

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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213 Chs

Chapter 2 The Questioning

As they walked to the headmaster's office, in uncomfortable silence, Gibbs looked around. He had never been in an enchanted castle before and it intrigued him. He took note of the mass quantities of magical portraits and decided to get his team to question the ones near the scene of the crime. The suits of armor followed with their empty heads as they passed, and Gibbs noted that as well.

They came up to the Gargoyle that guarded the office and the password of 'Ice Mice' was given. The grey-haired inspector shook his head at the lack of a secure password and followed the two staff members up the winding self-propelled staircase. They entered the cluttered office and the Headmaster was making a beeline to the Floo.

"Headmaster, sir, I'm going to need you to sit in your chair a minute while Mrs. McGonagall makes some calls. Once I see she is situated, you and I are going back to the Great Hall," Gibbs called out, stopping the man before he even got half way there.

"I must open the Floo for Professor McGonagall, my good man," Dumbledore stated, still inching toward the fireplace. He wasn't going to escape or anything of that nature. He only needed to make one Floo call to get people started on getting him the information he needed.

"I'm sure you can unlock it from where you're standing," Gibbs said firmly with a narrowing of his blue eyes, showing that he was not joking around.

The Headmaster sighed, waved his wand to the fireplace and complied. He sat in the chair at his desk and waited. He then got the idea that he could send a note with Fawkes, his phoenix, to the person he needed to speak to. He grabbed up his quill and started jotting down the request for information on this new team, only to have the quill snatched from his hand.

"What is so important that you need to act like an unruly teenager and openly defy every word I say to you, sir?" Gibbs asked, placing the quill on the far side of the desk and glaring at the old man. "If you are in need of a lawyer then you may call one in via your Patronus, which your staff informed me that you know how to send messages with, or give us the name and we'll call them."

"No, no, nothing of that nature. I am simple trying to get a note to a friend who may be able to assist me in solving this horrendous crime," Dumbledore said placating, his hands making a soothing gesture in front of him.

"That's mine and my team's job. I'll thank you to not interfere. If you still feel that you need to talk to this… friend after we are done questioning you then feel free to do so. If you have an alibi, sir," Gibbs offered. He may not trust the old man, but he couldn't hold him if his alibi ran true. He looked around and saw McGonagall reading off a long list. He cursed himself and cast his Patronus to call one of the Aurors in the Great Hall. A large silvery jungle cat shot out of his wand and he gave it the message. "We'll have to wait for one of the Aurors to come and keep an eye on Professor McGonagall while she is here. Don't worry I gave him the password. He should be here any minute," he said, and then smirked at the old man's glare.

And so they waited in silence, Gibbs not wanting to question anyone until they were in front of the two-way mirrors, so it could be recorded. The two staff members were quiet because they didn't want to have the strong silencing charm placed on them again. They did, however, share some looks whenever the Agent looked away. Dumbledore trying to relay something to the Transfiguration Professor, but she just looked confused and soon turned her head.

Gibbs heard a 'ping' and looked around to see what created the slight noise. There was an instrument on the shelf near the desk and a name flashed across it. It was the name of one of the British Aurors, Jonathan McGee. He then heard the footsteps coming up the stairs and felt a little better about the security of the office, not much, just because you knew a name doesn't mean you know who is coming.

"Ah, come in, Mr. McGee," the Headmaster said from behind the desk.

The Auror entered the office and went straight to Gibbs. "You called for assistance, sir?" the middle age man asked. He was hoping to get in good with this team. He had an America cousin that wanted to work for this man, Timothy, so he hoped that if he made a good impression then he could recommend his cousin for when this group returned to their home or have them bring Tim here.

"I need you to stay here with the Professor and make sure she only makes calls to those who are on her list. Also watch her as she contacts those in the non-magical world. Make a list of anyone she can't contact and we'll send a team to fetch them," the Team Leader ordered curtly.

"Sir, yes, sir," and with a British salute, which was returned with an American one, both men being ex-military. Then the other man went to attend to the much put out professor, who was huffing at having to have a minder.

"We need to go back to the Great Hall, Headmaster," Gibbs said gesturing to the door. "My team should be set up by now and we're going to be questioning all your staff first. They, of course, can send for a lawyer and wait for one to be present."

The Headmaster sighed and rose to join the abrasive man. "Is that completely necessary, my boy? I have repeatedly told you that my staff has my complete confidence," he questioned, following the Agent down the stairs.

