

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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Chapter 17 Some Closure

The man that stepped out was old, older than Dumbledore. He was far more colorful than Ashliegh and clearer as well. His robes were white and trimmed with gold as they flowed down his stooped body. His hair and beard were long and grey and a bit messy, his eyes were bright blue, his skin was tanned and wrinkled and he was bent and withered, using a staff to hold himself upright. He didn't seem to mind that he was almost decrepit with age. His face had a huge smile (showing some pearly white teeth), as if he was coming home.

Must be how he looked when he died, Harry thought. I wonder how old he was. He looks like he lived well over five hundred years, but that is ridiculous. We would have heard. Maybe he found Avalon. I wonder if he'll tell us where it is.

"Ashliegh, my dear, dear boy, I cannot tell you how proud I am of you," Merlin said, breaking Harry from his thoughts, as the old man smiled, made his way over to his dear friend and patted the ghost on the shoulder, which to everyone's surprise connected. Ashliegh's face was awestruck, it was the first time he had felt something in well over fifteen hundred years. "You have done everything I have asked for, and oh so much more. The woes you have faced are far more than I had anticipated. I had hoped that you would never be alone. I cannot tell you how sorry I am for your years of solitude. I could not have asked for a better apprentice. You, by far, exceeded my expectations. I know you seek your final rest, and I do hope this young man can give it to you." His face wrinkled more when he smiled at Harry and gave a wink to the boy.

"Master Merlin, I am very vexed with you," Ashliegh stated as he glared at his mentor. "You did not tell me I would spend eternity here." He was used to the man's manipulations, and took his apology with a grain of salt. From what the children had told him, his old master was akin to their deceased headmaster. He had pondered on that. Did having great power mean all those who had it turn hubristic? was the thought that ran through his head. He hoped that didn't happen to Harry, he quite liked the boy the way he was, well, maybe a bit less angry. However, he was sure the teen would grow out of it.

"I know, my boy, and again I am truly sorry to have deceived you, but as I said, your time is now. If you truly want to leave this realm," the old man said, with a sorrowful look. He had spent the last thousand and a half years looking down on his apprentice, and he truly felt bad for dealing him a bad hand, which was why he was willing to take his place. Merlin turned to Harry and said, "Take the Stone of Resurrection and place it in Ashliegh's chest and quote, 'Now the time has come to pass, for you to rest your final last. In your place this man should dwell, consigned as the one who gave you this hell.'"

"That doesn't sound like any spell or ritual I've ever heard," Harry said with a lifting of an eyebrow. "And I wouldn't call Halstead hell."

"No, but over a thousand years of solitude was," Ashliegh stated absent-mindedly, rubbing his beard in thought.

"Well, no, I just made it up, but it will work. It is not the words, but the intent. However, these spells go better if you rhyme them," the soul of Merlin said sheepishly, giving the thoughtful ghost another mournful look, though Ashliegh wasn't looking at him. He turned his attention to the doubtful teen. "There is an old adage; 'To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.' We lived by this rule in times of old. So I make them up as I go." He shrugged his shoulder. He was always good at making up spells on the fly, so to speak. It was many times his quick wit had saved his life and those dear to him. Arthur could contest to that, prat.

Ashliegh looked torn between staying and going. His death-long dream was about to come true, but his other hope had yet to be realized, it came close these last few months, but now everyone was leaving again. He wanted so much to see his family and friends of old, but he wanted Halstead to be what it once was. Merlin was offering to take his place, which he had to say was a great shock.

"Ashleigh," Luna said, making everyone turn to her, "Do you remember what I said a bit ago? Halstead will flourish again, I promise." She really wanted to hug the ghost, he looked so lost. She had plans and maybe with the help of Merlin, they might just happen.

Harry glanced at his girlfriend, and she just smiled and winked at him. So, he shook his head and turned his attention to the two ghosts.

"I will take your word, Luna, and I pray that you can put up with this conniving old man," the spirit of Halstead said, with a gentle smile. "Shall we?" he asked Harry. If they were going to do this, it should be now. He could tell from the wrinkles around Master Merlin's eyes that the time here was starting to have its toll. "Before you do, I have a few words to say. You, Harry Potter, did a good thing by bringing everyone here and training them. Together with your love, Luna Lovegood, you will go far in life. Remember to love one another, and I pray you have many, many children. Please, tell Miss Hermione that I had a wonderful time researching with her." He then nodded that he was ready and stood taller. He really hoped that his family and friends would be proud of him. He gave one more glance to his mentor and received a kind, sad smile in return.

