

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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Chapter 5: A Bad Day in the Alley

August 3, 1982

It had been just under a year since that frightening night, and the Potters were now at the manor. The old wards on the house were reset. They had had to put up a mail redirect ward so the owls only went into one room of the house. The house elves were screening the mail after there was one incident where Lily's hands were burned by a cursed letter. They had also set up a vault at Gringotts for everything Gary was receiving. They kept the useful stuff and split it between the twins. They also donated a large portion to Muggle orphanages, anything that could be uncharmed was sent there.

They were enjoying their lunch at the table in the kitchen. The kitchen in the manor was large, yet homey. The appliances were on one side, with counters around them, open shelves above them and a pantry on the side. The pans hung over the stove that created an island between the breakfast nook and the rest of the room. They were sitting at the comfortable table, when Harry held out his hand and demanded a sweet, like any other two year old. "Mummy, want 'isket."

Lily looked at her child and said, "No, Harry, you need to eat your lunch first. If you eat all of it, then mummy will give you a treat."

"No, want 'isket now," Harry said then he made a grabbing motion to the biscuit jar and pulled his arm back like he was pulling it down. The jar came flying towards the boys and narrowly missed hitting Gary on the head. Harry was devastated. He reached for his brother, not really knowing what he had done, all he knew is his sibling was scared and it was his fault. The older twin was inconsolable until they let him hug his twin. Lily took the boys out of their highchairs and put them on the floor so they could reach each other.

She was trying to calm the boys down; she petted their hair, rocked them and hugged them as they desperately held each other. It took twenty minutes of crooning, rocking and petting to ease their worry. The bond causing the emotions to loop back on one another, so if Gary was scared, Harry cried and if Harry was crying then Gary was scared, one of the fallbacks to such a bond in small children.

James looked on with a thoughtful face, after he cleaned up the mess Harry had created. He knew what he had to do, but he didn't know how to explain it to Lily. After everyone was quieter and the boys back in their chairs with a reheated lunch, James ventured the subject. "Lily, I think we need to bind Harry's powers. Not all the way, mind you," he said quickly at her shocked face, "just about fifty percent. There's a binding that will slowly disintegrate as he gets older. If we do this right then when he gets to Hogwarts he will have better control and he will be able to dim his aura so no one will know just how powerful he is. If Dumbledore knows his true strength, then he will never give Harry any peace. We can work with him, do some meditation and try and control the accidental magic. I wouldn't have suggested it, but as you saw that kind of accidental magic could hurt someone or even himself."

"Can you show me the spell in a book? If we are going to do this then I want to know everything about it. I don't want it to harm Harry in anyway," Lily stated as she looked worriedly at her oldest. What had just happened was enough to scare her into considering this and she trusted James, but she didn't like casting unknown spells on her children.

If Harry was this powerful now, how powerful would he be in the future? And if people learn about her oldest child, what lengths would they go to control him? What confused her the most is why Gary wasn't as powerful. She knew that Harry was the one spoken of in the prophecy and wondered if that fate caused the difference in the twins. But didn't the twins share a bond and didn't that mean they would share their magic? She was going to have to research that as well. Maybe, she could talk to Molly Weasley about her twins and get a better understanding.

Molly had had twin brothers and now she had twin sons, so she would know more that Lily did. As a mother Lily was leery about the other mother, because the Weasleys were firm supporters of Dumbledore. And while weren't technically against the headmaster, they were still butting heads with him over separating the twins.

In the end they did wind up binding Harry's magic with the spell James suggested. Lily had done the research and it was recommended for powerful children. The books even gave suggestions on how to teach the child to touch and calm their magic. Lily figured it wouldn't hurt if they all did these meditations and they became part of the Potters' nightly ritual. The parents would take a twin each and while whispering about safe places and touching their magic, they would gently massage the boys to a trance like state, until the boys fell asleep.

