

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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Chapter 10 The Mutineers and The Ritual

A medium narration and a time skip.

Time went on and the group of children grew closer. The kids shared many things and were forming as a tight knit unit. They met at the Potter home afterschool and did their homework, played games, watched the telly, researched on the Internet and learned magic. Most of them were there for a good three hours, waiting for their parent to get off work. The poor house elves were run ragged trying to keep up with them, though Lily and James told them they didn't have to. But, the little beings loved making sure the kids were well feed with snacks and juice.

Bringing the kids together was a successful plan as more and more wizarding kids were sent to non-magical schools, mostly because it was free. Many half-bloods were already going, and now there were quite a few pure-bloods as well. Not in the same school as the twins' group, but non-magical schools nonetheless. Some of the bias pure-bloods on the Wizengamot tried to stop it, but too many members were doing it with their own families. Now more mothers were seeking part-time jobs and the economy was growing.

Harry, Gary, their parents and uncles would all meet with Sally and discuss how things were going and what they needed to do in the future. The twins fretted about Hogwarts, after hearing how the Houses treated each other. They knew that they would be separated from their friends and stressed out over what that could do to the group. They knew that their friends were concerned over the same thing. There were great plans in motion to keep the gang together, the use of the mirrors would be a great help. So far, the Marauders hadn't made anymore. They were improving them and hoped to have the ready before Hogwarts, along with the maps.

Because of all the research and brainstorming they did, every one of the kids' grades escalated and they were doing really well in school. None of the other Mutineers, which was what they were calling their little gang, were as smart and Harry and Gary, but most of them accepted that. The boys had slowly brought the groups attention to how clever they really were, by helping them with their homework and adding references to essays.

Lily had brought out her old Hogwarts first year school books and showed the kids all the improvements she and Severus had made on Charms, Transfiguration and Potions, so that they didn't go in blind like a lot of kids would. She mentioned the few clubs that Hogwarts had and suggested they ask Professor McGonagall for an empty classroom where their group could study. Maybe one of the classrooms already used for a club, and then they would simply use it when it is not in session. That way none of the professors or the headmaster could accuse them of sneaking around. They could open the group to more people and choose who they would add to the Mutineers.

She was also the one to suggest what websites were good and what telly shows they should watch. Story time was split between her and Remus.

Remus was also a lot of help with the theory of magic. He would take each child aside and explain what was known. This way there could be questions and debates with just the two. Then the child could take what he learned and talk to the other kids. The werewolf did this so that he knew that he was getting his point across.

James and Frank were teaching them some politics and laws that would affect minors. This was going over well, since none of them wanted to be caught breaking the law. It would be helpful in the long run if they knew what was what in the Wizengamot. Politics would also help them in matters with adults not in the group.

Sirius stressed how important classes were if you wanted to play good pranks. All of the classes at Hogwarts were important in making a good joke.

The Mutineers didn't know everything about the Potter family, but they had all been together for two years and the boys had never lied to them. They let them know that there were secrets that couldn't be revealed right now, but when everyone was older and had a firmer grip on their Occlumency, well then the boys would share.

The fact that Potter manor now had ten computers went a long way in forging the group's solidarity. Many of the children talked their parents into also getting a room set up like the game room they all studied in. A few of the parents with Lily's help did so. Unfortunately, not all of them could afford such a room, since computers were quite expensive and satellite wasn't cheap either. However, the Potters didn't mind sharing, so there were many slumber parties.

Right now the Mutineers consisted of:

1. Harry Potter… half-blood …parents are Lily and James (Lily was muggle-born)

2. Gary Potter …half-blood …parents are Lily and James (Lily was muggle-born)

3. Hannah Abbott …half-blood …parents are Giffard and Mary (mom is muggle)

4. Alice Mcfay …muggle-born (lives near the manor) …parents are Hollis and Kestrel

5. Susan Bones …half-blood … parents are dead; aunt is Amelia (head of the DMLE)

6. Terry Boot …pure-blood … parents are Dee and Albert

7. Mandy Brocklehurst …half-blood … parents are Rachelle and Kenton (dad is muggle-born)

8. Michael Corner …half-blood … parents are Desiree and Wren (dad is muggle)

9. Spencer Jackson …pure-blood (a year below the boys)… parents are Pearl and Derryl

10. Tracey Davis …half-blood … parents are Aric and Grace (mom is muggle-born)

11. Fay Dunbar …pure-blood … parents are Cherry and Lewin

12. Ellie Godfrey …muggle-born (one year below the boys) … parents are Austyn and Dora

13. Seamus Finnigan …half-blood … parents are Kiera and Finbarr (dad is muggle)

14. Daphne Greengrass …pure-blood … parents are Celeste and Natalie

15. Astoria Greengrass …pure-blood (a year below the boys)… parents are Celeste and Natalie

16. Wayne Hopkins …half-blood … parents are Jeanne and Wayne (mom is muggle)

17. Megan Jones …muggle-born (brought in by Hannah Abbot)… parents are Peter and Gwenog

18. Neville Longbottom …pure-blood … Frank and Alice

19. Padma Patil …pure-blood … parents are Sarita and Mayur

20. Parvati Patil …pure-blood … parents are Sarita and Mayur

21. Leanne Jameson …half-blood … parents are Elliot and Aimee (both parents are muggle-born)

22. Luna Lovegood …pure-blood (a year below the boys) … parents are Xenophilius and Pandora

23. Percy Weasley …pure-blood (four years above the boys) … parents are Molly and Arthur

24. Fred Weasley …pure-blood (two years above the boys) … parents are Molly and Arthur

25. George Weasley …pure-blood (two years above the boys) … parents are Molly and Arthur

26. Ron Weasley …pure-blood … parents are Molly and Arthur

27. Ginny Weasley …pure-blood (one year below the boys) … parents are Molly and Arthur

They didn't have many Muggle-borns, because they had no way of finding them. Most of the group was brought in by Frank and James through their political connections.

Right now, the parents were still getting to know one another phase, since the Potters haven't shared many secrets with them. They wanted to make sure that what they shared would not get back to the Headmaster. Even today the man was trying to talk them into separating the boys in hopes of breaking, or weakening, the twins' bond.

Lily was watching the bond closely, still optimistic that the boys would start finishing each other's sentences. So far nothing, little did she know that was about to change.

The Weasley twins, on the sly, did give the boys the ritual and told them to do it on their seventh birthday, since seven was a magical number. The Potter twins were happy they had passed it on to the Patils before their seventh birthday. They were ecstatic that their dad did had gotten ahold of the girls and brought them into the group. According to the girls it worked great and now they were closer than ever. Now all the boys had to do is see if it would work for them. The notes said they had to be alone at midnight on their seventh birthday. They were praying that July 31st was okay, since technically Gary was born August 1st.

July 31, 1987 Potter Manor

It was close to midnight and Harry and Gary were standing in a clearing behind the house. It was as far away from their parents as they could get, yet still be inside the wards. It was the last secret they would keep, but they understood that this one was harmless.

It was cool, in the waning summer's air as a breeze picked up. They shivered as they looked over the preparations to make sure they got everything right. They had drawn a circle of salt to keep all the magic inside so their parents wouldn't hear or feel anything. There was a smaller circle inside for the ritual itself. The candles were all set up and all the marking were in place. The candles marked four directions on the boundaries of the circle. There were small marking just off the middle of the circle, where the boys would kneel. There was a ritual dagger in the middle, ready and sharp.

They had no idea where this ritual had come from; the Weasley twins didn't know the history of it either. Just that the diary from their uncles said it was very old. It was nothing like all the rituals Gary had read about in the Potter library. It was more like a Wiccan ritual then a wizarding one. Not that wizard used a lot of rituals they mostly just used spells, unless it was something huge. He had looked up similar rituals on the Internet and found that a lot of non-magical people used these. He wondered if it actually worked for them, then shrugged off the thought and got back to what they were doing now.

They glanced at the notes to make sure everything was correct and then nodded as one. They were ready, hopefully.

"It's almost midnight. Do we have everything?" Harry asked his brother, thinking maybe Gary saw something he didn't. He was looking around and gathering up the papers that the breeze had torn form his hands.

"Yeah, the circle is drawn, the candles are ready and the knife is cleansed and sharp," Gary said, helping his brother. There couldn't be anything except the knife and them in the circle. He was just glad they didn't have to be naked; it was far too cold for that.

"Okay, let's get started," the older twin said, placing the papers outside the salt circle and pinning them down with a rock. "It says that first we have to close the circle, and then we should sit in the middle facing each other. Then do the whole bloodletting. We have to do that right at midnight, so we'll just have to listen for the alarm to tell it's time," the older twin said, glad he set that up or they might miss it.

He was a bit worried, this was big. If it worked correctly he would be able to read Gary's mind. But he would do this ritual, because if it helped his brother bounce back from the whole Boy-Who-Lived depressions he got every now and then, then Harry would help. It's what big brothers were for.

Gary was of like mind, he didn't want his brother to know what was going on in his head either. However, he knew that this could save their lives one day, so he would do it as well. That's what little brothers were for.

The Weasley and Patil twins said the mind-reading was not a subconscious thing. They would always know what each other is feeling, but they had to want it to send thoughts to each other, or to read the others mind, kind of like a telephone.

