
HP : Harry The Hero

Dark curses Don't play nice not even with each other . When nine year old Harry is bitten by a werewolf , the horcux fights back . The result could only happen to Harry potter . Canon - is for the first three years of Hogwarts.

KUROSAKI_Megumi · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Chapter- 6 : Hunger


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24 June 1989

Vernon Dursley sat down to enjoy his morning meal with great happiness. The large man felt something akin to pure joy this morning. If there was one thing Vernon Dursley adored was receiving his rightful due as one of the brightest, driven, and gifted men in the whole of England. Too many of the refuse and degenerates that tainted to title of 'Englishman' worked to sabotage and undermine his efforts and keep him from his proper place.

But for the last five days, everything, EVERYTHING had gone Vernon Dursley's way.

Oscar Howard had signed the Bolson account on for a five year deal for a ludicrous mark-up that would add tens of thousands of additional pounds profit for Grunnings. Old man Grunning already promised Vernon a bonus that by itself was sufficient to pay all of Dudley's first year at Smeltings!

Then his precious heir to the family name had his ninth birthday. His son would take all of England by storm! Vernon Dursley was an excellent judge of character and potential in job applicants. In his son, Vernon Dursley saw true greatness. Why, he wouldn't be surprised one day to see his son named Prime Minister! Yes, indeed. And after that he would be given a title and elevated to the House of Lords for his successive contributions to the British Empire. The Dursley name would finally take its rightful place in the elite of British society!

And the final item topped it all off. His wife's freakish nephew had not been seen in the whole five days! The little freak disappeared after the Howards left. Or more precisely, he never returned. Vernon hummed in enjoyment as he chewed his breakfast and considered this development. Maybe the brat was taken by some deviant paedophile to be used and his body to be dumped in a ditch somewhere! What a wonderful thought!

Vernon's sick, twisted daydreams were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and then closing.

"Pet? Back from the market so soon?" he called.

"No, Uncle Vernon, its me."

Vernon looked up, his face already turning red with anger. But something stopped him from erupting.

The brat stood there with his clothes full of mud and twigs. His jumper was torn over his left shoulder like it had been caught in a thresher. Also it looked like tar had been poured down his front. Dudley's old trainers were missing as were the boy's socks. The boy also seemed bigger; almost as tall as Dudley. But what made Vernon pause was when his eyes met the boy's eyes.

The boy's glasses were missing. Instead, his green eyes, so much like Pet's mother and sister's eyes, seemed to glow with some inner power. It was that power that stilled Vernon's tongue. The boy's eyes conveyed power, strength, and the promise of violence.

Something in Vernon just wanted to curl up and hide from his nephew's gaze.

"Wh- where have you been, boy?" Vernon managed to ask.

"The forest. Something … odd happened. I was attacked by something. I woke up last night in the forest. The remains of two rabbits were next to me. That was when I remembered. I'd eaten them. I chased them both down and eaten them."

"You chased them down?" Vernon asked scornfully. However, his voice sounded hollow even to him.

"I changed. I was faster … stronger … hungrier. I am still hungry.

Without so much as a 'by-your-leave' the boy stepped over to the counter and picked up the plate full of breakfast sausages Pet cooked before leaving on her errands. The boy started to shove the meat links into his mouth one after another.

Vernon stepped forward and made a grab at the plate, saying, "Now see here, boy! I won't have you…" Vernon's shouting was cut off in mid-stream. As he reached for the plate, the boy looked up. The glow in his eyes seemed to brighten ominously and a low, rumbling growl issued forth from his throat. The sound was more felt then heard. Vernon suddenly felt the need to reach the water closet as soon as possible.

Vernon carefully withdrew his hand and stepped back carefully. The boy resumed eating but kept an eye on his uncle.

What had happened to his perfect week? How were they supposed to deal with the boy now?


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