

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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Chapter 17: Peter's Capture

The next day at breakfast, an old grey barn owl all but plopped in front of Ron. There was a package with holes in it attached to the owl's leg. "Oh good, Scabbers is here," the boy said grabbing the package, while the twins picked up and fed the owl.

"Poor Errol," Fred said, petting the aged bird, who was limp in his hands.

"He's just too old to carry something like that," George agreed, trying to get Errol to drink. The bird was just too tired to make the effort. George slipped some water in its mouth.

"Too old to carry anything, really," Fred agreed, stroking the owl's throat to get him to swallow.

"We should replace him," added Percy as he passed some bacon to Fred, Errol seemed to perk up the tiniest bit with the water.

"We should," the twins agreed as they continued to tend to the aged bird.

"I'll send Hermes home in his stead. It'll give Errol a rest," Percy determined, already thinking of the note he'd write to convince his parents to use his owl.

"That's nice of you, Percy," Harry said in a sincere tone. For all that the other Weasley boys say that the eldest there was a prat, Percy had always seemed to have his back when people bothered him. Sure, it was his job as a prefect, but still.

"It's the least I can do," the fifth-year prefect said, puffing up a bit. He always felt his mum spoiled him more than the other younger children. Maybe she thought that he would support her in her old age, or that he was the only one smart enough to. He never liked that. It was not his fault that he was more studious than the twins or Ron.

His older brothers buggered off the second they could. Perhaps, they felt the same as he. Bill went first, straight to the arms of Gringotts. Charlie always loved dragons more than humans. He could remember his mum throwing all sorts of fits when they left. His dad, on the other hand, was all for them exploring the world outside of Britain.

His plan was to go straight to the Ministry. He would work his way up the ladder, and then try to get out from under his mother's thumb.

"So, who is Scabbers?" Harry questioned, bringing Percy out of his thoughts. The younger boy was looking at the animal in Ron's hand. It was a plain brown rat. Nothing special about him. Though, Harry did wonder how Ron was able to keep an animal that was not on the list. Hermione seemed to be thinking the same thing, but kept her mouth shut. Though her lips were pursed, and her brow was scrunched.

"He's my rat," Ron said, lifting the rat for everyone to see. "I left him at home because he wasn't doing too good. Mum said she'd send him along when he was better. He used to be Percy's, but mum gave him to me when…" was as far as he got when something weird happened.

"That's no rat," Sally said, plucking said rat right from Ron's hand. She didn't even materialize; she just grabbed the rat and it disappeared. Only Harry heard and saw her. She looked menacing, like she was about to inflict bodily harm on the rodent.

Harry wondered about that, but he knew Sally would only hurt those that deserved it. She had saved Quirrell after all. She made Snape be nicer. sorta. Though she did get rid of Binns, but the ghost had looked happy about that. So, no, he wasn't worried about her hurting an innocent, he was just confused as to what the rat had done.

"What the bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed, looking around to see who took his pet. There was no one there, not even a ghost. Not even Scabbers could be seen, it was like he just disappeared. Ron was very confused and concerned. Who would want his rat?

"I don't know," a just as confused Harry said, having no idea why Sally would take the animal.

"Language," came the reprimand of two people: Hermione and Percy.

"But my rat just disappeared," the youngster whinged.

"We saw that," Percy said, leaning over to see if the rat was on the floor. "That is still not an excuse to cuss," he added, sitting back up not seeing the animal.

"I'm sure there's a good reason," Harry tried to consul the boy.

"How could there be? It's a rat," Ron said, then shrugged and started eating.

They all marveled at how quickly the boy dismissed what had happened. Maybe he didn't like the pet as well as he let on. Or he had the emotional range of a teaspoon. Who knew?


Sally materialized in an abandoned classroom with no portraits, and with Peter in hand. She called the Potters to her position. "Lookie, lookie, who I found," she said when they appeared, holding up their traitorous friend.

"Peter," James growled, trying to snatch the rat from her grasp. He couldn't of course. His hand passed right through the unconscious animal/man.

"What are you going to do with him?" Lily asked, glaring at the faux rodent. If she had it her way, she'd kill the bastard right now. Though, they would need him to help Sirius. Hopefully, this will make the Ministry pay attention.

"I'm going to take him to Amelia Bones," Sally said, putting the rat in her pocket.

"Is that wise?" Lily questioned, not sure if Sally should expose herself to the Head of the DMLE.

"I'm sure it is," the little girl said brightly. "I'm bringing you with me," she added with a great deal of perk.

"Oh," was all the couple said, quickly getting ready to be transported to the Ministry.

