
Life Of The Party

February 10th, 1976

The entire room had different reactions to the latest arrival. Whereas most of the girls shot him looks of outright interest or even longing, many of the pureblood boys showed great signs of wary. Marlene noticed how Evans' eyes beamed a bit brighter at seeing him and she smiled, while the Snape boys next to her scowled and shot Peverell a calculating stare. Her soon-to-be betrothed, next to her, had perhaps the strongest reaction. Rabastan's hand twitched to the inside of his robes, his face turned into a twisted mask of hatred and anger.

"Harry!" The potion's master beamed up brighter than before and gestured for him to come inside: "I am so glad you could make it. Come in, come in. There are so many people I would like to introduce you to."

"Thank you for the invitation, Professor." Peverell smiled confidently as ever. He stepped over the threshold of the door; his eyes took in the entire room: "It's truly an honor to be invited."

Immediately, Marlene felt something change in the space around her. His magical presence had some kind of overwhelming effect, similar to how when great wizards like Dumbledore entered an enclosed space. It was hard to describe, but one was simply drawn in by it. She focused on her Occlumency exercise, not wanting anyone to see how affected she actually was by his presence. Just remain calm...

Standing in the well-lit office, Marlene could finally take him in and allowed her eyes to roam over his impressive form while he made small talk with Slughorn. Peverell wore formal black robes that clung to his shoulder arms and chest, highlighting his strong build. Marlene recognized the Acromantula silk in the white dress shirt underneath. His brown, dragonhide boots looked equally as expensive. So Peverell did have the gold to back up his name?

His hair was as messy as ever but styled in a way that somehow still looked elegant. It was relatively short at the sides, but a bit longer on top and Marlene found that she quite liked the look. He wore the same two accessories she always saw him wearing. On his left wrist, there was a stylish and rather modern-looking muggle watch. On his ring finger, she saw the thick golden ring of his House. However, if she was not mistaken, now there was some white within the black gemstone. How very curious...

"What is he doing here?!" Lestrange hissed at Avery next to her and shifted on his seat uncomfortably.

"As you must have heard, he had been invited, just like I did." Marlene rolled her eyes: "Please behave yourself tonight. I would very much like to attend any future parties Slughorn might hold."

She ignored whatever Lestrange grumbled under his breath while Peverell walked over to them, followed by Slughorn. "Allow me to make the necessary introduction." Slughorn said: "I assume you will know a few people from your year already. Surely you recognize Ms. Evans and Mr. Snape from my class."

"Lily..." Peverell inclined his head and shot her a grin: "...How refreshing to be spending time with you outside of class."

Evans rolled her eyes, but Marlene noticed the sincere smile on her lips. They had spent almost every charms class together as partners for a project. In addition, she had watched them chat in Arithmancy, Runes, and even Astronomy. Perhaps there was more than just a friendship there? No Marlene! You don't even care! She reminded herself.

Peverell greeted everyone in the room as he walked along the table, shook hands, and did some small talk. Marlene could immediately tell that he had experience in these sorts of networking events, just as was expected from a pureblood. He held himself confidently, expressed just the right amount of humor to lighten any potentially awkward situations, and seemed to be an excellent listener.

When he approached Narcissa Black, Marlene felt a small spike of anger. Or was it perhaps jealousy? Three days ago, Peverell had walked back to the Great Hall for lunch and was pretty much assaulted by Narcissa Black, who flung into his arms and pressed her lips against his. Before Peverell could even return the kiss, it was over already and even though he had not initiated it, she somehow felt angry with him. Why was he going around snogging other girls, just to shoot small winks and flirtatious grins at her right after? Marlene pushed those feelings away. She was not even interested in him. Peverell was free to kiss whoever he liked.

His tall frame finally approached the end of the table where she and Lestrange were sitting. Unlike the Slytherin, who made no effort to greet the latest arrival, Marlene politely stood up from her chair and quickly fixed her dress before it was her turn. Then he stood right in front of her, and Marlene felt her heart flutter as he took her, and his eyes locked onto hers. She instantly noticed that despite her heels, Peverell was still two, perhaps even three inches taller than her. But that did not matter!

