
Chapter 2: I am now the Boss here! (2)

Where am I ,I can't see anything I can't feel anything ,my body I can't feel ittttttttttttttttttttt! It tried to scream but I couldn't even do that. I could not do anything it was as if I am in an ice cube

Calm down Gang! Come down Gang! Come Down! Calm Down

you have been through tougher times this is nothing there is no need to panic just think calmly and you will find a way.....I tried to breath in and out to relax myself byt as I was also unable to breath I had another panic attack

After a few more moments on panicking I finely regained my calm and came up with four possibilities

1) I am in some kind of deep sleep

2) My brain nerves got damaged during the accident and disconnected so I cant feel or use my body

3) I am Dead

4) Doesn't matter I'm Fucked

Even after all these possibilities I couldn't reach a conclusion I had too little information on my hand

Finely after 2 day, I heard some noise It was like metal rubbing against metal and then I heard a voice and saw a light blue light in front of my eyes

System Starting up

*Beep** Beep **Beep **Beep*

System loading …0%

I waited for about 20 minutes and then

System loading …1%

I waited another 2 hours

System loading …4%

At this time, there was an imaginary vain popping up on my forehead

What is this 'window XP' start the hell up already?

It was a pity I couldn't feel my hands or I might have already throw this shit out of the window

For a matter of fact, I also don't have a window right now but that's beside the point

I waited another 10 days before loading reached 99% I felt like i was in hell no even hell wouldn't be this bad I mean the devil would inflect physical pain but this was something beyond that

For 10 days strait one can't sleep or blink and have to stare at a shitty blur screen waiting for the number to rise this goes beyond being a devil to being the arch devil

After another 6 hours

System loading ….100%

Finely the wait is over and maybe I could watch some porn on this thing *Ahem* I mean research where I am and my current situation

As I was thinking this words started appearing on the screen

System loading is complete, system binding will commence this may take a while please be patient

System binding …0%

Some please kill me

After 15 more days of torture I have upgraded the status of the person who created this system from an arch devil to a Demon king .I'm even willing to tell the guy the color of my underwear only if he only stopped this damnable thing

However, before I could lose the last of my sanity the words on the blue screen changed again

System Binding …100%

"User can now communicate with the system"

I was about ask about my current circumstances but the words of the screen changed again

"The host's sprite power is almost depleted "

"Soul in danger of disintegrating "

'Forceful hibernation of host commenced until host is ready to hatch"

Before I knew it, I blanked out again.