
How To Tame A Cat

"The less they know, the safer we are." That's the clandestine mantra whispered among the hidden enclaves of the supernatural underworld. For centuries, mythological beings have walked the same earth as humans, their existence shrouded in secrecy and their secrets fiercely guarded. Enter Ethan Carter, a wolf in every sense of the word. He prowls the halls of university, his senses attuned to the subtle rhythms of campus life while concealing his true nature from unsuspecting classmates. Ethan craves the thrill of social interaction, yearning to experience the world beyond the boundaries of his primal instincts. A feline seems to share the sentiment.

OminousAnomaly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


As the day stretched towards evening, the pack prepared for their nightly patrol, a task that had become increasingly urgent in light of the recent sightings of rogue wolves near their territory. The atmosphere within the pack was tense, the heightened sense of danger casting a shadow over their usual routines.

Ethan stood among his fellow hunters, his senses on high alert as they geared up for the patrol ahead. His brother Caleb stood beside him, their bond as brothers serving as a silent reassurance in the face of uncertainty.

Rylan, the lead tracker, addressed the group with a grave expression, his voice carrying the weight of their shared responsibility. "Listen up, everyone," he began, his tone commanding attention. "We've had reports of rogue wolves encroaching on our territory, and it's our duty to ensure the safety of our pack."

The other hunters nodded in understanding, their faces set in grim determination as they prepared to face whatever threats lay ahead. Ethan felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through him, his instincts honed for the task at hand.

As they set out into the forest, the air crackled with tension, each member of the patrol keenly aware of the dangers lurking in the shadows. Their senses strained for any sign of movement, any hint of an intruder in their midst.

Hours passed in tense silence as they combed through the territory, their footsteps echoing through the night as they maintained a vigilant watch. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the landscape as they patrolled the borders of their territory.

Suddenly, a low growl rumbled through the darkness, alerting the pack to the presence of an intruder nearby. With a silent signal from Rylan, the hunters sprang into action, their movements swift and coordinated as they closed in on the source of the disturbance.

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as they moved through the underbrush, his senses heightened as they stalked their prey. Adrenaline surged through his veins, his instincts guiding him with precision as they closed in on the rogue wolves.

And then, with a sudden burst of movement, the rogue wolves emerged from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with malice as they launched themselves at the hunters with savage ferocity.

The pack fought valiantly, their unity and strength tested as they battled against the rogue wolves in a flurry of claws and teeth. Ethan moved with practiced skill, his movements fluid and instinctual as he defended his packmates with unwavering determination.

As the dust settled and the last of the rogue wolves lay defeated, the pack gathered together, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as they surveyed the aftermath of the skirmish. Despite the danger and the uncertainty that loomed on the horizon, they stood united, their bonds as a pack stronger than ever.

With a silent nod of acknowledgment, Rylan turned to the group, his voice filled with pride. "Well done, everyone," he said, his tone ringing with admiration. "We may face many challenges ahead, but as long as we stand together, there is nothing we cannot overcome."

As they made their way back to the safety of their territory, the pack walked with their heads held high, knowing that no matter what trials awaited them, they would face them with courage, unity, and the unwavering determination of wolves.

As the pack regrouped, their senses still tingling with the aftermath of the skirmish, Ethan's keen nose caught a scent that sent a jolt of panic coursing through him. It was a scent all too familiar, yet utterly out of place in the midst of the pack's territory.

Shit, it was Amaalie.

His heart raced as he realized the danger she was in. To the pack, all they would smell was the scent of an enemy—a Cat trespassing on their territory. They wouldn't hesitate to attack on sight, and Ethan knew he had to warn her before it was too late.

But how could he do so without revealing her presence to the pack? How could he protect her without betraying the trust of his fellow wolves?

As the pack began to move back towards their territory, Ethan's mind raced with frantic thoughts. He had to act quickly, before it was too late.

In a split second, Ethan's mind raced to find a way to warn Amaalie without revealing her true identity. He exchanged a quick glance with Caleb. Ethan knew he had to act swiftly.

"Caleb," he said in a low, urgent tone, "I need to go check something. Keep an eye on things here."

Caleb nodded, sensing the urgency in his brother's voice. He could smell the strange scent that made his nose twitch in subtle disgust, so he knew it was his brother's Cat friend. 

Without hesitation, Ethan slipped away from the group, his senses attuned to the familiar scent of Amaalie. He moved swiftly through the shadows, navigating the terrain with the skill of a seasoned hunter.

As he approached the outskirts of the territory, Ethan spotted Amaalie, her form obscured in the dim light. He knew he had to approach cautiously, ensuring that the pack didn't mistake his actions for an alliance with the Cat.

Amaalie, sensing his presence, turned to face him. Her eyes widened in recognition, but before she could react, Ethan signalled for her to stay quiet. He gestured for her to move deeper into the shadows, away from the prying eyes of the pack.

Once they were hidden from view, Ethan spoke in a hushed tone. "Amaalie," he called softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "You need to leave. Now."

"Why?" she questioned, confusion and concern flickering in her gaze. "And what are you doing here?"

"There's no time to explain," Ethan replied urgently, his gaze scanning the surrounding forest for any signs of approaching danger. "The pack is on their way back, and they won't hesitate to attack if they find you here. You need to go, before it's too late."

Amaalie's eyes widened in alarm as she took in his words, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Without another word, she nodded, her movements swift as she turned to leave.

Ethan watched her disappear into the shadows of the forest, a sense of relief washing over him knowing that she was safe for now. But as he turned to make his own way back to the pack, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air.

Ethan slipped back into the group, his heart pounding with anxiety as he watched Rylan dispatch a few members of the pack to fan out and search for the intruder. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he prayed silently that Amaalie had returned to safety, far from the prying eyes of the pack.

As the pack began to disperse, scouring the territory for any sign of the intruder, Ethan forced himself to stay calm, to blend in seamlessly with the others. He kept his senses sharp, his eyes scanning the surrounding area for any hint of movement.

Hours passed in tense silence as the search continued, the pack moving with purpose and determination. Ethan's thoughts were consumed by worry for Amaalie, his mind replaying their encounter over and over again.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the night, drawing the attention of the pack. Ethan's heart skipped a beat as he watched Rylan and a few others converge on a distant figure.

But to Ethan's relief, it was not Amaalie they had found, but another rogue wolf attempting to infiltrate their territory. As the pack moved to neutralize the threat, Ethan breathed a sigh of relief, until noting the scent.

An amused smile graces his lips. Her scent was on this wolf. She'd used it as a scapegoat. Clever girl.