
How to Tame Your Demon Prince

In an attempt to summon a strong familiar, Rubisviel Fyaril, Witch of The Dark Forest, created a spell to bring forth an other worldly entity only to end up summoning a Demon Prince with no memories of his past. She managed to convince the demon to leave however they parted after he gave her an oddly familiar kiss. When she finally thought that her life was going back to its witchy normality, her visitor returned only to claim that he's going to reside with her due to a master-servant curse that bound them on his summoning. Ruby was forced to live with a very flirtatious demon who seemed to want to bed her so she tried finding a way to break their curse. But what if his presence only attracts trouble? And what if he's actually part of the past she wanted to forger? After striking a deal with her friend's nemesis for a potent love potion in exchange for her mother's sword, Ruby found her life in greater danger and her past catching up to her. Watch out little witch you're not the only one brewing evil in her pot. A Demon Queen you've once vanquished is rising from her grave to get back to you and when she does you better sharpen you weapons and kiss your demon for the long nights about to come.

Mischievous_Her · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 17: The Seige of Blood Moon

The sun had set down the horizon allowing the big round moon to take its place in the throne of heaven and reign supreme over the dark night sky. The moon glowed ominously red as if foreboding the horrendous events about to take place in this single bloody night. Owls hooted in the foliage while wolves howled into the night. Growling and snarling can be heard reverberating around the woods as if the trees themselves are participating in the blood bath.

Large bloodthirsty wolves came running around the forest heading to the nearest town. The beasts finally emerged from the forest baring its fangs in ferocity and prowling to slaughter everything in their wake.

They rode through the shadows and infiltrated the town, bursting inside every home they can come to. The hunters and soldiers did their best to protect the people and destroy the monsters but the beasts had both strength and numbers on their side. Luckily the people had the Lightborn squad and all the heroes present in the town to push back and destroy the monsters however casualties are still unavoidable.

A few homes are already infested by monsters, the people in it are already slaughtered and or being eaten. A few lustful beasts raped the young and beautiful women they could get their hands into. A beowolf backhanded a woman and started tearing out her clothes. He licked her bosom before shoving his throbbing pink member inside the poor woman while his brothers eat the rest of her family. The night was filled with dread and chaos. Screaming and begging can be heard echoing from every street.

Phoebus shot bullets left and right, over rooftops, and under the drainages. He killed every monster he saw and helped the people he came across with to get to the evacuation hall. Heriette accompanied him blasting beowulves and goblins to cover his back while Adrian, Clermont, and Firrer handled the frontline.

"Granger, we need backup! There's too many of them! Shoot them from the roof!" ordered Adrian as he jumped at a pack of wolves and took them all at once.

Firrer flew just in time to rescue a child about to be overrun by an ogre and returned him to his mother. She then flew back to cut down a horde of goblins and intercept them from infiltrating a large two-story housing unit. She didn't notice arrows targeting her way but luckily Clermont was there to block them out. He then pushed a bunch of wendigos against a wall crushing them and killing them in the process.

"Adrian look at that! It's a nevermore." Heriette yelled pointing at a gigantic raven monster in alarm circling over their head. The giant bird landed on top of the church roof, spreading its wings like a king who would spread his cape and released a loud defending screech.

"Gods help us all." Clermont managed to whisper as he stared up at the beast.

Back in Ruby's cottage things have been escalating as well. Just as the maiden's second guess, myriads of monsters were attracted by the demon's presence but the traps they had set are doing well to protect their home. Clashing logs crushed a large ogre to death, goblins foolishly fell over spike ridden ditches, poisoned darts shot from all direction activated by beowolves tripping over hidden ropes. Though the traps managed to pluck a number of the monsters it didn't prevent the best of them from piercing through the first line of defense. A beowulf was able to jump high over the wooden fence only for its face to be blown to bits by Ruby's shotgun.

"They're here." yelled the witch.

"Then let them come!" Aleister decapitated a wendigo with his circular weapon and kicked another one to death. Ruby kept firing behind him covering him from the ones with a longer range of weapons like goblin archers or towering ogres with long mossy clubs.

"How many have you gotten so far?" asked the demon.

"8." answered the silver-haired as she reloaded her shotgun. She hit a goblin about to stab her with the butt of her gun and stepped on its head repeatedly to crush its brain. She placed her shotgun over her shoulder and shot a wendigo stealthily walking up behind her.

