
How to Tame Your Demon Prince

In an attempt to summon a strong familiar, Rubisviel Fyaril, Witch of The Dark Forest, created a spell to bring forth an other worldly entity only to end up summoning a Demon Prince with no memories of his past. She managed to convince the demon to leave however they parted after he gave her an oddly familiar kiss. When she finally thought that her life was going back to its witchy normality, her visitor returned only to claim that he's going to reside with her due to a master-servant curse that bound them on his summoning. Ruby was forced to live with a very flirtatious demon who seemed to want to bed her so she tried finding a way to break their curse. But what if his presence only attracts trouble? And what if he's actually part of the past she wanted to forger? After striking a deal with her friend's nemesis for a potent love potion in exchange for her mother's sword, Ruby found her life in greater danger and her past catching up to her. Watch out little witch you're not the only one brewing evil in her pot. A Demon Queen you've once vanquished is rising from her grave to get back to you and when she does you better sharpen you weapons and kiss your demon for the long nights about to come.

Mischievous_Her · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 66: Among Us

Caspian and Ezekiel stood there and remained silent waiting for her to speak. Ruby slumped on the chair never minding her posture and manners as the two joined her on the seats around the table. 

"You should really leash your cousin, Cassy. He's gone too ballsy speaking to our Ruby like that." Ezekiel spoke spitefully.

"That fool is naturally like that. I'm sorry that he treated you that way, dear Ruby." Caspian apologized to the maiden who poured herself a glass of water before drinking tiredly from her golden cup. 

"It's okay. I'm numb to it. Let the dogs bark because they are mindless beasts. Caspian, I heard that you and your soldiers were ambushed on your way here. Are you well?"

"Oh, yes. It was a tough battle and some were even able to drag me deep into the woods to separate me from my squad however no demon will amount to the might of a northern soldier. I sent them scrambling with one roar and a swing of a blade. No one can stop me from seeing the beauty of our goddess." Caspian directed her a bright grin which Ruby returned with an amused smile. 

"I'm glad that my face was able to give you motivation. Now, I am tired after all that talking and planning. Can you accompany me on the way to the small lake so I can take a bath? You can also join me since I can smell your foul eggplants rotting under those armors." Ruby joked making her comrades chuckle in amusement before following her outside the tent. Ruby grabbed some clothes and towels before throwing them to her friends for them to hold. 

"What a dirty thing to say for a lady. Maybe we should wash that dirty mouth instead." Caspian commented, feigning shock. 

"My eggplant smells fine. Maybe it's just Caspian after jacking off on some tree outside."

"Oh shut up."

They entered the forest and traversed through the thick undergrowth that trips them almost every time while Ruby's dainty feet allowed her to walk nibbly over the uneven ground. Ezekiel and Caspian are Ruby's childhood friends from other noble houses from the north. Ezekiel is a tall pale man with platinum blond hair and a dazzling pair of deep blue eyes while Caspian is a beautiful tan man with copper hair and the most hypnotic pair of golden eyes. From Ruby's perspective, Ezekiel reassembles a snow leopard while Caspian reassembles a lion. Both of them have strapping bodies beautifully honed by years of combat and training which myriads of women swoon about but Ruby was already immune to their charms through the years of living with God-sculptured-bodied men. 

They paused when they reached a small clearing where a pristine waterfall lake can be found shining under the brilliant spring sunshine. Ruby faced her two companions with a stern face and opened her mouth to speak. 

"A traitor is among our ranks." she plainly started making her companions gasp with disbelief. 

"How can you tell?" questioned Caspian. 

"I bet it's Pelinor. He's been sprouting nonsense since he arrived here." Ezekiel suggested crossing his arms. 

"Pelinor is naturally sharp-tongued and cynical but he is afraid of my mother's wrath. He won't kill a fly if it means invoking my mother's rage."

"Then who might it be?" 

"Ezekiel give me your sword." the said man complied without question. 

"Remove your armors." Ruby ordered making her companions look at each other with perplexed looks. 