August 30, 1983

Lily was deep in research. She had started the research after that fateful Halloween night. She was trying to find out just what was keeping Voldemort here. Dumbledore had said that Voldemort was in wraith form and weakened. This triggered a vague memory of something she had come across in the restricted section at the Hogwarts library, but she couldn't quite remember what it was. So she had James purchase many books from Diagon Alley, but they were proving pretty much useless. The Potter library had also given her no clue.

She was beginning to think she would not find what she needed in the so-called Light books. You would think they had defensive magic to prevent or destroy dark magic, but they mostly had shielding and some spells that incapacitated people. She might just have to go to Knockturn Alley. Or maybe she could ask Remus. She should probably bring Sirius in on this so he could look in the Black library. There were bound to Dark books in there. She just didn't know if Sirius would take it seriously.

After not finding what she needed, Lily gave up and called Sirius on the mirror, "Padfoot."

Sirius' face came on the mirror, "What's up, Lily?"

"Sirius, I need you to look in the Black library to see if you can find why Voldemort is still around. I figured that if any library would have books on immortality it would be one in your family. Is there any way you can get in to your old house, and look for me?"

"Sorry, Lily, as you know my mom hates me and I would rather not confront her at this…" he paused and got a mischievous look in his grey eyes. "On the other hand, I might go and talk to my father because as you know my grandfather didn't approve of her kicking me out. I'll write to him and try and demand that I get access to the library as Heir to the Black family," he said running his hand through is hair. He hated his family; they were the epitome of pure-blood supremacy. But, he really wanted to help if it was for the boys. He would face anything for them, even his family. Plus, the look on that old hag's face when he demanded what was his by right, well that would be the best prank he played in a long time.

"Thanks, Sirius. Sorry, I forgot that your mother was still there," she said looking contrite. "I just want to find a way to keep that bastard away from my kids. The Potter library is a bust and I don't know where else to look. I'm thinking of sending Remus to Knockturn Alley, but I don't want everyone thinking he's turned Dark."

Lily felt bad for bringing up his horrid childhood memories. She knew what a terrible person Sirius' mother was, she needed to get it together or she was going to ask all her friends to do things she shouldn't be asking them to do. She was just so frustrated. She and the boys were pretty much housebound. Even James couldn't go anywhere in the wizarding world without morons coming up to him and hounding her poor husband. Hence, her asking for favors.

"It's okay, Lily. If I can get back into the family manor that will put that old bat's nose out of joint. It'll be a great prank," Sirius laughed it off. "I'll see what I can do. Padfoot out." And the mirror went blank.

Well that was going to put her research behind. But, she was determined she will find a way to help her boys.

July 31, 1984

It was the boys' fourth birthday and this was going to be the first time they stepped into Diagon Alley since that fateful October night. Only James had ventured out and that was only to go to the bank to set up the twins' trust fund and to get a few books for the house. They had put it off, because every time the twins went into Godric's Hollow they were accosted. The only safe place they found was in non-magical London.

Because James had come from a wealthy family the Potter adults didn't need to work. They wanted to, but they were needed at home so they had quit their jobs when they had gone into hiding.

The Longbottoms had also had to put their Auror careers on hold, but unlike the Potters they actually went back to their jobs. They returned to work after the Lestranges and Crouch Jr. had been caught trespassing at the Longbottom estate, and had been found to be Death Eaters. It had been a close call and if James and Sirius had not been there, the Longbottoms might have been badly hurt or dead.

Now there were only a few Death Eaters that were roaming free and they were keeping a low profile. Except Malfoy who had made himself useful, via bribes, to the Minister. James didn't think much of Minister Millicent Bagnold, even after the Aurors report she still tried to have Sirius arrested, he of course dissuaded her of that notion, but she sure liked Malfoy's money.

The press had had a field day and they were calling Gary the Boy-Who-Lived. No matter how many times the Potters wrote the paper telling their side of the story, the public wouldn't listen. They tried to tell them that healer couldn't tell which boy had survived the Killing Curse.