"Sorry, Standard Operating Procedure, sir, everyone gets questioned —including yourself," Gibbs informed him as they walked back to the Great Hall. He was keeping a close eye on the Headmaster's reaction to that statement. If he hadn't been watching he would have missed the narrowing of the lips and eyes, confirming his suspicion that the old guy didn't like having the power taken away from him. Oh, well, too bad, he thought as they continued their way to the Great Hall.

"Of course, my boy, I will be more than happy to help in any way I can," came the forced jovial reply, and the rest of the trip was made in silence.

When they entered the Hall, Gibbs noticed that DiNozzo was back and he had coffee. Upon receiving the large Styrofoam cup from his second in command, he asked, "Did you get everything set up?"

"Yeah, Boss, Abby got all the mirrors we need. She's got the recorders set up just like you asked. We set up the four tables as you requested and have started with the staff," Tony said eager to get moving along so they could get back to the office and he could really start on the case, and maybe flirt with Kate. He was growing on her, he was sure of it.

"Professor McGonagall is in the headmaster's office calling parents, so we'll get her last. I see most of the staff is done, so make sure they're all here, there were two missing earlier and I still don't see them. If they're not here in five minutes send two Aurors to get them," Gibbs ordered taking a sip of his coffee. "Once you get the last of them questioned start a new list of questions for the kids. Name, year, relationship with the deceased and where they were. If we keep it simple we can get these kids to bed sooner. I'll question the Headmaster, while you set up for the kids."

"So, no asking where they were ten years ago and if it involved a bikini?" Tony inquired, wiggling his eyebrows, trying to lighten the mood.

"Look at them, DiNozzo, do you really want to know?" the Team Leader said with an amused raise of his rather bushy grey eyebrow.

Tony looked at the Staff Table and around the Hall, and gave a full body shudder as his answer. Everyone was either too old or too young. Then he started barking orders, while Gibbs went to see what the kids were doing. Most of the children had finished their assignment and were attempting to communicate with each other via quills and parchment, so he gestured for the nearest Auror to take up the writing implements and called a house elf.


"Hey, little guy, I need you to bring games for the kids. They're going to be here for a while. Also make sure there is plenty of snacks and drinks. Can you do that for me?" Gibbs asked, he always felt sorry for house elves, and since they were the size of small children, albeit ugly ones, he tended to treat them that way.

"Wes can be doing that, Cheify Agent Gibby," the elf squeaked, nodding its large head in compliance.

"Great, go ahead and get what they need," he stated and with a 'pop' the little guy was gone. It never crossed Gibbs's mind that the house elves were involved; he knew they couldn't kill anyone. It was completely against their nature and they'd go crazy if they tried. He'd go down to the kitchen, later, and take a look around just to make sure none of the ones in the castle were acting off, but he doubted it.

Jethro noted that the Headmaster was deep in conversation with a giant of a man. He sighed and went and tapped the man on the shoulder to get his attention. The glare he leveled actually made the old man blush like a child caught in the cookie jar. With a wave of his hand and a jerk of his head, he indicated that he needed the headmaster to follow him. He went to the front of the table and cast the Sonorus again and spoke to the kids, while the Headmaster stood beside him.

"Okay, can I have your attention, please?" And waited for the room to turn to him "I want to thank you for your cooperation and tell you what's going to happen next," Gibbs started looking around the room and seeing a lot of nervous kids, but that was to be expected. "My team and I are going to start with the students over seventeen. We'll work our way down from there. Your parents or guardians are being called and escorted to the castle as we speak. If you need to talk to them then we can provide a room with a guard or you can take them to a corner and someone will remove the spell. Once we're clear on where you were at the time of the murder, you'll either come back here or you'll go to your dorm, if my team has cleared it. If you understand raise your hand," he finished and there was a sea of hands in the air when he was done. He gave a nod of his head and canceled the spell.

"I'm going to need you to follow me, sir," he said to the old man at his side.

"Of course, my boy," the Headmaster replied.

And they made their way to the ante-chamber and to the nearest table. Gibbs put up a silencing spell and started his questions sticking to the ones that are standard for cases like this, watching for any sign of falsehood.

"First of all, I wanted to let you know that this session will be recorded," Gibbs started pointing at the mirror. "Can you tell me where you were at the time of the murder?" he pulled out his pencil and notebook.

"I was in the Great Hall, enjoying a wonderful meal of braised beef and potatoes. Our house elves are wonderful creatures and they make the most delightful meals," the Headmaster stated breezily, leaning back in his chair as if they were having tea and nothing serious was happening.

