Harry Potter is taken and raised by Cassiopeia Black to be a true member of the House of Black. When he arrives at Hogwarts for the Tri-Wizard Tournament 13 years later, everything changes and the battle for the magical world of Britain begins. Will he join the light? Or will the dark entice him?
If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.
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Most of his classmates had taken to telling the competing schools that as well, something that only increased tensions that week, and it all would come to a head with the Quidditch Final today.
Both Durmstrang and Hogwarts had played their reserves for their third match of the tournament, giving neither side any advantage, and only added to the drama.
Aries knew that Viktor far outmatched Chang, but he was also aware of Draco's skills at Chaser, and he wondered if Durmstrang's defense would give his older friend the time needed to catch the Snitch.
Beauxbatons and Hogwarts were mixed today leaving Durmstrang to themselves on the other side of the Quidditch stadium.
Aries was left to sit next to Ivan and a seventh-year with Haydn being on the team and Arianna no where to be found.
Her continued absence was beginning to infuriate him, and he intended to have a conversation with the girl before the ball.
Viktor Krum led the Durmstrang team out, dark red robes flying in the wind. Hogwarts wore black and he noted that their keeper seemed to stare starstruck at Krum.
Ginny Weasley and Roger Davies, two choices that Aries had learned caused much controversy among the Quidditch players of Hogwarts, looked ready to play, though Draco looked cocky as ever.
Aries wondered how they'd get along today, considering that he knew Draco despised the other two.
"Welcome to the Quidditch Final of the 1994 Tri-Wizard Tournament!" Aries recognized the boy as Lee Jordan, his biased commentary towards Hogwarts had been in full force during Hogwarts versus Beauxbatons, and he wondered just how biased it would be today.
"We have Hogwarts!" Cheers rose loudly from the other two schools.
"Against Durmstrang!" Boos overpowered the loud cheers of the leading school.
"For the home team: Weasley, Davies, Malfoy, Weasley, Weasley, Fleet, aaaaaaaaaaand CHANG!"
The cheers were even louder this time, as the Hogwarts team took a lap, waving to their supporters.
"For Durmstrang: Muller, Milan, Nikola, Hahn, Heinrich, Miroslav, aaaaaaaaaaaand KRUM!" This time the boss of the other two schools could not contain the cheer of Durmstrang as their team flew around the stadium with Viktor Krum at the lead.
The two schools faced each other and as the quaffle was thrown into the air, the game began.
Krum immediately soared high, Chang following, as Draco snagged the quaffle. A quick pass to Davies and then another to Weasley who threw towards goal.
The Hogwarts section cheered in anticipation, but Miroslav swatted the quaffle away towards Muller at the last second.
Haydn took off at a lightning pace, yelling in delight as Aries' had allowed him to borrow his Firebolt.
Milan and Nikola flew at intervals to his left and right, allowing them to juggle the quaffle until Haydn threw it past Fleet.
"Durmstrang scores." Jordan announced dispassionately. "They lead ten to none."
Hogwarts would not be swayed however, and Davies led a roaring rush that, with a well timed bludger from one of the Weasley twins, kept Milan distracted long enough for Draco to get the quaffle past Miroslav.
Neither team could keep a rhythm and any time it seemed one side would begin to dominate the other would come fighting back.
It allowed for a much more enjoyable game in Aries' opinion, but his frustration mirrored Krum's as neither had seen the snitch.
Chang was having an even harder time, she seemed afraid to let Krum out of her sight long enough to actually look for the snitch.
Then Krum dived fast and hard. The Asian girl panicked, speeding after her fellow Sneeker at a back-breaking pace.
Krum pulled up early and sped towards the wall just as Draco scored for the sixth time. Hogwarts led one hundred and sixty to a hundred and forty.
The Durmstrang Chasers were used to playing rough Quidditch and it had served them well against Beauxbatons, but the Hogwarts Chasers were playing fast, avoiding their opponents as the Weasley twins' bludgers hounded them.
Krum had slowed down, but he was flying in circles with Chang following, eyes flying over the stadium.
Suddenly gasps rang through the crowd. Aries tore his eyes from the snitch to see Milan smack the ground with a loud thump.
Viktor called for a time out just after Hogwarts scored again, now up by fifty.
Milan would not be able to continue, and their substitute, Ader, replaced him.
The game resumed but suddenly it was entirely in Hogwarts' favor. The Durmstrang chasers were tired, and despite the freshness brought by Ader, they could not keep up with their opponents.
Aries caught sight of the snitch, as did Krum, just as Hogwarts scored again, putting them up two-hundred and nighty to one hundred and fifty.
Viktor dived after the snitch as he flew straight downward, Chang falling further behind every second.
Aries' attention was turned to Draco who flew deliberately towards Miroslav and let loose the quaffle.
It flew through the goal just as Krum caught the snitch. Dead silence followed and Viktor looked up towards the scoreboard in confusion and then it changed to shock.
"Ladies and gentlemen." Lee's voice came through in awe. "The game has ended, with a score of three-hundred to three-hundred. Um, Professor? What happens now?"
"We have a tie!" The referee's annoying voice sounded through the stadium.
"A rare occurrence but there are procedures to be followed. This final will be decided by penalties!" The cheers and screams of the crowd were louder than they had ever been.
This was something that Aries doubted any of the crowd had ever seen.
"Each team will attempt to score six times, with each player of the team, minus the keeper, making an attempt. The order is to be decided by the team captains. Hogwarts, as they did not catch the snitch, will go first!"
Ginny Weasley was up first for the home school. She started off slow, and then sped past Miroslav, dumping the quaffle through the hoop.
Muller followed and Fleet would have had a better chance saving Haydn's shot if he had stayed still.
Davies' was shocked when Miroslav made the save, but unfortunately Ader's shot glanced off the post.
The score was one to one and the tension in the stadium was mounting.
If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.
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