

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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Chapter 6: Lessons with Helga

For the next few days, the castle was humming with Professor Watts' last lesson, which she taught to all her classes. Many people were questioning the legend of Albus Dumbledore. Some of the braver upper years even questioned the man himself. Only to be told, in that grandfather voice, that anything they heard should be taken with a grain of salt.

According to the Headmaster, this ghost was trying to discredit him. The books seemed to be disappearing from the Hogwarts library. It was only because of some of the well-off students, who purchased their own books, that they were getting the real story. They had sent letters to their parents and obtained the books, and then shared them with their classmates. They had also asked their parents and grandparents what they thought and shared that as well.

Old forgotten nuggets of information were being passed around in lightning speed. It was on almost everyone's tongue. Even outside the school.

The portraits from the headmaster's office fueled the gossip. They knew more than everyone and were happy to impart this information to those that questioned them.

It was also said that Death roamed among them, but since everyone was still alive, the students took it as just rumor. Though, there were some that believed that Death was just waiting for Dumbledore to die. They kept a close watch to see what was going to happen.

Harry took Sally to task for starting such a rumor, but she didn't care as long as the man left her charge alone. A few days went off without incident and most of the chatter was squashed by the teachers. They continued to say that Dumbledore was a great man but didn't touch on the topic of his past. Only that they, the students, were too young to know. They never lied for the man, but would not elaborate on the gossip.

It would still remain on the minds of most. But Jesse Tilbrook breaking up with Terri Pinhooker in the middle of the Great Hall was more important than some old gossip.


It was now Thursday and today's History class would be different. As the first year Gryffindors and the Ravenclaws took their seats in excitement, Isobel stood at the front of the classroom and waited for the bell. When it rang, she said, "Alright, class, settle down. Hand your homework to the person in front of you. Those in the first row put them on my desk, please. You will not need your books today. However, you will need your note-taking equipment," she said as she paced.

The students did as they were told, and homework was taken from their bags and passed along. Then sheets of parchment, ink and quills were brought out and set up. When that was done, they all turned to the ghost with bright and eager faces, wondering what lesson they would have today.

"Today we are going to have a special guest," Professor Watts stated as the students in the front row did as she requested. "One of the Founders of Hogwarts has agreed to come and talk to you. You will be polite and keep your questions to their life." She made sure they were listening and saw many nods of compliance.

It had been a great debate between her and Sally. The avatar of Death wanted to keep it simple, but Isobel wanted to bring in Godric. Sally said they were too young to learn about that bloody fight, but Isobel didn't believe so and thought they needed to know. They talked about it for hours and settled on Helga for teaching the first and second years, Godric the third and fourth, Salazar the fifth and seventh, and Rowena taking the sixth.

"Ohhh, I hope it's Gryffindor," Ron stated loudly, earning a stern look from the teacher.

"Five points from Gryffindor and detention after dinner for talking out of turn, Mr. Weasley," Professor Watts said, tapping her ruler in her hand.

"Sorry, Professor," the young man mumbled, sinking in his chair.

"Now then, no, it is not Godric Gryffindor. Today we will be speaking to Helga Hufflepuff," she said with a smile and looked to her side.

A round, plump woman with red hair, blue eyes and very plain brown dress appeared next to her. All of the colors were faded out, but you could just make them out if you squinted hard enough. Sally wanted the kids to see what people dressed like during that time, so she added the colors, albeit faintly.

The new ghost gave a radiant smile and clasped her hands together in front of her and said, "Oh my, look at you all. What bright and eager faces you have." She was so glad to be there, it had been so long since she stood in front of young children thirsting for knowledge.

The class looked on in awe and a few girls were giggling at the state of her dress, which earned them a harsh look from the professor, making them blush with shame.

"Professor Hufflepuff will be telling you a little about her life, and then she will take questions," Isobel stated and then drifted off to the side where, invisible to the children, Sally was floating.

