
How Young Master Quan Pursues His Wife

This is a hot-blooded story. This is a story of growth. # Mo Shangjun, after an extraordinary encounter with a cunning fox, was as beautiful as a vase. Rumor had it, she was capricious, crafty, a living rogue! Ya Tianxing, the mysterious captain of the Ace Special Warfare, was as handsome as a devil. Rumor had it, he was callous, brutal, a living tyrant! In reality— Both were high-level "appearance supremacists"! The day they met, she was hanging onto Ace's shoulder with a hooligan’s flair, yet her words were earnestly persuasive, "If you want me, it's not impossible, but first, you've got to pay with your charm!" "Deal!" The gavel came down. Thus, the emotional journey of the old fox and the young rogue began amidst a different type of fervor. # This is the story of two fiends, and when fiends clash head-on, if they want to avoid a life-or-death struggle, then the only option is to enjoy a thorough feast! This is also a story of youthful ardor, with blood and tears. When the youth facing no regrets meets an increasingly powerful nation, what reason do we have not to be passionately stirred? # We love our country, so we have no regrets drenching our past weaknesses with sweat; We love our country, so we selflessly guard the lives of strangers with our blood. ——Mo Shangjun # [The Chapter of Passion] "Relying on oneself is too exhausting. Having a belief makes life a bit easier." ——What is your belief? ——You.

Fruit Store's Bottle · Urban
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229 Chs

003, My temper is very good_1

Translator: 549690339

Sensing Lin Qi's hostility, Mo Shangjun's eyebrows twitched slightly, but she chose to ignore it.

She walked to the side of her bed.

She picked up her clothes and began to tidy up her bedding.

"Mo Shangjun, you—"

Lin Qi walked over, about to speak, when Mo Shangjun cut her off.

"Sorry," Mo Shangjun stood up straight, looking at her amiably, emphasizing, "Please call me Deputy Company Commander Mo. I have a very good temper, you can call me Deputy as well."


Lin Qi immediately gave her a livid look.

Deputy Company Commander?

A very good temper?

Lin Qi had never met someone so shameless.

"What, do you have an opinion on the military's ranking hierarchy..." Lifting an eyebrow, Mo Shangjun asked with a smile, "Any objections?"


Lin Qi spat out two stiff words.

"That's good," Mo Shangjun's smile deepened, her hand naturally extending toward Lin Qi, "Ning..."

"Lin Qi!" Lin Qi felt her anger rising rapidly.

"Oh, Platoon Leader Lin," Mo Shangjun realized, starting with a quite friendly tone, "I hope we can get along well."


Lin Qi's mouth twitched.

While she seemed very amiable and friendly, both her words and actions were frustratingly irritating.

Suppressing her anger, Lin Qi reached out her hand to Mo Shangjun.

Their hands clasped, the grip neither too soft nor too firm. After a moment, Mo Shangjun was the first to withdraw her hand, then continued laying out the bedding.

"Mo Shang—" Lin Qi began to speak, only to be cut off by Mo Shangjun's indicative glance, causing her face to turn as unsightly as if she had swallowed a fly. After pausing, she forcibly corrected herself, "Deputy Company Commander Mo, do you really not remember me?"


Hearing this, Mo Shangjun tilted her head in confusion, scrutinizing her intently for a moment.

After a while, Mo Shangjun showed a hint of guilt, "I'm very sorry for forgetting you."

Her tone was serious, sincere, and heartfelt.

However, to Lin Qi, that dismissive demeanor was not at all genuine.

Lin Qi's anger flared.

Seeing her about to explode, Mo Shangjun touched her nose and then asked in a negotiable manner, "How about a hint then?"


Lin Qi was simply too tired to communicate with her.

Damn it, whether she was pretending or had genuinely forgotten, Lin Qi didn't want to know.

The former would make her even more infuriated, while the latter made her want to strangle the bastard!

With a "bang", Lin Qi slammed the door and left.

Mo Shangjun was puzzled.

Just as her phone rang again in her pocket, Mo Shangjun, not bothering to think too much, took out her phone and answered the call.

"Xiaomo, you've arrived, right?" Mu Qixuan's warm and hearty voice came from the other end of the line.

"Yeah," Mo Shangjun sat on the bed, responding, "Just arrived."

"The instructor has called me several times, telling me to keep an eye on you now and then, to prevent you from causing any trouble," Mu Qixuan imitated the instructor's serious and worried tone.

Mu Qixuan, a senior who graduated four years before Mo Shangjun, was now in the navy's Marine Corps of the East Sea Fleet, a certified Frogman.

Mo Shangjun met him at his graduation when she was just entering the military academy, and they got to know each other at the instructor's house. Later, they kept in touch due to shared interests.