Harry went to the little circle and lit the candles in the order the ritual called for. He started with the north and going clockwise. Gary chanted the secrecy ritual as Harry called the elements of the directions; ice for the North, wind for the East, fire for the South, and earth for the West. When the last candle was lit, which was green for earth, the circle closed with a snap and a flare of bright light.

After clearing their vision, the boys knelt, facing each other, in the middle of the circle.

The older boy had the double sided dagger in his hand resting across his right palm with his left hand on the hilt. The younger boy put his right hand over Harry's making sure the dagger was across his palm as well. They held their hands vertically, so that the blood would drip on the ground as an offering to the elements.

They held their breaths and waited for the alarm went off. They had to do this quickly; the chant was short and to the point. They only had to say three lines, but they had to say it at the same time.

The alarm sounded and Harry pulled the dagger down in one quick motion. As their blood mingled they incanted, "Let it be known that the blood of Harry and Gary Potter hereby binds these twins forever. We stand united. So mote it be."

There was a large flash of green light, much like the KillingCurse as they leaned together forehead to forehead, hands still clasped, breathing hard, and the dagger on the ground between them. For one second, time stood still and the twins were one.

The soul piece in Harry's forehead screamed silently, it was in agony for the love it felt going between the boys. The black piece of magic slowly cleansed and turned a light grey. It was still trapped in the scar, but it would no longer try to influence the child, nor would it show as dark magic on any medical scans. All of this was unknowingly happening as the boys bonded.

When time restarted the twins looked at each other and grinned.

"That was wicked, and totally worth it," Harry said ecstatically, feeling light and refreshed and he could tell his brother felt the same.

"Yeah, I haven't felt this good in a long time. Thanks bro, you're the best," Gary added, equally happy.

They started to take down the inner circle counter-clockwise, and with a wave of his hand Harry had all the blood cleared away. They had gotten pretty good at wandless magic. The other Mutineers also knew a little bit of it. Well most of them anyway, there were still a few who were lazy and only interested in sports and didn't want to learn. But since they were still friends, the others just tried to nudge them along. For some it was a wasted effort, nevertheless they kept trying.

Now that the ritual was done and all evidence was cleared, the boys were on their way home to finally get some sleep. They couldn't hear each other yet, but the notes said it would happen overnight while the bond realigned. They were just thankful that the outer circle worked at keeping the magic in and they hadn't woken their parents. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. As they drifted off to sleep they thought about their group of friends.


The next morning, Harry woke up to a voice in his head, "Harry, Harry, wake up. Can you hear me? You need to wake up to let me know if it worked." The older twin sat straight up realizing that was Gary in his head. He let out a whoop and jumped around his room.

"Harry! Did you hear me? Why didn't you answer?" Gary demanded as he grabbed his brother as he ran by. He twirled him around to face him and smiled when he saw Harry's ecstatic face.

"It worked! Sorry I didn't answer you, but I was just too excited. It worked, Gary, it worked. Now I will always know where you are," Harry thought to his brother as they started jumping up and down. Soon James and Lily came into the room to see what all the noise was about.

"What has you two so excited?" Lily said with a smile, it wasn't often the twins got this enthusiastic about anything.

"Yeah, you're making enough noise to wake the dead," James said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and sharing his wife's smile.

The boys had a quick conference in their head as they settled down and decided to tell part of the truth.

"Well, we woke up this morning…" started Harry with a wicked grin,

"and felt the bond was…" Gary continued with a smirk,

"much stronger than last…"

"night. So we got really…"

"excited and wanted to celebrate..."

"Sorry we woke you," said both twins together.

Lily was overjoyed so she ran and grabbed the boys and started to bounce with them. "Oh, I'm so happy for you boys. I've been hoping this happened before you went to Hogwarts. This is wonderful," she gushed, and then smiled brightly as she came up with an idea. "We should celebrate. Do you guys want to go to the zoo again, since it is Saturday? We haven't been there in years, and we can take as many of the kids from your Mutineers as you can contact, but only those who can bring their parents. I'm not watching a large group of seven year olds with just me, your dad and you uncles. So get dressed, start making Floo calls and see who can come. We'll leave at eleven." She gave them one more hug and started to run out of the room.

"Hey, don't I get any say in this?" James said with a smirk, making Lily stop her flight.

Lily and the twins smirked back and said, "NO."

James' smirk dropped and his shoulders drooped in mock defeat. "I see I'm not wanted." —sniff— "I'll go and call your uncles and tell them what a cruel family I have." —sigh— "Where did I go wrong?" he asked the air, throwing his hands up in pretend dejection.

Lily and the boys looked at each other and tackled James to the floor and started tickling him. After about five minutes they stopped their attack.

"So Dad…" said Gary with a smile.