"Yes, thank you, dear," the plump woman said and then turned to the class. "As your teacher just said, I am Helga Hufflepuff, and I am so very happy to be addressing you. Here is a bit about my life. As you know, I was one of the four Founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. One of my dearest friends was Rowena Ravenclaw." She beamed at the Ravenclaw side of the room.

They all perked up at that and started scribbling their notes, jotting down questions they wanted to ask after the lecture.

"I was born and grew up in Wales. I met my dear friend when we were both searching for students. Learning back then was apprentice to master. We had to go and find our pupils. We then met up with Godric and Salazar. It was decided that we would build a grand school and teach everyone that could do magic.

"I was one of the ones that roamed the land to find students, until we charmed the letters, which dear Rowena did. After the school was established, I admitted students into my House that were loyal, fair, and unafraid of hard work." Her smile never dimmed. She was very proud of her House. They had never drifted from that mandate. To this day they still stood strong and worked hard.

A few hands raised, but Professor Watts said, "Not yet, wait until she is finished."

The students reluctantly lowered their arms, some even pouted.

"Thank you, dear," Helga said to Isobel, then faced the class again and continued. "While the other Founders took students based on ambition, that was Salazar, or bravery, which was what Godric appreciated, or intelligence, which my dear friend Rowena coveted, I took the rest. I brought people from different backgrounds together. We made a very happy family. I made sure to treat all of Hogwarts' students equally and taught them all I knew. We really didn't have separate classes back then. The student body was much smaller. It was mostly we founders that taught when we were not busy with other priorities. It wasn't until years later, when we had more students, that classes were established. I taught charms and household spells."

That caused a bit of shuffling among the students, who were itching to ask questions. A stern look from the professor stopped them.

"One of the things I am most known for is food-related charms. I hear my recipes are still used as the basis for many Hogwarts' feasts," she continued, and raised her left hand to her face and gave a small giggle. Then she dropped it and said, "I was the one who arranged for the house elves to work in the kitchens, the poor dears. I gave them somewhere safe to work, where they would not be mistreated or abused," was the end of her short speech, and then she smiled at the class, who were busy writing it all down.

"Now she will answer your questions. Keep them polite," the professor stated with a somber look.

Hands shot into the air, and the professor pointed to the Gryffindor Patil twin.

"Did you ever marry? And if so, why didn't you change your name?" the flighty girl asked.

Helga twittered at the question and answered, "Yes, dear, I did marry. I was later known as one of the Smiths, as I believe you pronounce it today. We had seven children and were happily married for many years. We lived here in the castle and grew as a family. It was agreed, among the founders, that our given names would be the ones to go down in history, as to not confuse anyone."

The professor picked the Ravenclaw Patil twin, who asked, "How is it that you speak modern English?"

That got a few others mumbling in agreement, as if that had been their question too.

"I am unsure," Helga said, looking to Watts for an answer.

"Death made it so all ghosts can understand and speak the modern language of where they are. If Ms. Hufflepuff was in Japan, she would understand Japanese," Isobel explained, giving Sally a fond look for just a second.

That got the students to all say, "Oh." Well, most.

Hermione raised her hand and waited to be called on. "What do you mean the house elves were mistreated and abused? I thought they were servants?" she asked in great confusion.

"Well, dear, there were some unsavory characters that treated them very badly. They did then and still do today. It took a lot of money from me to buy the poor dears and bring them here." Helga held her head high, she was very proud of that accomplishment.

"Buy them!? You mean they are slaves!?" the bushy-haired girls shouted in complete disbelief.

"Oh dear, I assume you have not gotten to that lesson yet," the female Founder stated, wringing her hands.

"No, this is only the second class for them," Professor Watts informed her, putting a hand on the distraught guest. Then she turned to Hermione and said, "Miss Granger, you will control your voice in this class. Five points from Gryffindor."

"But…but…but, they're slaves," Hermione sputtered, waving her hands about and hitting Ron in the head.

