

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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Chapter 17: Months Flew By

It was now mid-February and Valentine's Day was here. He had Dobby bring a nice emerald necklace, which he knew was in his vault, so he could give them to his girlfriend, Tracey Davis. Harry longed for when they could finally come out as a couple, maybe he could talk her into going into hiding with him this summer. This was the girl of his dreams. She completely understood and didn't complain about anything that had to do with his dangerous life.

That night he attended another party thrown by Professor Slughorn, he didn't have a date, but he got to see his girlfriend. This was where they first met, after all, well except classes. They had chatted a bit in class, but when Tracey started to attend these parties they really got to know each other. He asked her once why she had started coming and she told him Slughorn saw her throw a curse at Malfoy and was impressed enough to invite her here.

These parties were full of young people who were either famous on their own or had famous parents. For some reason they didn't include the likes of Malfoy or other Death Eater children. There were a few Slytherins there that confirmed Harry's opinion that not all Slytherins were evil and trying to take over the world.

Harry hadn't had a chance to talk to Slughorn yet, but felt he would be able too soon as the man seemed to fawn over him, which was creepy in Harry's opinion.

It was the middle of the Saturday after Valentine's Day and the couple snuck off. They were sitting on the other side of the Black Lake, under a large willow that had its branches hanging down, hiding them from view.

"So, what does Daphne think about us?" Harry asked out of nowhere as he held Tracey tight to his chest with one arm, played with her hair with his free hand, just sitting back enjoying the quiet moment. She was currently situated between his legs leaning back on him; her long blonde hair caressed his arm as she moved her head so he could see her sapphire eyes looking up at him.

He knew she had told her best friend. They had been friends since they were very young and there was nothing they kept from each other. He also knew that the Ice Queen didn't really like him, so he was curious as to what she thought.

He hadn't told anyone. Hermione would try and get him to stop; either telling him it was too dangerous for the girl or stating that the girl was too dangerous for him. And Ron, well, Ron couldn't keep him and Katie a secret. He had accidently let it slip when everyone in the dorm was talking about their first kiss, as boys are wont to do. Harry had said his kiss with Cho was wet and then Ron spurted out with 'Bet your kiss with Katie was better'.

The poor girl had been bombarded with questions. She lied and told everyone they never dated. Ron tried to get Harry to back him, but he took Katie's side. So, no, he didn't tell Ron.

"Well," Tracey said, pulling him from his thoughts, "she is okay with it, for the most part. She thinks you're a right prat for not taking me out on a date. I told her why we couldn't, but despite that Ice Queen persona that she shows the men, Daphne is a romantic at heart." She settled back in her former comfortable position. "I, for one, happen to like us just the way we are. No pressure to get married, no one taking the mickey because I'm dating the Boy-Who-Lived. When we leave school, then I expect to be taken out proper," she said decisively, patting the arm that held her.

"I'm really sorry that I can't take you on a proper date," Harry said bashfully, hanging his head, resting his chin on her head, his dark hair covering the top part of his face.

"Harry, you silly boy, we've talked about this. I understand, really, I've seen and heard what you've been through all these years in school. I couldn't ask for a kinder more brave man than you," she said firmly as she turned so she was kneeling in front of him. She then lifted his chin with her finger, making him look her in the eye. "I truly do understand. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. What can I do to make up to you?" she teased a playful look came to her face. Her eyes danced with merriment.

A smirk came across Harry's face, making him look devilish. "Well, we could finally get to snogging. That might make me feel better," he said, smiling at her glittering eyes.

"Is that any way to treat a lady?" she laughed, smacking him on the arm, not really upset. She had been waiting for him to ask for a while. They hadn't gone past cuddling yet. He had reasoned that he moved to fast with Katie and didn't want to spoil what they had by doing the same. She let him set the pace, since she knew he was shy around women.

"Well, no, not really, but I really, really want to kiss you right now. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me in this school. And I want to show you just how much that means to me," he said as he put his arm around her neck and drew her face to his, a happy gleam in his eye.

"Yes, I think I can do that," she said as her face came up to meet his.

The kiss was explosive, Harry felt that if he broke it and looked around, destruction would be what he saw, of course that wasn't so, just what it felt like. They broke apart after a few minutes, breathing heavy.