Lily had no idea how the report became public, but she was fighting a losing battle with the press. Somehow the papers had learned that both parents were knocked out before the Killing Curse was fired. The public took the word of the Auror report and Dumbledore's confirmation that it was Gary. The Daily Prophet had even described what the boys looked like and the only difference was the shape and location of their scars.

It had been two and a half years and they were hoping that the fervor had died down so they could shop in peace. Since the mail had tapered off it was a good sign that it had. The first year they were bombarded with mail each day. The daily thank you notes they wrote took hours alone. They had to have the house elves take the letters to the Diagon Alley post office as they didn't have enough owls to reply to everyone. They even tried to explain to the senders their side of the story, still no one believed them. After all Dumbledore's word was law, Lily was really starting to dislike that man.

James wanted to buy training brooms for the boys since they had been pretty much locked in the manor since a few weeks after the attack. The only people they had seen were the Longbottoms, Sirius and Remus and sometimes Dumbledore, who came by to try and change their minds about separating the twins. He, of course, was promptly kicked out. At least they had someone their age to play with and the boys really liked Neville.

Lily was thinking of finding more wizarding children for the twins to play with. Maybe if the other kids saw that Harry and Gary were just little boys who wanted to play, and not some super saviors, then the boys will have an easier time at Hogwarts when they attended. The beginning of a plan started to form in her mind; she'd talk to James tonight about it.

Everyone gathered by the Floo ready to go. "Alright James, you take Harry and I'll follow you with Gary. Let's try and keep a low profile," Lily said, gathering a bag with what she would need to tend to two rambunctious boys.

James picked up Harry and grabbed the Floo powder. He pressed Harry's head to his shoulder and held tight, then he threw the powder in the fire and called "Leaky Cauldron", and in a flash of green they disappeared. Lily picked up Gary and followed.

When they stepped out of the fireplace at the Leaky Cauldron, Lily could tell right away this was going to be a big mistake. She stepped behind James hoping to hide Gary from the crowd.

Then someone spotted Gary's scar and shouted, "Look, it is Gary Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived." The crowd started surging forward and the boys got scared and started crying. Lily tried to get back to the Floo, but it was blocked by the crowd.

"Good to see you, Mr. Potter…"

"Thank you very much, Mr. Potter…"

"Bless you, Mr. Potter…"

The crowd started shouting and trying to get to Gary to shake their hands —like he would know what they were doing, he is only four. Gary and Harry were crying harder and trying to hide in their parents' arms.

Lily handed Gary to James and stepped in front her family to face the crowd. She cast a Sonorus so she could be heard over the shouting. "Back the hell off!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, making her words echo in the tavern. "What is wrong with you people? Can't you see you are scaring the children? Haven't we told you time and again that we don't know which child survived that night? What the hell do we have to do to make you listen to us? And even if it was Gary, why would you crowd him and scare him like that? He is only four years old, he doesn't understand why you are crowding him," she questioned continuing on as loudly as she could. How dare these people frighten her children.

The crowd quieted a little, until a voice from the back said, "The paper said that you were knocked out, and the Auror report stated it was little Gary. Dumbledore confirmed this. If you were knocked out then we have to take what was reported. We only want to show the little guy that we are thankful that he ended the war. With You-Know-Who gone we can now live in peace and it is all thanks to him. I don't understand why you would deny us the chance to thank our savior."

"These are my children," Lily stated firmly, calmer now that the crowd had moved back. "I won't have you scaring them like this. If you feel the need to express your thanks then write a letter to The Daily Prophet editor, and then everyone will know how you feel. We read the paper and we'll welcome your thanks that way. We do not welcome you scaring our children." She canceled the charm and took back Gary and stormed to the entrance of Diagon Alley, pushing her way through the crowd.

James glared at the crowd and followed his steaming wife to the Alley. Hopefully it would be better there, since people would be busy with their shopping. There might be some pointing and whispering, but people tended to leave you alone if you looked busy. They only needed to go to Quality Quidditch to get the brooms. He was not going to let these people spoil the boys' birthday.