"Now up to 10. You?" Ruby shouted back, looking over at the demon currently surrounded by beowolves, but instead of panicking the demon had a look of enjoyment in his face. One circular strike was all it took to murder all his assailants, bathing him in blood and gore. He jumped to his next target and split its stomach open with his sharp claws.

"Catch up my love. I'm already up to 16, 17, 18, 19,-" Ruby hooked the five ogres he was about to kill beheading them effortlessly with her scythe. Somehow while he was not looking the witch had picked up her sniper scythe and sneaked up on him to steal his prey. Greedy.

"20. Catch up, my love." she winked before dashing for her next victims.

"Kill steal." the demon mumbled.

"20? How'd you get so fast up within one minute? You're cheating on me." Dyrroth asked skeptically.

"Darling I'm a crowd control hero." Ruby answered, spinning her scythe to block out the arrows shot to her by goblins. Bullets fired from the end of her scythe killing her assailants effortlessly.

"There's your proof." she pointed to the porch where a mass of dead bodies piles up moving her scythe back a little to stab a goblin charging at her with the end of her weapon.

Pointing her weapon behind her, Ruby shot a wendigo dead but the recoil was strong sending her flying forward which she used to propel herself and slaughter a band of ogres in one breath.

"Fine. But I'm not backing down." Aleister brought himself to Ruby's side as she was getting surrounded by more beowolves. They fought back to back, both enjoying the rush and adrenaline coursing through their bodies but more so the fact that they are fighting together.

"Incoming nevermore!" Ruby yelled pointing her gun up and shooting the flying beast. Her bullets proved to be ineffective as they only bounce off of his thick and strong feathers. The giant bird dived down to swallow her whole and Ruby prepared her scythe to cut it down. An equally large entity intercepted it and brought its face to the dirt protecting the witch. A large winged panther stood over the bird digging his fangs over its neck and killing it.

"Just in time Manticat." Ruby praised smiling at her transformed familiar who coughed out a few feathers.

"I still can't believe that the tiny weird cat you call pet is a large monster-murdering winged panther. Guess you can't really judge a cat by his size." Aleister commented watching the feline monster fly up and take on a murder of nevermore all by himself to cover them both.

"You didn't really think that I'd get a useless familiar who eats a ton, did you?" Ruby questioned spinning her scythe to slice off a wendigo in half.

"I thought that I was the only useful thing you've done in your whole life."

"You're more on the mistake side. Literally." Ruby retorted, repelling a troll club and kicking him backward.

A huge chunk of the fence suddenly collapsed revealing a gigantic ogre rippling with muscles. The ogre released a loud road and looked over at Ruby lustfully. It banged its first on its chest looking over at Aleister as if challenging him into a duel.

"What the fuck is wrong with this guy?!" Aleister asked, preparing to take the ogre heads on.

"I think he's challenging you into a duel because he thinks that you're my mate and he wants to fuck with me, in a literal sense." Ruby replied pointing her scythe to the large monster.

"Yeah, well. Back off from my wife!!" Aleister charged at the monster preparing to kill him at once with his Infernal Charge however the monster intercepted him by knocking him down with his humongous club as if he was merely a fly.

"Can you not like maybe... die?" Ruby said to the demon who landed face-first on the ground.

"I'm trying." the demon replied from under the dirt. Ruby sighed, shaking her head in disapproval.

"I'll get his tendons, kill him and don't die, okay?" Ruby informed patting him on the back.

"I'm killing that bastard." Aleister muttered, lifting himself from the ground.

"Good. Here I go!!" Ruby propelled herself forward towards the ogre's feet by riding the recoil of her sniper scythe. The oaf tried grabbing her but she was too fast and too small for his slow and gigantic hand. She jumped on top of his arm and hooked her scythe under his wrist, shooting a bullet and letting the recoil add force to help her decapitate his hand. Ruby jumped down from his arm and sliced through his tendons making him kneel and cry out loud in agony. She looked over at Aleister who was already activating his darkness strike. Five artifacts aligned and rushed towards the ogre who can only watch in vain as his death stared him straight in the eyes.

The ogre fell down dead on the ground, half of him completely gone. The forest and the monsters behind him were also blasted to oblivion due to the demon's power. The two fighters' gaze suddenly met and a huge smile stretched upon their lips even though they were both panting for breath.

"That was amazing." Ruby praised looking at him with admiration.

"You weren't bad yourself. How about we-" Arrows suddenly rained over their heads and five-hit Ruby straight in her chest bringing her down on the ground.

"NNOOOOOOOOOOOO!" And then something snapped inside Aleister.