
How to Tame Your Demon Prince

In an attempt to summon a strong familiar, Rubisviel Fyaril, Witch of The Dark Forest, created a spell to bring forth an other worldly entity only to end up summoning a Demon Prince with no memories of his past. She managed to convince the demon to leave however they parted after he gave her an oddly familiar kiss. When she finally thought that her life was going back to its witchy normality, her visitor returned only to claim that he's going to reside with her due to a master-servant curse that bound them on his summoning. Ruby was forced to live with a very flirtatious demon who seemed to want to bed her so she tried finding a way to break their curse. But what if his presence only attracts trouble? And what if he's actually part of the past she wanted to forger? After striking a deal with her friend's nemesis for a potent love potion in exchange for her mother's sword, Ruby found her life in greater danger and her past catching up to her. Watch out little witch you're not the only one brewing evil in her pot. A Demon Queen you've once vanquished is rising from her grave to get back to you and when she does you better sharpen you weapons and kiss your demon for the long nights about to come.

Mischievous_Her · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 45: The Beast

A single cloaked figure stood in front of a grave by the cliff. Thorned roses bloomed all around her as the wind made her cape flutter. She knelt before the headstones and pulled back her hood revealing her beautiful face, making her golden locks fly along with the gentle breeze. She wiped away the dust and debris from the surface of the marble before placing down a basket filled with homemade dishes and sweets. She set out a simple picnic blanket before taking out mugs and pouring them with cocoa. She placed them in front of the grave and began fishing out for more snacks.

It's been two years since they passed away, murdered by monsters. Ruby was so heartbroken due to their deaths but her family and finance Carmilla helped her cope with the pain. She eventually got over their deaths but the effects remained forever in her heart. Her innocence and optimism died with them replaced by anger and desire to be more powerful. Buried along with them is her belief in fairytales and "happily ever after". She discovered that nothing is perpetual in this world and you can count on no one else but yourself that's why you must protect everything and everyone you have while they're still here. She needed a hero, that's why she became one.

Ruby didn't linger long in their grave knowing that monsters lurk about even in daylight. She picked up the basket and pulled her hood over her head, hiding her golden beauty from the world. She followed the path she came from and made a little detour to Phantasia's house to deliver some of the pastries she had baked.

The journey was quiet and peaceful, the only noises registering in her trained ears are the soft chirping of the birds as well as the frolicking of the squirrels in their tree branches. The sunlight passed gently through the foliage bathing her path in a comforting light. Colorful wildflowers bloomed all around her making her delighted as she trailed her way across the tricky woods. No monster dared cross her path as they have numerously seen her prowess and wiped out their entire packs to keep the people safe.

She soon reached a simple wooden structure standing coquettishly in the middle of the forest. Ruby felt something odd around the vicinity when the birds stopped singing. The place is too quiet. Suspiciously quiet. Unlike the previous silence, this one is foreboding.

Ruby carefully made her way around the house, mindful of the faintest sounds she made as well as her surroundings. She paused when she reached the front door. Something is definitely not right. She counted to ten before taking a step forward to the entrance. Fear and worry bubbled up inside her chest for her witch friend making her swallow. She summoned her scythe and gun before stepping on the porch and grabbing the doorknob.

Surprisingly, the old wooden door swung open making her stumble on the porch. A bizarre creature prowled from the threshold taking the maiden aback. It has the head and body of a lion, a tail of a snake, and a goat head protruding from its back. Ruby gasped and crawled away from the creature. She figured that someone must have summoned this monster because its odd appearance clearly doesn't belong in this forest making it stand out like a sore thumb.


The snake finally registered her presence and the other heads followed suit. The creature slowly prowled making its way towards her. She released a whimper due to its enormous size and terrifying appearance but she quickly mustered her bearings and retrieved her scythe which had fallen beside her. She hit the monster square on the face, trying to decapitate its head but it collided with its head as if he was only hit by a rolled-up paper. Unluckily for her, this seemed to anger the monster some more who growled in annoyance.

It tried pouncing on her however a blast of purple energy sent it flying off the porch. It snarled to the door before leaping to the foliage and bouncing out of sight.

Phantasia soon emerged from the doorway with Venrir. The witch helped her stand but she looked frantic and alarmed.

"Phantasia... That thing doesn't belong here. It's a mythical creature. You... summoned it, didn't you?" Ruby spoke with a look of suspicion.

"Not particularly me but Lymures. I refused to make a deal with her and this is her gift for my cooperation." The witch scoffed, patting away the dust from her dress and putting her arms in her waist. Venrir squawked something incomprehensible, fluttering his feathers in an irritated manner.

"That bad? Don't worry I'll help you clean up but that beast can't be allowed to roam freely around the forest. It will be an invasive species and ruin the natural balance of the ecosystem and it might also endanger the lives of so many people if it goes out. We have to stop it." Ruby said firmly with great determination. Phantasia sighed.

"As much as I'd like to help you, there's something else Lymures sent." she voiced with a stressed-out tone.

"There's more of that thing?" Ruby asked in alarm.

"Quite, but not of the same kind. This one's a real Evil Eye. It blasts a dark energy at everything that it sees moving, completely decimating things and leaving behind nothing more than ashes. I've currently trapped it in the basement. It will be quite a work but Venrir and I can handle it however that thing is something I can't contain alone. And I doubt that it will wait until I finish with this one before he kills someone."

"Then let's split up. You take this eyeball, I take care of the Chimera."

"Are you sure? Ruby this one is no simple beast. It's more ferocious than a beowolf and much too powerful. You can't just go for it. Even if we combine our strength, we may be capable but that thing is a monster of mythical rank. Even though it's just a copy, it's still one of the terrifying beasts that guarded the Labyrinth of Minos. It won't go down without destroying us both. Perhaps it would be best if you go home first and gather back up."

"I can handle it. I'm the descendant of a dragon after all and dragons are the highest among all mythical creatures. When bad comes to worse I'll just escape with my amazing dash skills." Ruby reassured with a small smile.

"Very well but flee once you think it's a losing battle. It shoots poison from its snake rear, bolts of lightning from its goat head, and it's lion parts are tougher than steel. It can crush your skull by just stepping on it. Please be safe. I don't want my only pupil and friend to be lost because of that toad-faced necromancer bitch." Ruby giggled, her eyes softening due to her mentor's concern. Even though Phantasia is a bit eccentric, distant, and passive, it's reassuring to hear her admit that she cares. The maiden's eyes glinted as she smiled gently.

"I will come back. I promise."