However, Mu Qixuan was in the navy, stationed with the East Sea Fleet, while she was in the army, stationed in Xilan Military District. With one base in the south and the other in the north, far apart, it was fortunate that the instructor thought of Mu Qixuan and borrowed this senior's authority to guide her.

"Senior, rest assured, I guarantee to handle the relationship with my superiors and subordinate warriors well!" Taking off her cap, Mo Shangjun feigned earnestness.

"Pfft," Mu Qixuan couldn't help but laugh, "Little Gutou, I've already called your political officer."


Mo Shangjun felt slightly embarrassed.

After a while, Mo Shangjun, playing with her military cap in her hands, her expression grew pensive, her voice somewhat lowered, "So, do you think I was wrong?"

"No, I can't determine whether you were right or wrong," Mu Qixuan's tone became more solemn.

"But you have experience," Mo Shangjun laughed softly.

"Experience-wise, do you think you have less than me?" Mu Qixuan also smiled, "Interacting with them, there has never been a so-called correct method; each person's training approach can't be exactly the same, and I believe, you have your own way. And as long as your method doesn't show any obvious disadvantages, it can't be determined that you're wrong."

They had known each other for four years, one in the troops, the other in the military academy; they didn't spend much time together, but they had some contact due to shared interests, and Mu Qixuan knew a bit about Mo Shangjun's character.

Since she was in this position, she would not do something inappropriate.

Similarly, she wouldn't do anything pointless.

"Thank you." Mo Shangjun's mouth curled into a smile.

"Alright, an order from a superior is not to be disobeyed. If you have any problems in the future, you can come to me," Mu Qixuan quickly changed the topic.

"Sure," Mo Shangjun was just as straightforward, "Then about the tutor..."

"I'll put in a good word for you."

Mu Qixuan kindly completed her sentence.

Mo Shangjun was satisfied.

After hanging up the phone, Mo Shangjun tidied up her bedding and changed into a set of training clothes before leaving the dormitory.

Descending the stairs, Mo Shangjun casually grabbed someone to inquire about the whereabouts of the training field and then smoothly made her way there.

By this time, the base had already been enveloped in night; the lights on the training field switched on, adding a faint glow to the pitch-black land.

One running twenty laps, another thirty, and not yet finished; on the vast track, two running figures were extremely conspicuous.

There were quite a few people around, gathered in groups of threes and twos, some standing and chatting, others doing extra training on the four-hundred-meter obstacles and the parallel bars.

As Mo Shangjun approached, she overheard three men not far away discussing her.

Something about being ruthless and fierce.

Before she could hear clearly, the three men spotted her and appropriately ceased their conversation.

"Deputy company commander!"

"Deputy company commander!"

"Deputy Commander Mo!"

The three men greeted her with stern faces, their expressions tinged with a touch of nervousness.

Mo Shangjun also conveniently walked over.

Their hearts tightened at the sight.

With the canteen incident in mind, in their eyes, Mo Shangjun had become somewhat skilled but was seen as an arrogant bully with a temper not to be trifled with.

They didn't like this kind of person, but such a person could suppress them at any time, so they had some degree of apprehension.

Who knew how strong a woman's desire for revenge could be?

They were like tigers that devoured men, unreasonably ferocious characters.

"How many laps have you run?"

Walking over, Mo Shangjun asked directly.

After exchanging glances, someone promptly responded with a clear voice, "Platoon Leader Lai has done twenty-six, and the other is at nineteen."

"The platoon leader of the third platoon is called—" Mo Shangjun slightly raised her eyes.

"Lai Liang!" the person continued to answer, "Lai of Lai Ming, Liang of cool water."


Mo Shangjun nodded.

Then she turned to look at the training field, not saying anything else.

Even though she was a woman, her strong aura made it difficult for the three men standing aside, and after waiting a while and seeing that she didn't have anything else to say, they nodded to her and directly ran towards the four-hundred-meter obstacle area for training.

While waiting, Mo Shangjun also observed those who were voluntarily doing extra training.

Without access to their profiles, she was unclear about their identities, but from an observer's perspective, there were two types of people still at the training field at this hour—

One type, ambitious and strong, looking to become even stronger.

The other, purely a dead weight, compelled to become stronger.

Of course, those two being punished on the track were an exception.

Mo Shangjun waited until Lai Liang finished his laps before she casually put her hands in her pockets and walked nonchalantly towards him.

As she approached, Lai Liang bent over with hands on his knees, catching his breath and trying to regulate it.


Stopping in front of him, Mo Shangjun's voice was lowered, seemingly asking casually.

Hearing her voice, Lai Liang paused, then after taking one last deep breath, he suddenly straightened up, raising his right hand and saluting Mo Shangjun properly.

"Reporting, you'll know once you've run it yourself!"

Raising his voice forcefully, Lai Liang looked at her with bright eyes, defiantly and emphatically said.