"can we go…"

"to the zoo? And…"

"will you ask Padfoot…"

"and Moony if they will come?" Gary finished. "This is fun, but from the look on Dad's face I don't think we should do it too often," he projected to his brother, looking at the slightly devastated look on James face. It was the same look he got when the Weasley twins got started, those two twin-talked all the time, with everyone.

"Yeah, I think you're right. I also think we should keep it in the family for now. I don't want Dumbledore to know about it. He might think that we are getting too close and step up his need to separate us. We might even have to tone it down in Hogwarts. Not that that meddling old fool had the power, but why give ourselves or our parents the headache. We can't even tell the Mutineers because of the whole twin secret that was in the ritual," Harry thought back to him. 'This is really neat, and I'm glad I can have secluded thoughts to myself,' he thought privately.

"Don't worry, Dad, we're not going to be like the Weasley twins. We'll be more like the Patils," Gary said, trying to reassure his father. "We're just so excited we can do this. But since we don't want Dumbledore to know, we won't do it outside of the family. Maybe the Mutineers," he shrugged, "maybe not."

"Good, good, because when those redheaded menaces get started, I get a pain in my neck just trying to follow them. Okay, now that that is out of the way, what say we all get dressed and eat? I'll call your uncles and see what they are doing. You boys split your list and start asking everyone else. Let me know how many and I'll have one of the house elves make a picnic lunch. That way I don't have to go to Gringotts and exchange money," James said as he started to walk away, plans for the day forming in his head. He would have to get together with Lily and see if they were on the same page.

Red hair flew in his face as his wife went sprinting past him. "I've got first shower," she said as she ran by. James gave chase with a wicked grin. Maybe they could share, they had hours to kill.

In the end around ten of their friends could come. It was a last minute thing, so a lot of families had other plans. Fun was had by everyone and Harry stayed out of the Reptile House so he wouldn't laugh at the snakes and make everyone think he had finally lost it. They had the picnic there at the zoo, and stayed until closing.

All in all, it was a good day.

Chapter 11 A Group Divided

The years went by and the Potter twins grew closer. The bond they created was strong and nothing anyone did would ever break it. Because of their closeness, they also firmed their friendships with all of the Mutineers. They still didn't tell their secrets, but they went a long way in making sure that everyone felt included in the group.

Each individual brought something to the table, so to speak, and they all had a great time exploring the world together. Many outings were had in both the magical world and the non. The zoo and the theme parks were the venue for many summertime adventures, though some of the parents protested the cost. The adult Potters took that into advisement, and they suggested that the less fortunate parents have bake sales the month before the venture, or that they provide the picnic lunch, or something that would make them feel like they were contributing. This went along away in solidifying the kids' friendships. The Weasley twins were especially thankful that the Potters didn't make their parents look bad. Too bad the other Weasley kid's didn't feel the same way. Harry and Gary weren't sure what was going on in their heads, but the looks they were getting didn't make them hopeful of lifelong friendship.

The magic and political lessons continued and the kids were now well versed in all their subjects, including some magic. They still only did it wandlessly and only minor things at that. Their shields were weak and could only hold off one or two small hexes. It was a few pranking jinxes that would save their lives, like the tripping jinx of the leglock hex. That and their little kid stature would help them escape as well. They were all thankful for the PE classes in school, it made running easier. While they weren't being taught war tactics per se, they were learning that there were bad people everywhere and they should always be ready to run. Even Ron was happy for those classes as it helped him play football.

It was a fun two years and the tight knit group of kids was having a great summer. They spent a lot of time outdoors playing and just being kids. They were letting the adults handle any issues that came up, though like all kids they eavesdropped on conversations that were held at home.

The boys ninth birthday was coming up and the Potters and uncles felt it was time to test the waters and see who would remain their friend if a little turmoil were thrown into the cauldron.

Sally was against this idea from the beginning. It took a lot of arguing and talking to get the deity to see that it was for the best that the boys had friends they knew they could trust. While, the persona of Death could protect them, she couldn't provide them with the companionship they needed from people their own age. It took a few sessions with the boys to get her to understand that while she looked eight, she was millions of years old and could not relate to them. Finally she caved, but stated she was going to keep an eye on everyone and prevent secrets from being shared.

July 15, 1989

James and Lily were holding a little get-together with the parents and guardians of the Mutineers. They were using the excuse of wanting to go over the report cards, everyone should have received by yesterday, and celebrating good grades. Since they did this every year there was no reason to suspect they had ulterior motives, nothing sinister, just feeling out the true friends. The whole family wanted to see who was going to stand with them against Dumbledore.