"And this young Lady is Ms. Marlene McKinnon, the daughter of Lord Alfred and Lady Elizabeth McKinnon. I have taught her two brothers, who will soon finish Auror school and start as cadets." Slughorn introduced her formally. She could almost feel the heat radiating from a fuming Rabastan beside her. Despite the way the Slytherin twitched, Marlene held out her right hand as it was custom and Peverell took in hers, simply holding it.

"Ms. McKinnon and I already had the pleasure of making each other's acquaintances." Peverell's eyes flickered over to Slughorn with a handsome grin: "Unfortunately, both of those encounters ended in less-than-optimal circumstances. Still, I have not lost hope for us, yet... Third time's the charm as the muggles say." He flashed her a brilliant smile and bowed slightly to give her the customary greeting.

Marlene forced down the pink blush on her cheeks as his lips connected with the skin on the back of her hand. Next to her, Slughorn almost boomed in laughter: "I would have assumed that two students as brilliant as you two would get along quite nicely. You will definitely have to describe those two encounters over the course of the evening..."

Peverell's green eyes found hers and for some strange reason, they both started chuckling at the same time. Even the thought of retelling that embarrassing story sounded hilarious. Marlene was the first to recover: "I don't know if that's the best..."

Lestrange loudly cleared his throat beside her, interrupting her rather rudely before standing up. The message was clear: You are still forbidden from talking to him. Peverell seemed rather unimpressed by the act. And why should he not? What Lestrange was missing in height, he tried to make up by glaring with even more hatred up at Peverell, who merely grinned calmly as ever.

"And last but not least..." Slughorn, who just ignored Lestrange's glares at the other boy, announced once more: "Allow me to introduce Rabastan Lestrange, the younger son of Lord Corvus Lestrange and Lady Dorothea Lestrange."

"Mr. Lestrange..." Peverell addressed her date for the night with a cold smile and held out his hand: "I am so glad we get to meet again under more pleasant circumstances... Certainly, you agree with me that emotions were simply running a bit high after the Welcome Feast. Let's just call it a misunderstanding..."

Marlene had to force herself not to snort. Peverell's way with words was just brilliant. She watched as Lestrange's right eye twitched and the vein on his forehead threatened to pop any minute while he stared up into Peverell's blazing green eyes. Slowly... very slowly, Lestrange extended his hand and shook the offered limb.

"Allow me to compliment your date on her breathtaking appearance tonight, Mr. Lestrange..." Peverell shook his hand while inclining his head ever so slightly to Marlene: "You are indeed a very lucky man, and I am certain you treat her exceptionally well..." Peverell trailed off, whilst Marlene noticed a flicker of emotion in his eyes. Was that a warning?

"Naturally, naturally..." Slughorn nodded enthusiastically while Marlene did her best to act like the compliment did not affect her. Somehow Peverell always managed to find a way to get to her. Suddenly, almost as if he was bitten by something, Lestrange flinched back his hand with a small yelp. Peverell addressed him once more with concern in his voice: "Are you alright, Mr. Lestrange? Have I perhaps said something to offend you?"

"It's fine!" Lestrange spat and massaged his hand as if he was in pain. Had Peverell squeezed it with excess force?

With the introductions finished, Peverell took a seat to Slughorn's right and joined in on some light small talk. Next to Marlene, Lestrange was conversing with Avery in low whispers. They grinned every now and then and shot nasty glares over to Peverell, but even Marlene could not hear what they were talking about. Were they planning something?

Her thoughts drifted over to the small letter she had prepared, but still not sent to her father... At least not yet. Was there any chance to use Peverell's appearance to at the very least get her father to delay any talk about betrothals and marriage? She was brought back to the classroom when Slughorn addressed her: "What about you, Ms. McKinnon?"

"Apologies, could you repeat your question?" Marlene frowned, noticing how the majority of students were now looking at her.

"Harry here just told us about his ambition to unravel the deepest mysteries of magic." Slughorn chuckled happily in his good-natured fashion: "He mentioned that he might be interested in joining the Unspeakables one day. I was wondering what you would like to do once you graduate? Do you intend to follow a similar career path as your older brothers?"

Marlene had hidden her surprise when she learned that Peverell had an interest in the same field. What were the chances? She cleared her throat: "No... Actually, I do not want to become an Auror like my brothers. Funnily enough, I was also interested in working as an Unspeakable."

