
How Walmart Cures Loneliness

"Sasha reached in the snack cupboard and pulled out a sad, empty hand. Had she really forgotten to stock up on goldfish? She didn't have any food left, so she knew that she had to venture out into the wilderness, also known as Walmart. Sasha was afraid of people, so this would be very difficult."

StoofTheGoose · Teen
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2 Chs

7 Lears Later, Present Day

"Hunny, it's time to take the kids to their first day of kindergarten! HURRY UP, THEY CAN'T BE LATE!!" Sasha yelled. 

Amelio ran in the room with two lunch boxes and two backpacks. One set was purple and the other set was green. Sasha and Amelio then walked their identical twins to school for the first time. 

Amelio and Sasha had adopted the twin girls, Yoshi and Satomi, from Japan 3 years ago when the twins were both just 2 years old. Sasha and Amelio got married 5 years ago when they were just 22 years old. They had been living together for 1 year when Sasha unexpectedly got millions of youtube fans, and she had money to buy them a nice house. They decided that the new house should have an extra room for children. They wanted to help a child in need, so they traveled to Tokyo, Japan. There they met Yoshi and Satomi, and learned what their names meant, Yoshi meant beautiful river and Satomi meant intelligent beauty. They just couldn't help falling in love with the twins so they took a year of their time, living in and out of Japan in order to adopt the children. 

Sasha and Amelio got back home after dropping their children off, with a huge bag of Skittles. Amelio then said, "Do you remember when we first met?"

Sasha and Amelio busted out laughing and ate the whole bag of Skittles together, just as a nuke hit the ground...