
How to Tame Your Demon Prince

In an attempt to summon a strong familiar, Rubisviel Fyaril, Witch of The Dark Forest, created a spell to bring forth an other worldly entity only to end up summoning a Demon Prince with no memories of his past. She managed to convince the demon to leave however they parted after he gave her an oddly familiar kiss. When she finally thought that her life was going back to its witchy normality, her visitor returned only to claim that he's going to reside with her due to a master-servant curse that bound them on his summoning. Ruby was forced to live with a very flirtatious demon who seemed to want to bed her so she tried finding a way to break their curse. But what if his presence only attracts trouble? And what if he's actually part of the past she wanted to forger? After striking a deal with her friend's nemesis for a potent love potion in exchange for her mother's sword, Ruby found her life in greater danger and her past catching up to her. Watch out little witch you're not the only one brewing evil in her pot. A Demon Queen you've once vanquished is rising from her grave to get back to you and when she does you better sharpen you weapons and kiss your demon for the long nights about to come.

Mischievous_Her · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 52: Date

Aurelius sat on his elaborate chair gazing out into the beautiful garden. A chessboard was spread on the table in front of him where the black pieces are on his side while a set of red pieces lie on the opposite. A sour look decorated his face as he brood over the events that had occurred. 

"'Battle Royale: Lady Ruby Edelweiss of House Pendragon apologized for acting violently as a response for mistakenly assuming that Marcel, an actor at the Opera, was disrespecting her fiancée Lady Carmilla Karstein when she found her passed out in his arms. She initially thought that her bride-to-be was being harassed when in truth Marcel was merely assisting her because of her anemic attack. Lady Ruby already apologized to the actor as well as thanked him for his assistance.'" Sylvia read out as she entered the room. 

"The lies she has woven. I'm completely annoyed but I can't help but applaud her devotion. More so if it was for me." Aurelius muttered bitterly. 

"It didn't go well as planned. Ruby's love for Carmilla seemed to be greater than the pain of her betrayal. Perhaps she had known initially or much less suspected it." Sylvia commented as she wandered around the garden room touching a blooming rose that had caught her interest. 

"They still managed to turn it around and make it appear as a simple misunderstanding and the people are fast to suck it up because Ruby herself had made a public apology. Honestly, I couldn't believe how well she could manipulate people's perspectives with her pretty face and sweet voice. She also managed to fool the ones who were present in the scene. She contained the fire before it even spread. It was a very risky move but it was understandable. If they had admitted the truth their whole bloodline would be put into scandal especially the Karstein. Kudos to your princess for being swift with her wit. Her devotion is certainly admirable. But you don't seem particularly happy. Your little date didn't go well, I presume?" Aurelius only clicked his tongue at the memory. 

"No, it did not."

A few days ago Aurelius received a letter from Ruby written from a hotel she was currently staying at in the empire. She was accepting his proposal regarding a meeting for lunch as a symbol of his gratitude at the High Garden Gallery rooftop. The mere touch he made on the parchment where her elegant hand had graced sent electricity running through his veins but more so was the fact that she was inviting him to a date. He quickly replied positively like an excited child and booked the date for the two of them. 

It took him hours to choose the right clothing to wear and the flowers he would give to her since roses seemed overrated and he wanted to be original. After a lot of consultation with Sylvia regarding the perfect outfit, he finally chose to go with something casual yet charismatic. He wore a burgundy turtleneck overlapped by a dark grey suit coat and some matching pants. His hair was combed back and styled to perfection. 

He had a beaming smile that could have rivaled the sun as he walked to the rooftop garden of the art gallery where his princess was already waiting for him. His heart skipped a beat when he entered the premises and saw her marveling at the blooming flowers around her while butterflies of all colors and sizes fluttered around her as if they were worshipping a deity. The dancing sunlight that flitted through the paned glass gave her beauty an ethereal glow like angelic radiance. 

Ruby wore a simple frilly-sleeved chiffon dress that hugged her figure perfectly. Her hair was styled in a simple updo with a few golden strands framing her perfectly smooth face. Ruby wore minimal makeup and accessories but he thinks that her smile is the only decoration she needs to look beautiful and even without it she would still be alluring. He paused for a while wanting to relish the view and engrave it into his memory. 

His reverie was interrupted when she turned around to face him. 

"Prince Aurelius, you're finally here." she smiled. Too formal. He thought but didn't point it out and only replied with his own smile. 

"Hello, Ruby. Sorry, I'm a bit late. Here I got you this." he said before handing her the bouquet of middlemist red, that is the rarest and most expensive plant he could find in the empire. 

"How very thoughtful of you. Thank you but isn't this type of camellia flower very expensive? This color also means love, passion, and deep desire. Could this be a confession of love, my prince? I should tell you again that I'm an engaged woman. It would be very controversial for our families if I have you as my mistress." Ruby teased with a mischievous smile making the prince blush. 

"Oh no. It was merely an accident. I asked the florist to give me the rarest plant because I didn't think that roses would be enough to be on par with you so I bought this instead. So how have you been since... you know?" he asked, changing the subject. 

"Oh that. We're fine. It was a simple misunderstanding and we handled it accordingly. Carmilla and I are still going strong, actually, we are better than ever thanks to this little incident we got to address a few problems we have and sorted it out. She even accompanied me here." Ruby gestured to her left before the said maiden entered the scene and went beside his princess. His smile nearly fell due to her words but he did his best to hold it intact. 

"Greetings Prince Aurelius. Ruby had filled me in on what happened that night. I want to thank you for helping her out and keeping her company while I was having another anemic episode." smiled Carmilla as she wrapped an arm around Ruby's waist nearly making him grit his teeth in anger. 