Peverell's eyebrows slightly rose, and a small smile played on his lips. However, he narrowed his eyes dangerously on Lestrange when the boy snorted dismissively. Then, her date for the night whispered over to Avery just loud enough for Marlene to hear: "She can forget it..."

She saw Peverell clench his fists but the smile he sent her way seemed sincere: "I just mentioned to Professor Slughorn that the University of Bern in Switzerland has a Masteries program on Ancient Sorcery with a focus on Runes, Enchanting and Arithmancy. Such a degree would make the profile of an applicant to the Department of Mysteries very attractive."

"As if you know anything about what the Unspeakables could be looking for..." Lestrange sneered next to her this time a bit louder so that a few people actually heard him.

Peverell merely chuckled and grinned at the older boy: "Well, as the name of the Department should suggest already, they work on the deepest mysteries of magic, including the Study of Time, of Death, of Prophecies, and of Love..."

"Love?" Marlene asked curiously. She had not expected to hear that word.

"Oho!" Slughorn spoke up: "While I am very curious as to how you gathered such knowledge, Harry, you are correct of course. Love, Ms. McKinnon, is simply magic in its pure, uncorrupted form. It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. At the same time, when you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not and most definitely should not underestimate the power of obsessive love."

Marlene could feel Lestrange rolling his eyes next to her, but she did not care. For some reason, Peverell had simply stared at the Professor in amazement when Slughorn explained love and nodded absently.

A few minutes later, a Hogwarts elf served a light dish and the conversations continued to the sound of cutlery scraping over porcelain. Slughorn spoke up once more: "Now, Harry the wizarding world is small, and pretty much everybody knows one another. Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself? I am sure we are all eager to learn more about you."

Marlene's observing eyes noticed that Evans' expression fell at that. She opened her mouth as if to speak and perhaps pull attention away from him. Why was she so concerned about him?

"I am an open book, sir. I simply came here to study and finish off school. Perhaps I'll even find a few friends on my journey and play the occasional prank..." Peverell finished with a grin and earned a few chuckles from the people around him. The fact that he had pretty much joined the Marauders, was public knowledge at Hogwarts.

"What do your parents do, Peverell?" Thomas Avery spoke up, undoubtedly after Lestrange told him to do so. It looked like she was not the only one who wished to learn more about him, everyone in the room was practically hanging on his lips.

"My mother was always very good at charms; She began a Mastery and still holds the subject very close to her heart." Peverell explained: "My father decided that he had enough of academics after school. Even though he was very talented in transfiguration and could have started a Mastery himself, he decided to join the Aurors."

"What, they both worked?" Lestrange sneered next to her and his Slytherins snickered: "Are you not supposed to be rich, Peverell?"

Emerald green eyes narrowed, and Marlene shivered as a small wave of cold magic washed over her: "Talented people tend to have ambition and actually aim for something in their life. Perhaps, you have simply not found your hidden talent yet... Mr. Lestrange."

Evans covered her mouth to stop the giggle from escaping her lips. A few people mirrored her movement and even Marlene felt the corner of her lips tuck upwards. Lestrange was almost shaking in rage on the chair next to her. Suddenly his fingers flinched into his robes. He pulled out his wand and slammed it on the table: "I am very talented with this and if you don't shut your fucking mouth, I am going to show you just how much!"

"Rabastan!" Slughorn's voice had lost its usual good-natured tone: "You will not be threatening any students here!"

"This little shit will get what's coming for him! Everyone will see it tomorrow!" The Slytherin fumed while jumping up from his chair he suddenly turned to Marlene: "Come! We are leaving now!"

Marlene flinched as he yelled at her. She knew he could lose his temper, but she had never seen him quite like this. To be brutally honest, walking through the dark castle alone with him while he was so enraged sounded like a very bad idea. She shot a pleading look to Slughorn and Peverell on the other side of the table, hoping one of them would notice her discomfort.

"I am very disappointed in you, Rabastan. You will follow me down to your dormitory since I cannot allow you to escort Ms. McKinnon back while you behave like this." Slughorn spoke up firmly.

