
HP: Ancient Legacy

Thorin Astelar, a descendant of Greek and Norse heritage, finds himself thrown into a twisted world by a bored Random Omnipotent Being (ROB). Reincarnated, he discovers his powerful family background and affinity for magic. Thorin embarks on a journey to explore interconnected realms, merge magical systems, and uncover the secrets behind his lineage. He must navigate a world of adventure, ambition, and love, all while maintaining balance and facing formidable threats. Note this is my first ever attempt at writing a story or fan fiction, so I am writing this story for my entertainment. I plan to update semi-daily (hopefully), but there will be at least 2 new chapters a week.

fun_fun_4243 · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Unleashed Radiance

Nestled in a forgotten corner of London, where the city's gray mist hung heavy, stood a dilapidated building, it's crumbling walls bearing the weight of neglect and time's relentless passage. Every crack and crevice told a story of apathy and decay, painting a somber picture of forgotten memories. As the feeble sun struggled to pierce through the thick fog, the orphanage languished in perpetual shadow, its presence hauntingly juxtaposed against the vibrant backdrop of the bustling city.

With eyes adjusting to the dimness of the room, Thorin awoke to find himself inhabiting the body of a haggard and starved four-year-old child. The frailty and weariness etched upon his small form mirrored the dismal state of the orphanage, a poignant reflection of its crumbling facade. But what caught Thorin's attention were the strange golden markings that adorned his fragile limbs, resembling faded tattoos etched across his skin. They seemed to be imprinted upon him, an intricate pattern that invoked memories of Aquaman from the world of DC, yet held a mysterious story of their own. The once vibrant symbols now appeared dull and faded, as if whispering forgotten secrets. His gaze shifted towards a note carefully placed on his broken and makeshift bed, revealing the truth that his body was nothing more than a vessel, a creation of the whimsical deity known as ROB, designed to house Thorin's own soul. Though relieved that he hadn't usurped someone else's existence, a simmering resentment brewed within Thorin, his emotions swirling with questions and doubts about the capricious nature of the divine.

As Thorin grappled to make sense of his bewildering situation, fragments of memories began to coalesce in his mind. Abandoned at the orphanage as a helpless toddler, he had been left to languish within its decaying walls. Matilda Blackwood, a woman whose physical appearance bore a striking resemblance to that of a toad, ruled over the establishment with an iron fist. Her grotesque features, from warts on sagging skin to beady, wicked eyes, mirrored the darkness that pervaded the orphanage. Matilda revealed in manipulation and greed, misappropriating funds intended for the children's welfare to fuel her own vices, casting a malevolent shadow over the already somber atmosphere.

The staff, tainted souls akin to Matilda, followed in her corrupt ways. Weariness and misdeeds etched upon their faces, they roamed the halls, diverting funds meant for the children to satiate their own desires. Within this world of neglect and exploitation, the children suffered the most. Hunger gnawed at their bellies, deprivation etched lines on their innocent faces, and their frail bodies bore the weight of the orphanage's callous indifference. It became a haunting reminder of the injustices that plagued society, where forgotten dreams and stolen futures were the currency of the establishment.

Amidst this grim reality, Thorin's golden markings became a target for torment. The matron, Matilda, reveled in her sadistic pleasure, encouraging the other children to subject him to verbal and physical abuse. In return for their compliance, she offered them meager amounts of food, a cruel incentive that intensified their cruelty. Day after day, Thorin endured the degrading humiliation, yearning for a way to harness the potential locked within his mysterious markings and escape the unending torment. Yet, despite his tireless efforts, ranging from traditional methods to techniques sourced from the realms of Harry Potter fanfiction, his spirit crumbled under the weight of relentless suffering, his hope flickering like a dying flame.

In a desperate plea for help, Thorin mustered the courage to report Matilda and the corrupt staff to the local government's social services department, desperately hoping for intervention. To his dismay, he discovered that the heads of the department were entangled in an illicit relationship with Matilda, ensnared by her manipulative charms. The extent of her power and the inexplicable allure she held over others remained a mystery to Thorin, deepening his sense of isolation and despair.

Frustration and a growing sense of entrapment pushed Thorin to attempt an escape, fueled by a desperate longing for freedom and justice. However, his fleeting taste of liberation was short-lived as Matilda and her staff swiftly apprehended him, relishing in the sadistic pleasure of returning him to the confines of the orphanage. This act of defiance sparked Matilda's ire and set in motion a sinister plan to break him once and for all.

One fateful night, Thorin found himself bound to an iron chair in the darkened depths of the basement, his young body trembling with fear and determination. The malevolent gaze of Matilda and her staff bore into him, their twisted smiles reflecting their sadistic delight. Matilda's croaky voice pierced the air, laced with malice.

"Well, well, well, look who's decided to defy us," she sneered, her toad-like eyes gleaming with malevolence. "We had such high hopes for you, Thorin. We provided you with a home, a purpose, and this is how you repay us?"

Thorin gritted his teeth, his small fists clenched in defiance. The fire of resilience burned within him, fueled by deep-seated anger and a desperate desire to expose the darkness that consumed the orphanage and its inhabitants.

"You're nothing but monsters, exploiting children for your own gain!" he spat, his voice filled with a mix of anger and desperation.

The staff chuckled darkly, their shadows dancing on the basement walls. One of them, a tall man with a twisted smile, leaned in close to Thorin's face. His breath reeked of malice as he hissed, his voice dripping with disdain.

"You're just a worthless orphan, boy," he taunted. "No one will even notice when you're gone. But we'll make sure you suffer first."

Thorin's eyes burned with a fierce determination, his youthful defiance pulsating through his veins.

"You won't break me," he declared, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and resolve. "I may be just a child, but I'm stronger than all of you combined!"

Matilda's face contorted with fury, her voice dripping with venom.

"You think you're special, don't you?" she spat. "Well, let's see how special you are when we're done with you. You'll beg for mercy, boy. And there will be none."

Their sadistic grins widened, revealing their intention to subject him to unspeakable torment or perhaps even end his existence, as the disappearance of an orphan would likely go unnoticed. They began to unleash their malevolence upon him, their actions pushing his body and adult mind to their limits. However, just as Thorin teetered on the edge of unconsciousness, his golden markings erupted in a radiant glow, illuminating the room with a brilliance akin to the sun. Startled by the sudden burst of light, the staff and Matilda were hurled backward by a powerful shockwave that reverberated throughout the entire orphanage.

Unbeknownst to them, their wicked deeds had inadvertently awakened an ancient power that lay dormant for millennia. The ripple of this unleashed energy spread far and wide, capturing the attention of magical beings attuned to the awakening of something primal and ancient. Overwhelmed by the surge of power, Thorin succumbed to unconsciousness, his fragile form transported away from the hellish orphanage, and whisked to an unknown location.

Meanwhile, the staff and Matilda disoriented but recovering from the blinding light and strong shockwave, scoured the building and its surroundings in search of the boy they considered their prized possession, their "golden toy." Fearful of the consequences that awaited them, Matilda vowed to track him down and silence him permanently, pulling in every favor she had to ensure his return to the orphanage.

Little did they know that Thorin's escape marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life, a journey driven by the awakening of his hidden powers and the quest for justice. As he drifted into a deep slumber, his mind filled with visions of an enigmatic figure cloaked in shadow, whispering promises of a destiny intertwined with ancient magic and untold possibilities.

End of Chapter 3