

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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Chapter 18 The First Night at Hogwarts

Later that day, well, now night

The fifteen minute warning for pulling into Hogsmeade came over the intercom, and the children scrambled to put on their uniforms. The boys left to go find other places, while the girls closed and locked the doors. Since they were a thoroughfare car, they had to be quick, so some forwent exchanging their shoes; others just threw their school robes over their attire. The boys soon came back and everyone packed away games and other items.

It was getting dark when the train pulled into small wizarding town near the school. The Mutineers decided to let the rush of other students go first and then disembark from the train. Making sure they had their mirrors and crystals on their persons, well most of them, they left the train.

"Firs' years! Firs' years, over here!" came the booming voice of Hagrid.

The Mutineers knew the tall man, and while the Potters were at first angry at him, they soon came to realize that he was simply doing what he was told. So they forgave, but never forgot. He visited them upon the occasion, but never became a close friend of the family or the group of kids, just a nice guy that hung out once and a while.

The shaggy man stood to the far side of the platform near a path that led to the lake. He had a lantern in one hand and was waving it around so that people would see him. "Alright, you lot?" the gentle giant called when the large group of first years approached.

"Alright, Hagrid," they answered and then looked at one another and giggled.

The humongous man turned back to his duty, and the group of first years stood huddled and waiting.

"How do you know him?" the bushy-haired Hermione asked from Harry's right side.

"He tried to kidnap us when we were babies," the messy-haired twin said with a grin, only to get smacked on the head by Daphne. "Owie," he complained, rubbing the spot.

"He thought he was rescuing you, prat," she snarled mockingly.

The older twin pouted, "But it's funnier my way," he said.

"Firs' years! Gather 'round. Mind yer step. Everyone 'ere? Good follow me," Hagrid gently ordered after receiving nods from a good part of the group.

Carefully the kids made their way on what felt like a steep path through some dark woods. A lot of the girls were clinging to their male friends to keep from slipping on the damp path. The Patil twins were have a very hard time with their cloth covered feet. Their code of dress had made it difficult to switch to uniforms in such a short time that they only threw on their robes. After the second person fell, the Mutineers, starting with Harry, whipped out their wands and cast a Lumos, lighting up the whole path.

"Where did you learn that?" Hermione asked eagerly and a bit jealously.

"We studied together growing up, and my mum taught us some simple spells," Harry answered as he grabbed her elbow.

"Oh," she said sadly, "I'm going to be so far behind."

"You seem like a smart girl, you'll catch up," Padma stated from Harry's other side, making the bushy-haired girl beam with pride.

"Yeh'll get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec," Hagrid called over his shoulder, interrupting their conversation, "jus' round this bend here."

As the path opened into a large area in front to the Black Lake, you could see the beauty that was Hogwarts. It was a grandiose castle, with many tall towers and torrents. There was light coming from every window, making the castle look very fairytale like. It stood half way up a mountain and seemed to almost float in the sky with the day turning night.

"No more 'an four to a boat," Hagrid said, pointing at the fleet of small wooden boats on the shore.

Harry and Gary, along with Padma and Pavarti, shared the boat ride over. All of the gang had large grins on their faces, sharing a moment about what was to befall Hogwarts this year with the Mutineers now in attendance, all good things of course.

Their tall guide called for the boats to go forward, after making sure everyone was seated. The children all watched as Hogwarts got closer. And the nearer it got the more excited the children were, or frightened as the case may be. The Potter twins were getting a tad apprehensive, they had a plan, but it had to be done carefully.

After making it across the dark and murky lake and going up yet another long steep path, they came to a flight of stair and at the top was a large wooden double door. Hagrid used his plate size fist to knock on the door, and you could hear the echo come from within, indicating a large room on the other side. An older stern looking woman, that the Mutineers knew to be Professor McGonagall, opened the door and stepped out.

"Firs' years, Professor," Hagrid said with his customary smile.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I'll take it from here," the Professor told the man, who nodded and left. She then turned to the children. "Put out your wands," she said, looking at the lit wands and noting who held them. "I would award you points, but you have not been sorted, so I will say… very well done, all of you." She smiled at the group of children she had heard so much about, but never met.

There was a flurry of 'Nox' and the area became dark again. With that done, McGonagall turned and went down the hall, and the students followed her into a large stunning entrance hall. They then turned down another hallway and into a smaller room. It was empty with grey wall that had torches mounted on them, which gave off shadows in the corners, making it a little foreboding.

The prim Deputy Headmistress gave what sounded like a well-rehearsed speech. It was all about the sorting and the Houses of Hogwarts. She then left them to straighten themselves out.

The Mutineers grouped together and smooth down the shirts, ties and robes of the person closest to them. Soon they were all sorted. After a small scare with the ghosts, who seemed a little nervous and kept glancing over their translucent shoulders, the teacher came back in and led the children to the Great Hall.

The four, long wooden, student tables were filled with the upper years. There was one for each House and they ran the length of the Hall. There was a staff table that ran the front width of the Hall, which was raised higher than the other tables and was filled, of course, with the professors, staff and the headmaster.

The room itself was easily the largest room most of these kids had seen. The ceiling reflected the night sky and thousands of candles hung in the air. The overall atmosphere was welcoming, yet slightly overwhelming. You could almost feel the thousand years of magic hanging thickly in the air.

In front of the staff table was a three-legged wooden stool. Upon the stool was a battered, patched and very dirty hat. The first years were looking around with various states of awe on their faces, until the brim of the hat formed a mouth and started to sing. It was a cute song that depicted the Houses, but Harry felt that he really could have done without it.

When the hat was done, McGonagall pulled a roll of parchment out of her robes, unfurled it. "When I call your name, come up here and place the hat on your head and it will sort you into your House," she stated as she looked at the first years, who for some reason weren't as nervous about the sorting as most kids their age would be. "Abbott, Hannah."

Hannah walked up to the hat with a little bit of trepidation, which was her nature. She knew her large group of friends would stay friends, but still she worried. She placed the hat on her head and within seconds got a happy look on her face. She all but bounced off the stool, when after a minute the hat called out "Hufflepuff."

On and on it went, each of the children going into the House they predicted. In the end the Mutineers were sorted in the following order:

Susan went into Hufflepuff with Hannah, Wayne, Leanne, and Megan.

Terry went into Ravenclaw and was soon joined with Mandy, Michael, and Padma.

Tracey was sorted into Slytherin with Daphne.

Fay, Seamus, Neville, Alice, and Parvati were all sorted into Gryffindor.

After Sally Anne Perks was sorted into Hufflepuff, and you could tell just how happy she was by the joyous look of relief on her face to be sorted with her new friends, it was time for the Potters.

