
HP : Harry The Hero

Dark curses Don't play nice not even with each other . When nine year old Harry is bitten by a werewolf , the horcux fights back . The result could only happen to Harry potter . Canon - is for the first three years of Hogwarts.

KUROSAKI_Megumi · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Chapter- 22 : Confrontation Part - 6


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1 April 1992

Professor Quirenus Quirrell carefully opened the door to the third floor corridor. The harp sat on the ground beside him with its strings moving silently. A simple charm lifted the device slightly off the ground and sent it smoothly gliding across the floor. A second charm released the Silencing Charm on it.

A silent command sent the conjured torch floating into the room. The Defence Against the Dark Arts professor was gratified to see the beast's body settle indicating it was asleep. The stupid dog got a hold of his arm the first time that he managed to access the room. He didn't want to repeat that experience.

"Quickly," the Master demanded. "Move the half-breed's mongrel. Dumbledore could be back soon."

"Yes, master."

A simple Levitating Charm moved the sleeping monster out of the way revealing the trap door. He opened the trap door and let it gently flip back onto the floor. Quirrell sat down on the floor letting his legs hang over the ledge and the inky blackness below. He knew the Devil's Snare would catch him but it was still a bit unnerving.

"This charm better work," the Master growled.

"It was from an Incan tome, master," Quirrell assured him. "Dumbledore's anti-summoning spell on the key should not block it." The Master of course knew this as the spell came from the Dark Lord's own library but Quirrell knew from experience who would be held accountable for any failure tonight.

The harp's music suddenly stopped in a harsh twang as it suddenly smashed into the wall. Quirrell twisted to see the harp drop to the ground.

"Hey, Fluffy, dinner!" a low, growling voice called out. Quirrell felt a sudden fear he hadn't felt since his Master first possessed him.

"Quickly, you fool! Get us out of here!" the Master demanded.

Quirrell tried to comply but with his legs hanging over the trapdoor's ledge he just didn't have time to comply. He felt two of the monster's heads bit into each arm pulling him up. He finally screamed in terror as the third head's jaws closed over his own head.


Fluffy made a great couch.

The giant canine had a soft, black fur coat and he curled his body up making a warm, soft niche for a young boy to snuggle into. The hell hound seemed to enjoy being read to even if he couldn't really understand the words. A little light conjured above the book was perfectly adequate to read by in the dark room.

The best part was no one else except for Hagrid would ever come in here. Harry needed some alone time and he didn't want to get caught sneaking into the Forbidden Forest to run around.

The sudden sound of music in the room caused the reading to come to a surprised stop. Harry peaked over the now sleeping dog towards the door. A figure stood there with a torch hovering in the air over his shoulder. A magical harp sat on the ground nearby playing a soft lullaby.

"Quickly," a voice hissed. "Move the half-breed's mongrel. Dumbledore could be back soon."

"Yes, master."

Harry recognized the second voice even with its shocking lack of a stutter. What was the defence professor doing here? And where did that other voice come from? He obviously wasn't supposed to be here if they were worried about Dumbledore finding them.

Fluffy suddenly shuddered as he was lifted off the ground and the trap door he was laying on top of was revealed.

Once the dog was back on the floor, Harry carefully stood up and moved further into the shadows along the wall.

"This charm better work," the unknown voice said in a threatening tone.

"It was from an Incan tome, master. Dumbledore's anti-summoning spell on the key should not block it."

Harry knew they were here to steal Nicolas Flamel's Philosopher's Stone. Hagrid had slipped so many times over the year Harry reckoned he knew the whole story by now. Harry really liked Hagrid but the giant groundskeeper had a harder time keeping his mouth in check than Ron Weasley.

Harry took the simple expedient to stop the harp.

He kicked it. Hard.

Harry allowed the change to come and growled out, "Hey, Fluffy, dinner!"

The hell hound quickly woke and spotted the intruder. Harry watched as the lovable dog attacked, quickly tearing the hapless professor to pieces. He had hunted his share of animals but even his stomach started to turn.

"Who did this?" the hissing voice demanded. Harry's transformed eyes spotted the dark cloud rising from Professor Quirrell's remains. "I shall have my revenge! I will find you and destroy you and everyone you ever loved!" Then it screamed and flew out of the room right out the door.


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