
How to tame a Master.

Arya is a young Omega living in a world where Omegas mean nothing. Abandoned by her family she has been raised in an Institution for Omegas and sold at an auction. It is a dark story about possessive, obsessive love with BDSM elements. For Adults Only.

KatS2020 · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 13 Birthday Part I

The week was long as fuck. Arya was reading or sleeping she also took long warm baths. The only interruption to her solicitude was the appearance of the butler three times a day bringing her food. After the fourth day Jason started a conversation.

"Madam, Master isn't a bad person. If you ask him for forgiveness he will let you out of this room."

Arya looked at the butler, smiled and retorted.

"Thank you for your advice sir." Than nothing, she wasn't willing to admit to any mistake, she wasn't a perverted control freak.

Jason stood for a moment waiting for her to say something more but Arya kept quiet.

"Enjoy your food madam."

"Thank you sir."

Jason bowed and left. She was alone again. Thanks to her self imprisoning she managed to read five books. She tried to convince herself it wasn't that bad. What was she actually missing? Only the piano practice and walks in the park. When she was living in the institution she had more freedom than now. Sure the living conditions were bad and she was often cold and almost always hungry but she had company of girls who knew the real Arya and felt like her. Here she was alone, serving as a fuck toy. Right, her Master was waiting for her birthday to fuck her for the first time. Arya was wondering whether he will appear on the day of her birthday and claim her.

Time passed slowly, tomorrow she will turn seventeen. Her birthday. Early in the morning she picked a really stunning dress, it was suitable for a ball or a cocktail party. It was black and sparkling. Arya tried many different hairdos in front of her vanity table. Today she pinned her hair high showing her neckline and decorated it with some flowers made of some sparkling silver material. Arya put on a little make up and looked in the mirror. She really looked great, ready for a ball. Humming a lively melody she knew Arya was dancing in her room when the door got open. She didn't hear him coming, he must have been really quiet. Arya stopped and took a step back.

"Good morning Master."

"Good morning Arya." He was looking at her outfit with question in his eyes.

"You are going somewhere?"

She felt the irony of the question.

"Yes Master, I'll go to the bathroom soon."

He frowned.

"Every disobedience has it's limits. Stop it now. I came here to congratulate you on your birthday."

"Thank you Master." Deep in her hart she felt that he only came here because his dick was throbbing. He probably didn't want to miss the opportunity to deflower her.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" He was becoming more and more gloomy.

Arya knew she was pushing it but she really didn't know what to say and begging was out of the question.

"Would you like to sit down Master? I have nothing to treat you to though."

He sighted and sat down.

"Come here." he patted his lap. Arya was hesitating for a moment than she moved and sat obediently on his lap. Masters hand immediately landed on her neck, he started delicately rubbing the spot where her glands were.

"You broke a rule and I punished you. That's it. There is no point of overthinking it." He kept the massage of her glands making her go soft and without noticing it her pheromones filled the room. It was so relaxing, so pleasant, so exciting. She felt his lips on her neck.

"That's a good Omega. Show me how you feel." His whispers and hot breath on her neck made her shiver. That fucking Alpha knew what he was doing and how to make an Omega bound to his will. Without realizing it she leaned to him, he kept rubbing her gland making her shiver and fucking exited. Mr Reyes placed a delicate kiss on her lips, she wanted more. She grabbed his head and stuck her tongue inside his mouth, it was an overwhelming feeling too and she wanted to deepen it. Suddenly her Master stopped and backed off.

"You are greedy." There was a wide grin on his face as he saw her hazy look full of desire. "You sure look beautiful in this dress but you must change, I'm taking you out. We will spend the whole day together. I want you to wear that bright dress with flowers and you can leave your hair like that, but without the silver decoration. Put a hairpin with the butterfly there. Hurry up you've got ten minutes."

What? What has just happened? How come she was ordered so quickly. Her mind was still mushy from what just happened. She stood up and went for the fucking dress he has chosen. As expected he didn't move so she had to change her clothes in front of him, than she decorated her hair with the desired hairpin.

"That's more like it." Mr Reyes stood up and took her arm leading her out of the room she has spend the last few days in. He was pleased, on their way all servants were bowing, some smiled gently at their sight. At the main entrance the butler was waiting.

"Sir your carriage is ready." Than he looked at Arya and smiled warmly. Arya responded with a cold look.

"Thank you Jason, we will be back home pretty late.

Sitting in the carriage Arya realized she has changed from rebellious displeased Omega into an obedient kitten within fifteen minutes or so. Shit. That Alpha knew how to control her and she allowed him that. No wonder he was sitting there with that look full of himself. Still it was her birthday and she hasn't celebrated it since she was ten. In the Institution they never celebrated anything. Maybe it was her chance to make him spend money on her. That's right she was a precious Omega that he has spent a fortune on, she is allowed to have high standards.

"Where are we going Master?"

"Well, let's make it a surprise."