
Chapter 40: Four Champions!

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"Absolutely not."

Aries disagreed. "A compulsion charm would not be strong enough. Hell, maybe the Imperious curse, but not a compulsion."

"Perhaps, but you are forgetting both the caster and what he possessed. There are many magical objects that can increase one's power, many of them being magical rings hidden or lost through time, but the Elder Wand has often magnified a user's power."

"A man as powerful as Dumbledore could potentially channel magic through it without actually holding it. My guess is that a number of compulsion charms forced the Potters, and Sirius, to abandon Harry."

"No doubt it was cast many times and perhaps is the very reason James Potter does not sit among the Wizengamot as his father, Charles, did."

"It seems far fetched. . ."

"And here is my relevant data. Remus Lupin is technically a magical creature. Certain spells harm him and others have little effect, such as the Imperious curse."

"Few spells can control the wolf that resides inside him. I believe that Dumbledore thought the Elder Wand would over power the wolf and failed."

"You see, no doubt the wolf inside him saw Harry and Thomas as its cubs, its own children. When Remus went to release his friends, Dumbledore forced them to shun the werewolf, which is why he has not been seen in England for the past thirteen years."

"Why the wolf would have a stronger nature than Potter's parents is unknown to me, but alas I believe my theory is correct."

"I contacted Remus Lupin myself to find out. I also suspect memory charms, no doubt to remove any evidence of his compulsions, though Lupin made provide the evidence we need under Veritaserum. This could potentially ruin Albus Dumbledore if used correctly. This I leave to you."

Aries nodded, the information being processed too fast to speak. This was a manipulation far beyond any he had thought the Headmaster capable of.

How many compulsion charms had the Potters and Sirius been placed under for the past thirteen years?

How many times had they realized just what they had done and been done to them and had their memory wiped so they would forget what the old man made them do to their child?

He had developed a dislike for the Potter patriarch, but now he just felt pity. It was a wrong that made Aries sick to his stomach.

The loss of an innocent child to an old man's manipulations. Aries would kill one day, yes, but only when necessary. This was far beyond necessary.

"You should discreetly check your uncle for any charms." Von Reich warned. "Do not tell him the truth until you are ready, for you will most likely need to keep him from murdering the Headmaster of Hogwarts."

"I agree." Suddenly the guilt Aries had felt in Sirius made sense. "When Lupin confirms your theory, I'll release Sirius of his guilt. Perhaps we can wrestle the Potters to our cause as well when their confidence in Dumbledore is shaken. But in due time. We will ruin Albus Dumbledore when it will benefit us."

"Good." Aries took a moment to refill his glass and did the same to his mentor's. "Do you know of the second task?"

"No, and I do not wish to. It might not be very Slytherin, but the unknown can bring about many opportunities."

"Oh, I think you'll find this to be an excellent chance to show the people of England just who you are, Aries Black."

The smirk on Vladimir von Reich's face was as dark as Aries' had ever seen it, and he would not disappoint the man.


The four champions stood in the same tent as the First Task, though Ludo Bagman was nowhere near to be found.

Sirius Black, James Potter, and two other aurors were with them, but the champions made no attempt to talk to them.

Thomas and Diggory were having a hushed conversation, no doubt about the task, and Aries was having a pleasant time with Fleur.

She had expressed her disappointment that he already had a date, though she admitted she would drop her current date if he did as well.

Aries respectfully declined and once he brought up that he was born in Paris the veela launched into describing the beauty of her home country.

At last it was time for the Second Task to begin.

The two others aurors took Fleur and Diggory while James took Thomas. Aries followed Sirius lead and was led into the walls of the stadium under the stands.

"Aries," Sirius began as they walked. "I just wanted to apologize for James' actions back in Hogsmeade. He's not normally like that."

"It's alright Uncle."

"No, it's not. But maybe I can explain." Sirius took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm not sure what you know about Harry Potter but what the papers were told isn't the truth. Its not my story to tell but James made a mistake, and either way Harry died."

"Two years before that I made a mistake and lost Regulus. The thing is that for the past thirteen years James and I have silently wished to see Harry and Regulus return to us, even though its impossible."

"That grief brought us closer than ever, especially once Remus abandoned us. Then you showed up. You'd be in Harry's year and I think that's what kills James inside."

"He wishes with all his heart that you were Harry. You came to me in Regulus' place, and Harry is still gone. James hates you for that, because you're everything he thinks Harry would not have been."

"For me though, well, you're everything Regulus would have wanted in a son, and I can't help but love you, and Aunt Cassi, for that. I know Regulus would be so proud of you Aries, and I just hope that I can be the uncle he would've wanted me to be."


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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