"Do you know of anyone who would want to kill one of your professors?"

"As I told dear Amelia, Severus had many enemies. He was my spy during the war, you see. I kept him here at the castle for his own safety," Dumbledore stated as he stroked his beard, completely relaxed, knowing he was not a suspect.

Gibbs picked up on the work 'kept' and penciled it in his spiral handheld notebook. He was going to have this victim and the Headmaster researched. It will give Abby something to do.

"How did you know the Floo was used in the potions office?" was the next question.

"I have that Floo monitored, via the wards. Severus was to only use it if he needed to contact someone I asked him to, however, he was to get permission from me first," Dumbledore answered with a slightly strict look in his twinkling blue eyes.

"So the only reason you have that Floo open, and not the others, is because your spy is continuing to gather information for you?" Gibbs asked making more notes on that look. This was a man who did not like to be defied.

"Alas, yes, dear Severus was a very respectable spy and a brilliant Potions Master. He will be missed," Dumbledore said. A sad look crossed his withered old face. Gibbs did note the calculating look in those twinkling blue eyes though and jotted it down.

"I'm going to need a list of everyone you had him contact in the last month," Gibbs stated making more notes and then taking a sip of his coffee.

"Are you sure that is completely necessary? I have great faith that none from that list ever entered the castle. The wards would have let me know immediately if they had," Dumbledore inquired, leaning forward on his elbows, which now rested on the table in front of him.

"Yes, sir, it's important that I know everyone the deceased has recently had contact with," Gibbs replied with a firm nod of his head.

Dumbledore gave a put out sigh. "Then I will endeavor to make sure you have what you need. All I ask is that you be inconspicuous as to where you got your information. I may yet need to use another spy for when Voldemort returns and I cannot have myself compromised," he said with reluctance.

"We're always discreet," Gibbs replied, ignoring the comment about Voldemort, since it was not his job at the moment. "Thank you for your time. You may return to the Great Hall. Don't leave there until my team is done with the search." He stood and escorted the Headmaster back to the Great Hall. Upon returning to the table, Gibbs picked up his coffee, took a sip and then looked into the mirror and asked, "Did you get all that, Abs?"

"Yep, got it. I don't like working with these things, Gibbs," his gothic lab tech complained. "They're so old-fashioned."

"Sorry, Abs, but it's the best we can do. Just do your best, like you always do."

"You got it, Gibbs. Oh, and Ducky wants to see you when you get back to headquarters."

"I'll check in on him as soon as I'm done here. I want you to run the names of Severus Tobias Snape and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore see what you can come up with. Have some old records brought over from the Ministry and I'll get Tony on it when we return. It'll give you something to do until we find a gun or bullet," he suggested, knowing it wasn't her job, but until they find the gun or Ducky gives her something, she'll be bored.

"You got it."

"I'm calling the next person in. Make sure the recording devices are working every now and then, would ya? I'll see you when we get back," Gibbs said, standing up and moving away from the table. He was informed that the two professors that were missing prior were still unaccounted for. He sent a couple of men to go and get them.

"Will do," came the reply and he heard her move off to do as he asked.

After he talked to his men and got their reports on the staff, he told the Auror there that he was ready for the next person. Sitting back at the table and paging through his notebook for a clean page, he waited. He sighed as the first adult student was brought in; there was a defiant glare on the young woman's face. It's going to be a long night, he thought as he took a sip of his cooling coffee and looked over the questions they'd be asking the students.

Most of the questioning went off without a hitch. They'd been going at this for hours and were almost done with the students. So far there had been some unruly parents and teenagers, mostly pure-bloods that didn't like being questioned by a Muggle-born. They had taken three parents into custody for trying to curse the Aurors. Those people believed that someone of such a low rank had no right to question anyone in their family. The Team Leader would have to go over those recordings when he got back to headquarters.

The one thing the entire team got from this was that the Potions Master was well hated. There wasn't a single person who liked the man. Not even his colleagues. He was completely and utterly despised. The only good thing that was said about him was that he was the best Potions Master in the UK. Oh, the Headmaster had put in a good word for the man, but you could tell that he didn't really mean the person, only the spy.

The search had turned up a Cerberus, an enchanted stone, five guns, sixteen illegal potions, twelve Dark objects, and one Animagus posing as a pet rat, who was quickly captured and put in magical restraining cuffs. They found out the Cerberus belonged to the half-giant and told him to get it out of the castle. The stone was discovered to belong to the Flamels, so it was returned. Amelia was in a right fit that there were such dangerous things around her niece and took over that part of the case, since it really didn't have to do with the murder.