"Potter, Gary," McGonagall called. A hush fell over the Hall, then suddenly whispers were heard everywhere.

"Is that him?"

"He's handsome for a young…"

"Is that his twin?"

"I wonder if they'll be…"

"Shhh, I want to hear the…"

The disjointed whispers followed Gary as he made his way up to the stool, with a blank look on his face. He placed the hat on his head and projected, "Hello, Mr. Hat."

"Oh ho, aren't you a polite one," the Hat stated with a splitting of cloth to make a smile. "Well meet, Mr. Potter. Oh, I see you have a plan. It's a good plan too, I've been preaching for years for a plan like this. To unite the entire Wizarding World of Britain, that is quite ambitious. You would do well in Slytherin, but I see that would go against your strategy. The bravery you are showing to pull off such a grand scheme you would also do well in Gryffindor. The mastery behind this plan puts you in the running for Ravenclaw. But your loyalty to your brother and friends puts Hufflepuff in the front. Tell me Mr. Potter, will your plan work if you are placed there? Think carefully."

Gary sat for a few minutes running each scenario through his head. The thought of rooming with his twin was a good one, but the thought of going unnoticed in Hufflepuff was also appealing. After a minute he shook his head and stated, "No, In order for this to work I have to go into Gryffindor."

"Then it better be —Gryffindor!" the last word shouted to the hall.

The room exploded with noise. The Weasley twins, who knew this would happen, made fools of themselves anyway by chanting "We got a Potter, We got a Potter," as they jumped up and down in the space between the tables.

Gary took the clothed relic off and winked at his brother, who gave a slight nod back, and went to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Hermione. He was a little disappointed that she didn't listen to Harry and get sorted in to Ravenclaw, where he felt she belonged. Oh well, if things worked out they would be good friends anyway.

"Potter, Harry!"

The Hall fell silent again as the name was called, and then more murmurs broke out. Harry matched his brother as he went to the stool, face blank and ignoring the whispers. He placed the hat upon his head and did the same as Gary did and greeted the hat.

"Oh, another polite one" the Hat said. "I don't think it's fair that your parents let all these kids know about me before you came. Not the first time it has happened, but by far the largest group. But, ah well, what's done is done and I see it was part of the plot. So many children trying to tell me how to do my job, it's actually a pleasant change of pace. Now, where to sort you."

"I would like to go to Ravenclaw, if you please," the real Boy Who Lived requested politely.

"Yes, I know all about your plan from you brother's head. But, let me at least pretend earn my keep, hmmm. I see from you memories that you would do even better in Slytherin than your twin."

"But…" Harry started, getting worried that this might fail. None of their plans would work if he were sorted there. He had nothing again the House, but he knew it could be used against him.

"No, hush, I know, I can see why that wouldn't work. Albus wants you there, you know? He gave me a long speech as to why he needed you there above all other Houses. Even after all these years he wants to separate you two." The Hat shuffled on his head and mussed up his hair more. It seemed a bit agitated.

"Yes, well, we expected that and we're hopeful that you can't be controlled that way," Harry stated in his head, fidgeting on the stool, knowing everyone was staring at him.

"You are right, he cannot, and he should know that after all these years. Yes, that means you are not the first he has tried to influence. Now, let's get back to sorting." It drooped back down and covered more of the boy's face.

"Yes, please. I can hear Ron's tummy from here," Harry thought, stifling a giggle.

"Yes, quite," the cloth artifact chuckled. "Hmmm, I see you're far more powerful than your brother, perhaps the most powerful student in these halls. Your family and Sally seemed to have taught you well, little one. You would do well to heed their words and advice. Now let's see, while you are loyal, your true loyalty is only to your family, so unlike your twin that is not the House for you. Gryffindor won't do for you; while you are brave you are not fool-hearty. So it best be— Ravenclaw!"

The Mutineers exploded with applause, they were happy that he got where he wanted to go. The rest of the student body sat in stunned silence; everyone had believed he would be sorted with his brother.

McGonagall lifted the hat off his head and Harry took a quick sidelong peek at the Headmaster. He saw the old man's lips firm, but a calculating twinkle was in his light blue eyes. The older Potter twin smirked inwardly; he loved it when a plan came together. He went to the Ravenclaw table and sat next to Padma. He gave a knowing nod to his friends and they all shared a smile. Then they turned back and watched the rest of the kids get sorted. He made sure to clap for Ron when he got sorted into Gryffindor.

After Zabini, Blaise, was sorted in to Slytherin, McGonagall took up the stool with the hat still perched on it and carried it away.

The Headmaster stood and, in a parody of Gandalf the Grey, opened his arms as if he was encompassing the whole room, which caused a few who read the book to snicker. He stated that he only wanted to say a few words, let out a string of nonsense and sat back down.

After Dumbledore sat, the tables magically filled with food. The wood groaned under the weight of piles of roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, bacon, steak, joints, steak, and kidney pie. For sides there were boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, mashed potato, chips, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots. Then there was also gravy, ketchup, and peppermint humbugs.

Comments were passed around about the Headmasters sanity. Harry snorted as he selected the foods with the least amount of fat and noted that the rest of the Mutineers at his table were doing the same. Non-magicals may get overweight and die of heart attacks, but young wizards just became lazy when they ate too much fatty food. The magic burned the extra calories, but not right away and only if they were using it. So the extra fat and calories made them lethargic. As they got older, well they got lazier and fatter, but it took years to get to that state. Made Harry wonder what those rather large individuals do all day. So the gang made sure to eat healthy, well most of them.

Harry and his cohorts made sure they introduced themselves to everyone around them. They wanted them all to know that the Potters were approachable. The older twin didn't like some of the upper-years, they seems snotty to him, and he hated stuck-up people. But he kept his thoughts hidden and smiled welcomingly. He waylaid most of the questions asked about his brother by saying, "Ask him, if he wants you to know, and you're polite enough, he'll tell you himself," and then changed the subject. He made a list of those who questioned him, and what they asked. Then he sent a mental message off to Gary.

Gary raised his head, looked at the people Harry indicated, and added them to his own list.

Harry glanced at the Head Table and covertly watched the staff. He knew the Headmaster, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, and Professor Snape. He looked further and noted the other two Head of Houses'. 'The tiny man must be Professor Flitwick, and the grubby woman must be Professor Sprout,' he thought as he continued his perusal. There was wishy-washy looking man next to Snape with a ridiculously large purple turban, who had his head turned to speak to the Potions Master.

There was a small sharp pain in Harry's forehead, and he heard Sally whisper in his ear, "That's the Horcrux, ignore it for now. I'll fill you in later."

Harry discreetly nodded and turned to one of the upper years. "Who is that man sitting next to Snape?" he asked, jerking his chin to the man in question. "The one in the turban," he added.