While they didn't think that he was a bad person, they did think he had an overwhelming urge to control everything. This was proven by how many times he came by trying to convince the Potters to separate the boys and let him teach Gary to control the power he thought the boy had. It was only when Lily threw a Castration Curse at his shield that he stopped, and that was only a few weeks ago. They were sure that he would convince himself to try again in the future, but for now they had peace.

The Potters were sure that if Albus knew that they were teaching the Mutineers as much wandless magic as they could before they got to Hogwarts that he would come and stop it. Because some of the kids would more than likely be sorted into Slytherin and the Headmaster, for all he spouted school unity, didn't trust Slytherins or anyone not from a purely Light family. He had proved that when he was always the Marauder's side in the disputes they had had at school. Poor Snape was still being blackmailed by the man, and if it had been James there would have been no question as to where he stood. They were still unsure what Albus thoughts on Sirius. He gave the man questioning looks when he thought no one was paying attention. No, they didn't trust the Headmaster.

James and Lily were going to try and get the parents to understand that there were things that needed to happen for the sake of the children. They wanted to have everyone know that the kids wanted to merge into a study group for all houses. They were hoping that they could express how they wanted that to happen and keep the kids from bending to peer pressure. They knew that if the parents were not on board then it would be an uphill battle. But they weren't going to tell every one of their plans. This gathering was to see who they would let know and who would be kept in the dark.

They had done a lot of work with the kids. The children had promised not to do wandless magic at their homes, since it was frowned upon though not illegal. The youngest set of twins' parents was pretty sure that some did anyway. But since no one complained they figure that those parents' were either proud of the fact that their children were doing so well or that it was such a little thing that it wasn't worthy of mentioning. So far no knowledge about the magic their children had learned afterschool had left the core group and they wanted to make sure it stayed that way in Hogwarts. The Potters knew it was going to be hard since parents like the Weasleys were firmly in Dumbledore's court.

The couple was standing in the Floo room, while the boys were in the game room waiting for their friends to join them. The room was bare but for the large fireplace and an equally large shield with the Potter Crest on it. The shield was to let people know they were at the right stop. There was a mat in front of the Floo, which you would remove the soot from the travel, but other than that nothing.

The first family to Floo in was the Weasleys. Molly came through and dusted herself off and waited for her brood. She smiled at Lily and James and turned back to the fireplace to make sure they got there okay. Percy came through with Ginny, followed by Ron, then the twins. They all greeted James with a wave and a 'Hello', and followed Lily.

"Good to see you, Molly. Where is Arthur?" their hostess said as she led everyone to large room they had set up for the adults, leaving James and Tilly the housekeeping elf to wait for the rest of their guests.

"Arthur had to work. He's sorry he couldn't come. Working on a Saturday," the plump redhead huffed as she looked in her overly large handbag for a handkerchief, which she licked and used to get some soot off Ginny's nose, never breaking her step and ignoring the 'Mum, stop'. They continued their journey to the parlor as she tucked the dirty cloth back in her bag. "Honestly, I don't know what they're thinking, making him work the weekends. I'll tell him how everyone is doing when I get home, the poor dear. Goodness knows that man works too hard. You kids settle down. Are the boys in the game room?" Molly said as she sat down on one of the chairs putting her purse in her lap and glaring at her three youngest boys, who were shoving each other playfully.

"Yes, the young ones can join them. We have one of the house elves, Taffy, watching them. She's really good at tending the children. If something happens, she'll come get us right away. You kids know your way. Harry and Gary are already there," Lily addressed the boys and Ginny with an encouraging smile. She knew that Molly was a bit of an overprotective mother, and her children would often try to escape her company.

"Thank you, Mrs. Potter. I'll make sure they get there," Percy said as he headed for the door and motioned the rest to follow.

"Yeah, perfect Percy…" said George, standing straight and pompous, making his older brother stop and glare at him.

"will make sure, we…" said Fred, copying his twin.

"don't get into…"

"trouble," they both said in a dignified voice trying to copy their older brother, noses in the air.

"Leave your brother alone, you two, and just go and play with the others. Behave yourselves or you'll feel the end of my spoon," Molly threatened, wagging her finger at her two most troublesome boys.

"Come on, Ron and Ginny, we know when we are not wanted." The twins grabbed a sibling each and left the room. Percy followed with a sad shake of his head. Sometimes he wondered if the menaces liked being punished.

James came into the room followed by Sarita and Mayur Patil and Gwenog Jones. "Take a seat everyone," he said, waving to all the chairs. They all complied after giving greetings to Lily.

The older Potter turned to his wife and said, "I've sent the kids to the game room from the Floo room, and I have Tilly waiting for everyone else while I get these guys comfortable. I going to go back and wait for the others. I don't think the Longbottoms are going to be able to make it, but we can talk to them on the boys' birthday." He was a bit put out that Padfoot and Remus weren't there today, but they said they were working on the mirrors and map, so he excused them. It was a lot harder updating those items than they thought, but then again, all the added features they wanted needed new spellwork.