Everyone associated with the illegal items, except the guns, had been taken to the Ministry to be charged. The owners of the guns, since they were not illegal in the wizarding world, were taken to headquarters for further questioning. Most were let go, since they had alibis, with a warning that guns were too dangerous to be around kids.

Gibbs wondered where they got the guns in the UK, granted most of them were old army issue guns, but still in this country getting a gun was pretty hard to do. Not like the States were you could walk up to one out of a hundred teenagers and they could tell you where to find one.

They had also had one professor who did a runner, Quirrell, and one who refused to come out of her room, Trelawney. It took three Aurors to bring the hysterical woman down. After questioning the staff about her, they found that she was always this emotional and paranoid. She was so far in her sherry that they had to put her in a cell to detox.

Gibbs shook his head to clear it. He was getting tired and was glad there were only a few first years left.

After nodding to the agent that he was ready, in walked a bushy-haired young girl with a similar looking woman at her side. The poor girl was crying. She had been the only one to show any angst like emotion so far. They sat at the table indicated and Gibbs handed her a handkerchief.

"May I ask why you are crying? Did you like your professor?" Gibbs asked softly, taking out his notebook.

"No not really. He was a very mean man. No, I'm crying because it's my birthday," the young girl sniffed. "Now, I'll always remember it as the day Professor Snape died." She cried harder as her mom snuggled her close.

Gibbs closed his eyes and tried to come up with something to say that would make her feel better and came up blank. "How about we get you done and then you can spend time with your mom," he offered, hoping Mrs. Granger could talk her around.

She sniffed again and dried her eyes. Her face firmed and she nodded that she was ready. The questions were the same as he asked everyone. Her name—Hermione Granger— her year —first— and her age —twelve today.

"How did you feel about Professor Snape? You already stated he was mean, what did you mean by that?" the Team Leader asked, pencil poised to take notes.

"He never let me answer questions in class. He was horribly mean to Harry and Neville, and they never really did anything wrong," the now named Hermione said. "He would take away points from them for doing things like breathing too hard. He was a very mean man." She didn't like to speak ill of the dead, but this was a police officer, so she was only telling the truth.

"Okay, did he do anything to you?"

"He called me a know-it-all," she said dipping her head in shame, only to have her mum give her a supportive hug. The young girl started sniffling again, as if she just remembered why she was crying beforehand.

Gibbs asked where she had been at the time of the murder. She told him she was in the library and that Ms. Pince could confirm that. That was his last question, so he put his notebook down.

"McGee," Gibbs said to the British Auror who was standing by, "take Miss and Mrs. Granger to that village, Hogsmeade, and buy them dinner on me. If the Headmaster asks tell him you're taking them to headquarters to question them further and you'll be back in two hours." He held up his hands at the protest and gave the man some money. "It's the least I can do to help," he said. "Try and have some fun and forget what happened today. There is no need to let the vile man ruin what is supposed to be a good day." It was lame, he knew, but, if it helped even a little bit, he was all for it.

When they left, the sniffling girl looked back and gave him a watery smile.

"You're such a softie," came a voice from the mirror.

"Don't spread it around," scoffed Jethro as he gave a pointed look at Abby.

"Whatever," she said as she rolled her eyes and went back to work.

Indicating he was ready for the next student, he groaned when an extremely nervous young blond haired boy was brought in with his angry looking guardian. A formidable woman, who was dressed very old-fashioned and had a large stuffed bird on her head.

"Good morning, thanks for waiting. Have a seat," he said to the pair, nodding to the chairs on the other side of the table. "I'm Chief Inspector Gibbs and I'll be asking the young man a few questions. Just to let you know, this is being recorded." He nodded towards the mirror.

"Thank you," said the older woman curtly. "I am Augusta Longbottom and this is my grandson Neville."

Gibbs waited until they were seated and turned his attention to Neville. "Try and relax, we're not here to hurt anyone. If you didn't do anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about," he said just as he had told every other nervous child that sat in that chair. Yet, unlike the other kids, this child didn't relax at all instead he got more anxious.

"Are you accusing my grandson of something? Neville wouldn't hurt a fly, look at him, all whiny and stupid. We were not even sure he was a wizard until he bounced from a fall out a window," Madam Longbottom said, making the child sink into his chair.

