
Howl of a lonely wolf

As We started walking past the boys, the boy with green eyes doubled up in pain as if someone had just stabbed him. Zara and I stopped in our tracts. The boy looked up this time his eyes, full of loathing, were the darkest of black. He made a snarling sound as though he wanted to rip me up into pieces. I jumped back very much scared. " I reject you!" he said through gritted teeth. ................ When life gives you lemons........... Scherezade's father got a promotion. however, it came with the prospect of relocating to a new place. That too right in the middle of her school year. It isn't easy being the new girl in school. And to make life more complicated the school's golden boy seems to hate her with passion. .

DaoistWkdOlv · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

As I entered my classroom I again got the same stares from everyone. I was getting quite tired of this and started wondering when will all this novelty wear off. I went for the empty chair in the fourth row. As I settled down a cute boy in front of me turned around in his chair to face me.

"Hi, I am Sam. You must be Scheherezade. He smiled.

The boy had a crooked smile that made him pretty adorable. He had black hair that he had made up into a messy hairstyle with gel. He was also wearing big nerdy glasses that looked quite cute

Yeah, I am Scheherezade but you can also call me just Sher. I know my name can be a mouth full. I smiled.

"it is a pretty name for a pretty lady," he said.

"Well thanks "I blushed.

"so why did you move to this secluded piece of land of all the places on planet earth Sher may I ask if it's not too personal? He asked

"oh yeah no nothing personal. My dad got a huge promotion but that meant moving here. And mom wanted us all to be together before I leave for College "I replied giving him an abridged version of my story.

"you don't get many new people here do you?" I asked.

"oh, we do get plenty of hikers, campers, and tourists in this area during the summers. But yeah people moving from some big city to live here permanently is pretty rare I suppose "he replied.

As we were making small talk Our teacher walked in. He was a balding tall man in his mid-forties. As he was telling the class to settle down the door of the class opened with a bang.

Standing there was Daniel with one of his buddies. Both of them were tall and quite bulky

"What kind of steroids is he on" I wondered.

"What kind of growth protein is this guy taking "whispered Sam to me reflecting my thoughts. I nodded just as Daniel noted my presence in the room. His eyes narrowed into slits and his nostrils flared. He looked at both me and Sam slightly tilted towards each other while talking. His expression looked like he just swallowed a sour lemon.

"what the hell is this guy's problem," I thought angrily.

"Nice of you to join us Mr. Jensen and Mr lee. Kindly be quick to find your seats. Class is about to start "the teacher said glancing at them.

Daniel started and looked at the teacher. His name was Mr. Green. I saw him give a very slight shake of his head. He turned on his heels and went out closing the door with a bang leaving his friend behind.

Mr sighed and shook his head took off his glasses and cleaned them using a little piece of cloth out of his pocket as Daniel's friend called Lee settled himself in one of the remaining chairs. The teacher started the class as if nothing had happened.

"Wonder what crawled up his ass and died" whispered Sam

" Is he usually like this or is today a special occasion "I whispered back.

"Well, he is the school's cliche golden boy, star athlete. And he is quite arrogant. Doesn't talk to a lot of people and usually sticks to himself and his friends. But even then his behavior is odd today. He has never acted so hostile before. He usually shows respect to the teachers at least" whispered Sam.

"ok, that will be enough no more talking," Mr. Green said looking at us as a warning. Not wanting to get detention on my first day of school I sat up straighter in my seat and concentrated hard on the rest of My class. I liked history as a subject. I found it very interesting.

Soon the class ended and as I was packing my stuff Sam waited for me to finish.

I liked Sam .he was both cute and polite .but he wasn't as attractive as that asshole Daniel I thought angrily. But even then I liked him better than him and would rather be his friend than that crappy guy.

"Why has this guy taken an issue with me on my first day? I have never talked to him before" I continued thinking quietly as I and Sam both made Our way out of the class.

It was finally time for the last class of the day.

PE for her and biology for Sam. He walked me to the door of the female changing room and then turned to go for his class saying goodbye as he went.