"Okay, honey, I'll get everyone settled here," Lily said, giving him a kiss on the cheek and a playful nudge towards the door. "You go play host and I'll be a good hostess." She called Taffy and asked that refreshments be provided for the adults and children. Tea and caked for the adults and juice and biscuits for the kids.

Taffy popped away and a large tray materialized a moment later. Lily played mum and served everyone as they came in. Soon enough all of the ladies and a few of the men were settled drinking tea and bragging about their children. After about a half an hour of chit-chat, everyone that was coming settled in the chairs, drink or treat in hand.

This was one of the largest parlors in the mansion. It had quite a few chairs and end tables, there were no coffee tables so all the smaller ones were needed. There was a buffet counter on the far wall where the tea service was set up. For today, they had arranged all the chairs to sit in a circle and put the small tables in front of the chairs. This way everyone could see one another, but be comfortable at the same time. It was supposed to be a casual meeting among parents, and not a business type meeting to bring down Voldemort. Those would happen later, after they stirred the fire a bit.

Mary Abbott, Kestrel McFay, Dee Boot, Rachelle and Kenton Brocklehurst, Wren Corner, Cherry Dunbar, Amelia Bones, Aimee Jameson, and Pandora Lovegood were the rest that come for today's get-together. Most everyone else was working or had other plans. That was okay, because if everything went as planned the Potters would send out letters for another gathering with everyone that was not here, and they would continue until everyone that was for the plan was sorted. They would have a separate meeting for those of like minds. They hated that this might cause a rift between the Mutineers, but needs must. Better to learn who to trust now and not when all eyes were on them.

"Thanks for coming, all of you," James said with a big sappy grin as he stood from his chair to be heard. He got everyone's attention on him as they all fell silent. "There are few things we wanted to talk about, seeing as how our kids are all friends and school mates. I want to continue the yearly tradition of sharing and bragging about report cards. I see everyone brought theirs with. That's lovely. So who wants to start boasting about their children first?" he asked, looking around at all the proud faces.

"Oh, my boys' are doing much better than I thought they would, even the twins. Arthur is so proud and wants to thank you for introducing us to this school and letting him use your computer. I really didn't think it would work as well as it has," Molly stated with such pride in her voice, which was rare when talking about her youngest, except Percy and Ginny. "Those library computers have helped Arthur so much with his job. Though I still think he is working too hard, the poor dear. He doesn't even care that the other departments give him a hard time. He has everyone under him going to the library and looking things up. He has tried to get the Ministry to set up a room like yours, but they won't. You know what the Ministry thinks about Muggles," she said exacerbated, shaking her head.

She had been against the idea of the children going to a Muggle school at the start, but now she was happy Arthur talked her into it. Her babies were learning far more than she could teach them. It would do them well when they get to Hogwarts. With all of the kids out of the house she had plenty of free time. She had taken up selling some of her baked goods, part-time. She was making enough money that her children didn't need to wear secondhand clothes anymore, though she still felt they would be fine with family wands. No need to spend money on something that was already available.

"That's wonderful, Molly. Tell Arthur it's not a problem and we were happy to help," said Lily as she looked around the table to see who else would speak up.

"I've heard nothing but good things about that little group they have going on, the Mutineers, was it? Faye won't quit talking about them, she goes on and on about how much she is enjoying school and having so many friends. She was a little lonely before you came and explained to us what you were doing and asked us to join. I think it's wonderful how they all work together. Her grades are marvelous," Cherry Dunbar said with pride, stroking the piece of paper that showed just how smart her little girl was. "We have a computer room just like yours, only smaller. I can't get Lewin off it that blasted machine. All he wants to do is look at what sport's teams are doing what. He never knew Muggles played so many different games. Sometimes I curse you Potters for getting us into those contraptions," she said with a smile, showing she was just kidding, mostly. Then her face got serious. "I know when we all agreed to send our kids to your home afterschool we said that we wouldn't tell anyone what you were teaching them. However, I feel it is time we tell Dumbledore what the kids are learning so he can adjust the syllabus accordingly."

Amelia Bones, Aimee Jameson and Molly Weasley nodded their head in agreement. The rest of the group snorted, they didn't really like the headmaster and didn't trust him. Mostly because of his politics and his hypocrisy, he would say one thing and then do nothing to further his stand. It was like he really felt that everyone should take his word and just change, but when he saw that didn't happen… he still did nothing. To quite a few people's way of thinking, well he was a hypocrite. A powerful man to be sure, but still…

James and Lily looked at each other. They had discussed this before and since they had only really taught the kids' theory and some minor wandless magic, they decided to let those that wanted to should go ahead tell the man. The plan was to get everyone else together on the sly and talk about teaching the Mutineers more magic in secret, mostly defensive stuff. Nothing like they were teaching their own twins. They had been hoping not to go with plan B, but they knew they were only being optimistic.