"Yeah, that proves it to me. You're the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with," Harry declared triumphantly, holding her closer as if to never let her go.

"I think I'll like that," she smiled, hugging him just as tight. "Now kiss me some more, just to make sure, you see." She teased.

"I want to give you something first," he said softly, and then pulled out the emerald necklace and handed it to her.

"Harry, this is expensive," Tracey protested, though her eyes never left the jewel.

"Nothing is too good for you," Harry said, putting the necklace on her neck and followed with a kiss. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"I didn't get you anything," the blonde pouted, fingering the gem.

"Don't worry about it," he said, still kissing her neck. The two sat at the lake the rest of the afternoon, simply enjoying each other's company.

The weeks flew by and with classes, self-study, Quidditch, his girlfriend, the elves, and the stupid parties it wasn't until mid-March Harry finally had his chance to confront Slughorn. Ron had eaten some candy that was given to Harry for Yule by a Gryffindor girl that was a year below him, Romilda Vane. He had stored them in his trunk, because Hermione had warned him that they were laced with a love potion. He had forgotten completely about them, he had meant to get rid of them when the holiday was over. He wouldn't have stored them in his trunk, but he was late for getting to the Great Hall that day.

Harry took Ron to Professor Slughorn to see if there was a potion to counter it. The Potions Professor did have the remedy and Ron was soon right as rain. The professor offered the boys some wine he had taken off Malfoy. "Not supposed to have wine in the dorms," he told the boys, but they declined not feeling comfortable drinking around an older man. The professor shrugged and put the wine away.

"Professor, I've been meaning to ask, I see that you had a picture of Tom Riddle from when he was in school. Was he part of your club?" Harry asked, indicating the picture of the handsome young Slytherin as his mate slept off the counter agent on the couch.

"Ah yes, Tom, yes, he was part of my club. He was head boy you know, yes, a very smart young man. It was too bad he went the way he did. He could have done wonderful things for the wizarding world," Slughorn hedged as he started looking around nervously, hands twisting behind his back, eyes shifting from left to right as if Voldemort would pop up out of nowhere and kill him.

"I was wondering if he ever talked to you about horcruxes. He seemed to be looking in to ways to prevent his death even back then," Harry stated as he tilted his head, making it seem as if he was just asking a simple question and not something as Dark as horcruxes.

"I don't like talking about those things. Why would he ask me? I know little of the Dark Arts," Slughorn answered vaguely, waving away the question as an inconsequential matter.

"I saw the memory you gave Dumbledore, Professor. I was hoping you could tell me more. I only want to defeat Voldemort. If you have an answer that can help me, that'd be great," Harry pushed, green eyes steadily looking at the anxious man. "I don't want to know how they are made. I just want to know how many Riddle prepared. I think you can help," he said, hoping to appeal to the man's want to be rid of Voldemort.

"I only know that Tom was fascinated with the number seven. He felt it was a powerful number," Slughorn caved, shoulders slumped, he knew this might help him in the future. He also knew that if He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named found out, he'd be dead in a minute.

"Thanks, Professor, that helps a lot," Harry said sincerely. "I'll do what I can to find the ones Voldemort made and defeat him once and for all."

"I am glad I could help, my good man. I would like it if you didn't tell anyone we had this conversation," Slughorn requested, hope conveyed in his soft brown eyes.

"No worries, this conversation never happened," Harry lied with a blank face, knowing full well he would be telling Dumbledore. "Now, I'll just wake Ron and get him back to our dorms so he can sleep it off. Thanks again, Professor," and with that he woke Ron and took him back to the dorms and put him to bed.

The next day, after classes, he went to see Dumbledore. "Ah, good afternoon, Harry. What can I do for you today?" Dumbledore asked when Harry came to his office.

"I talked to Slughorn and he said that Voldemort was fascinated with the number seven. I know we have found four of the damn things and was wondering if you knew where anymore are. I want to defeat him as soon as possible and get on with my life," Harry said, thinking that maybe he could finally get some answers.

"Alas, I only know of two more. You see, Harry, the curse that was put on my hand was from a ring that Voldemort used as a horcrux. I destroyed it so the only other one I know about would be Voldemort's familiar, Nagini," Dumbledore answered, leaving out Harry's scar.

