Transmigrated as Harry in HP /DxD world. What if Harry didn't grow up with Durslies? What if he was taken in and was allowed to grow to his full potential? OP Harry. Smart Harry. Mad Scientist. Doesn't Give a Shit. (Lots of HP Bashing. MC doesn't care much about DxD ) I will also posting this story on RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub and Fanfiction
Word Count 2200
"Harry~..." Dora grunted weakly
"I hate YOU!"
The colourful teen slumped to the ground.
"Good, now use that hate and stand up, you have 2 more reps to go"
Ophelia and Daphne were having a hard time, they were purebloods and haven't done any psychical workout in their entire lives.
"Slave driver!" Andi whispered
"Demon" Dora whined
" Mad Scientist" Hope continued the line causing Harry to turn to her
"What? A girl can't have some fun" She giggled at him while Bench pressing 140kg without any magic as assistance, she was using pure physical strength.
(A/N 30kg is the average for 15 year old girls. and about 40-50 for guys based on my experience. Looked it up on the net and saw some crazy numbers like 60kg for girls and 110kg for guys. At 15? I can't lift that much now when I'm 25, let alone when I was 15. To be fair I don't work out much. But this is the average? Tell me what you think I'm interested in this)
The other girls where just speechlessly watching her. Causing Harry to chuckle "What did you think was going to happen? There is a reason why she is my bodyguard.
Hope is the TriBrid. Usually they are treated like outcasts and freaks. Not belonging to any race. Mixed breeds are almost always weaker than any vampire or werewolf.
But they have their advantages as well. Hybrids can walk under the sun and the moon. They don't feel the hunger as strongly and aren't forced into shifting. If Hope just keeps practicing, she will be stronger than most people in both races. Let alone with her magic added into the equation."
Harry said as he lifted 55 kg without any magic. Harry was 11 this year, and Hope was 13. But due to their magical diet consisting of nutritious plants and meats. Along with regular exercises, Harry was much taller and stronger than he had any right to be.
Hope glanced at the half naked Harry while he was working out ' I wonder when puberty will kick in for him. I'm getting tired of waiting'
Astoria on the other hand was watching how the others were sweating and lifting heavy things. They looked like they were in pain. 'I'm glad I'm still too young to do this'
She was currently just doing some light stretches
After everybody was done, Harry put his fingers on various muscles across their bodies. He uses magic to scan their muscles to calculate how much damage was done, and how much more energy they have left. So that he can make the appropriate training regimen for them.
He was currently testing Dora
"Not bad, you have some training done, I think Auroras do the same thing. "
Dora nods at his guess "Yeah, I heard of some exercises and put them into practice, for you know, hopefully getting into the Auror Force"
"But you put too much emphasis on the wrong kind of training. A wizard or witch only needs mobility and flexibility. And some minor strength training, for durability. You are focusing too much on strength. But then again you might be able to pull it off. Transfigure your fist into steel and punch a hole in the other guy. It will depend on how you feel more comfortable"
Dora nodded dumbly, not knowing how to react to this. 'A witch punching someone to death? Then why did I spent 6 years learning magic?'
After he was done with Dora, her mother Andromeda was next. After she completed the exercises he started to instruct her "You are quite fit for a woman your age."
"I do yoga, it has helped me stay in shape" she admitted freely, lots of housewife's do it. She wasn't stupid like the other pureblood women who let themselves go. Though most of them found other ways to stay fit.
Diets and magical plants help. Wizards despite having magic still haven't figured out how to get rid of excess fat. Look at all of the men working at the Ministry. The were all overweight. They were purebloods, they could get anything they wanted with the snap of their fingers.
The only Wizards and Witches who actively were training were Aurors, Hit-Wizards and Quidditch players
Harry nodded at her "Good, then you only need to work on your agility. I just made you do strength exercises now to see at what level you guys are. As I said, wizards need agility, dexterity and endurance to fight properly. Here is your training regiment. If you want to increase your odds of surviving in the cold cruel world, well colder and crueler now that you know the truth. I suggest you follow it"
Daphne and Ophelia as they were raised to be proper purebloods, meaning relying entirely on magic and zero physical activity were actually quite weak. "You two will be on basic exercises for a while. Stretching and endurance training for you"
Both were actually quite ashamed. They were put on the same level as Astoria. If that wasn't embarrassing they don't know what is.
Harry then tested Hope. To check her progress. And she has improved a lot since the last time they did this.
As the Tribrid, she posses a lot more strength than wizards. Harry had theorized that if she died, her vampire side would completely awaken. As is the case for most of the Hybrids that have walked the earth.
He had read a lot about Hybrids in the Belmont records. That's how he knows their history
They have less strength and speed than any werewolf or vampire. That's why they are considered dirty blood by both communities and hunted down. They were abominations.
But for every minus there was a plus. They can shift whenever they want. They can walk in the day and in the under the moon. Their thirst for blood was more controlled than both species. They were somewhat weaker, but more evolved to survive.
But Hope has something they never did. Magic. And not any magic. Wizarding Magic and Magecraft.
As time goes on and she grows and learns, she will be stronger than any vampire or werewolf.