"Oi," the boy said, rubbing the spot.


"Miss Granger, we will learn about the history of house elves another time, until then I ask that you keep an open mind and remember you don't know much about the Wizarding World. There are things that you must learn, before you make assumptions," Isobel said firmly.

"Yes, Professor," the young girl said, hanging her head a bit.

The class turned to better topics, and they talked about a day in life of the Founders. Many students learned that it was very rough living back then.

"We had to grow our own food, since markets were not a daily thing back then. There was a farm that all the students tended. There was no indoor plumbing either and cleaning outhouses was given to students as a detention. If it was not, then the house elves took care of them. Life was much harder on the students of that time. The school year was based on harvesting time then. As the students would need to go home and help their families," Helga lectured, remembering the good and bad times had by her first students.

"Did everyone go home?" Harry asked, after raising his hand.

"Alas, no, there were quite a few that stayed at the school. Not many families were excited to have a magical among them," the Founder stated, worrying her hands.

"Oh," Harry said in commiseration.

Quills scratched and more questions were asked. Helga answered them all with a huge smile. To her it was nice to be teaching again.

Someone asked about the fight between Godric and Salazar, but Helga refused to go into it. She stated that the two males would be speaking to the upper years, which earned some groans from the Gryffindors. All in all, it was a very entertaining class.

"For homework, I want you to research the building of Hogwarts and tell the differences from what it was then to how it is today," Professor Watts stated. "Only one foot," she finished, looking at the parchments on the desk and seeing four of them that were longer than assigned. "I can tell by looking that some of you did not follow instructions. I will let it go this one time. However, I must stress that you only write the length I give. Next time it will be a reduction in points and a failing grade.

Those that had exceeded the limit groaned, or hid their heads, like Neville.

"Thank you, Helga for being here today," Isobel said to the ghost, who beamed at her. She then turned to the class and said, "You are dismissed."


Hermione blushed, and she was glad the teacher hadn't called out her name. Harry shot her an I-told-you-so look, to which she glared at him. He just shrugged and put his stuff in his bag and followed her and Ron out of the room.

"Told you they were all duffers," Ron said to Harry once they were far enough away.

"What? How can you say that?" Hermione screeched, turning around, and glaring at the redhead.

"Come on, didn't you hear what she said? She said she took the leftovers," the boy stated as he rubbed his nose, not understanding why this girl was getting angry.

"No, she said she took the loyal, fair and hardworking," was the rebuttal, complete with a foot stomp.

"Yeah, then she said she took the rest that weren't sorted into the other Houses," Ron stated, not backing down.

That caused the young witch to deflate, Professor Hufflepuff had said that. "Well, I'm sure that is not what she meant," the girl huffed and flounced away.

"Downright barmy, that one," Ron complained as he watched her leave. He didn't understand why Harry liked the girl. She was so bossy.

"Still, she does have a point," Harry said as they walked down the hall. "I don't think it's nice to call an entire House… duffers," he pointed out.

"But, that's what they are," the redhead defended his statement.

Harry just shook his head and turned towards the library.

"Where are you going?" his friend asked.

"Ummm, to do my homework," the messy-haired boy answered, a bit bewildered by the question.

"But we don't have that class until next week," Ron whinged. How could anyone want to do homework when there was a castle to explore and games to be played?

"Yeah, but if I get it done now, I have the whole weekend to mess around," Harry pointed out.

"Whatever, I'm going to go and find Fred and George and ask them to take notes on the fight between Slytherin and Gryffindor," the other boy said, and he turned and went in the opposite direction.

Harry shrugged again and joined Hermione at one of the tables. They silently did their homework and Harry had to remind her to keep it at one foot. She huffed and brought out another piece of parchment, but soon she had it down to the proper length. The rest of the night was spent in the common room, until the younger years went to bed.

Harry was worried about tomorrow's potions class. He had studied the entire book and hoped he was prepared.