
Howl At the Moon

Special. That's what he is, or at least that's what his new father calls him. But Allen knew he's not. He's nothing but a below average person trying to live a normal life as he could despite his fuzzy past. To top it all, he's gay which made him the laughingstock of the jocks. He is trying to live with that until he felt a sudden pull that led him to lay his eyes on Kendrick Immanuel Hayes. And that very moment, his below average world changed swiftly as his blurry past vividly unfolds before him that led him to the realization of who he really is. However, there seems to be a problem, a voice inside him says "Kendrick, my mate..."

YourJoniverse · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

"Good morning pops." I greeted my father as I entered the dining room. He was skimming through the newspaper with a coffee beside him.

He put down the newspaper and smiled at me with his rather attractive face despite his age. Well I actually didn't know his age but I'm sure he is past fifty's. "Good morning Allen. Did you have a good sleep?" He asked then took a sip of his coffee.

"Yep." I beamed and grabbed a sandwich from the table. "Anyway, I had to keep going." I announced as I slumped my bag behind my back.

"This early?" His brows creased.

"Yes. I have to get to school early, finals today." I said and head towards the door of our two-story house. "I'll be home by five."

"You should be." He said chuckling.

I smiled. I really like my dad, well stepdad but you see he's been as good as a real father to me-or maybe even better.

I'm an adopted child. He said he found me lying unconscious in the forest nearby. As for me, I had no recollection of what happened, I just woke up and saw him tending to me. I was even surprised that I found scrapes and scratches on my body and I have no idea where I got them. But they just disappeared, and no trace was left not even a scar.

I have been living with him for five years and as far as I could recall, he has been a great father to me. Although I wonder sometimes why he didn't get married or something. He could have been a wonderful husband.

Well I guess he had his reasons. And I dare not question him.

I went beside the house and took my bicycle which he gave me during my fifteenth birthday.

Since I didn't have any idea of when I was born, we sort of agreed that my new birthday will be the day when he found me. Funny though because I managed to remember my name but I cannot remember other things than that. Well my head might just need some serious banging.

I started to pedal the bicycle out of our large lawn. Well, setting the picture, our house is situated in the threshold of a forest where large trees shed their leaves creating a carpet on the ground.

It really feels wonderful to live here. It is so peaceful making it impossible not to have a good night sleep. And the air, oh nothing smells better.

I finally got out of the vicinity of our house and now heading towards the concrete road when I felt something at my right.

My head tilted instinctively and saw nothing but lush greeneries. I sighed and disregarded the nagging feeling. That place there actually has been intriguing me for quite some time now. Every time I get near the area, I feel something. Like there's someone watching me.

I really want to check it, but my father won't allow it for the reason that venturing the forest alone is dangerous. So being the good child, I complied. Although I am really curious.

The journey from the house towards our small high school just took seven minutes or so. I could see familiar faces now as I drove towards the gate. Well everyone looks familiar since you see them every day given by the size of this school, you could definitely brush shoulders with one another.

I headed at my usual parking spot and ended up regretting it.

"Great." I muttered sarcastically resisting the urge to roll my eyes. Well, I really wanted to start my day wonderfully but how could I when there in a few meters in front of me stood the three person I loathe the most-Brett, Cole and Tyler?

Brett whistled and started pestering me. "Well, it would be a nice day if it wasn't for the fag in a bicycle spreading rainbows and unicorns."

Cole and Tyler snickered with the latter removing his hands from his pockets and folded them against his chest.

Now I definitely rolled my eyes and silently put my bicycle in its spot. I have no intention of entertaining these douche bags. I still have an exam to attend to.

Just when I walked past them, I was being dragged back. "Not so fast fag." Tyler muttered. Of the three, he is the one I hate the most. If it wasn't for him, I would have had a peaceful life.

Well to most, particularly with girls, Tyler Robins is the hottest guy, the perfect boyfriend so to speak. Every girl dreams to get under his pants and I can't blame them. He's got these blond locks and a well-toned body-a fruit of training as the quarterback. Yeah, he is that mighty in the school but to me, he is just nothing but a real annoying prick.

Ever since he discovered that I am gay, he made it a point that he'll not let a day ends without pestering me. And of course, he's brought with him his two friends who are brainless as he is.

They would take my assignments, projects and probably anything important; pulled on pranks like pulling my chair when I am about to sit down or "accidentally" stretched out their feet when I am passing in front of them.

So far, they didn't resolve into the idea of me kissing the toilet because it would be gross and I hope before they could think of that, I'm already out of here. Which is actually less than a month from now.

"What?" I snapped.

Tyler narrowed his eyes. "Did you just snap at me?" Then he grabbed me by my collar.

"Hey. Let go of me." I said, struggling to get free from his grip and failed.

He smiled. Damn. Can I punch this guy just for once?

"My my Allen, we missed you and this is what we get?" He grinned even wider.

Brett and Cole nodded in agreement with the same crooked grin plastered on their face.

I just sighed. "Just let me go, I still have to take an exam." I said.

"Well, we could just escort you, won't that be great?" Tyler pulled me to him and blatantly rubbed his body against mine.

"Hey!" I snapped as I pushed him away.

They all chuckled. "Don't you like it? Everyone would wish to do that to me. You should be thankful." Tyler chimed.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be so confident. Now please let go of me."

He narrowed his eyes then just like the usual, he grabbed a handful of my hair at the back of my head and pulled it down so I could be looking up at him.

"Ouch." I groaned.

He smelled my hair or something like that. "You are so elusive Allen when we should in fact stick together. You have blond hair too; see that's one thing we have in common and" He assessed me with his eyes that sort of make me self-conscious. "and I would be willing to explore the other things which make us compatible together." He fumed, well more of said huskily just against my right cheek.

Where exactly is this conversation going? Something is wrong with this guy.

"You are talking nonsense." I said and pushed him with all my might. Before he could pull me again, someone spoke.

"Are you harassing Allen again?" A very authoritative woman voice spoke.

Tyler reluctantly took his hands off me and, in his face, an undeniable irritation. "We're just greeting him good morning, aren't we guys?"

"Yeah," Cole agreed and nodded his head. Of course, Brett is doing the same thing.

I just rolled my eyes and fix myself then turned around to see Loraine smiling at me. "How are you?" I greeted my closest friend in the school.

"No, how are you? Look at you, you're a mess. You know what, you really should know how to defend yourself." She said and fixed my collar for me.

"Duh, as if it would make a difference." I said.

"Of course, it will." She responded rolling her eyes too.

We then looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

She then entwined her arms in mine, and we walked towards our classroom.

I am so thankful that I have been given the chance to meet her. Aside from the fact that she's the one who stand against the jocks, she's my crying shoulder and the person I confide with my teenage thoughts. And she's always there for me when I needed her.

I was still smiling as Mr. Reeds, our homeroom adviser and facilitator, distributed us the exam booklets.

"A wonderful day to you Allen." He beamed as he gave me a booklet.

"Same here." I replied with the same vibrance.

He nodded and proceeds to distribute at the students at the back. He's my favorite teacher.

The exam went through smoothly.

"I'll see you later, I still have some things to attend to." Loraine said as we head out of the classroom after our exam.

"Okay. The usual spot?" I asked referring to a particular bench under a maple tree in the school yard.

"Yeah sure. I'll bring some refreshments." She chimed.

"That would be great." I smiled. "See ya." I took my leave heading towards the locker.