"So you don't know about the one in my scar? Or were you just trying to protect me again?" Harry gritted through his teeth, laying his cards on the table, he should've known this man would never tell the complete truth.

"You know about that one, Harry?" Dumbledore said in shock. He didn't want that revealed until Harry had grown some more. He wanted the child to have some semblance of a childhood, even though he knew his relatives didn't treat him as they should. He had hoped that Harry would have friends that could give him a reason to die, if only to save them.

"Yeah, the goblins took it out when I was visiting their healer this summer. Was this the reason you never trained me? Because you knew about what was in my scar? Is this the reason you felt I had to die? I hate to say it, sir, but you've just lost even more of my trust. It's only because I know you're a good man that I have any trust in you at all." Harry said the hurt showing in his voice and his eyes.

"Harry, I am so sorry. I never thought to ask the goblins. I felt that if I did not know, then no one did. It is one of the downfalls of living as long as I have; one feels they have all the answers. I have hurt you more than I ever wanted to and all I can say is I truly do apologize and that I felt it was for the greater good," Dumbledore replied, looking like he meant every word.

"I don't like your 'greater good', Headmaster. You have no right to play with people's lives." He waved it away. "So we know all of the horcruxes?"

"With six of the horcruxes gone then all we need do is find Nagini and kill her. Alas, we don't know where Voldemort is hiding." Dumbledore knew that Voldemort had been killed, he just didn't know how or by whom, but he was keeping this knowledge to himself. Severus had told him about the letter Mrs. Malfoy had sent her son.

"I killed Voldemort weeks ago. He is now possessing Wormtail," Harry said abruptly, confirming what Severus had told the shocked headmaster. "I knew where he was hiding, but he is probably not there anymore. I have Kreacher watching Bellatrix to find out where he is now. But the wards won't let him know," Harry said with a shrug, he'd get that wraith sooner or later.

"Why did you not tell me, Harry," the old man said, his shoulders slumping as he realized exactly how much the boy had kept from him.

"I'm sure that he has more protections now that he knows someone can kill him," Harry continued, ignoring the question. "Tom doesn't know it was me. He knows I have the cup. He has his Death Eaters looking to see if I've sold it or he is going to try and get it from my vault. As far as I know he doesn't know about the Black family vault. Though, Bellatrix or Mrs. Malfoy may have told him. Gringotts has been informed that they might try and break in to get it. They are tightening security now."

Then he thought for a moment, going over what the headmaster told him moments ago and Harry exploded. He sprung from his chair and started pacing, arms waving in fury. You could feel his magic respond to his anger, the trinkets around the office started rattling. "Nagini? Damn it, Professor, I had that snake in my sight when I killed Tom, if you had just told me I could have ended this then! This is exactly what I am talking about, you keeping secrets cost us an early end to the war!" he shouted.

Then taking a deep breath he stopped and slumped in the chair. Yelling at the old man wouldn't help right now. His magic calmed and the office as still once more. He settled back in his chair and leveled the headmaster with a piercing glare; his emerald green eyes alit with righteous indignation.

"I'm not sure I can trust you to tell me the truth anymore, Professor and that hurts more than I can say. I don't like that you set me up to die. I don't like that you didn't think to tell me about the horcrux in my scar, and I hate the fact you're still keeping secrets from me," the dark haired teen spat, a wounded look showing clearly on his face. "What kind of man does that? Is it really okay to set a child up to die if it's for the 'greater good'?" he lectured in a tone that he was sure no one had used with the old man in a long, long time.

He wasn't sure what to think about Dumbledore any more. He just wanted to be shot of the whole affair. He was tired of having to watch his back every waking minute. He was tired of the chess master playing his games and treating him like a child.

"All I can say, Harry, is that I just wanted you to have a childhood. I see now that I was mistaken and that I have upset you. I am horrified that you had to take a life while so very young. I had hoped that it would be when you were more grown that the prophecy would come to play," Dumbledore answered, his remorse showing in his eyes, twinkle nowhere in sight, age lines predominate on his face, looking his 115 years.

"How is setting me up for 'ten dark and lonely years' letting me have a childhood?" Harry stood up angry once again. "We'll have to see if your trust can be earned again, Headmaster. Thanks to you, I haven't been a child for a very long time," and with that he stormed out of the office. He had to figure out how to kill the snake. He was positive he couldn't just catch it and send it to the goblins to have the horcrux removed. That and he knew that Voldemort would keep Nagini close to him at all times.

