
HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Heavy AU, diferent from the start, and more complex magic! After transmigrating into a very different Harry Potter, Sebastian fights to gain strength in the worldwide struggle for power, glory and domination which started through Dumbledore‘s failed ‘secret’ ritual. Accompany Sebastian on his way to dominate the world! (Sebastian uses Germany to get stronger and to develop it into his future stronghold!) As stated above, magic is more advanced and original! It will even include scientific aspects, making it more diverse and stronger! Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters, except the original characters I create. The image used is created by AI. PS: English isnt my first language and this is my first try writing a ff. Feel free to leave comments and to correct my writing and grammar.

DaoistDumbles · Book&Literature
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58 Chs

Master Yu vs. Red Assassin II

Panting and with their magical endurance almost depleted, both wizards paused. They knew this next exchange could determine the outcome, but they were also ready to continue and win this fight by exchanging their own lives.

Red Assassin used one of his strongest spells, which he knew could flatten the whole city. He also knew that it was the spell his disciplines found to be the most badass and cold, therefore he put away his katana and lifted his hands to his sides, while incantating in a deep voice, "Shinra Tensei!" (Almighty Push) 

He unleashed the spell, creating an immense gravitational force aimed outwards. The air shimmered and then exploded outward, away from him in a spherical shockwave. Buildings were flattened, cars were hurled like toys, and the ground itself was torn apart. The force of the spell extended for kilometres, levelling the town in one single, devastating and absolutely massive attack. The shockwave obliterated anything in its path, reducing structures to rubble and turning muggles into meat paste.

"Not so fast!", Master Yu shouted, and used his strongest counterattack spell, "Fǎn jí!" (Reverse pole), which used Shinra Tensei's own magic to reverse the Gravitational pull while amplifying its effects. Another shockwave devastated the city and even turned the remaining rubble to dust.

As the shockwave dissipated, the dust settled to reveal a third figure standing amidst the devastation. Steven Star, a man that looked like he was around thirty years old with brown and short hair, stood draped in a classy, long, and blue robe, presenting a calm and collected image contrary to the scene the city left behind. He was known for his mastery of gravity, immense heat, and electromagnetism and when he spoke, his presence exuded a fierce, commanding aura.

"It's time to end this madness. Graviton Surge!

Steven raised his hands, manipulating gravitational fields with practiced precision. He wasn't the bearer of the titles of War Mage, engineer, and professor of physics for nothing. The ground quaked and buckled as intense gravitational forces centred around Master. Buildings and debris were pulled towards the centre, collapsing, and crushing everything in their path. Everything was lifted off the ground, bodies, stones, and the earth contorted and was crushed by the overwhelming force.

In a desperate counter, Master Yu combined the elements of wind and fire, and shouted, "Fēng huǒlóng!", summoning a colossal dragon of flame and wind. The dragon roared, its fiery breath scorching the earth as it charged at Steven. The dragon's presence intensified the heat, igniting everything flammable and causing explosions that tore through the whole city.

Steven conjured a barrier of superheated plasma, deflecting the dragon's attack. The plasma shield radiated intense heat, melting nearby structures and incinerating muggles caught in bunkers underground. The air shimmered with the heat, creating mirages as the very atmosphere burned, while Red Assassin, still recovering from his previous attack, joined forces with Steven. He created a barrier of pure electricity around them. The barrier crackled with energy, deflecting debris, and burning anything that touched it. The intense electromagnetic field disrupted electronic devices, causing widespread blackouts and explosions as power grids failed throughout the neighbouring cities.

Steven Star unleashed an Electro Magnetic Magical Pulse, short EMMP, targeting Master Yu's magical construct and causing it to collapse. The pulse spread through the city, sending the remaining dust, rubbles and metal flying while heating it up. All remaining muggles were caught in the chaos and microwaved alive underground, nearly deep frying Master Yu, but he invoked a ritual, and his staff began glowing with enormous power, aligning with the element of fire and water. A harmonious aura enveloped him, balancing and countering the chaotic forces of Red Assassin and Steven. The aura expanded, stabilizing the surrounding area, and repairing some of the damage, but the sheer power of the spells continued to wreak havoc. The ground beneath them glowed with a massive amount of radiant energy, that fought back against the chaos, but the clash of forces created waves that spread outwards, causing the earth to split open, swallowing everything in its path.