Gibbs raised an eyebrow and jotted some notes down. "No, ma'am, I only need to ask him where he was when Professor Snape was shot. We're asking everyone who was in the castle at the time. It is standard procedure," the grey haired man explained.

The old lady harrumphed and looked at the scared child with mild loathing. "Sit up, Neville, and answer the man's questions so I can go home," she snapped, making the child jump.

Neville sat up and tried, and failed, to look brave.

"Okay, Neville, I only have a few questions," Gibbs said gently, trying to calm the boy down.

"What is your full name?"

"Neville Longbottom," the child said, sitting up straighter.



"Where were you between five and seven last night?" it now being the wee hours of the morning.

"I…I… I wa… wa… was in…in…in the du… dun… dungeon," Neville stuttered out. He was so terrified that Gibbs was afraid he was going to wet himself.

Gibbs looked back over his notes and sighed, now he was slightly angry at the Aurors, because this boy was still here and not at headquarters. He was one of the ones that had a gun in his possessions. "Can you tell me why you were there?" he asked still gently, not bringing up the gun yet. He knew if this kid had shot anyone then it was an accident.

"Pro… Professor Sn… Sna… Snape gave m… me de… dete… detention."

"Okay, calm down. Here have a drink of water. I need to talk to your grandmother. You try and calm down okay?" Gibbs said, pouring the terrified young man some water.

The boy took the glass, but it shook so hard that it was sloshing all over the table. Gibbs stood up and gestured for the woman to follow him a short way from the table. When they got there, he put up a silencing charm, he included the mirrors, so his talk with her could be recorded. "I'm going to have to take him in for questioning at Headquarters. There was a gun found in his trunk and we need to know why it was there."

"You dare," Augusta hissed, leaning into the Inspector's space, like he was an unruly child. "We are a pure-blood family. There is no way that that child could do anything." Never once believing her always frightened grandson could hold a gun, let alone fire it. Oh, she knew what a gun was; she had lived through the Great War after all. Bombs and guns everywhere are not something soon forgotten.

"Ma'am, I don't care if you're the Queen of England. There was a gun in his possessions and a man dead from a gunshot wound. We're taking him in and you need to get a lawyer," Gibbs barked back, closing the distance between them and looking her dead in the eye, not at all intimidated by this woman. "Plus, you need to be there yourself as you're his guardian."

"I will see you before the Wizengamot for this. It is an outrage, accusing my grandson of a crime," she all but shouted, slamming her fragile fist on the table next to her.

"They have no power over me, so you go ahead and do that. I have an ironclad contract, which states that my team and I can question anyone for any reason —if it is pertaining to a crime we're investigating," he said leaning forward again.

She glared at him and then turned and stormed out of the room, without a glance at her grandson, causing the poor boy to cry.

Gibbs went to the child, wrapped an arm around his shoulders until he calmed down. "We're going to stop asking you questions, for now, but, we found a gun in your trunk, so we need to take you someplace else, okay?" he asked softly, noting the surprised look on the child's face when he mentioned the trunk and that gave him hope that this child wasn't involved.

Neville nodded a little calmer now that his gran had left, though he was still plenty scared. He tried once again to drink some water and finally got the glass to his mouth without spilling more on his already wet robes.

Gibbs stood up and motioned for Kate and when she got to the table he erected a silencing charm and started giving orders, "I need you to take this young man, Neville Longbottom, to Headquarters. Don't ask him anything about the case. Don't record anything he might say. Try and keep him as calm as you can. No cuffs or suppressors, just keep an eye on him. His grandmother is getting a lawyer and will hopefully meet you there. Then you can question him about his relationship with our dead Potions Master and why he has a gun. You got it?"

"Yes, sir," Kate Todd said with a firm nod of her head, "no questioning, don't treat him like a suspect until the grandmother and lawyer show."

"Yeah, and see if you can't find something for him to do while he waits. Also keep him away for the adult suspects," Gibbs added softly.

"Okay, Gibbs, I'll take care of him," Todd said and turned to the young boy still trying to drink the water. Her eyes softened and she prayed he was innocent. She went and tapped his shoulder, causing him to spill more, and nodded towards the door. She cast a drying charm on his robes and gently guided him out.

Gibbs sighed and returned to the table, wishing he had more coffee. He turned toward the mirror and asked, "You there, Abs?"

She popped up in the mirror and you could see there were dried tears on her face. "That was so sad, that poor boy. His grandmother was such a bitch. You don't think he had anything to do with this, do you, Gibbs?" she asked rapidly.