More weeks passed and Harry spent his time behind the timer working on all the curses he learned from all the books. He didn't know what the power that Voldemort knew not. If Dumbledore was to be believed then it was love and after driving Voldemort from his mind with his thoughts of his friends and Sirius during the possession, he may be right. But love wouldn't kill Nagini. Maybe he could use the basilisk venom somehow. After all it killed the diary, if you could kill an inanimate object, he was sure it would work on that giant snake.

So he studied the potion books to see if there was a potion he could somehow get Nagini to eat or if there was a weapon in his vaults that he could coat with the venom he had squirreled away. He would write the goblins tomorrow and see.

He was so caught up with his studying that he realized he was neglecting his girlfriend and friends. When he became conscious of this he cut back, not wanting to abandon anyone.

It was now April and they were no closer to finding out where Voldemort was hiding. Harry was afraid that he was behind a Fidelius Charm like the one on Grimmauld Place. He'd have to wait until the coward crawled out of his hole. Harry was confident that that would happen if he called the snake-man out because Voldemort wouldn't like to be seen as weak. Though he did wonder if Voldemort was indeed weak, like he was when he possessed Quirrell.

Harry noticed that some of the students were paying real close attention to him. Now he'd have to be extra careful. He knew they were children of Death Eaters. He was very glad Tracey and he never came out. He sent her a note telling her he couldn't see her for a while, it wasn't safe. She handed her reply when she passed him in the hall saying she understood.

He researched emergency Portkeys to see if he could make one that would take him to Grimmauld Place if he was hit with a Stupefy or other stunning spell. When he found it, he immediately sent one to all his friends, and Tracey; along with the cloaks, wands and weapons he had found in the Room of Hidden Things. Anything that would give them an edge if they had to fight their way out of Hogwarts. But the Portkeys wouldn't be able to go through castle wards; still if they were hit outside they would be useful.

He spent most of his time behind the timer perfecting his fighting skills. He upped his time at night to the full two hours. He wondered if he would be safer outside the castle. Maybe if he went to Grimmauld Place he could protect himself better.

He went to Dumbledore the last week of April. "Sir, I was wondering if I should go into hiding. I'm think Voldemort is going to try and take me so he can get his body again. I've been studying ahead in my classes and I'm sure I could pass my NEWT's right now. If I'm away from the Death Eater children it would be safer for me, my friends and the rest of the school. So I'm going to go to Grimmauld Place," Harry said with finality as he sat in the chair in front of the overly large desk.

"I do not believe that that would be the best course of action at this time, Harry. I would like you to stay where I can protect you. In addition, while I am sure you have done your best in your studies, surely you are not up to NEWT level yet. There simply has not been enough time to accomplish such a feat," the old man answered, hoping that even though he had lost Harry's trust the teen would listen to him and know that he, Dumbledore, knew what was best.

"I think you're wrong. I know that Voldemort can't reach me at Grimmauld Place and since he is possessing Wormtail then he can get in here. Wormtail knows all the secret passages and knows how to get into Gryffindor tower. Since the Order is still using Headquarters, I think it'd be a good idea. I've been researching and found ways to keep myself safe. I won't leave the house for any reason other than to kill Nagini. If we can kill her before Voldemort gains a body, then maybe this war will be over," Harry argued. He knew he had the upper hand. He really didn't need the Headmaster's permission. He was an adult in the eyes of the wizarding world.

"I have complete confidence that you are doing your best to protect yourself, Harry. I think it unwise for you to leave the castle. There is no safer place for you then here," Dumbledore said he steeled his voice as if to have the final word.

"I don't agree with that, I've had to fight for my life every year I've been here. I'm really not asking your permission, sir, I was just hoping that you would discuss it with me as two adults. As usual I was wrong. So I'm now stating that I'll be leaving Hogwarts and going to Grimmauld Place. If you are worried about my school work, you can plan something out with the professors. Same for the end of the year test. Like I said, I've been studying and can take my NEWT's today and pass. However, if you feel it's best that I finish this year's study, I'll take your advice on school stuff," the determined teen said, trying to compromise. After all, this man was in charge of his education.