"That's Professor Quirrell, 'e usta be the Muggle Studies professor. But, Dumbledore gave 'im a year off and 'e came back to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts. Not sure what 'appened to 'im, 'e didn't usta be this twitchy," she answered with a shrug and went back to her meal.

Harry nodded his thanks, and turned back to his plate just in time for the dessert to fill the table. There were blocks of assorted ice cream, apple pies, spotted dick, chocolate gateau, treacle tart, pumpkin tart, chocolate éclairs, and jam doughnuts. Further down there was trifle, strawberries, jelly, and rice pudding. The young man greedily took up some of the treacle tart and dug in. He was a kid; desserts didn't count in his book.

The feast finally came to a close and the Headmaster stood and welcomed everyone once again and gave a speech about not doing magic in the hallways, no going into the Forbidden Forest, a list of banned items, and not to enter the third floor corridor on the right hand side if you didn't want to die a painful death.

There were going to be a lot of mirror calls tonight and they weren't all going to be from the Mutineers. The Headmaster should've known better.

The prefects called for the first years to follow them. And everyone stood and left the Hall. The young man in charge let them know the rules of Ravenclaw and pointed to their rooms. The girl who was with him, stated that though this was a co-ed school there were spells in place to keep the amorous actions to a minimum, which made most of the eleven year olds scrunch up their faces in disgust. Even though Harry was getting tingly feeling for girls, he still thought adult touching was icky.

The group of tired first years finally went tiredly to their assigned dorms and mirrors were whipped out as soon as silencing charms, or security runes, were applied.

"Gary Potter," Harry called into his mirror after activating the security rune.

"Hey, Harry, what do you think so far?" Gary said tiredly as he scooted back to lean on his headboard. "Why are you calling me on the mirror and not broadcasting? Not that I don't want to see you, but it is far more secure to talk with our minds," he asked with a worried tilt of his head. He had felt that sharp pain that Harry got, but saw Sally talking to his brother so let it be.

"The Headmaster is off his rocker, is what I think so far. I mean, really, telling a bunch of teens not to go somewhere… that and I wanted to see your face. I hate not being around you," the older twin stated, also leaning against the headboard.

"Do you think we should tell Mum and Dad?"

"No, let Susan call her Aunt, which reminds me we have to warn Mum and Dad that Madam Bones is keeping a sharp eye on them. I heard the girls talking and she thinks they are up to 'sinister things', or something like that," the boy chuckled, but worried at the same time.

"You do that when we're done, yeah? I'm knackered," Gary stated with a yawn.

"I will," Harry promised and then jumped when his little deity friend appeared next to him. "Oh, it looks like Sally wants to tell us something," he said, tilting the mirror to include them both.

"What's up, Sally?" the younger twin asked, hoping it wasn't too bad of news.

"You need to call you parents' right after we're through talking. Voldemort is in the castle," she said, dropping that bombshell.

"WHAT!?" came the twins horrified response.

"How, the bloody hell, did he get into the castle?" Harry asked, angry and confused and very, very scared. For himself, but mostly for his brother, if that vile creature was in the castle then he would eventually go after Gary. At least that is what they thought, they were pretty sure the man didn't know who he hit, since they both look so much alike.

"Calm down, Harry," Gary snapped, feeling his brother's worry.

"Right, how am I supposed to do that?" the older boy snarled back. "For all of our training, we are nowhere near ready to take on the Dork Lord."

"Which is why you are calling your parents," Sally stated firmly, bringing their attention back to her.

Both boys took deep breaths and tried to calm down, but were shaking badly with the maelstrom of emotions running through each of them and cycling through the link.

Gary gulped and asked, "Where is he?"

"He is on the back of Quirrell's head, the poor man is possessed. I can't touch him. As long as he has those thrice damned Horcruxes he is still partially alive. I have no idea if Dumbledore knows."

"From what you tell us about him, I doubt he'd let a Dark Lord be around children," Harry stated, not really believing that, but tired of the debate they continued to have.

"That is neither here nor there; I wanted to let you know that it is why your Horcrux was pained earlier. It will always do that when you are in the Dork Lord's presence. It is a good thing your twin ritual cleansed it grey, or that pain would have been a lot worse," Sally said and then noticed the narrowing of two pairs of green eyes. "Oops, I forgot you didn't know that I knew, sorry," she said sheepishly. "Never mind that, call your parents. You, Gary, call your dad. Harry, call your mum. You can finish your talk later."

"Wait, shouldn't we call Madam Bones?" Gary asked, thinking it would be more logical.

"Susan is on the mirror with her, and who knows how long they will be," Sally answered. "I have to go," she said and disappeared.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later, Gary," Harry said and then deactivated the mirror. "Lily Potter," he said with a bit desperation in his voice. He was already making plan to face the evil man if he had to protect his brother. With each scenario that went through his head, his tension mounted. He drummed his fingers on his blanket covered knee as he waited until his mum picked up. When he saw her face he almost sagged with relief.

"Harry, what's wrong, sweetheart?" Lily asked as soon as she saw her son's pale face.

"Voldemort is possessing one of the professors. Sally just told us. I don't know what to do. I'm nowhere ready to face him. Mum, I'm scared. What do I do?" Harry quickly stated with a slightly trembling tone, making Lily long to take her child into her arms and make that fear leave him.

"Shhh, it's okay, sweetheart, listen to Mummy," the redheaded mum cooed. "We're going to call Amelia as soon as we get off the calls with you two. I want you to talk to your brother. You can do it mind to mind or… no, it's better that way. Less chance of being overheard. You two talk about stupid stuff, like what pranks you're going to play, or what classes you're going to like. Or even make fun of your professors, anything to get your mind off what you told me. When you're done activate your crystal, Okay?" she quickly talked him down. She knew the twin bond would help, and so would the crystal.

Taking deep breaths Harry relaxed, and then he remembered the Headmaster's warning and even though he was going to leave it to the others, he figured since he had her there he might as well tell her that as well. "Mum," he said a lot less emotional now that he was feeding calmness to his brother and receiving it back, "the Headmaster warned us away from the third floor corridor on the right hand side. He said we would die a 'painful death' if we went there. Why would he tell us something was there if he wanted it hidden?"

"I don't know, sweetheart, you let us adults deal with this okay? Talk to your brother and then try and sleep. You have classes in the morning. I love you, baby," she crooned, trying to further relax her child.

"Love you too, Mum. Done." And the mirror went blank. He had forgotten all about warning her about Madam Bones. Harry tucked the mirror away and contacted his brother with their mental connection. "Gary? Are you done talking to Dad?"

"Yeah, he said Mum told us to talk," came the reply.

"Yeah, let's talk about pranking. I can't think of anything else to get my mind off of all this crap."