"Ruby if you wanted to bed us you just need to ask. We're willing to be your dildos if that prince wasn't enough to satisfy you." joked Ezekiel but complied anyway. Caspian only glared at the other knight but said nothing as he unbuckled the straps of his armor. 

Ruby suddenly threw Ezekiel's sword towards Caspian's direction which he caught effortlessly. Ruby eyed the blond male with cold merciless eyes before passing a sentence. 

"Sir Ezekiel of Cantherby, I hereby sentence you to die under the crime of treason to the banner you've sworn your allegiance to. Lord Caspian, please carry out the execution." 

"Hold on a moment, Ruby. This must be a misunderstanding. I would never betray you. I will slit my own throat before that happens."

"Then prove it by accepting your sentence." the maiden answered with nonchalance. 

"Ruby, before you pass the sentence then present your evidence first." Ezekiel reasoned further while slowly backing away from the other knight. 

"I have none I just felt like it. A woman's intuition is always right, they say." Ezekiel had a pleading look but the maiden's eyes were only trained on his executioner who was advancing rapidly as he drew his sword. Ezekiel noticed Ruby's eyes narrowing as Caspian grip the sword handle tighter and lifted it over his head to decapitate his companion's. 

Ezekiel only bowed his head in hopelessness, accepting his unfair fate. He prays that his death will appease Ruby and help her find the true culprit of her accusations. He bit his lips as he surrendered his life to his lady. 

"You are my queen now and forever." He uttered one last time as he awaited his impending death. Caspian brought the sword down with one mighty swing and a loud yell reverberated across the empty spaces of the woods. 

"What?" Ezekiel questioned as he opened his eyes. 

"A demon really does reveal its true colors when injured." Ruby muttered as her gloved hand held the blade meant to decapitate her knight's head while her other one held the rapier embedded on Caspian's chest. 

"Ruby?" Ezekiel gasped when he saw his comrade's once handsome face turn into an insidious ugly one. The tan man turned into a demon with hideous proportions before screaming and attacking the maiden. Ruby effortlessly kicked the demon into a tree and skewered it with Ezekiel's sword. It didn't die yet because Ruby made sure to puncture no vital organ as she turned to her other companion who was getting on his feet looking clearly distressed and confused about the rapid occurrence. 

"My lady, can you please enlighten me as to what happened? I cannot comprehend the situation we are currently in."

"I understand your confusion so let me inform you. I received a letter earlier with Caspian's signature in the envelope. I put it aside since the meeting was about to start but it disappeared before I could even read it. Why would he send me a letter if he's with me? Then this Caspian winced when he touched Pelinor's shoulder because his armor is blessed by the priestess and he also couldn't stand holding your sword. Additionally, Lord Caspian will never kill you even if it's God who ordered it because you are his best friend. He will slit his own throat and die with you which confirms my suspicion that he's an imposter." 

"I see. Then he probably swapped with the real Caspian when they were ambushed." Ezekiel guessed with a solemn face at the misfortune of his friend.

"That is what I assume as well. Now bring this demon back to camp and interrogate him. He should be too weak to fight since my rapier is laced with sedatives. I really need this bath and don't worry I'll be fine." 

"At once my lady." replied Ezekiel before tying up the demon and dragging him back to camp. 

When Ruby was finally left alone she allowed herself to slump against a tree and let out a frustrated cry. She most likely lost Caspian because she called him here. If she didn't insist on summoning him here then he'll still be safe in Seerhaven drinking wine and sending her flirtatious letters. She allowed her heart a moment to grieve before sighing her frustrations out and stripping her body naked. 

She submerged herself in the cool pristine water of the small lake and dived under to lose herself in the comforts of the unknown. The chill hugged her body comfortably and emptied her mind of its troubled thoughts. Her tears were wiped away by the water and vanished into non-existence. The cold helped calm her rapidly beating heart but did little to take the sadness prevalent in her chest due to her inability to protect one of her closest friends.