
HP: A New Life

[A Harry Potter Fanfiction] Decades after the war Harry Potter has everything in life wealth, fame, power, etc but nothing to live for. Just when Harry thinks that he will lead a lonely existence for the rest of his life, he his approached by an old friend Death. Death offers Harry a chance to go back to live a life he was always meant to, but can he fix the past while Harry himself is a little broken. I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreon. Check it out if you want to support me. https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon

Lucifer101 · Book&Literature
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95 Chs

Chapter 57 Snow

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



December 1991.

Daphne pov:

Daphne got up early in the morning, she is having trouble sleeping lately with just a few days remaining to their Christmas holidays.

Daphne is obviously happy and excited to meet her parents and Astoria after not seeing them for months but she is also feeling a little sad leaving the school for some reason.

She mindlessly walked around the school which is yet to wake up but somehow found herself standing in front of the school grounds. Daphne refused to accept the possibility that her ending up here has anything to do with the fact that Potter exercises with Oscar and his siblings on the school grounds this time every morning.

When she got there instead of just a snow-covered ground Daphne found numerous six feet high walls made of snow spread across the field. There are also stacks of snowballs placed on the field at various distances.

Before Daphne could wonder what was going on, she saw Harry just casually walk in the middle of the field with his wand out and a stack of snowballs floating behind him. Suddenly Oscar jumps out of the cover of a snow wall with a wand in his hand and a few snowballs floating in front of him.

"Depulso" Oscar spoke and launched the two snowballs in front of him at Harry at incredible speeds. But Harry easily moved out of the way of the snowballs coming towards him while pointing his wand at Oscar which caused one of the snowballs from the stack floating behind him to hit Oscar right in his face.

Harry launched one more snowball right after the first one but Oscar jumped out of the way with incredible agility and speed. While Harry was focused on Oscar, Rose and Charlie somehow made their way behind Harry with an entire stack of snowballs with them, they both waved their wands while yelling "Depulso" and shot one snowball after another at Harry's back.

But Harry leaned to his left with cat-like grace and dodged the snowballs coming his way. Seeing that their ambushed failed the three of them chose to bombard Harry with everything they got.

Harry effortlessly dodged all of the snowballs coming from every direction as three of the launched snowballs at him while moving and running around the ground with the agility and speed of a monkey on steroids. But even still all their efforts were for nothing as even with all of this there was not even a speck of snow on Harry while all three of them were regularly getting hit by snowballs.

But seeing that their tactic is not working all three of them suddenly ran away scattering in different directions. Even while running away all three of them still got hit by a few of Harry's snowballs.

Daphne just stood there stunned watching as three potter siblings and Oscar ran around the snow-covered ground playing their game. Where do they even find the energy to do all of this so early in the morning in this cold weather. But she can see the point of this game.

While having fun Harry is helping his siblings and Oscar improve their mastery over basic spells like levitation spell, summoning spell, banishing spell etc. It is also helping them get better at dodging incoming spells and have a better grasp of the surrounding during battles.

Daphne is sure that one day she will stop being surprised by all the ingenious ways Harry makes even the most mundane things fun and useful. But that day is clearly very far off into the future. While Harry has always been a beast no matter what he does but she was also surprised by Rose, Charlie and Oscar. All three of them are moving around dodging snowballs with a level of dexterity and stamina that one would not expect at their age.

Oscar, she understands. Being a werewolf naturally gives the same physical enhancement to the body like powerful enhancement rituals with the magical senses of a werewolf being particularly powerful to the point that no set of enhancement rituals can replicate its effects. It's a good thing that half-breeds and cursed beings like werewolves can't perform enhancement rituals or they would have been a problem for the entire magical community.

What truly surprised Daphne is Rose and Charlie, Potter and his siblings must have trained for years to be able to move like that.

As she looked around Daphne noticed Granger lying like a ragdoll on the bench near the ground with Longbottom and Weasley are sitting next to her.

Daphne made her way towards the three Gryffindors, they all look tired like they just swam across the entire great lake. Daphne just went and sat next to Longbottom.

"What are they doing?" She asked the Longbottom heir.

"They are having a snowball fight, but there is only one difference, you can only use magic while playing." The ginger Weasley eagerly answered before Longbottom could respond.

"And what's wrong with Granger?" Daphne asked looking over the girl lying on the bench.

This time Neville responded "we were also playing with them but got tired, Hermione almost passed out because she is not used to playing or moving around. This is probably her first time." Daphne nodded.

"All four of them are bloody insane. They have been going at it for more than an hour now!" Weasley sudden spoke surprising Daphne.

Daphne sat on the beach with three Gryffindors waiting for Harry. It took a while but Daphne didn't mind as she enjoyed watching Potter just playing with his siblings and Oscar.

After they were done playing Harry waved his wand over the field and the snowball battle arena just turned back into a regular snow-covered ground.

Rose, Charlie and Oscar looked exhausted but Harry looks like he just took a casual stroll in the park.

Daphne waited until everyone else left and she and Harry were the ones left.

"Are all of your morning exercises this fun and exciting? Because I would like to join you from now on Potter"

Harry smirked at her "You are welcome to join us anytime but can you keep up with us Greengrass?"

Daphne responded with just a smile. Can she keep up? Potter! I will answer that tomorrow by burying you under six feet of snow. Then we will see who can't keep up.