And so they did. Until the wee hours of the morning they talked of stupid things, sending love and comfort between them, until they fell asleep.

After the mirror call, Potter Manor

Lily was practically screaming for Amelia Bones at the mirror, but it just kept flashing busy. Finally, James came and took the mirror from her hands. He grabbed her gently, yet firmly, by the arms and guided her into the game room. That much emotion was a magical accident waiting to happen, even with an adult.

"Lily-flower, please, you have to calm down a minute and think," the messy-haired wizard begged, holding his struggling and hysterical wife in his arms. He held her close and swayed back and forth to try and get her to relax some. She was usually the logical one and he needed her brain to figure out what to do next. She couldn't do that if she wasn't thinking.

Lily fought to get free and out of the room, her children were in danger and she was not going to stand by while that happened. She needed to get to a room where the mirror worked and call someone to rescue the kids. "Calm down! Calm down? How the bloody hell am I supposed to do that?" she yelled in her husband's face. "Let me go, James. Or so help me I'm going to hurt you." And if he hadn't had her arms pinned to her side, she would have belted him one.

"Lily! Lily! I need you to think. If you run off halfcocked then who will rescue the boys. It's obvious that the boys weren't the only ones to call their folks. Other kids must have told their parents about the 'painful death'. Listen, please, we need a plan. Do you think Amelia is going to believe that a dead man is possessing one of the professors? No. she's going to think we're… I don't know… trying to get attention or something. Lily, think," her husband pleaded quickly, running through all the reasons telling Amelia what Sally told the boys was a bad idea. "We need to be like the other parents and tell her about the Headmasters warning. We'll think of something when we get to the castle either tonight or tomorrow. Come on, I need your beautiful mind to help come up with a plan."

"You're right, you're right. Okay I'm calm," the less hysterical mother stated and relaxed enough that her husband let her go. She started pacing around the room thinking hard. James was correct she couldn't call the Head of the DMLE in a feverish fit, with no evidence and they couldn't tell her that Death told them, they would be locked up before they knew what was happening.

Lily's clearer head started going over the spells she had read about in the secret library. Was there any that could tell if a man was possessed, that weren't Dark? She couldn't be seen casting Dark magic. She thought and thought and thought and then ran from the room to go to and look through the books. She had a plan.


While they were plotting, hundreds of mirror calls were made. Those calls cause owls to fly, Floos to flare, and phones to ring. Parents everywhere were contacting bureaucrats and in-the-know non-magical administrators. Pandemonium was rapid in the Wizarding World that night—and parts of the non-magical government.

Tomorrow would be a big day.

Chapter 19 The First Day of Classes

The next morning, Hogwarts. Gary's POV

"Gary Potter," the youngest Potter twin heard upon waking the next morning. He rolled over and grabbed the mirror from his nightstand, tapped the security rune and answered. "What time is it?" he questioned as he cast a Tempus. He noted the time was 6:30 a.m. and groaned.

"Glad to see you're awake, sleepyhead. It's almost breakfast time," his father's smiling face greeted him, making Gary glare in frustration, yet at the same time making him feel better. If his dad was smiling then no one was panicking and everything would be okay.

"Hey Dad, I see your humor is the same as always—lame. Did you guys work something out?" he asked, while trying to get the sleep out of his eyes.

Harry and Gary didn't wear glasses like their father. They had gotten magical contacts when they were ten. They wanted to be known for themselves and not miniature James'. They were tired of hearing, 'Just like your father, with your mother's eyes.' Though they still the 'mother's eyes' comments.

"Yes, but you're to leave it to us. I want you and the rest of the Mutineers to act as if there is nothing wrong. You and your brother don't tell anyone what you know. You'll only create a panic. Your mum is telling Harry the same thing right now," James said to his child firmly, and then quickly glanced to the side to see that his wife was indeed doing just that.

"Alright," the young Gryffindor stated as he flung the blankets off and swung his leg around until he was sitting on the side of his bed. "What is the plan?" he asked.

"Your mum and I are going to be coming to the castle with the other parents, some officials and the Aurors tonight," he said, rubbing the back of his sleep mussed hair. The two adult Potters had been up all night with the Hunters, as they were calling themselves, going over plots. Right now they had what they thought was a good one. They only had to get the kids to wait and not do anything foolhardy.

"Wait, why are you waiting for night? Why not earlier?" the youngest Potter asked, stifling a yawn and peeking through his bed curtains. Everyone was still asleep, so he turned back toward his dad. "One of us might have class with him today," he added with a bit of worry.

"If that happens keep your wits about you and don't panic. Keep your eyes open and your mind blank. I doubt that the Dork Lord will try anything. We think he's after whatever the old man has hidden in the castle, so you should be safe, but keep on guard," James said as calmly as he could. He heard his wife saying pretty much the same to Harry.

"I'll try, Dad," the tired boy said, once more peeking out the curtains. Neville and Dean were stirring, so he ducked back behind the drapes and sat on the bed.

"As for why we're waiting, well it'll take that long for the DMLE to get organized," the father stated with a shrug. "And believe me it took a lot got keep your mum here. However, Madam Bones doesn't feel that the kids are in danger at this very minute, so she is going through all the proper channels so she can search the entire castle. Expect us around dinner time. Okay?"

"Alright," Gary yawned his answer. "I'm going to get dressed and wake everyone. Give my love to Mum, yeah?"

"Alright, Gary. Be careful, son, and don't be alone with Quirrell and stay away from the forbidden corridor," James said and signed off. "We love you. Done."

The tired pre-teen got off his bed and did his morning rituals. He then grabbed his expanded book bag, which was loaded with his course books. Going around the room he shook all the boys awake except two. Well, he tried to wake them, but to no avail, and after Ron threw his pillow at him and told him to 'sod off' he shrugged and left. The messy-haired boy went to meet up with the rest of the group, sans Ron and Seamus. They all met in the common room, plus Hermione, because he was determined to make sure she was included in the gang, and Dean Thomas.

"Thanks for waking me, Gary," Dean said as he looked through his smaller backpack.

"Not a problem," the younger twin said. "I just hope Ron and Seamus get up in time."

"Yeah, we're gonna need to learn some silencing spells for that one," the dark-skinned boy said with a huge yawn. They all knew he was talking about Ron, whose snores shook the room once the redhead had fallen to sleep.

"I'll teach you the one I know," Gary answered with a smirk. "I learned it from his brothers, the twins."

"I reckon they'd know," Dean answered as they all started towards the door.

"Give me a minute, I have to check something. Go on ahead, I'll catch up," Gary said as he moved out of the flow of first years.

"Right, we'll wait for you on the other side of the portrait," Neville answered with a nod, having a pretty good idea what Gary wanted to do.