"We are to be betrothed!" The boy raged: "You are interfering with the matters of ancient Houses. My father..."

"...Will write to me and I will explain what happened." Slughorn interrupted him: "I am certain your father will be equally as disappointed when he learns how his youngest son is behaving among the heirs of other ancient Houses."

Lestrange took a look around him. The other students regarded him warily as if he was a bomb that could go off any moment. Marlene knew that his behavior reflected very badly on his father and any student present would undoubtedly report it back to their parents. Peverell and Evans both had satisfied, small grins on their faces. The former looked as calm as ever and pleased with the situation. Lestrange was simply embarrassing himself at this point.

"I apologize, but tonight will have come to an abrupt end. Please take your leave while Mr. Lestrange and I go back to his dorm." Slughorn addressed the rest of the students apologetically: "Harry, I would like to ask you to escort Ms. McKinnon back to her common room. A young Lady should not be left alone, even if I am certain she can more than handle herself."

Her heart started beating faster. Was she really about to have some time alone with him... What was she supposed to do? Peverell gave him a firm nod: "I will make sure she gets there unharmed, Sir."

Lestrange snatched his wand from the table and Marlene flinched once more when he kicked his chair back and strode around the office, his narrowed eyes never leaving Peverell: "You will all see tomorrow!" He sneered once more and left the room.

"What an idiot..." Peverell shook his head as soon as the Slytherin was gone. He stood up from his chair and walked over to her, offering her his arm: "May I escort you back to Ravenclaw tower my lady?"

May he? Marlene bid her lower lip. She knew Rabastan would be furious with her, but at the same time, the Professor had explicitly expressed his wish for her to be escorted. In addition, this might be an opportunity to finally apologize to Peverell after all this time and just be done with it.

She nodded and got up from her chair, smoothing out any wrinkles in her dress. She placed her hand on his arm and allowed him to lead her out of the office. When he turned towards a hardly known shortcut up to the Ravenclaw tower, Marlene shot him a curious look. "You know the way, Mr. Peverell?"

"Of course, Ms. McKinnon..." Peverell shot her his trademark grin: "...How else would I be able to escort my Lady to her high tower?"

A small giggle escaped Marlene's lips, but she quickly suppressed it. She noticed that walking by his side felt completely different from walking next to Lestrange. His cologne seemed to wash over to her and he smelled fantastic. Even with her heels, his arm was just at the perfect height for them to link and walk together without any of the awkwardness she felt next to Lestrange. They strolled in silence for a few seconds, then:

"I wish to apologize..."

"I am sorry, that..."

They looked at each other and broke out in laughter at the absurdity of both trying to apologize. Finally, he looked down at her in amusement, flashing white teeth in a genuine smile: "Please, you go first."

Somehow, they slowed down and came to a halt in the middle of an empty corridor. She took a deep breath and tugged a stray hair behind her ear. Why did this feel so difficult? "I wish to apologize for casting that curse on you in Defense, Mr. Peverell. I lost my cool and could have seriously hurt you. That was not my intention"

"I accept your apology, Ms. McKinnon." Peverell smiled down at her and nodded: "And I also wish to apologize for provoking such a reaction in the first place. And also, for antagonizing Lestrange when he is only going to take it out on you. I did not mean to make things even more complicated." The intensity in his gaze increased and Marlene gulped heavily: "But I just can't help to think that you deserve so much better than that."

So he knew about the courting agreement already... "There is nothing I can do about it." She shook her head, unable to tear her eyes away from his: "My fath... My family wishes to see a union between our Houses. It makes sense politically..."

He nodded, indicating that he understood. However, Marlene could tell that he did not agree with it: "And what do you wish?"

Her throat felt dry and she needed to swallow a few times before attempting to speak: "Of course, I don't wish to be tied down to someone like him. I have my own dreams and ambitions..."

"So I have heard. We even seem to share one of them. From what I have seen of you in class so far, I do think you'd have more than the potential for it." He replied and offered her his arm again to continue their way to the common room. A compliment like that, coming specifically from him, actually meant a lot to her and Marlene rewarded him with a small, but genuine smile. She linked herself in as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Was it not? It felt so right after all...

"Where have you learned about the Unspeakables? How do you know so much about magic in general?" The questions she desperately wanted to ask rolled from her tongue before she could stop herself.