"Of course, you're very much welcome but I suppose my actions were still meager compared to what she's done for me. Will you be joining us as well Lady Carmilla?" he asked, wanting to roll his eyes.

"Oh no. It's just you and me. She's here to present her latest artworks on the High Garden Society to be bid later on in the auction. She'll be in on that for quite a while and I guess I'll be waiting here for her until it's done." Ruby explained. 

"I should be going now, my love. Have fun with your lunch." Carmilla informed before grabbing Ruby's cheek and giving her a full long kiss, making Aurelius nearly explode as he watched them happily make out with tongues and all. 

"I'll see you later cutie pie." Carmilla said seductively before placing a last peck on her cheek. 

"Don't overexert yourself, you'll do great." Ruby cheered before letting her go. 

"See you later your highness and please take care of my darling." Carmilla bid goodbye before leaving the scene. Aurelius rejoiced in her absence as he finally has the Huntress all to himself. 

He pulled a chair for her to sit in and then took the chair opposite hers. Once they were settled, waiters and waitresses poured into the room holding covered platters and crystal pitchers. Another set of servants placed plates and utensils on their table before returning to the side. 

"A seven-course meal? You went extra fancy for a casual lunch and it's so curious how there's no other guest here but us. I've read that this place is usually quite packed with the rich and famous so it's quite surprising why we're alone here. Did you perhaps rent the cafe?" Ruby questioned in curiosity as the servers set hors d'oeuvres on their table and pour matching wine on their glasses. 

"I actually bought the whole building so that I can have it vacant just for today."

"Oh is that so? Why go to such lengths for a mere meet up?" she asked before popping a slice of cucumber topped with crab cooked in cream cheese. 

"I'm not comfortable with other people around since I tend to attract a lot of attention because of who I am and I also don't want to meet any of my former suitors slash present haters like the last time. Do you like it?" 

"Yes, it's a very interesting taste that suits my palate. I know what I like, but do you?" Ruby smiled before picking another bite-sized dish and hanging it in front of his lips. Aurelius stared at her hand for a bit, feeling his inside warm-up due to the gesture before taking it into his mouth. He intentionally grazed his lips against her fingers a little before giving her a smile. 

"I think I know what I want." he said flirtatiously. He felt his little guy pulse when Ruby placed the fingers she used to feed him with against her lips to remove the oil. 

"Let's cut to the chase and get to business." Ruby leaned against her seat cooly and stared at him with cold eyes that nearly made him shiver. 

"What do you mean?" The smile on his lips faded and confusion replaced the warm feelings on his stomach due to her sudden sharp tone. 

"You don't really expect an engaged woman who had just been in a scandal due to her fiance cheating, to meet with a man because of mere amicable gestures? No, I came here to confront you." Her words made ice-cold frost run through his veins, especially due to the harsh sharpness of her tone. He did not reply and waited for her to continue. 

"I found it quite suspicious that a famous theater would have a broken lock when it's quite profitable. Surely the manager wouldn't be too lazy nor stingy because it would be a bad review. A perfectly functioning door wouldn't be locking itself unless of course... someone locks it. And then I heard that someone had paid off quite a hefty sum for the key and the person's silence which I had to double to open his mouth. Imagine my surprise when the person who bribed the manager was also the same person I was with while the door was locked. He distracted me for a bit and then led me to the room where my fiance was frolicking with her mistress. Now, what does that imply to me? What were you really aiming for when you tried ruining my relationship? What qualms do you have for the union of the Karstein and Pendragon family? I suppose the royal family is also in on your scheme. However, you should know that Carmilla and I are not only bound by feelings but also by a bond honed by time and devotion. Plus the sex was very, very good. So what do you really want?"

"I want you to know the truth that your girlfriend is cheating on you! She doesn't deserve you! You're loyal, kind, and sweet, and yet she... She betrayed you all for a lowly opera singer!" he exclaimed with an enraged expression, his emotions pouring out like an open faucet. He recomposed himself after a brief pause and spoke in a softer tone, ashamed that he had raised his voice on her. 

"I'm your friend. I just want you to know the truth. I don't want anyone making a fool out of you because... I love you."

"I finally understand. I get it." 

"You do?" he perked up at this like an expectant child. 

"By marrying me your usurping bloodline will finally make it seem that you are returning the flow of power to its rightful owner, the Pendragon and the son I will bear for you will have unquestionable rightful claim to his throne. But my children with Carmilla will be a threat to your seats of power because he or she will be a Karstein King or Queen with the right to reclaim Neo Macedonia . You've only thought of that now that the Pendragons are finally showing face to the world."

"What?! No! It's not political! I really love you, Ruby. And I only want to have a chance to prove to you that I deserve your love." he reasoned more alarmed this time because of her misinterpretation of his true intentions. Ruby raised her hand, shutting him up. 

"Spare me your lies, Prince Aurelius. You've known me for what? Nine days, ten hours, and 36 minutes. That's not love that's merely infatuation. Love does not grow that fast. True love takes time and effort. Although I must applaud your exertions, you were very subtle and your plans could have worked if it wasn't me. I'm not as dense as you think I would be. And the next time you do something to destroy my relationship with Carmilla will be the last time you will be able to do anything." she spat coldly before standing up and taking her leave. He wasn't able to do anything to make her stay even though his heart was begging him to call out to her. He just sat there dumbfounded as she turned her back on him and watched as she slowly drifted away. 

She paused when she reached the threshold. "If you really wanted to be my friend, I don't need your schemes and games. I just need your honesty and your loyalty. I don't care about gifts and grand gestures. I just need an honest friend." She said not even taking a last glance at him before leaving through the door.