Lily nodded her head. "I'm okay with that," she said carefully, not to let what she was truly thinking appear in her voice. "If you feel that he should be told then that's okay by us. We only wanted to make sure our children got along okay, and that they were truly learning in the non-magical school. So now that we know that it worked you can tell whoever you want, its fine by us. Does everyone else agree?" she asked. It was surprising that Amelia was agreeing with telling Dumbledore as she had mentioned in the past that she didn't really trust him. The Potters wondered what had changed her mind. There had to be a story behind that.

"I am not sure that is a good idea," Mayur Patil said with his thick Indian accent, looking around the room to see who agreed and who didn't. "I do not want the kids shunned or taken advantage of by the other first years. Children can be cruel to those who are smarter than their age group. All of the Mutineers have worked hard to get where they are. If others wanted to do that they should have taught their children just like we taught our… well the Potter's taught ours," he stated, waving at the couple. "James told me what they were planning and that he was approaching everyone he knew. He asked us to do the same, which we did. So everyone had their chance to smarten their children," he said, feeling very glad that the Potter's had brought his family into the fold.

His girls were closer than they had ever been before, and he knew he had the Potter boys to thank for that. When they had first come into this country, Dumbledore had had the opportunity to help them. He did not. Now he and his wife were in complete agreement, if the Potters wanted to keep secrets, they would back them anyway they could.

The rest of the parents, besides the four, agreed with Mayur. They didn't want Dumbledore to know about what they had been up too. Lily and James had told everyone that Voldemort might not be dead. The press and the Ministry disagreed with them, but they wanted to give their children every advantage.

The four women that wanted to tell Dumbledore also felt that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named could come back. The Headmaster confirmed that. However, they didn't want their children to think about wars. All of them had lost someone in the last conflict and they wanted to believe that peace would last past their grandchildren.

"No, no, really if you want to tell Dumbledore then that is your right. If you don't, well that is okay too," Wren Corner said, trying to get everyone calm. "I don't think Lily and James are saying that you should keep it secret. They both said if you wanted to then to go ahead, it was others that protested. We only agreed at the beginning because we didn't know if this was going to work and we didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. Really, no one should tell you who to tell and who not to," he said, sending a covert look at all the parents. He had a feeling that there was more going on than what was being said. So he was playing Devil's Advocate, and taking a wait and see approach. "I want to say that Michael has done really well. His grades are wonderful, and I'd like to be able to brag about him." And with that statement he brought the talk back to the original reason for them being there and boasted about his son.

The group broke up after about two hours. The kids were brought from the game room by Taffy, with much noise and complaining. James had slips of paper in his pocket, and while shaking their hands as he said good-bye he palmed them to the people who disagreed with telling Dumbledore. On it was a date that they were going to try and get everyone with like minds together.

In the game room while the adults were talking

Some of the kids were sitting down cross-legged in the middle of the room and enjoying going through their Chocolate Frog Cards. They were have a trading session. If they didn't want one, or had a double, they discarded it in the middle of the circle and whoever wanted it would pick it up. The pictures were frozen as they were in the magic null room.

"So what do you think our parents are talking about?" George said as he threw down Alberic Grunnion, the guy who had invented the Dungbomb. Padma Patil picked it up, but didn't replace it. She didn't have that many, having only just started her collection a year ago.

"Well Mum said they're going to celebrate most of us doing well on our report cards, ya know bragging and stuff. And then they're going talk about if we should get more magic in our afterschool education, ya know potion theory and stuff," Gary said as he looked through his cards and plucked Dymphna Furmage, a witch who got famously abducted by pixies, down in the middle to see if anyone wanted it. He glanced around the room to see how that bit of information went.

"I heard my parents talking last night, and they said that they want to tell Dumbledore what we've been learning. Mum said that if they told him we might get special classes," Faye Dunbar said, leaning forward and picking up Gary's card. She looked at it and decided she wanted it. So she put it in her deck and discarded, Laverne de Montmorency, the witch who invented a large number of Love Potions.

"Not bloody likely," Terry Boot said, shuffling through his cards to see if he had any doubles. "Dad says that he hasn't changed the curriculum in decades. Not even when someone wants to learn ahead. He said when he was reading ahead for the year, he asked if he could get tutoring in Charms. Dumbledore told him that he didn't want people studying ahead, since it would make others feel left behind. So Dad studied during the summer and just didn't tell him about it," he shrugged, not finding any doubles in his pack. He folded his cards together and just watched to see what was discarded. "If we want to keep ahead, we're going to have to keep what we're doing secret. Not sure how we're gonna do that, but with Harry and Gary here, I'm sure they will come up with a plan." He smirked at the leaders of the group and winked. He knew it would all come to a head soon, and he was just trying to move it along.