Once they all left, Gary went to the side wall and consulted his map discreetly. He found a good route and went out the portrait. He met up with the gang, and extras, and as one they walked down to the Entrance Hall with him in the lead. They milled around, off to the side, and waited for the rest of the Mutineers so they could all go into breakfast together.

The rest of the first years started trickling in and each person went to who they related to best, like Susan and Hannah made a beeline to Pavarti, dragging Sally Anne behind them, and started talking about their guardians' reactions to the mirror calls made last night, much to the confusion of the new girl, who, being non-magical raised, had no clue what the mirrors were. It seemed that was the hot topic of the morning, and it wasn't even breakfast on the first day yet.

After waiting for ten minutes for stragglers, they all went to get their morning meal, chatting away as if they weren't in separate Houses. They did have to break off when they entered the Great Hall, but it was with cheery calls and hugs that it happened.

The Potter twins glanced at the Head Table to see how the group was received. They noticed most of the professors beaming with pride and happiness. Excitement filled the air as eleven and twelve year olds happily said 'see you later' to their friends, causing most of the faculty to watch in wonder. Never in the many years that they had worked here, had they ever see such a tightknit group of students. It was a refreshing sight. On the other hand, Snape was wearing a passive face, Quirrell was trying hard to hide his disgust, and the Headmasters lips were firm and he eyes held none of their usually twinkle. The two boys hugged each other and promised to meet in class and when they had breaks together.

The younger twin took his seat at the Gryffindor table and started serving up his meal, making sure to keep it light. There was all manner of meat, eggs in various forms, beans, toast, hot and cold cereal, and bowls of fruit. There was water, pumpkin juice and milk to drink. He didn't want to get lethargic on his first day. He might indulge on the weekend, but today he served himself up some cold cereal with fruit and a glass of milk. He noted that all his friends did the same, with a few adding kippers, eggs or toast to the side.

Chatter filled the air, as the younger students continued to talk, some even calling across the Hall to their friends, which made McGonagall twitchy. She wasn't sure if she should compliment them on staying friends or yell at them for yelling in the Hall. She settled for give the culprits a sharp look and finishing her breakfast.

It was about fifteen minutes before the end of the meal that Ron and Seamus came running into the room. Their uniforms were in complete disarray, like they had pulled them off the floor. Gary only hoped that they had taken the time to shower and freshen up. He would hate to think badly about them, they were friends, for now. It seemed that almost everything these two boys did point to them not staying with the Mutineers, it was sad.

"Mate, why didn't you wake us?" Ron asked, sitting down. He and Seamus loaded their plates with the fattiest food they could and started chowing down, not noticing the looks of disappointment on the rest of the group's faces. It was like they never listened to the lectures that Lily gave about calories and how they made you sleepy and lazy if you ate too many. Gary had to wonder if that's why the school fed them such high-calorie food, to keep them calmer.

"I tried," the youngest boy said as he pushed his empty bowl away and took a drink of milk, "for five minutes. I even told you that you were going to miss breakfast. You threw your pillow at me, and told me to go away. Everyone was waiting, so I left. You can't really expect me to brush off the rest of the group just because you want a lay in," he explained with a shrug.

"You should've tried harder. Mum always rolls me out of bed," Ron said as he shoveled food in his mouth, not even stopping to chew some of it.

"Ron, I'm not your mum. You're eleven now and should be able to get yourself out of bed. I didn't have to roll any of the other boys out of their beds. I just shook their shoulders and told them the time, and they all got up on their own," Gary said, as nods from Neville and Dean accompanied his explanation.

"Whatever," Ron said as he continued with his breakfast, causing the other boy to shake his head.

It was around this time that Professor McGonagall was handing out schedules, unknown to the students the four Head of Houses had stayed up late changing the classes around so that only two were Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. The Headmaster was determined to put as much space between the Potter twins as possible. They had already done this once when Dumbledore was sure that Harry Potter would be sorted into Slytherin.

"Mr. Longbottom, Miss Granger, Mr. Potter, Mr. Thomas," she nodded her head to each child, "I commend your efforts at House unity. You will each receive 10 points, so will all those who came in with you. However, we, the staff, do hope that you will continue in your efforts. I would also like to say, most of the professors are very proud of you and your friends," she said as she handed them their schedules.

"Thank you, Professor," Neville and Dean said and Gary smiled at her, nodding his head with respect. Hermione beamed at her Head of House and thanked her as well.

"As for you two, Mr. Weasley, Mr. Finnigan, I expect better punctuality from you in the future," she stated firmly to the two still eating as she placed their schedules next to their plates.

"Yes, ma'am" Seamus said as he finished his plate and looked at his timetable. Ron nodded his head to her as he chewed his food.

McGonagall continued down the table handing out schedules.

Gary looked at his piece of parchment and noticed that he only had Transfiguration and Herbology with Harry. "Looks like it's beginning," he thought to his brother.

"Yep, it's okay though, we'll make sure we study together. I've been thinking, we should get the group to study here. That way we can subtly rub it into the Headmaster's crooked nose, and he can't do a thing about it. Not without making himself look bad. We'll still work out a way to get a room for the practical stuff," Harry sent back not even looking in Gary's direction.

"We have Herbology first, and then I have a break then Charms. What do you have?"

"I have Defense Against the Dark Arts, then a break and then Potions. Where are you when I'm in Potions?"

"History and then lunch," Gary thought looking over his timetable.

"Well that's today's schedule, we have afternoon study time together. It is so much different than the other school. There's so much free time. We'll have to look into clubs or something. I have Astronomy on Tuesday, when do you have it?"

"Wednesday," the younger boy projected, once more glancing at the parchment in his hand.

"Okay that sounds good. We have Transfiguration tomorrow first thing, then I have Potions again, then we have Herbology. I have a break at ten, when is yours?"

"Mine is at nine, but we both have lunch together and we can study after. We'll meet with the rest of the Mutineers in the library and check out the books, and then we need and gather at the Raven… no that table will be full, how about the Hufflepuff table?"

"Sounds like a plan. Hey everyone is getting ready to go. Try and behave," came a mocking reply from Harry.

"Prat," Gary sent back. He gathered up his bookbag and the first year Gryffindors meet up with the first year Ravenclaws. They all made their way to Greenhouse one.

The day went without issue for the first few classes. Today's classes were only covering theory; the practical lessons would start later. The Mutineers knew most of the theory, thanks to Remus and Lily, but they still learned stuff those two hadn't covered, which made everyone feel less bored.