Harry, feeling rather foolish, took the Stone and put his hand almost through Ashliegh's chest, making him shiver at the coldness of it. He spoke the silly poem, making sure that his intent was pure and with a flash of light Ashliegh was gone. The two teens turned to Merlin and his colors absent, but he also stood taller and was quite a bit younger. He was still old, but looked more like Dumbledore and less like a man with his foot in the grave. You could now see that he had once been a very powerful man.

"Ah, much better," Merlin said and moved like he was taking kinks out of his shoulders as he looked around the room for the first time. "Oh, I see you found my chamber. You truly must be something special," he stated as he turned to Harry and Luna.

"I had a lot of help," Harry said, waving him off. "So, you're going to be here awhile. You missed the battle," he added as a non sequitur. It would have been nice to have advice from the greatest wizard of history.

"Yes, allies are a great boon," the old man nodded sagely. "I watched it from above, and I am sure there will be plenty more wars for me to see," he said sadly. It was a fact of life, after all. Balance must be maintained. That was a very important lesson he learned from the druids.

"So, you're the great Merlin," Harry stated the obvious, not sure what else to say to the great man. "Can I ask if you ever found Avalon?" He finally settled on after a minute of awkward silence.

"Oh, yes, yes I did, Harry Potter. It was truly marvelous. I could not have hoped for a better place to die. The beauty of the place can never been put to words, the dismal failure I tried to create was a sad copy. I was almost two hundred years old when the druids found me. Lost in the woods as I was, I thought I was going to die unrewarded, but they took me to Avalon and I died knowing that Arthur had forgiven me. I was at peace," Merlin said with a very serene look on his face, almost like tales of how an angel would look. His face simply glowed with peace.

"My daddy would love to hear about that. He owns and operates the magazine called The Quibbler. Will you talk to him?" Luna asked, bouncing on her toes, which Harry very much appreciated.

"Of course, my dear girl," the old man said with a twinkle in his eyes, well, as much of a twinkle as a ghost could have. "I have always wanted to give an interview."

"Wonderful," the little blonde stated, clapping her hands. "So, any great pearls of wisdom to pass on before we go to the castle and shock everyone?" she asked knowingly. Men like this always had something to say.

"As a matter of fact, yes, Harry, my boy, you must talk to the one you know as Severus Snape," Merlin said, rubbing his beard and nodding his head in that 'I know something you don't' way.

Harry glared at the man who reminded him so much of Albus Dumbledore. He hated it when people looked at him like that. "Unless you can give me a damn good reason why, I will have to decline that suggestion," he snapped.

"I do know that he was manipulated as much as you were by your old headmaster. His story correlates with your own. However, it is his tale to tell. Please, if you ever want closure, much like poor Ashliegh just received, you must talk to him," Merlin all but begged.

"Fine, I'll go, but don't think I will ever like him," Harry said, folding his arms like a petulant child. Then he squared his shoulders. He wasn't going to face his former tormentor acting like a child. It would give the man more ammunition.

"At least you won't be naming your child after him," Luna stated airily, making Harry look at her like she was crazy. "Don't fret so, Harry, you might just like what he has to say."

"Let's just get this over with," the dark-haired teen grumbled and started for the door. Hell must be freezing over, was his thought as he walked the tunnel. The other two followed him up and the whispers started as soon as the ghost of Merlin emerged.

"Who is that?"

"He looks like Dumbledore, only not."

"I wonder what happened to Ashliegh. I rather liked him."

"Did this man replace him? I haven't seen any other ghosts around."

"Look, it's Harry and Luna. Should we talk to them?"

"No, they look busy."

"He kinda looks like Merlin."

"Oh Merlin, it is Merlin."

And the gossip went on and on until Harry led his group to the dungeons. They made their way to the cells and the prisoners started immediately with the harassment. Harry ignored them, but looked around. He didn't see any Malfoys or Lestranges, so they must have died in battle. Now that he was looking, he didn't see any of the inner circle but Snape. He went to the greasy man's cell and glared at him. "You wanted to talk to me?" he said in a stoic voice, not showing how much he really loathed this man.

"Potter, be so kind as to put up a silencing spell," Snape said in an almost normal voice.

"It won't work on your cell," the dark-haired teen explained, pushing up his glasses. He was kinda surprised they survived the battle, but glad they did. He doubted he could replace them anytime soon.

"Then get me out of the cell, you stupid boy," the potions master snapped, losing what little patience he had. He never really could hold his temper with this child, who reminded him too much of James, even more so now that he was a young adult.