In a blink of an eye, they were there, right in front of Amelia's office. Sally didn't even bother with the shocked receptionist, she just marched in, looking adorable. "Madam Bones," she said, coming to a stop in front of the desk.

"Yes?" the very confused woman asked, looking up from the papers she was perusing. There in front of her, were the very people whose wills she was reading. "Mr. and Mrs. Potter?" she questioned, hoping she wasn't finally losing it. She looked at the little girl and then dismissed her. Not in a menacing way, it was just how important could a child be? "Is that really you?" she asked the couple, wondering how their ghosts got here. Ghost usually only stayed where they materialized.

She had already been informed about them, via her niece. There were many happenings at Hogwarts that she knew about. She had had assurances from Dumbledore that all was well, and since no one was injured or had died she let it be for now. She, for one, was glad that the kids were finally learning history.

"Madam Bones," James said with a nod.

"Yes, ma'am," was Lily's greeting.

"I was just looking over your wills," Amelia said, lifting the documents in question. "They were sent to me via the Inheritance Office." Said documents held a treasure trove of information, some that she was having a hard time wrapping her head around. Like how she was named as a guardian to their son. Which was startling since she was only ever James' supervisor. They were never friends. Then there was the fact that Sirius Black was also named as godfather. Or the tidbit that Peter Pettigrew was the Secret Keeper. That was going to be fun to unravel.

"Oh, well it looks like Albus got off his arse after all," James said, folding his arms in displeasure. "He should have brought them to you himself," he added as an explanation of his anger.

"I take it that it is true, then? Sirius Black is innocent of selling you out?" she asked, not sure what to think.

"Yes, and we can prove it," Lily answered, pointing to Sally, who grinned like a mischievous little girl.

Sally plucked the rat from her pocket, and plopped it down on the desk, keeping her hand on it.

"That's Peter," James said, pointing to the rat. "We were Animagi, most of us learned how in school," he added, not giving Remus' secret away.

"Let me guess, you never registered?" Bones said, waving her wand over the rat, and having the spell come up positive for not being an animal. She conjured a cage and waved Sally to put the rat in it.

"Nope, if you remember there was a war going on," James said, telling most of the truth.

"Of that, I am aware," Amelia stated, putting her hand to her face, and rubbing it downward. She then pinched her nose, in hopes to stave off the headache that had been forming since she got the wills.

"Anyway, Sirius, Peter and I all became Animagi. I was a stag, Peter a rat, and Sirius a dog. Remus was unable to become one," he hedged. Remus was only unable because he was a werewolf. He wasn't worried about telling her about Sirius, it might be helpful if she knew. Like she could get him registered before his trial, or something. The war was over, so…

"I see," the impressed woman said, pinching her nose again. Most of the wizards and witches she knew couldn't do it, let alone a bunch of teenagers getting it correct in school. Perhaps she should ask how they did it. Three out of four friends, that was a record. It had to be; she'd never heard the like.

"As you read in our wills, Peter was our Secret Keeper," Lily continued for her husband. "We have no idea how things got so messed up, but it should have all come out at the trial that Sirius never had," she finished, stomping her foot in agitation.

"I see," Amelia said again, this time reaching into her desk and grabbing a headache potion. She downed it and then slammed the vial on the desk. "I will investigate, and if that is true, I will get Mr. Black out of Azkaban and see that he is released. If he never had a trial, there will be no need for one. He is being held unlawfully," she added, pressing a rune to call her secretary. "Patricia, find me all you can about Sirius Black," she said to the girl when she entered.

The secretary bobbed her head and left. Though she did shoot glances at the trio, and she wondered if they're being here meant that Black was innocent. That would put the kneazles among the owls.

"Thank you," James and Lily gushed, hugging each other since they couldn't touch anything else. "You have no idea how much this means to us," he said, knowing Sally did the right thing about bringing them here.

"It's my job," the woman said, picking up the cage and taking if from the office. They trailed behind her to see what she was doing. Everyone was giving them funny looks, like they couldn't believe what they were seeing. The group made quite the parade. Especially with Sally in the rear, skipping along like she was going to play at her best friend's house.

Amelia stopped at an interrogation room and went in. She set the cage on a chair, vanished it, forced Peter into his human form, conjured ropes, and tied the man up. She then settled in a chair and waved her wand to waken the man.

"Only a man who has something to hide would pretend to be dead or stay as a rat for over ten years. So, I have to ask myself, what do you have to hide, Mr. Pettigrew?" she asked, getting comfortable.

