
HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Heavy AU, diferent from the start, and more complex magic! After transmigrating into a very different Harry Potter, Sebastian fights to gain strength in the worldwide struggle for power, glory and domination which started through Dumbledore‘s failed ‘secret’ ritual. Accompany Sebastian on his way to dominate the world! (Sebastian uses Germany to get stronger and to develop it into his future stronghold!) As stated above, magic is more advanced and original! It will even include scientific aspects, making it more diverse and stronger! Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters, except the original characters I create. The image used is created by AI. PS: English isnt my first language and this is my first try writing a ff. Feel free to leave comments and to correct my writing and grammar.

DaoistDumbles · Book&Literature
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58 Chs

Dumb-Dumb vs. Louise



The word resounded throughout the world. A battle, changing and writing history had begun.


The earth crackled and warped. But it wasn't the ground that warped, but space itself. It seemed the world was a painting with Louise being the absolute center. Everything was made to make her perfect figure stand out. But in the end, it was just an enormous amount of space and gravity magic, bending everything. Paris' buildings swayed, and every tree, lantern, human or animal fell down in the direction pointing towards Louise. The Eiffel tower ached and cracked, finally succumbing to the power, and falling. Planes flying in the air changed their course and crashed towards the ground below Louise. It was a perfect apocalyptic scene.

"HAHAHAHAHA. It seems you really are set on hurting me, my little girl. Unluckily you cannot match me yet.", Dumbledore laughed and shouted overconfidently.

Runes protruded from his body, taking the form of a young girl, kneeing on the ground and praying. Louise did not know why this was the case, but it was dangerous.




The world in a radius of miles stopped, and time partially rewound, planes flying backwards, houses repairing themselves, even space returned to its former state. But this wasn't the case for everywhere. Large clusters of space were still distorted by Louise's magic.

"HAHAHA, it seems I underestimated you. Your understanding of magic and understanding of the world is greater than I thought!", Albus laughed again.

He had really underestimated her. Both of them knew, that at their level, they were only separated by talent, understanding and imagination. They could literally bend reality. But Dumbledore had to admit, this was far different from the second world war. Upon reactivating the magic, it seemed to become even more profound and mysterious. If formerly, only High War Wizards were able to inflict whole cities, now, coupled with the new understanding of the world through physics and more powerful magic in general, even normal War Wizards could damage whole cities with even more profound spells. Before that, it was mostly fiendfire and normal spells over boosted with their runes, nothing very fancy aside of large-scale transfigurations. Yes, Dumbledore had become weaker, but only relative to other wizards. As a matter of fact, now he was even stronger than before. He did not dare imagine what would happen if a High War Wizard were to exist currently. What damage they would be able to do.

Back to the spells: Now, they did not need special incantations anymore. They could use their special runes and layer hundreds of intents and thousands of hours of learning, understanding and enlightenment in one sentence or even word. But only a High War Wizard would be able to do it in one word.

[A/N: Enlightenment in this case is like Newton being hit by an apple. They could possibly understand everything down to the level of atoms, but that isn't worth much if they cannot develop the right intents to make it work and worth it. Enlightenment of the correct intent or of different usages.]

Dumbledore whipped his wand and flames like out of a gigantic flamethrower flew towards Louise, who countered through creating a transformed flaming veela. Right, veelas had an innate connection to fire. He forgor.

To stopping after his miscalculation, Dumb-Dumb conjured flying golems the size of giants made of water.

The golems shot large jets of high-pressure water towards Louise, who countered, by distorting space for the jets, making them curve around her and back towards the giants while imbuing the water with heat, making it boil and partially vaporize and dissipate.

"Dumbledore, I did not expect you to come, but Paris is still my fortress. You will pay for your actions.", Louise said, now calmed down.

Large, visible wards were erected over Paris, domes of light bocking any apparation or portkeys, along with phoenix teleportation. The ground began to shift, and the streets and houses of Paris slowly began to create a ritualistic circle, crushing hundreds of thousands of lives in the act.

"HAHA, so you wish to make me die with you. Sacrificing yourself and two million lives just to make sure my power is going to fall further. You severely underestimate the progress I have made.", Dumbledore laughed like the old goat he was.

"You know about what Harry did to his opponent. Now let me show you what happens when a War Wizards casts an even more refined spell!"


"Magnefiore Amplificare! Electromagnus Resonantia!"