This caused many of the kids to stop playing and look at the group in the middle of the floor. A few put down their games and came to join the discussion. They wanted to know what the heck was going on with the adults, and if Terry or the Potter twins knew then now was the time to get that information.

"Language, Terry," Susan Bones scolded, putting her cards down in her lap, and looking around the room as it started to get serious. "Auntie says we should tell him anyway, because there is no way we can keep secrets from the Headmaster while in the castle." She didn't tell them the vile words her aunt used when making that statement, but felt that the gang should know where the woman stood, for now.

Harry and Gary looked at each other with a little bit of worry that the plan might not work. If Dumbledore found out they were teaching magic to their friends, he might try harder to keep them apart. They really wanted to teach those that could keep a secret more then what they were learning now. They had confidences they wanted to share and though the group as a whole knew rudimentary Occlumency, they were nowhere near what was needed to keep out Snape, Dumbledore, or worse the Dork Lord.

The dark-haired boys had been taught far more than the other Mutineers. Their family knew that when Voldemort came back they would be in the middle of everything. So after all the other kids when home each school night James, Remus and Sirius taught them up to third year DADA. Then after everyone else went to bed Sally taught them more. They knew if they were going to keep this group together then they would have to teach them how to protect themselves. What they had done so far was make it so they could escape unnoticed, but it someone really wanted to hurt them, well they would be screwed.

"I agree that Dumbledore should be told. I don't know why we didn't tell him in the first place," Percy said, looking down on everyone as he always did. He felt since he was the oldest everyone should just listen to him. He really hated that the younger twins were the leaders, but this was their home, so he guessed it was to be expected. Still, he felt that everyone should pay attention to what he said.

"Mum said that they wanted to make sure everything would work out first. Like other families going to non-magical schools and such. You know how most pure-bloods are, if it's Muggle they want nothing to do with it. Even the Wizengamot tried to stop us from going to school. She said that if they knew we could do the little bit of wandless magic we do, they would try to stop that as well. Sirius says not to worry, because they really have no way of tracing that," Harry said as innocently as he could. He also placed his deck in his lap, hoping that he could get some of the kids to see what the Potters were trying to accomplish.

Daphne Greengrass nodded her head. "I'm surprised my parents agreed with your dad when he came and talked to them. My dad thinks we should keep quiet. He thinks that Dumbledore will try and break us up when we get to Hogwarts. Mostly because some of us will go into Slytherin, and we come from neutral families," she said, ignoring Ron's glare.

For some reason the youngest redheaded male Weasley never liked to think about any of them going into Slytherin. Whenever it was mentioned he would snarl at how ever said it. She also knew the old man looked down on the House of Snakes, and she wanted to keep her friends. She had a feeling that her best friend Tracey would have a hard time in there, because she was a half-blood. Daphne's father and Mr. Davis were teaching them defensive spells at night after they got home.

"Well, it really doesn't matter what we think. Our parents are going to do what they think is best for us. So if your parents think telling Dumbledore is cool then that is what they're going to do," Gary said with a shrug as he picked up his cards and looked through them. "Does anyone have Babayaga or Hengist of Woodcroft? I've got three of Gondoline Oliphant so I'll trade ya," he stated firmly, steering the conversation back to the cards.

He knew what his parents were doing and it wouldn't help to let those who shouldn't know, know. Sometimes he wished Sally were correct insomuch as they should just stay to themselves. Then he looked around the room at all the young faces and smiled. He saw his bother look at Daphne with confusion and wondered what that was all about. He noted the twins sneaking up on Percy and giggled inside. His random views were about the people in this room and what good times they had. No, he wouldn't trade this for the world.

"Oh wicked, I've been looking for Oliphant... I've got two of Babayaga, so I'll trade ya," Ron said, breaking Gary from his thought and holding out his card.

The two boys swapped and the trading went on from there, the conversation stayed mostly on the games they were playing, schoolwork and Quidditch. They spent the next few hours just being kids and letting the adults handle the world. Laughter and mayhem were common place in the game room, and it was a good thing that it was magic null, or accidentally magic would have caused more trouble. The Weasley twins were happy to learn non-magical pranks and had no problem using their friends as bait and targets.

When Taffy told them the parents were getting ready to leave, they all packed up their homework or games, and noisily went to the Floo room. Gary and Harry noticed their dad palming the notes into people's hands and figured there must have been parents that wanted to tell Dumbledore, it was okay they had a plan, sort of.