Harry snorted, "Like that's going to happen."

"What I have to tell you is of grave importance. It cannot be heard by the people here. Do you understand that? Or should I use simpler words?" Snape whispered fiercely, looking down his nose at the child. Why can't this boy just do as he is told?

"You know, you are not helping your case any," Luna said as she gazed upon her old teacher and headmaster.

"I stand corrected, old habits die hard. Forgive me. Mr. Potter, I have something of great importance to tell you. I will concede to having my hands cuffed while we talk," he said in a much calmer voice, nodding his head at the Lovegood girl and turning to Potter.

Harry sighed and turned to the key office. He rummaged through the drawers of the desk. He found a pair of suppression cuffs and took one of the keys off the wall. He returned to the cell and said to Luna, "Keep your wand on him." When she raised her wand, he then turned to Snape and waved him away from the door. When the man stepped back, he opened the door and put the cuffs on. "Come on then, let's hear what you have to say," he said to his hated professor, keeping his voice even.

They all went to the key room and Harry and Luna took the chairs. Merlin stayed by the door. Snape took the chair behind the desk. Not that Harry wanted to make it seem like the potion master was in charge, but he wanted the desk between them. He waved his wand and put up a silencing spell. The conversation that followed was stilted, neither wanted to be there.

"Tell me what you need to say," Harry said, making sure to keep his body relaxed.

"First tell me how you rid yourself of the Horcrux. According to the Headmaster, the only way that could happen is if you died," Snape said, putting his cuffed hands on the desk.

"Bill did it, with Hermione's help. It was actually pretty simple. A spell to remove all foreign objects from my body," Harry shrugged, not going into detail.

"Fascinating," Severus said, taking his hands and rubbing his chin with his right one, while the left just hung there. "However, according to Albus, the Dark Lord made more. He is not gone. He will return. You must prepare," he warned, dropping his hands and tapping the desk.

"Oh, we got rid of those too," Harry said, giving a negligent wave of his hand.

"What?!" Severus asked, snapping back in his chair as if he had just been slapped. It really was a great shock. He didn't know anyone who could do as this child suggested was done. Years of research with Albus, and they found nothing like what he had just been told. Potter didn't have the time, the skill or the resources to find all of the Dark Lord's Horcruxes, though the boy did say it was the Weasley curse-breaker. That he could believe. He berated himself and Albus for not asking the goblins. It was a vital mistake on their part.

"Really, all it took was a bit of research," the dark-haired teen said with an amused glint in his eyes. He really did like shocking men who thought they knew it all. Yeah, that's childish of me, but I just fought a war, damn it. Without the aid of this man or Dumbledore, though I have to give credit to Kingsley and Kyle, and a great many other people, but they aren't know-it-alls. He kept his thoughts to himself and snuffed out the glint in his eyes. He really needed to not antagonize the man, who thought he was doing what was right. "I'm sure Bill will be happy to tell you, if you're cleared that is."

"So it is truly over?" Snape asked and his shoulders slumped as if the weight of the world had just been removed. His eyes looked like anymore shocks and he would break down in tears, which, in Harry's opinion, was very out of character. Seeing Snape look human softened his heart a little.

"Professor," Luna said, making the emotional man look at her, "were you really on our side?" She had to know. The months of torment at Hogwarts would have been greater had this man not been in charge.

"Yes," was all the answer they got.

"How could that be? You killed Dumbledore," Harry said in great confusion. He was tempted to raise his wand again, but didn't.

Snape's face turned to stone. "He made me. He tricked me into a vow, which stated that should one of the students attempt to kill him I was to put him out of his misery. He did not want a teen to suffer with the knowledge that they could kill. He fought to the very end to make sure so many were turned to the light," he said, shaking his head at his mentor's foolishness. There were just some people that could not be saved.

Harry scoffed; he too knew that some people were beyond redemption. Perhaps, not this man, but those like Malfoy Sr. and the Lestranges were.

"He was dying," Snape continued. "That hand of his was killing him slowly. I did what I could, but the spell was too strong," he said softly, and then lifted his wet eyes to look at his least favorite student. "Do you not think that it broke my heart to raise my wand to the man I thought of as a father," he whispered, sadness laced his voice and Harry could tell he was being truthful.

"What happened? What was killing him?" the male teen asked, looking into the man's eyes. Maybe Merlin was right. It is possible that Snape has been played like a puppet. From both sides even. I think I'll meditate on this.