 "Therma Devasta!", Steven shouted and focused his magic while using his own, obscure runes, creating a wave of intense heat that swept across the battlefield. The heat vaporized everything in its path, turning metal structures into molten slag and causing the very air to shimmer because of the intensity. The ground cracked and fused, creating a landscape of bubbling lava and scorched earth.

 Master Yu could only summon shield after shield, magical and physica, but it could not hold on against the continued attacks as Red Assassin manipulated space, compressing the battlefield into a tighter area. This compression intensified the forces at play, amplifying the destruction. Buildings crushed under the pressure, collapsing in on themselves. The air itself seemed to vibrate with the raw energy being contained in such a confined space.

Meanwhile, Steven Star again unleashed a storm of electricity and magnetism, creating a vortex of electromagnetic energy. The storm crackled and roared, drawing in metal objects, and sending them flying with lethal force. The magnetic fields disrupted everything, causing metal structures to twist and contort before being ripped apart, threatening Master Yu, who summoned energy through his ritual, using the very life force of another clan to empower his defences and barely surviving. The others did not want to believe it, but he was able to stand strong against two other War Wizards and survive, not taking any substantial damage at all!

Steven concentrated his remaining power, creating a miniature black hole that began to draw in everything around it. The singularity's gravitational pull was immense, and even the very ground was sucked into the vortex, compressed into nothingness. The gravitational waves caused the earth to quake, creating massive fissures that swallowed the corpses of the muggles from underground bunkers and the remains of underground systems alike. The sheer force of the singularity caused the air to rip apart, creating a vacuum that suffocated those nearby. 

In the exact same moment, Red Assassin stomped the ground, causing it to quake violently once more. Stone armour formed around his body, enhancing his defence and strength. He charged forward, striking with earth-shattering force.

Master Yu shouted desperately, reaping the lives of over two thousand wizards in the far distance with a single spell, "Shēngmìng huishou" (Life Reclamation).

In a desperate counter, he called upon new and advanced biological manipulation, accelerating the growth of plants and organisms. The ground burst open as vines and roots surged forth, absorbing the radiation, and creating a shield of living plants and biological matter. The rapid growth entangled the spells in a web of flora and occasional fauna, crushing and suffocating their power, the plants reclaimed the land.

Steven concentrated a massive amount of energy, creating a dense, superheated point that mimicked the power of a neutron star inside of his remaining black hole. He launched it towards Master Yu. The impact was cataclysmic, creating a blinding explosion of heat and light. The shockwave flattened the remaining structures and created a crater where it struck. Everything was vaporized instantly, leaving nothing but shadows on the scorched earth.

The battlefield was now a wasteland, a testament to the sheer power of the three War Wizards. Shanghai was reduced to rubble and ash, with massive craters and fissures marking the remaining land, occasional plants plastering the ground. The air was thick with smoke, the ground littered with the debris of destroyed buildings and the meat paste of unfortunate muggles caught in the crossfire.

From now on, new measures would need to be taken to stop such madness.




-Back at the new Blackwald Institute of Strength and Progress

The ritual had been over three hours ago, and the first few students began waking up, just as the news of the new battle reached Germany, shocking every professor and student. Sebastian included.

'Wow, I really thought they would stop after what happened last time. Seems like they retain some of their idiocy.', Sebastian thought, as a year mate told him the news. Just after that, a professor began reading out a few more things about the ritual, and finally forced the students to concentrate on their own bodies, only to shout in surprise!

"This is incredible!", Nadine shouted, "I can hear way better and identify the direction perfectly!"

Many others exclaimed similar things, but not all of them, like Sebastian for example. While he did indeed feel stronger, faster, and his senses sharper, he did not get any additional gift he had somewhat expected. But oh well… he already had his cool family talents.

A few others came over to Sebastian, eagerly asking him if he got anything special this time, as it was somewhat expected from the topper of the class. The special one, but he could only answer with a small blush betraying his supposed calmness, "Sorry, I did not get anything. But believe me, you will still be below me in every fight!", he swore to them and himself. The destruction of Shanghai had once again shown him that one War Wizard in your area was enough to kill you without you even knowing…

He would have to get stronger and kill every single one of them, before it was too late.




Please comment of errors or loopholes.

Remember, it is my first ff, so don't expect too much.

There will be chapters on Saturday/Sunday, depending on the power stones from now on.

50 = 1 Chapter on Saturday

100 = +1 Chapter on Sunday

200 = Additional bonus chapter