It was something Louise could not defend against; she felt her body change! There was no malicious intent in the magic, only amplifying her magnetic field a little bit. The second spell also was not concentrated towards her but affected the whole area without doing any damage.

In the far distance, hundreds of ten-meter-long metal spikes became visible, acceleration towards her with above sonic speed.

Louise gritted her teeth. The scientists had only just come up with this defensive spell she was about to use and only because they opened the wizarding world to the greatest French minds, and somehow, a lot of spells concerning atomic physics came to be. But they were so complicated that she could only substitute parts of the spells with her runes and not create sentences on the fly, just like Dumbledore was not able to do right now.


"Défense Atomique Absolue"


As this was not enough, she cast an extension of her atomic shield.


"Barrière de Fusion"


When projectiles hit the shield, enormous amounts of magic were going to be used, putting a huge tole on Louise, too, to create nuclear fusion, releasing large amounts of energy as explosions and heat, obliterating any nearing physical objects. A spell unprecedent, unluckily she wasn't a physicist and did not understand a lot, and her spell was in the disadvantage towards the goat's attack, but it was enough.


The spears hit the shield and explosions went off in every direction with heat nearing the sun's heat. Nuclear fusion! Every spike was vaporized, atomic connections split, and the magic of hundreds of Elite Hit Wizards was used,

Dumbledore slowly but surely became angry. It was not planned to be like this, and the ritualistic circle was nearly finished.

"You leave me no choice now, you bitch.", he said slowly and sadly. He would need to lay low for a bit after this and if he wasn't able to fully control it, it would cost him his own life. His ego was still too big to realize that he overestimated himself and thought of others as worms, as they were back then to him and his lover. What a shame.

Swishing his wand rapidly in fast and steadfast trajectories, Dumbledore cast a spell he would regret casting later.


"Entropus Pulsare!"


A wave spread out in every direction, horizontally, vertically, literally everywhere. Paris and the surroundings were basked in a dark and dreadful grey light.

Magic wailed and bemoaned. A spell magic itself abhorred was cast on a large area by one of its former champions. It was a tragic day.

Structures distorted, aged, or fell apart. Atomic bonds broke in a natural way, and the natural progress of entropy was hastened. Louise looked aghast, being in the middle of this effect she felt all of its consequences, the meaning the spell had and what it did to the world.

Life stopped existing.

Everything stopped existing in a radius of miles.

Every worm, bacteria, human, animal and insect, everything was dead in seconds.

Humans wailed.

It was the most excruciating pain they had ever experienced and every single person, even wizards and witches, felt their life, the bright seed of sunshine, slowly slip out of their body. Even the youngest babe, resting in a crib just minutes after its birth wailed and cried, tormented by waves upon waves of energy, amplifying the effect of entropy millions of times.

A few wizards and witches, unwilling to depart from the world drifted out of their bodies as ghosts, but eventually, even they weren't spared. Particle for particle, their souls disintegrated to never reach the afterlife or even the limbo. They were not digested to live on in a dementor, they just disappeared without any chance to be reborn and continue the cycle of life.

Dumbledore had sinned and he felt it.

Pulses of magic travelled the earth alerting every being of the atrocity committed.

Magic swore, that if it got its hands on Dumbledore's soul it would make him experience pain forever.

Dumbledore's right hand became black, inflicted by entropy. He would die, for sure, and become weaker. How long he would be able to cling to life was not sure, but magic made sure to never ever let anyone commit such crimes again.

From now on, decay would become far more complicated and restricted for wizards.

 [A/N: First preview of semi sentient magic.]

Dumbledore heaved and apparated back to Britain as the wards fell. His whole body ached but there was nothing he could do.

The first fight between War Wizards after the reactivation of most ley lines had ended and would remind humanity forever about the strengths and possibilities but also the abomination wizards could commit with magic.


I reworked Chapter 3: Magic?

Now, Sebastian isn't threatened to go to the Germann school, but they tell him about possible restrictions because of Germany's actions in the past and that he would not go far there, because the other schools do not want him to.

Please comment of errors or loopholes.

Remember, it is my first ff, so don't expect too much.

There will be chapters on Saturday/Sunday, depending on the power stones from now on.

50 = 1 Chapter on Saturday

100 = +1 Chapter on Sunday

200 = Additional bonus chapter