
HP/DC: Satan Soul

given another chance by a powerful being our main character is give the powers and appearance of Mirajane Strauss. in her early years she must deal with the troubles of hogwarts and once she leaves all manner of superpowered beings. DC comics Au / Harry Potter Au

Bigbrick · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Dumbledore’s deal

Author note ~ fun fact about Mira she's really short. 5 feet 4 inches when fully grown. I'm not going to change that since having a tiny woman man handle powerful dc characters seems funny.


Sat alone in the headmasters office me and dumbledore began discuss our terms. " their are quite a few things I want headmaster In return for helping to fund the school. Let's start of with the main one shall we." Dumbledore remained silent the man's eyes showed he was taking this seriously.

" I want to be moved out of the orphanage and into the black family home. My next request is that potions is completely dropped, well not completely just the practical part of it." Before I could make another demand dumbledore spoke up.

" are you sure you wish for that miss black, potions is a very important subject within the Wizarding world. Your frist request however will be difficult as the Malfoys have been attempting to adopt you for their political gain. The only reason they haven't succeeded is because I have used my influence to block them." Dumbledore was being honest in his feeling on the matter, potions was a topic of great importance within the wizarding world and didn't wish for one of his students to suffer.

" I understand that headmaster…" I was interrupted.

"Albus is fine dear, no need to be so formal" I could tell he was genuine, all those fan fictions that made him out as a heartless monster where dead wrong.

" hmmmmm, I'll just call you gramps then. You can call me Mira." my words caught him off guard, not many where willing to be so informal with a wizard of such strength.

" as I was saying before, I understand it's importance but I simply lack the talent. Think of it like a magical restriction. Due to being blessed with a great talent for rituals and dark magic the talent I should have had in other subjects is less to equate for it." Dumbledore began to stroke his beard, an inquisitive look appeared on his face.

" what you speak of dear does truest exist, however I can't just let you skip an entire part of a subject because of a donation. If you can prove what you said is true I'll happily agree" even though dumbledore most likely knew I wasn't lying he still need evidence for when he appears before the bored.

" don't worry gramps! I'll happily give you proof of my lacking talent. Next I want you to help me blow todays instident under the rug. Also I very much doubt they'll try and adopt me now" my cheery voice bubble over into the rest of the room.

" what you say is true dear, they most likely won't try to adopt you. However they will try push you to compansate politically." Dumbledore was truely worried that I would be taken advantage off.

"Don't worry old man, I'll just beat them up! My next request is to start a dueling club. I would like either the DADA professor, you or professor Snape to teach it." My words made Albus think for a moment.

" I have thought about starting such a club within school, the main issue has been budget. I suppose you'll help greatly with that won't you little Mira."

My eyes narrowed whether I was called little because if my stature or age will remain a mystery, however if it's the former we'll have an issue later.

" that's true but now it's time to talk money, you know what I want and I won't budge" my tone was a little harder then usual. Even so I was still a little girl one so my voice was still higher pitch then most.

"That's true dear how about 100'000 gallons every year for the seven years of your stay." Dumbledore said no more and left me to think.

That was a lot of gallons for the average person, more gallons then 98% of wizards would see in their life. However to a black it was nothing more then pocket change, not even a single 0.01 percent of my total wealth.

"Sure let's do that, I get everything I want and you get the amount you want. Easy deal right." A light smile graced his laps as he shook my hand.

This agreement was one which is called under the table. Looking at dumbledore I could already tell most of that money would be used of the Oder of phoenix but That wasn't my issue as long as he did as he was paid for.

Once our deal concluded and was assured via magical contract I left his office and returned to the dormitory.


After answering the password I walked into an almost empty common room. Flying practice was the last lesson of the day and although my talk with dumbledore didn't take very long most at hogwarts where early sleepers. The ones awake where simply those preparing for an infamus night tour.

"Mira your back!" Out of nowhere a worried Harry came around the corner. Harry didn't stop and ran into me giving me a tight hug.

" I thought you where going to be expelled I was so worried I couldn't sleep. I had to stay awake to see if you'd come back" Harry was almost crying, to him I was the only family member that cared for him.

"Their their Harry, as a member of the black family I can simply pay my way out of trouble, hahaha" as I spoke I patted his back in an attempt to comfort him.

"Bloody hell Mira! The way you punched that gitt was brilliant. You know the slytherins even gave you a nickname." Ron who also came out of nowhere added.

" oh and what have they decided to call me" I wasn't impressed if they gave me some silly name I'll charge down into their dorm and leave them bloody.

My thoughts however seem to have been transmitted to Ron and he looked at me with some amount of nervousness.

" They started calling you she-devil mirajane" once he finished he looked prepared for a negative reaction.

"Hmhmhm, what a cool nickname I like it" as I'd already let go of Harry I decided to place my hands onto my hips as if I was showing off.

"MIRA! This isn't a good thing being called a devil is a great insult" Hermione looked livid about my new title.

" oh come on Hermione it sounds cool! And devils are really strong. I can see it now! she-devil mirajane strongest duelest alive" my smile was most radiant as I couldn't help but be pleased that I had received the same title.