"It was one of the Dark Lord's Horcruxes. It had a withering spell on it. Albus could not pass up the temptation of the Resurrection Stone. He wanted so much to see his sister that he didn't check the ring thoroughly. He only had a few more months to live," Snape explained in monotone.

"He would have died from the poison he drank in the cave," Harry finally admitted after all this time, knowing that it was true. Snape's Killing Curse was a mercy to the old man. He remembered the pain and confusion as the Headmaster drank the poison. No, Albus Dumbledore was dying, and Harry just wanted someone to blame. That thought made him pause; did he do then what Ron was now? Perhaps I better handle that gently.

"So, you were a spy all this time," Luna said, breaking the silence that had fallen on the room.

Merlin had yet to speak, he already knew all of this, but he knew that these two needed to hash it out, so to speak. He truly did love modern terms.

"Yes," came the simple answer.

"You're still an arsehole," Harry said, trying to regain his anger, but it was eluding him.

"And you are still a spoiled brat who throws tantrums when you don't get your way," Snape snapped back, though his voice wasn't its usual snide tone.

"Well, before this gets any more childish, I believe it is time to put Severus Snape back in his cell. You cannot release him. That will be up to your Ministry" Merlin said, making Snape look at him for the first time.

"And may I ask who you are?" the prisoner inquired.

"Oh me, why, I am the great Merlin," the old man stated with a flourishing movement of his staff, like he was about to pull off a great feat of magic. His robes billowed and there was a glow around him, making him seem very powerful.

"Are you really? How, pray tell, did you get here?" Severus asked, looking at the ghost in greater detail. If any of the pictures of this man were real, then this truly was Merlin.

"Harry brought me," Merlin said, waving his hand at the boy.

"I do not believe that is in his abilities," Snape sneered.

"Believe what you will, does not make it any less the truth," the great wizard said with a condescending tone.

"Right, thanks for the not needed information. Your heart was in the right place, and I know you didn't know that, but we got it covered. Back to the cell with you," Harry said as he got up, dropped the silencing spell and waved everyone to follow. They all trooped back to the cells and Harry took off the cuffs and locked Snape up.

"Potter, you know I knew your mother; however you do not know that we grew up together. She was my best friend and had I not ruined our relationship, we may have married," Snape said, when they were at the door.

Many of the prisoners started calling the man a traitor and a muggle lover. He ignored them, it was over he no longer had to appease these foolish bigots.

"I'm not sure how I feel about that," Harry said, his hand on the doorknob and without another word they all left the befuddled man behind. He had to wonder was that a final shot at hurting him, or was the man trying to ease his guilt?

Luna grabbed his hand and gave him a knowing smile.

"Merlin, something has been bothering me since the battle," Harry said to get his mind off that last statement. "Why did the wards fall? I mean, I know that Tom was using the Elder Wand, but is it really that powerful?" It had been bothering him all day.

"Yes, it is. The tale of the Deathly Hallows as old as I and it is still unknown what power they hold. No one has ever reunited them. However, the Elder Wand is one of great bloodthirsty power. If your Tom Riddle had not used that wand then the wards would have held much, much longer. Oh, they would have fallen sooner or later, depending on how many people are hitting them, but it was the Elder Wand that brought them down so quickly, not to mention that Mr. Riddle's own strength back the Wand. No wards are foolproof. You should not rely on them to keep you safe," the old man reprimanded gently.

"Right, we did kinda do that, didn't we? Oh well, lesson learned," Harry said, rubbing the back of his head. He really should have known better, after all his parents died depending on what was supposed to be unbreakable wards. Even if the flaw was the betrayer, it was still a flaw.

They were now headed to the dining hall, it was lunchtime. Harry hoped there were enough house elves to make lunch, because he didn't think many of the students could cook. Maybe he could teach them how to make sandwiches.

Merlin broke away to go and look around the keep, that and he wanted to see all the updated books in the library, not that he could read them, but he would be able to see the titles. And maybe someone would take pity on him.

Harry was quite surprised to find lunch served, he'd have to talk to Dobby later to see how many elves were now bonded to the castle. It was a nice lunch of hot onion soup and roast beef sandwiches. There were also crisps and fruit. Harry and Luna sat with Neville. Hermione must still be asleep. Harry looked around and noted a lot of students missing.

"Hello, Neville. Alright?" the dark-haired teen asked as he took his seat and started dishing up some of that wonderful smelling soup.

Luna sat next him and gave Neville and big smile as she grabbed one of the large sandwiches.

"Alright, Harry. You?" the sandy-haired boy replied.