Lily and James were standing in the back of the room with Sally. Sally was giving Peter a glare that would freeze fire. He froze and then all but begged, "Don't let her get me. I'll confess, to everything, but don't let her get me," he pleaded, his eyes never leaving Sally.

Amelia looked to where he was, and saw the little girl, who was wearing an innocent face. She looked back to Peter who was still frozen with fright. "Who?" she asked, peering at the man to see if she could tell if he was sane.

"Death," the scared man whispered, still looking at Sally. His being a rat for ten years had upped his instinct. He could smell the death on the little girl. To him there was no greater predator. Not even the fear of Voldemort could surpass what he was feeling now.

"Are you trying for a plea of insanity?" Amelia asked, once again looking the man over. "Who are you speaking of?" she asked again.

"Her," Peter said, pointing a finger at the child in the room. "She's Death," he squeaked, his hand trembling.

Amelia once again looked at the innocent child, looked back at the suspect, looked to Lily and James - who shrugged-, looked at Peter, and finally her eyes settled on Sally. "Do you have any idea what he's talking about?" she asked, not for a second believing what she was asking.

"Nope, no idea," Sally said with a perky smile. "I'm just here for Lily and James," she offered the truth. Well, mostly true.

"And you are?" Bones inquired, taking her monocle off, and cleaning it on her robes.

"Sally," she said, still smiling. "I found Peter and am here for support. I know their son," was the answer.

"Where are your parents?" came the inevitable question.

"Around," Sally said, looking up at the ceiling, like they were just upstairs, and not some divine presences. Not that she had parents, per se, but she did have others that were above her.

"Oh," was all Amelia could say to that.

"Don't worry, they know where I am," Sally said, with an impish smile.

"She's lying," Peter started to scream, and tried to get out of the chair.

"I think he's been a rat too long," Sally said, glaring at the man.

"No, you have to believe me," Peter said, still struggling to get free. "She's Death," he said again.

"You're barmy," James stated, looking at his ex-friend. "Why don't you tell the good Director what she wants to know," he said, standing in front of Sally to block Peter's view.

"Actually, you need to leave," Amelia said, making shooing motions. "I can't question him with you here," she added, standing, and opening the door, which none of them needed, but she didn't know that.

"That's fine," Sally said, skipping out the door. "If he gets free, I'll deal with him," she mumbled to the Potters.

"We'll be back for Sirius," James said to Amelia.

"How will I contact you?" she asked, hoping that they didn't come too often. It might disrupt the department.

"Write to Harry," Lily said, then added, "He can get his mail now."

"Oh, I had wondered. I know Susan tried to write him as a child, but the owl came back with the letter," Bones said, walking them to the exit.

"There was a ward," was all Lily offered as an explanation.

Sally had explained to them ages ago that she stopped all mail from coming. It was decided that Harry didn't need the pressure from the public. He was told this when he was old enough to understand. He was fine with it. He wouldn't know what to say to fans anyway. Sally said she was still monitoring his mail because there were some unsavory people out there.

Dumbledore had put up something similar, probably for the same reasons. However, Sally took his down, since it only covered those addressed to Harry Potter, and not ones addressed to The-Boy-Who-Lived. That and the headmaster had tried to direct the mail to him. That would not be stood for. She did wonder if the old man had ever wondered what happened to all that post. Oh well, too bad for him, he'll never know.

"He's at Hogwarts now, so it is okay," James said in lieu of an answer. She didn't need to know all of their secrets. Let her come to her own conclusions.

"I'll keep you informed," Amelia said with a nod.

With that they all faded back to Hogwarts.

"So," was the greeting from Harry as they materialize near him, "who was that?"

"Peter Pettigrew," James said, knowing that Harry knew who that was.

"You took him to the magical bobbies, right?" the little boy asked, looking to Sally.

"Yup," she said impishly, making her cute little cheeks dimple.

"Good," he said, then turned to go back to his dorm.

"How did you know we'd be here?" Lily wondered out loud.

"I didn't, I guessed," Harry said as he continued on. They floated next to him.

"Good guess," James grumbled.

They left him when he got to the common room entrance. Harry went inside and saw that Ron wasn't torn up at all about the loss of his pet. The redhead was playing chess with Hermione, who was the only one who gave him a challenge. Harry just shrugged it off. It wasn't his fault the boy was so narrowminded.

He was rethinking his choices in mates. Perhaps he should get to know others. Not that he'd drop Ron or Hermione, he'd just have more than two friends. With that thought he went to find Neville, or Dean, or Seamus. He would get to know them all. Maybe even the girls.

Who knew how that would end? But he was hoping for the best.