"If you feel this is the best then I will not hinder you," the Headmaster said, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. "I will talk to your professors about your assignments and we will have them sent to Headquarters so you can complete them. Fawkes, I am sure, will be thrilled to deliver them. We need to work together, Harry. I recognize, I still have to earn your trust again and I would like to do so." He really didn't like this independent Harry, but he knew there was little he could do. The young man was considered an adult.

"Thanks for that, sir. If Kreacher hears of anymore attacks I'll be sure to let you know. Can I Floo you here in the office in case of an emergency?" he asked, glad that he hadn't had to fight harder. Maybe, there was hope yet.

"Yes, you can Floo the office. The address is 'Hogwarts; Headmaster's Office' and the password, right now, is Canary Creams. Also you can talk to Phineas and he will relay your message or you can call for Fawkes, he can find me anytime," the old man said, gesturing to the portraits and the phoenix.

"Okay, I have to tell my friends that I'll be leaving and then I'll go," Harry said as he got up to leave the office. He didn't tell Dumbledore that he already knew about the portrait. It was a good thing that he wasn't going to be discussing personal business with any of the portraits in Grimmauld Place.

"I am sorry it has come to this, Harry. I am sure this will be over soon," Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Goodnight, Headmaster."

"Goodnight, Harry"

Harry left the office to go and find his friends. He found Ron and Hermione in the common room, but didn't see Neville or Ginny anywhere. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving to go to Headquarters tonight. I didn't want to go without telling you," he said after he cast the Muffliato spell.

"Why are you leaving now? Has something happened?" Hermione asked in a bit of a panic, looking around frantically as if trying to find the enemy.

"Yeah, Voldemort lost his body and is now possessing Wormtail. He'll be looking for a way to get another and I want to be out of the castle so he doesn't come here. Some of the children of Death Eaters are watching me very closely and I don't feel safe here anymore," Harry answered, hedging around the truth.

"How did he lose his body?" Ron asked, scratching his nose. "Why haven't we heard about it? I mean, that's big news."

"I don't know," Harry lied, his face showing confusion so they couldn't tell. "I had Kreacher follow Bellatrix and he was the one who saw Voldemort possess Wormtail." He didn't want his friends to know that he was a cold blooded killer. They didn't need to know the truth right now. Maybe after the war.

"That was pretty smart of you, Harry. I wish I had thought of it. Are you sure that leaving will be the best thing? Maybe you should stay here where Dumbledore can protect you," Hermione asked, thinking that Harry was doing something rash, as usual.

"What about Quidditch?" Ron asked at the same time.

"You'll have to use Ginny as seeker. We've won our first two games I'm sure she won't let you down. She did pretty good last year," Harry answered Ron first then turned to his harder to convince friend. "Hermione, you know that there are children of Death Eaters here in the castle. You know that last time Voldemort was without a body he did everything in his power to get to me. Cedric died just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wormtail can get into the castle at any time and we would never know until it was too late. I can't watch the map all day and night. I don't feel safe here and I don't want him coming here to get me. I know he's not above using the students," he explained patiently, hoping for once she would just believe him.

"I'm still not sure you should do this, Harry. The Headmaster is the greatest wizard in Britain, I'm sure he will protect you," the bushy-haired girl argued.

"Look, I've already told Dumbledore that I'll be leaving and going to Headquarters. I'll be leaving as soon as I get my trunk. You need to trust that I'm doing what is best for everyone involved. Let Neville, Luna and Ginny know that I said goodbye and why I felt I had to do this," Harry said, shaking his head in disbelief. He had thought they'd grown past this. Hermione hadn't nagged him in ages, except about that damn book.

He stood up to leave before they could argue anymore and went to pack his trunk. He shrunk it and put it in his pocket. Then he made his way back down the stairs into the common room and out the portrait of the Fat Lady. Ignoring when Hermione called his name. Armed with his map and cloak he headed to the tunnel to get outside the wards. He wondered why no one asked him how he would be leaving. Once he was outside, he called Dobby.

"Where are we being now, Harry Potter, sir?" the house elf asked when he appeared.

"We're in a tunnel near Honeydukes. I need you to pop me to Grimmauld Place. I'm leaving the castle for a while," Harry answered.

"Dobby will be doing that right now," Dobby said as he took Harry's hand and they popped away, leaving the school behind.