Professor Sprout was a happy-go-lucky woman, who loved her job. She taught them the safety measures that were needed to work with magical plants. The first year plants and fungi weren't deadly, but they could give you a nasty welt if you didn't pay attention. Dragonhide gloves were brought out and used to repot a simple snap-dragon plant. This plant had a horrible habit of biting anyone who came within its reach and though it wasn't poisonous the bites did hurt. It was a good thing that its reach was only two inches and the snapping heads were six inches from the roots. So you only had to tip the pot to the side and grab the bottom of the plant, gently pull it out, carefully tip the plant upright —and there is where it got tricky— avoid the heads and put it in the bigger pot.

Neville was a great fountain of advice, and all the first years listened to him. Hermione was especially grateful, since gardening wasn't her forte. The class ended on a good note, no one was hurt. The Potter twins were happy to see that there was a mirror right next to the exit. They assumed that meant it was connected to the important offices in the school. They didn't have time to read the list that ran down the side. They did wonder why Professor Sprout didn't point it out, maybe she wasn't used to it and had forgotten.

Then Gary made his way to his break and would go to Charms after, while Harry made his way to DADA. Those two classes went as well as they could, seeing as to how Harry was very tense during his. He was very surprised with nothing happened, but a small pain in his scar.

Professor Quirrell was a nervous man, though only Harry knew truly why, whose stutter was horrendous. It was almost impossible to make out what he was saying. His turban would bob with his stammer, making him look absolutely ridiculous. The room smelled of garlic and was kept dark. Harry's scar stung every time the Professor turned towards the board, which was a lot. Most of the class tried to follow along with their books and were doing okay with that. It was decided that this class would need extra study.

When that class was done, Harry took a break in the library, giving his bother a mental rundown of the DADA class, while Gary went to Charms.

Professor Flitwick was like Professor Sprout in demeanor, which Gary found refreshing. He was a rather short, cheery man that loved his profession. He did get a little excited when he called the younger Potter's name, but settled down afterward and taught them safety measure, warning them that a miscast charm could be potentially fatal— something about a water buffalo smushing them. The first half of class, like the others, was on theory. They spent the second half of the class, using a stick, going through the six basic wand motions. Before everyone left, Professor Flitwick pointed to the mirror by the door and gave some brief instructions about what it was for.

Harry went to Potions class with a great deal of trepidation. He knew that Professor Snape had told his mum that he would ignore them, and in part the Mutineers. But the boys were also told by their dad that the man was still holding a grudge. Much to the older twin's surprise the class went off without a hitch. They didn't brew that day, but spent the class going over theory and safety protocols. Gloves were brought out again, and it was a good thing Professor Sprout made them clean them before they left her class, though Professor Snape suggested they get two pairs. Ingredients were prepared for the next class, which was when they were going to brew a boil relief balm.

Gary's History class was anything but calm. Not five minutes into the dead boring class, just as students were falling asleep, Sally showed up.

"Well," she huffed from right behind Gary's shoulder, making him jump. This caused Hermione to look at him quizzically. He just gave a slight shake of his head and continued to look forward. "This will never do. I'm not letting my boys learn from this has-been," the embodiment of Death stated and with a determined look on her cute little face, she stomped up to the front of the class, walked right through the desk and tapped the professor on the forehead, causing him to stop talking and look up. "Teach or leave," she said in finality.

"What?" asked the confused ghost of a professor. He startled as if coming back to himself, and he looked about the classroom for the first time in a very, very long time. "Hmmm, I don't remember any of you." He scratched his withered chin, with his short fingers. "Why are you in my class?" he ask the students, peering through his glasses.

The class just stared at him, except for a few who had their hands raised to answer.

"I'll give you one chance, Cuthbert Binns, you can stay here and teach proper, or leave," Sally said, bringing his attention back to her by getting in the confused professors face.

"Who are you?" he asked as he peered through his bottle-like glasses at the little girl. She had no school robe on, so maybe she was a Muggle and didn't know this was a magic class. He wondered how she could have gotten past the wards, and into the castle proper. He didn't seem to notice she was standing in his desk. The few students that had fallen asleep startled awake when they heard him deviate from the lesson, and were now watching the ghost professor talk to himself.

"I'm Death," Sally replied with a steel glint in her eye, which was out of place on that lovable little face. "You're dead, so straighten up or leave," she repeated as she floated to the top of the desk, then she stomped her foot, which made her look more endearing than threatening.

"Oh my," the dead professor said in sudden realization, looking down at his see-through hands, "I'm dead. I've always wanted to die. Now, I can meet so many historical people. Thank you," he said to Sally, who gave an adorable little giggle, angry face fading as if it had never been. Binns then turned to the gobsmacked class and said, "Well, I must be off children. History waits for no man." And with a jaunty wave, he floated through the chalkboard to his next great adventure.

"Much better," said Sally turning to Gary, with her hands on her hips and a beaming smile on her face. "I'll be right back, Gary, try and study or something." And with that she flew through the chalkboard and disappeared.

Gary nodded his head too much in shock as to what had happened to do anything else, though he did make a mental note to talk to Sally about her appearance. It was hard to take a six year old seriously, especially one as adorable as Sally. Shaking his head and putting that thought away for later, he pulled out his book and started reading the first chapter. He noted that half the class was doing the same.

"Who was he talking to?"

"What happened?"

"I'm out of here."

Were the whispers, and one loud voice, from around the class as they got over their shock.

"I wonder who he was talking to," the younger Gryffindor heard Hermione mutter, but he didn't answer.

"Sit down, Mr. Weasley, Mr. Finnigan, you were not dismissed," came a sharp female voice, making everyone look up. At the front of the class was a tall and slender ghost of a woman, who looked to be in her upper twenties. She had what appeared to be brown hair, pulled into a tight bun on the back of her head. And, well, you couldn't tell what her eye color was because it was so bleached out, so they had probably once been a light blue or green. She was dressed in formal teaching robes and had a ghost of a ruler in her right hand, and was tapping it into the palm her left hand.

The two boys slumped back into their seats and pouted.

"My name is Isobel Watts, I was a Ravenclaw here in the late 1960's, early 1970's," she stated, looking around the class as they all started to settle.

Gary wondered if she knew any good gossip on his dad and friends. He'd have to ask her, and then mirror them and rib them for all the childish things they did.

"I studied for years to be the Professor of Magical History. However, before I could take the position I was killed by Voldemort," she continued as she ignored the gasps, "during his reign of terror. I received an O on my NEWT's— Nastily Exhausting Wizards Test, you'll take them to graduate," she explained seeing the confused looks. "And I studied as an apprentice after graduating. It was right before I was to take my Masters' tests that I was killed. It is thanks to my good friend Sally I'll be taking over for this class. Now everyone settle down and open your books to chapter fourteen."

The class realized she was going to be strict, so they did what they were told and the room was filled with noises of books being brought out and opened.