"Alright. Hey, have you seen the Weasleys?"

"Most of them left. Their dad took them back to their aunt's. The twins said they might come back to help get others home, but they may not. It depends on how things look out there," Neville said, taking a sip of milk. "Ginny was in a right state, Ron's ranting didn't help."

"How is Hannah?" Harry asked, changing the subject and taking a sip of his soup.

"Good as new, though she's a bit upset about having killed someone. She thinks it might have been one of the current Slytherins, but it was too dark for her to tell. She's helping the healers now, but she's going to come with me to talk to my parents." He had sat with her for an hour, trying to calm her down.

"Oh ho, is that wedding bells I'm hearing," the dark-haired boy teased, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Don't be stupid, we're not even dating—yet," the sandy-haired boy replied with a blush staining his cheek. His parents were already ribbing him.

"Where are Seamus and Dean?" Harry asked. He really hadn't seen much of those two except at meals and training. Well, he saw Seamus when he went to bed, but he was usually asleep when Harry crept in.

"Dean went home with his parents, and they took Seamus with them. They tried to find you before you left, but they did tell me to tell you thanks. Both of you," Neville said when he finished his soup and was mopping the rest up with a thick piece of buttered bread.

"At least I'm not alone in all this bloody hero worship," Harry grumbled.

Luna just patted his arm and gave him a serene smile.

They finished their lunch with small talk and soon enough left the dining hall with warm and full bellies. Neville ventured off to go to the healers' houses and find Hannah. Harry and Luna went to look for Merlin. They ran into Hermione along the way.

"Hello, Hermione. Do you feel better now?" Harry asked, giving his best friend a hug. She did look better. The circles that had been under her eyes were gone. Her hair was less frizzy and her clothes were clean and untorn. She looked like her nap did her wonders.

"I am much better, thank you. Now, I'm looking for food. Is there lunch?" she asked, returning the hug and then giving one to Luna.

"Yep, a wonderful onion soup and hearty roast beef sandwiches," Harry answered. "Come and meet us in the library when you're done. We have a surprise for you," he said with a mysterious smile.


"Ah, ah, ah, not until you've eaten," he teased, wiggling his finger at her.

"Oh you," she said, thumping him in the chest. "Alright, I'll eat and meet you there." And with that she hurried to get her lunch.

The couple went to the library and found Merlin talking to Bill and Fleur. Ron was there as well.

Damn, I thought he left with his dad, Harry thought. He almost turned and walked away, but Luna grabbed his hand.

"Better to get it over with now," she stated.

"Right," he said and firmed his face and walked into the room, remembering his resolve to hand this with kid gloves.

Merlin drifted away, knowing this was one more argument the boy had to have.

Ron had been talking adamantly with the ghost about all the change since his time. His happy face folded when he saw Harry. "You," he spat as he reached for his wand. Bill grabbed his wand arm and held him back. "You got my mum killed," the redhead accused, fury etched his face, making it as red as his hair.

Harry groaned and made his way over to the table and sat down, towing his girlfriend with him. "Are we going to talk like adults or fight like children?" he asked, folding his hands on the table.

Bill and Fleur manhandled Ron to the table, whispering in his ear. "Fine," the younger Weasley said, slamming into a chair. "Why did you bring us here? If you hadn't then my mum would still be alive," he said in a lower tone, tears running down his face.

"Ron, if I hadn't brought your family here, everyone would be dead and Tom would have won," Harry stated calmly.

"You don't know that," Ron stated with an angry tone.

"You don't know if it would be different either," was the rebuttal.

"Ron," Bill said, putting his hand on his brother's arm, making him turn to him, "the Burrow was burnt down. My wedding was interrupted. There was a war going on. I miss Mum and I will mourn her for the rest of my life, but it was not Harry's fault."

Ron slumped in his chair. "I know," was all he said as he broke down and cried like he hadn't before.

Bill and Fleur took him in their arms, lifted him out of the chair and guided him away.

"That went better than I had thought it would," Harry said, surprised. Usually Ron was a bit more hardheaded than that.

"Yes, it did," Luna agreed. She had known Ron all her life and she had never seen him back down. Perhaps, he was growing up finally. Too bad it took the death of his mother to accomplish that.

"Well, I'm calling it a win. So, do you see Merlin?" he asked, looking around for the new ghost. "He was here a minute ago."

"No, now that you mention it, he must have drifted off, but this is a big library he might have gotten distracted," she said, waving her hand indicating the large room full of books.

"Right, so what do we do now?"

"I have a plan."