
HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Heavy AU, diferent from the start, and more complex magic! After transmigrating into a very different Harry Potter, Sebastian fights to gain strength in the worldwide struggle for power, glory and domination which started through Dumbledore‘s failed ‘secret’ ritual. Accompany Sebastian on his way to dominate the world! (Sebastian uses Germany to get stronger and to develop it into his future stronghold!) As stated above, magic is more advanced and original! It will even include scientific aspects, making it more diverse and stronger! Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters, except the original characters I create. The image used is created by AI. PS: English isnt my first language and this is my first try writing a ff. Feel free to leave comments and to correct my writing and grammar.

DaoistDumbles · Book&Literature
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58 Chs

First class!

The next day was a Monday and therefore, they had their very first classes, as the others that came to school earlier could do whatever they wanted.

At six o' clock, Sebastian and Andreas were woken up by their senior and after preparing themselves and getting a new schoolbag with their books, pencils, papers, and a few water bottles inside, they were led back to the great hall, where they sat down with their senior, who had introduced himself as Marc this morning.

"You didn't know this before, but for this week, I will be your teachers' assistant and can therefore watch how you handle your classes.", Marc said, while they were eating a healthy breakfast.

"And why? What makes us so important?", Andreas asked.

"As I have said, you two have qualities that stand out amongst the others. Unluckily, your trip inside the forest wasn't enough to qualify you. That's why you will get this second chance.", Marc answered.

"So only two students qualified? There are only two missing.", Sebastian said with doubt in his voice.

"No, there are a lot more.", Marc said and winked at Sebatian. "Now, finish eating and let's go. And here is your timetable."

' 7:30 – 13:30 15:00 – 16:30

Monday: Charms History & Geography

Tuesday: Transfiguration Astronomy

Wednesdays: Potions 

Thursday: Herbology

Friday: DADA

Saturday: Club 1 (study-club)

Sunday: Club 2 (hobby-club)



'Sounds fun, I have three afternoons to do whatever I want', Sebastian thought. 'Unluckily I don't know how it well be if I qualify for that special school, but I don't think it will be fewer classes than that.'




After eating, the three of them were on their way to their very first class, Charms.

Turns out, the school was structured in faculties for each class and the classrooms were like big lecture halls for around 200 students, with an additional open space for practical exercises for classed like charms, transfiguration, DADA, and greenhouses for herbology and a few large laboratories for potions.

The charms classroom looked very welcoming with bright colour and all kinds of paintings of mother nature. There were a few platforms with different things on them floating in the air, but Sebatian couldn't really make out what was on them.

The hall was already two thirds filled with students and Sebastian and Andreas quickly sat down in the 4th row.


A few minutes later, an adult female ginger came inside from within a room behind the professor's lectern. Her hair was long, and she also wore the black robe and black boots with a sigil on her chest reading 'C & T7'.

Maybe the 'C' stood for charms, Sebastian wondered.

"Welcome students. I am Mariette Fischer, your charms teacher and faculty leader of the charms faculty. Besides me, there are two more instructors for charms that each focus on different aspect of charms you will have the chance to get to know after your third year. For this week I also have an assistant, Marc, the students standing at the corner of the stage.", she introduced herself and Marc.

"First, I am going to tell you about this year's curriculum and after that we will start our first class. Please remember to take notes, as you will have to do written and practical exams at the end of each year."

"The first year is all about getting to know your basic charms and depending on your personal progress, you will be able to learn more."

"First, we will learn a few practical examples to better understand charms, and during that time I will teach you what charms mean, what properties they can influence, their laws and limitations."

"After we are done with that, you will be getting charms to learn, depending on your progress in class, and will have to analyse in depth what the charm does. From incantation and wand movement to the light of the spell and the influenced properties. A lot of this will have to be done as your own research during and outside of classroom. For that, you will have access to the first to third year charms library."

"In the two years after that, we will repeat this, just with more knowledge and depth, as we will only be going over the basic laws and properties during the first year, even though you can study ahead if you are interested.", she ended her presentation of the curriculum.

Sebastian was aflame and down at the same time. On one hand he was aflame, because this curriculum was too perfect. Not this boring 'Learn a few spells (11 to be exact) and swing your wands' like the Hogwarts first year. He could actually learn about charms, though he guessed, that the average students would learn less charms in class than in Hogwarts and the good ones would shine and be able to progress a lot more. But again, he wasn't an expert so it could also mean that learning this now boosts your charms learning abilities exponentially in the future.

On the other hand, he was sad and down, as he would either be kicked from school or must go somewhere else. He didn't forget that the other school could be even better in terms of charms, but the possibility of failing was always there.


"Dear students, please follow me to the training room. Today, we will be focusing on the charms from the book you got before school."



They started with the levitation charm, and everyone was able to lift their own book from the ground. The same with lumos and nox, though the light of a few students was considerably weaker.

After that, they had to split into groups, depending on which charm they wanted to practice, as the former three were the only charms everyone had mastered.

If they could cast a charm successfully, they had to show the teacher and could go learn the others or learn new charms if they were able to cast every charm from the book.

Sebastian had spent a bit of his time every day practicing each spell except transfiguration every day and therefore was able to cast every spell more or less skilfully (for his standard with stupefy), after he had figured out intent and that he could learn difficult charms relatively fast.

Therefore, he went to professor Fischer and said, "Professor Fischer, I am already able to cast every spell from the book."

Professor Fischer turned around and looked at him in surprise and then smiled a knowing smile.

"You must be Sebastian. I have heard about you, there have only been two students so far that have gotten an O in charms this year. It wasn't enough to get an S, as you would need to be a bit more talented, but I think if you focus on the right kind of charms, your talent could very well be S rated.", she said while Sebastian became confused.

"What kind of charms?", he asked.

"That is for you to find out when you are able to pass the test. But you already have enough clues.", she said as her smile only got wider, and her eyes twinkled.

"Would you like to learn the reductor curse?", she asked.

"Uhm, is it a dark spell?", Sebastian asked back.

"It depends on how you use it. Curses in short are generally spells that can either kill or have a lasting impact on living targets. The reductor curse is usually used on objects and has previously been taught in the fifth or sixth year of school all around the world. So don't worry.", she said with a calming smile.

"Okay, then I am going to learn it if you don't mind.", Sebastian answered her previous question, upon which she nodded, handed him a piece of paper she wrote on with a flick of her wand and sent him to an empty corner of the hall which had a few human and object dummies.

After Sebastian walked to the corner and began reading, Professor Fischer smiled and walked to Marc who had been helping other students learning spells and whispered in his ear, "He is making progress and is not averse to learning curses in general.", upon which Marc turned towards her and began to smile as well.

"Good. If we can nurture him in the right direction, he could be just what our country needs. Someone with his talent for martial spells…"


Remember, it's my first fanfiction.

Feel free to comment and correct my grammar and writing, or to leave a review.