"Excuse me, Professor, but what happened to Professor Binns?" Hermione asked as she raised her hand, but didn't wait to be acknowledged.

"He went on his next great adventure," the ghost answered with a soft smile. "I do not believe he knew he was dead, so my friend Sally let him know this fact and he moved on. But we are not here to discuss that, this is History," she said a bit firmer.

"Thank you, Professor Watts," the young girl said as she poised to take notes.

"Now, pay attention, today we're going to be learning about the Dark Wizard Grindelwald," Isobel said as she glanced at the clock. Her lesson would take a while. "Gellert Grindelwald was born 1882," the lecture began, "and was considered one of the most powerful Dark Wizards of all time, second only to Tom Marvolo Riddle, who later became known as Lord Voldemort," she said and glared at the gulps coming from some of her class. "Mr. Grindelwald was schooled at Durmstrang Institute until his expulsion. History is not sure why he was expelled, though rumor has it that it was for practicing the Dark Arts on students and faculty. The Durmstrang Institute is a Wizarding school that is notorious for teaching the Dark Arts. It is located in the northernmost regions of Norway or Sweden. We're not sure exactly where; they tend to keep it a secret. Durmstrang has, however, taught students from as far afield as Bulgaria," she explained, remembering this was a class of first years, some of whom had never heard of magic until maybe six months ago. She knew where it was, as all ghosts did, but it was their secret to tell.

Professor Watts looked around the room to make sure everyone was paying attention and noticed that Miss Granger's hand was once again in the air. "Yes, Miss Granger?"

"So Mr. Grindelwald wasn't raised in England?" the little girl asked, wondering why Dumbledore fought a foreign enemy.

"No, he was raised overseas," came the answer.

"Why did the Headmaster fight him then? I mean, not that we're not thankful, but couldn't another wizard have defeated him? Someone from the continent?" she asked, confusion laced her voice.

"I will be explaining that soon," the spirit said, looking down her nose a bit in a very steady glare for the interruption. Then she sighed and smile. "I understand it is confusing, but I will get there in a few minutes. It is important to listen first and then ask questions at the end of the lecture. Unless I ask a question, you should be noting down what you want to ask," she said, a little less firmly.

"Thank you, Professor," Hermione said a bit abashed and then waited, ignoring the looks she was getting.

"Later Grindelwald fostered a friendship with Albus Dumbledore," the professor continued, "while living in Godric's Hollow for a summer with his great-aunt, Bathilda Bagshot."

Once more Hermione's hand shot in the air, it just wasn't in her nature to sit and listen. The professor sighed and nodded to the girl.

"Isn't Godric's Hollow where the Potters were attacked," the ever inquisitive child asked, only look remorseful, when Gary gaped at her. He couldn't believe she asked something so tactless. She shot him an apologetic look. "Sorry," she mouthed.

He gave her a tight nod in return and then focused on the teacher, he figured she was just one to ask questions, but he would speak to her about her impulses.

"Perhaps you should have asked at a more appropriate time; nevertheless, to answer your question, yes that is where the Potters lived. However, that is not our lesson today," the teacher said sternly.

"Sorry, Professor," the girl child said as she hung her head a bit. She picked up her quill and doodled on her notes and Gary wondered what was going through her head.

"Now then, Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is the headmaster of this school. He is a half-blood wizard, the son of Percival and Kendra Dumbledore, and the elder brother of Aberforth and Ariana. His father died in Azkaban when Dumbledore was young, while his mother and sister were later accidentally killed."

Hermione's hand shot in the air, but a stern look from Professor Watts made her slowly put it down.

Isobel continued without pause, "His early losses greatly affected him at a young age, and in turn made him a better person." That caused Gary to scoff, which earned him a firm look. "Albus Dumbledore is considered to be the most powerful wizard of this time. He is most famous for his defeat of Gellert Grindelwald, the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood, and his work on alchemy with Nicolas Flamel (we'll learn about him in another class) and he became the Transfiguration Professor and later Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which is where he is now. Professor Dumbledore now also serves as Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot," Professor Watts stated in a sharp voice that garnered no nonsense.

The scratching of quills filled the room as the students took notes.

"Now, the two young men —Gellert and Albus— made plans to find the Deathly Hallows…" she paused seeing more blank looks from half the class. "The Deathly Hallows are said to be three highly powerful magical objects supposedly created by Death and given to each of three brothers in the Peverell family. This was said to have happened in the thirteenth century. They consisted of the Elder Wand, an immensely powerful wand that was considered undefeatable, though its history belies that rumor. The Resurrection Stone, a stone which could summon the spirits of the dead and makes the one who did the summons to die of despair. Then there is the Cloak of Invisibility, which, as its name suggests, renders the user completely invisible to everyone, including Death. We will learn about the Peverells in another class," she said, ignoring the grumbles, but was glad to hear the scrabbling of quills.

Gary was looking smug; he knew that Harry had the Peverell Cloak. Even if it wasn't a Deathly Hallow, it was a family heirloom.

Sally was tittering in the background, her hands over her mouth and her shoulders shaking. Professor Watts almost smiled.

She cleared her throat, glared at Sally and continued, "According to legend, he who possesses these three artefacts would become the Master of Death as told in 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard' the story is 'The Tale of The Three Brothers'. Though this is just that; a story, while there are such tools, Death did not make them," she informed them, with a firm look in her eye, as if to confirm that this was not a fact.

Gary was glad the Professor was saying it was all a myth, of course, because he knew Sally and she said she never made the Hallows. He knew the Hallows were just powerful tools, nothing more. Perhaps, if Watts repeated it enough people would stop hunting them and the bloody history of the wand would stop.

The embodiment of Death was rolling in the air, making the younger Potter and the ghost teacher roll their eyes at the perky girl.

"Does anyone know what happened to them?" came a voice from the Hufflepuff side.

"We raise our hands to ask questions, Miss Bones. I will answer you this one time. No, no one really knows where they are, well, except the wand and I'll be covering that," Professor Watts said, giving a chastising look to the Indian girl.

"Sorry, Professor," Susan mumbled, a blush staining her pale cheeks.

"To continue, Grindelwald and Dumbledore wanted to find these and wield their new-found power as Masters of Death, leading a Wizarding revolution with the aim of ending the International Statute of Secrecy and creating a benevolent global order led by wise and powerful witches and wizards, which of course they would be the head of," Isabel continued, pacing in front of the class.

"Wait," Ron blurted out, "you're saying the Headmaster wanted to rule the world and let the muggles know about us?" His gobsmacked face showed his disbelief. "There's no way a great man like Dumbledore wanted to rule the Wizarding World" he snarled at the teacher, slamming his book shut. "He's not a Dark Wizard," the redhead defended his role model.