They entered the Alley and thankfully they were not crowded. Lily was kind of disappointed that they couldn't spend more time here. There was no way she was waiting around to see if the reports caught wind of them. She had wanted to go to Flourish and Blotts to get more books. She already read most of the books at the manor due to the time they had been hiding there. Sirius had come up empty on any books from the Black family library.

Along with her search on Voldemort's apparent immortality, she was also working on a charm to nullify magic in a designated area. If she could get this charm to work then she could block off a few rooms in the manor and put electricity in there and maybe get a TV and a few computers. It had to be tweaked so that magical people were not affected.

She and James had already discussed this and he thought it was a wonderful idea. But her children were more important than her entertainment and research. She would have to pick up a mail order form on their way out of the Alley.

The Potters had also hoped to take the boys to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour for a special treat. Maybe if they came to Alley more often than they would start to be old news and not something to be gawked at. She would have to think about that.

The Potters quickly finished their business and went back to the pub. Thankfully the crowd just whispered and waved, but all the attention still upset the boys. Gary and his mum went first to get him out of the limelight. She was sure that Harry and James would be fine after they left. When they got to the manor, Lily set Gary down after she exited the Floo.

"Mummy, why were those people being loud and pushy? They scared me. Why did they yell at me? Did I do somethink wrong?" Gary asked with moist eyes, those people were frightening. His little friend had already told him why, but he felt that he should ask his mum. She would never lie to him and Harry and she talked so they could understand it easily. Sally had a habit of talking more mature to them and while they appreciated it, sometimes they didn't understand what she was trying to say.

Sally had been hanging around the boys since the night Harry had almost died. She told them what had happened and why people kept sending them mail. It was explained to them that they couldn't tell their parents that she was there, because she wasn't ready to reveal herself, and the boys probably wouldn't be believed, but consoled them by telling them if she ever told them to do bad things, then they were to tell their mummy right away.

The deity also helped them learn to make their toys fly, change color and shape. The ghost of a girl said that they shouldn't let their mummy or daddy know about that either, because their parents wanted them to grow up slowly. But, Sally wanted them to learn all they could so they could help each other when the bad man came back.

James and Harry exited the Floo and Lily waved them off, wanting to explain to her son privately. She would talk to James later. She watched her husband take Harry out of the room and then knelt down to her youngest child thinking about how to tell him in a way he would understand.

"No, sweetie, you did nothing wrong," Lily said, petting down his unruly hair. "You see a few years ago a bad man, named Voldemort, came to our old house. He did some bad things and tried to hurt everyone there. When the bad man tried to hurt you boys, the bad curse hurt him instead. Then the bad man was sent away. The newspaper is telling everyone that you did great magic that day and hurt the bad man. But, honey, you didn't do anything to the bad man. Mummy and Daddy set up a spell to protect you and your brother and that is what hurt the bad man. Mummy has tried to tell everyone that is was an accident, but they won't listen to mummy. So when we went shopping those people want to thank you for what they think you did. Understand?" she said, giving her baby a hug after wiping his tears.

"I tink so, but mummy I don't liked the scary people. Will they hurt me?" Gary asked, hugging his mummy back.

"Mummy will never let those people hurt you. If they ever try; you run away and try to find daddy or someone in robes like your Uncle Frank's. Okay?" she said, holding her son tighter. Damn those people. And damn Dumbledore and the press.

"Okay, Mummy," Gary said as he broke the hug and went to find his brother to make sure that Harry wasn't scared anymore and to make sure that the loud people hadn't hurt him.

The Potters enjoyed the rest of the day. The Longbottoms were there so the kids could celebrate their birthdays together. They switched off every year, one year they would celebrate on the thirtieth and the next year on the thirty-first. The twins got to give Neville his birthday present that they had made all by themselves. Sirius and Remus came by with presents and helped James teach the boys how to ride the training brooms. Frank even got a broom for Neville. Harry almost killed the cat, but pulled up before he hit her. The small gathering lasted until bedtime and Neville was staying the night so they could play with the brooms in the morning.

Sally wished the boys a Happy Birthday as they faded off to sleep.