folded piece of paper. She gave Tonks a questioning look, but Tonks didn't elaborate. Hermione slowly unfolded the paper, immediately recognising the handwriting as Dumbledore's. It read:

The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.