Gary sunk down in his chair at the rudeness of his mate. He couldn't believe that his friend would question his professor in such a manner.

"Mr. Weasley, you will keep you voice respectful, or you will fail this class. Next time it will be detention; this time you will lose five points for Gryffindor. Now to answer your rather rude question, yes, that was his goal when he was young; however, if you let me finish I will explain," the ghost snapped at the redheaded boy, who also sunk down in his seat.

Isobel straightened her robes and started pacing again. "Their goals were not malicious and they worked together peacefully towards them. It was later that their partnership fell apart after the two were involved in a three-way duel with Aberforth Dumbledore that resulted in Ariana Dumbledore's death," she summarized, realizing she didn't have much time with this class as it was almost over.

The class was scribbling away, Gary right with them. He never knew any of this about the Headmaster. Then again, he never really looked.

"Grindelwald left Britain after he received the Elder Wand, though no one is sure where he retrieved it from," Watts said, tapping her ruler in her hand. "He then preceded alone with the revolution he and Dumbledore had planned. He established a power base in continental Europe at the fortress Nurmengard. He was a highly idealistic man, but marred by sociopathic tendencies —which means he only thought of his goals and not those that who were hurt in the process— and his links with the Dark Arts. It had been Albus Dumbledore's peaceful ways that had kept him from turning Dark sooner," she added and glared at Ron.

Ron opened his mouth to say something, but Gary stepped on his foot and shook his head. That made the redhead pout, but he backed off and folded his arms and stared at the teacher.

"He was a revolutionary operating outside the law," Isobel stated, looking around the class. "He was not a wanton killer or torturer. No, he was a very sophisticated and manipulative man. He used these as tools to get what he wanted," she educated them steadfastly, tapping her ghostly ruler on her hands punctuating her words. "But, he and his followers in a single-minded and unpopular quest committed numerous crimes, including several known murders. His allies were most often unsavory characters as well."

Several hands shot into the air, but the professor pointed to the clock and continued on. "In 1945, at the height of Grindelwald's power, Professor Dumbledore confronted and defeated him in a legendary duel, winning the Elder Wand. Grindelwald was subsequently imprisoned in his own fortress where he resides to this day," she concluded.

"Wait! You mean he's not dead?" someone from the Hufflepuff side all but shouted in disbelief.

"No, Professor Dumbledore does not believe in killing. Five points from Hufflepuff," Isobel said, glaring at the child. "Now for homework, I want you to look up and find anything you can about Gellert Grindelwald, his fortress and his army and give me a one foot essay. No more than one foot, you need to learn to be concise, to be turned in on Thursday."

Between the bell and some grumbling students, the rest of the class gathered their belongings and in excited whispers, left the classroom. Sally had motioned for Gary to stay behind, so he waved the Mutineers on and wandered to the front of the class with Death.

Sally giggled and gave Isobel a big hug around her waist. "That was a great class," she enthused, still twittering like the little girl she portrayed.

"Yeah, it was a good lesson," Gary stated as he took a seat the chair behind the desk, earning a mocking glare from the two ghostly women, "though I don't know how the Headmaster is going to take it," he added a bit worried for the new teacher.

"Pffft, don't worry about him," Sally said with a wave of her tiny hand. "I brought her here, she's not going anywhere," she smiled brightly. "So, Isobel, tell Gary some of the stuff his dad and mates used to get up to," she said, sitting cross-legged in the air.

"Yeah," Gary agreed, bouncing up and down in his seat, "they never tell us the good stuff."

"Well," the apparition started, "there was this one time when you dad had pink antlers on his head for about a week. And another time when…."

About ten minutes into their talk, Headmaster Dumbledore came into the room. He gave a small smile to Gary and lifted an eyebrow, like the boy somehow was the reason for the change in staff. "Gary, my boy, whatever are you still doing here?"

The messy-headed first year smiled back, innocently, and gave an I-have-no-idea-what-happened shrug of his shoulders. "Oh, the Professor went to school with my parents and wanted to tell me about them," he said with a smile, causing the headmaster to turn to the ghost in question.

"Who might you be?" he asked her. He appeared to be mildly amused and more than slightly upset that there had been a seeming change of staff without his having been consulted.

"I am Isobel Watts, perhaps you remember me," she replied, giving the headmaster a jerky nod. She seemed nervous and kept looking at Dumbledore's wand, which confused Gary, because she just got through telling them it was all a myth.

"She's still scared of it and him," Sally whispered in his ear. "She was raised on stories of it and his power. I keep telling her she has no reason to fear that wand or man," she said with a lifting of her hand, "but life time fears are hard to overcome, even in death." She turned back to the woman in question and gave her an encouraging smile.

Isobel sighed with relief and stood a bit taller. Her face firmed with determination on the argument that was about to take place.

"Ah yes, I do seem to remember you," the aged Headmaster said, stroking his beard. "Ravenclaw, was it? Graduated in 1971? Died in '77 I believe, from one of the Death Eater raids." He looked the ghost up and down and asked, "How did you come to be here? I did not call you, and what did you do to poor Cuthbert?" His eye twinkle dimmed at the questions, no longer amused.

"I," she snapped indignantly, her pale eyes flared, "didn't do anything to Binns. He was gone when I got here. If you recall, you senile old bat, I applied for this position many times when I was alive. You," she jabbed a finger right through his chest, causing the old man to shiver, "kept turning me down. It looks like Hogwarts overruled you," she sneered, her voice condescending.

"Yes, I do recall that. You wanted me to evict a perfectly good professor just so that you may take his place. Hardly an endearing quality for an instructor," he said, once again examining the presence in front of him. "Consequently, it was the reason for me not taking you on in that capacity."

"Which was a mistake on your part," Isobel snapped, about to lay into the man, who was waving her objections away. "Cuthbert Binns lost his ability to teach when he died. You should have replaced him years ago. It seems someone agrees with me."

"Be that as it may, I am going to have to ask you to leave this castle at once," he commanded, ignoring her outburst. "I do not approve of your choice of lesson today," his tone was laced with power and his grandfather voice nowhere in existence.

"Headmaster," she said, visibly trying to rein in her anger, "there is a student here. Perhaps, we should take this elsewhere," she added, much to Gary's disappointment. He was hoping to see the man taken down a peg or two. Maybe Sally will tell him later.

"Ah yes, sorry, my boy," Dumbledore stated, once more turning his grandfather face on. "Run along to lunch, whilst I tend to this," he encouraged, making shooing motions with his hands.

Gary heaved a sigh, pasted a smile on his face, grabbed his bag and ran from the room. He made his way to the Great Hall, wondering if the gossip mill had already started.

What happened between the apparition and the Headmaster was only speculation from the portraits and school spirits, but Isobel Watts didn't leave.