~ 2 days later
'Stupid Train and Stupid Tradition' Harry was walking on King Cross Platform and grumbling in his mind. He had a glamor placed on his face since he was about to meet a crowd of reporters. Hope, Daphne and Astoria already made their way to the train earlier. Dora was with them so there should be no problems.
He did this so they don't get in the spotlight right now. That can come after they arrive in Hogwarts. By a stupid ass train. It takes more than 9 hours to get there. When they could just make many group portkeys and get the thing over with in a minute. Get a portkey, make students put their hands on them, apply sticking charm on their fingers and done.
But Noo~ Its tradition to go with the express. And I can't go there because I don't have the location of Hogwarts or Hogsmeade. And I despise 'Apparition' Its like being stuffed through a straw and coming out of the other end.'
Harry took a deep breath and passed through the pillar. He was immediately greeted with a blockade of journalists, reporters and paparazzi. 'Smile and wave boys, smile and wave' he thought in his mind
The girls were sitting in one of the cabins and Daphne brought her friend Tracy Davis.
"Hello I am Tracy Davis, Daphne's best friend~" The brunette cheerfully said. Causing Daphne to facepalm. While it was true she didn't need to say it in such a happy go lucky way then her attention turned to Astoria
"Tori! Look at you, you are getting cutter every time I see you" Tracy hugged the little girl.
"Hey Tracy" Astoria smiled at the older girl. She was always kind and nice to her
"Dora, wouldn't it be better for you to be with your friends?" Hope asks the Metamorph who was just watching the interaction with a smile. Hope's question caused the smile on her face to drop
The last few years in Hogwarts haven't been kind to her. The first few years she had plenty of friends since they thought her powers were cool. But now Girls are jealous of her, thinking that she will just shift into some model and take their boyfriends. And Boys just want to fuck her.
So she was pretty much alone right now
"Nah, I feel like things will be more interesting with you guys" Dora waved her hand. The next 10 minutes the girls just talked about various topics before something serious came up
"Hope if you don't mind me asking... what do you see in Harry?" everybody turned to Daphne. Tracy and Astoria surprised that she would even ask this. But Daphne was asking for other reasons. To her Harry was a monster. A genius and a protégé for sure. But he also kills and does anything he wants without restraint.
She doesn't see how a girl like Hope can ignore that.
Hope just raised an eyebrow "Harry saved me. I was living in the woods as a child after my parents died. When I saw him at first I tried to kill him. Even as tiny kid back then he had no problems with taking me down.
He grew interested in me, and took me in. He gave me clothes, food and shelter. He educated me and made me a part of his family. I owe everything to him."
She watched as the girls paid attention to her words. "As for your question, what do i see in him as a woman... Well its obvious isn't it? Handsome, fit, crazy smart and very powerful. I like his crazy habits and his little flaws. It makes him unique."
"Yeah no kidding. How does an 11 year old get a body like that" Dora thought back to the memory of them training. Harry's lean and muscular body, that looked like it was sculpted from marble or something.
Hope chuckled "Harry hates training. But he still does it because he knows he has to. He invented new spells and potions as long as a few exercises just so he can get results more efficiently and faster. So he has more time for his research "
"Is he really good looking like the papers say?" Tracy asked, even as an 11 year old she had some interest in boys. Even in the mundane world, girls mature faster than boys and it all depends when puberty starts for them. Magic speeds things up for witches. They enter puberty a bit earlier and are generally more mature and smarter than boys.
"Yep, he looks handsome" Dora said honestly. It might be weird since she was 17 this year. But Harry also wasn't exactly 'normal'.
Hope perked up "Harry is coming" The girls all looked to the door and... it wasn't opening. Hope chuckled give it a minute.
Dora was the first to realize "Right super senses" it was quite easy to forget that Hope was a Tribrid with how Normal she acts
The door opened and Harry brought his hand over his face and pulled down, like a mask the Glamor dropped, revealing his exhausted face.
He looked like hell. His hair was messy and he had dark eye bags. He sat down near Hope and then laid down with his head on her lap.
"Quick, say something nice to me. It's been a dreadful Morning. Or evening?"
Hope just sighed and started to run her fingers through his hair. "You haven't had any sleep in three days. What did you do?"
The others gaped at their casualness. Especially with how intimate they were.
"I just melted my best Cauldron. Now I have to go find another one. A stronger one. The problem is, mine was already the best I can find in Europe." Harry grumbled as he started to relax
"That means you have to find a better one. The Tian's make the best Cauldrons in the world right"
"Yes. That means I have to go to China and deal with the Wuxia bastards. Ugh, I fucking hate those young masters. Last time we met one during our travels, I blasted one off a cliff. " Harry closed his eyes and started to drift away, he patted his chest and snakes came out of his coat pockets.
Tracy yelped in fear. The other girls just backed away as much as they could. Astoria and Daphne were still not used to his Familiars. And Dora just is afraid of snakes.
Harry petted his familiars "If somebody charges in just bite them"
His snakes hissed and nodded, nobody would be disturbing his nap.
"Wake me up when we get there will ya" he said to Hope
"Get some sleep Harry" Hope said as she continued to run her fingers through his hair. Harry drifted off into the land of Morpheus. Finally getting some sleep after days of staying awake.
What do you think of the chap. I think it was good change of pace.
Next chapter. FINALY CANNON. The scene idea that started this whole Fic
Hogwarts Sorting. Look forward to it.