"My curriculum before I came to Hogwarts was a bit more... let's say concentrated... More emphasis was put on branches like Transfigurations, Charms, Arithmancy, and Runes, which all lay the foundations of magic as we know it. If you think about it, DADA is just a strategic use of one of the former branches to defend yourself in a given situation." He illustrated patiently: "And you will have to specify that second part of your questions, Ms. McKinnon..."

"You batted my spell aside as if you had done it hundreds of times before, Peverell." She tugged on his arm to stop him from walking away from her and forced him to look at her. "Don't try to lie to me. I saw it... Even my brothers have not mastered that technique yet and they are almost done with Auror school. Where did you actually learn that? Did your father teach you, you mentioned that he is an Auror?"

She felt the muscles in his arms flex under her grip and looked up just in time to see something like sorrow flicker in his eyes: "My father did not teach me. I taught myself it and it took several years. Neither of my parents managed to finish their respective careers, Ms. McKinnon. They were murdered by a dark wizard when I was one year old."

Oh... She stared at him in astonishment, her lips slightly parted while they still walked down the corridor. Too late she realized that not watching where you are going was, in fact, a very bad idea while walking on heels over the rough stone tiles of the castle. She yelped in shock when her shoe caught onto something, and she stumbled forwards.

Luckily for her, Peverell caught her by her waist just before she would have lost balance and steadied her with his strong arms. He pulled her towards him, holding her so close to him that their chests almost touched. His body heat was radiating off of him and her heart fluttered when she felt his breath on her skin. It smelled like mince...: "Woah... careful there, my Lady. I did promise old Sluggy to get you back in one piece after all..."

She giggled and recovered from the slight shock. Then, she noticed that Peverell's hands still rested on either side of her waist. For some reason, she quite liked the feeling. His fingers did not try to wander off or tug unnecessary deep into her skin. They were simply holding her in place and yet provided some comfort.

Marlene found that she would not actually mind a repeat performance. Just without the stumbling perhaps... Suddenly their previous conversation came back to the forefront of her mind: "I am so sorry. I did not know..." She whispered and squeezed his hand by instinct, just because he looked like it might help.

"How could you know?" He shrugged, offered his arm once more and they continued their walk: "It's not something I want to share with everyone. I prefer to keep those details private..."

She nodded her understanding, thankful that he included her in the small circle of people who knew. They fell into another comfortable silence as they walked, arms linked together. What would it be like to stroll through Hogsmeade like this? She wondered. They could do some window shopping or simply stroll around the cute, snow-covered village enjoying each other's company.

Soon, they would reach Ravenclaw Tower, but she still had so many questions for him. She did not want to let him go just yet. Who knows when the next time they could talk might be? Just when she wanted to ask another question, Peverell spoke up himself. "Lestrange has forbidden you from speaking to me, I assume?"

She nodded sadly, unable to hide her disappointment: "He does not hold you in the highest regards." Marlene released a very unladylike snort that her mother would definitely scowl at her for: "Perhaps the fact that you publicly embarrassed him right after the Feast, contributed to that."

Peverell chuckled and gave her a shrug: "I think it actually started after he saw us almost bump heads on the Express. Perhaps he is jealous..." He added with a smirk.

"You think he did?" Marlene frowned: "It was right in front of their compartment, was it not?" Then she realized what Peverell had added towards the end: "Wait a minute, what should he be jealous of? There is nothing between us!" She declared heatedly and fought down her own blush.

"Is there not?" Peverell grinned down at: "I must have simply imagined the glances you have sent my way over the last four weeks then."

"I- I-" She stuttered: "I just wanted to learn more about you and see if you could become a threat in any classes. It was just academics!" She stated firmly, but the small voice inside her head called her a liar.

"Now that's too bad. I would have loved to actually get to know you better." He replied sarcastically with a grin.

She wanted to! "I can't..." She choked and shook her head: "You know now that I am not allowed to talk to you outside of classes. Believe me, I don't want any of this either... But perhaps it's just the way it's going to be. The wizarding world is a bit more backward in that regard... I would much rather study magic in Switzerland. I don't want to be used for bragging rights at a different pureblood party every weekend, like some trophy wife."