"Merlin, I hope not. I hate it when kids are involved. Put that recording to the side for me, will ya? I'll need it later," he said, looking at his empty cup and lamenting that house elves in this school didn't know what coffee was. He was going to have to stop and grab some on the way to the office.

"You got it," she nodded her pigtail bobbing. "Oh, Gibbs, I have those records you wanted and we did a tox screen on our guy and it came back with a few potions in it. Nothing mind controlling or deadly, or anything like that, but there were a lot of calming draughts. Thought you'd want to know," Abby added, drinking from her Caf-Pow.

"Thanks, Abs," he said, glancing at his watch and running a hand through his hair. "We should be done here in about an hour. There are only a couple of kids left. I'm taking the next kid now. See you when we get back." He nodded and turned to the door and gestured he was ready for the next kid.

In walked a horse faced woman who was yelling silently and gesturing wildly with a slightly nervous young messy dark haired boy with glasses —who was looking amused at his guardian's predicament.

"Good morning," Gibbs said, nodding to the chairs across from him, "I would thank you for patiently waiting, but I can see that didn't happen. So take a seat and we can get done, and you can probably go home."

The boy and the fuming woman sat in the seats indicated and Gibbs said, "I'll take off the charm once you stop yelling and if you start I will put it back on. The longer you complain, the longer we'll be sitting here. I, for one, have more important things to be doing, but I can wait as long as you can." The woman's mouth snapped shut and she nodded once. Gibbs removed the charm and said, "I'm Chief Inspector Gibbs and I'll be asking the young man some questions." And started to give the standard questions and warnings, only for the woman to interrupt.

"You have no right bringing normal people among you freaks. I don't care what the freak has done, you can lock him up forever, the little ungrateful brat," the horse faced woman started to go on until Gibbs raised his wand then her jaw clicked shut.

"Sorry about her," the boy said with a shrug making Gibbs turn to him, "I'm Harry Potter and this in my aunt, Petunia Dursley. She doesn't like me very much." A small smirk adorned his face.

"I can see that," Gibbs said and noted that Harry wasn't really scared of his aunt so she must be full of hot air. "Tell me Harry where were you between five and seven last night?"

"I was in my common room at five and me and my friend, Ron, went to dinner around six," Harry answered without hesitation.

"Okay," Gibbs noted his notebook, "Tell me about your relationship with Professor Snape."

"You mean Severus Snape? They let that horrid freak teach children?" the aunt questioned with a look of horror on her face.

"You know the deceased?"

"Of course, I knew him. He grew up in my childhood neighborhood, Spinners End. He was friends with my wretched sister, Lily. Ugly boy, all greasy and sloppy. He's the one who told Lily she was a witch. They had a falling-out when they were here in her fifth year. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say," Petunia said with a disgusted look on her face.

"When was the last time you saw Mr. Snape?"

"When I was sixteen, we moved from Spinners End and I haven't seen him since."

Gibbs turned to Harry and indicated he wanted his question answered.

"Well, he hated me, though now that I've heard that story I don't know why," Harry answered, his face scrunched in confusion. If Snape was friends with his mum, shouldn't the man have liked him a little, though Aunt Petunia said they had a falling-out, so maybe that's why.

"What gave you the impression he hated you?"

"Well, in our first class he sneered at me and took points away for no reason. Called me names and such. Even accused me of making Neville melt his cauldron and I wasn't even near Neville. He wasn't a nice man," Harry answered honestly.

"You probably caused trouble, you ungrateful little troublemaker," Petunia snapped. Harry just glared at her.

Gibbs jotted that down and turned back to the pair. "Harry, you can go back to your dorm, if we need anything we'll come and get you. Mrs. Dursley, you can go home now. Same as with Harry, we'll contact you if we need you. One of the Aurors will take you," he said waving an Auror over and ordering him to get Dursley home.

"I don't want you freaks near my house again! You hear me? Don't you come near me again!" Petunia shouted and was quickly silenced and led from the room.

Harry got up and put out his hand and said, "I really am sorry about her. She really, really doesn't like wizards."

Gibbs shook the tiny hand and nodded. "Thanks, but don't apologize for other people's stupidity. You can go now."

The boy left and Gibbs ran his hand over his face. Only one more left and he could go and get some sleep, a quick power nap should set him right. "Abs, get me what you can on Spinners End, okay?"

"You got it, Gibbs," was the answer, though he could tell his tech was as angry at the last interview as she had been sad at the one before.

Gibbs sighed. Soon, he thought as he waited for the last kid, and I'll be able to catch a nap.