"Even though you shine as bright as a trophy?" He smirked down at her and she felt her ire crawling up:

"That's exactly what I mean. You always frustrate me so much with those little smirks and winks, because you shoot the same winks at other girls and now, you even kiss them..." She scowled at him when the image of him and Narcissa Black swirled through her mind: "...You need to stop with that, Peverell! It only led to me cursing you in the first place! You don't want to be cursed again, do you?" She stomped on her heel to underline her statement.

"Alright, alright... No more flirting with other girls. Just for your information, Narcissa was the one to kiss me and it was merely because she felt like it and wanted to be a bit daring before she goes and gets married off. As for flirting... I just can't help myself when it comes to you..." He had the audacity to grin at her: "You look so cute when you get angry."

"Do not call me cute, Mr. Peverell!" She turned her nose up: "It's not proper for a Lady of my standing."

"Shall I call you beautiful then, instead?" His disarming grin flashed down to her again. They arrived in front of the statue of the eagle and turned towards each other after Marlene unlinked their arms: "I don't understand why you keep flirting with me, Peverell." She knew she sounded defeated and disappointed, but she did not really care right now.

"I just want to get to know you." He replied frankly: "And I think you might regret it if you did not give me at least a chance..."

She looked deep into his green eyes, trying to figure out if he was being genuine or not. Marlene knew he was a flirt, but he seemed sincere and honest in everything he had said to her tonight. He even opened up to her and told her about his parents. But how could it even work? Getting to know Harry Peverell? It sounded almost impossible!

She was already courting a different boy, even though she never held a greater dislike for anybody in the word than said person. Her parents would give her hell if she started talking to Peverell. Yet, what could they actually do? They already forced her to marry someone she hated. Why should she not start making some actually pleasant memories, like Narcissa Black, and getting to know the first boy she frankly felt something for.

She imagined meeting him in secret, exchanging small gestures of affection, holding hands, maybe even kissing each other. It sounded positively exciting. He simply watched her patiently while she bit her bottom lip, pondering over the issue. Finally, she nodded: "Okay."

"Okay... What?" He chuckled with an adorably hopeful expression on his handsome face.

"I decided to give you a chance, Harry Peverell." She smirked up at him and shot him her very first wink.

"I promise that you won't be disappointed. I aim to please, my Lady..." He beamed and Marlene could help but grin right back, equally as excited. There was tumult in her stomach that almost felt like butterflies. Who knew the muggles were so good at actually describing that feeling?

They simply smiled at each other, when Marlene decided to jump over her shadow and give him a small reward for escorting her all the way back to the common room. She took a tentative step forward, then another one. Looking up at him, she grinned sheepishly before throwing both her arms around his neck and giving him a hug. The first hug she had ever given a boy that wasn't a family member...

Peverell did not flinch, he just seemed momentarily surprised by her action. Then his hands came resting on her waist and he reciprocated the hug, holding her firmly in his strong arms. Her head was pressed against his chest, and she swore she could hear his rapid heartbeat and a very content, deep sigh. After a few seconds she reluctantly loosened her hold but not before getting as high on her tiptoes as her heels allowed and whispering up into his ear:

"Thank you for taking me back to my dorm, Harry."

Then, she gave him a quick peck on his right cheek and took a couple of steps backward to watch his response. She knew she was probably blushing furiously, but she couldn't care less at the moment. Peverell stood there, completely dazzled by her actions, with a slightly dreamy expression on his face.

"It was a pleasure..." He visibly pulled himself together: "... and I will figure something out for us, I promise."

"I hope you do." She really did.

"Have a good night, Marlene... And sleep well."

"You too, Harry." She replied with a soft smile and watched as he turned on the spot and walked off into the dark corridor.

She took almost a minute to compose herself. It would do her no good to burst into the common room, blushing like a fool with a lovesick grin on her face. "State your riddle, please?" She addressed the statue of the eagle guarding the common room, as soon as she felt ready.

"I can break, I can be clogged, I can be attacked, I can be given, I can be kept, I can be crushed, yet I can be whole at the same time. What am I?"

Her thoughts drifted to the raven-haired boy she had just left...The answer seemed so obvious: "A heart, of course!"