
How to Survive Isekai

Yes, Going to Isekai is fun, BUT WHERE IS THE SYSTEM, TALENT, I'M NO DIFFERENT THAN NORMAL PEOPLE. So, let's try become OP by little bit of my understanding and MORE hard work. Before that, let's find food first.... I'm may not going premium~ You can support me: https://ko-fi.com/wimpandnoobegg

Noobegg · Fantasy
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15 Chs

What is wrong with her tho...

Birds chirping like annoying alarm waking me from my sleep. I saw a blue haired beauty smiling at me. I won't think other things other than she wanting a breakfast. Groaning, I went to reignite the flame to heat up the jerky. As I was yawning, I saw Rena was looking at me cooking food diligently. I wonder why she seemed so focus, couldn't help myself, I went to ask her.

"Is there anything on my dish?"

"Your food? N-no, no!" [Rena]

"I see. I thought you will get tired of it."

"Of course I'm not gonna tired of your cooking!" [Rena]

Looking at her somehow nervous, I ignored it. Maybe my imagination but she seemed to focus on me. D-did I do something to her at night!? My mind went on chaos inside thinking what have I done ignore the beauty behind me. Shit.... What should I do, should I apologize, it must be that slapping! Yes, I sure. confirm. confident of it. But I already say sorry. While still making a lot of far fetched idea about why she focus on me, the dish soon heated.

"Here. Sorry, I don't have salt or black pepper sauce to put it on."

"Black pepper sauce?" [Rena]

"Black pepper that was made into thick liquid."

"Oh!!! I see! Is it that good?" [Rena]

"Yes, it is!"

I retorted back to her idiotic question. Not to brag but, I can cook better with black pepper sauce, seasoning and salt. This is not isekai ability! I learned it while staying alone in home! I convinced myself with that.

We soon enjoyed our breakfast, is what I wanted to say but this girl. This Kirin girl was glancing at me every time she took a bite. Gurl, is there anything you don't like tell me! Don't give that judging eyes! It's killing me! I ended my meal with trauma of the past, judgmental eyes.

"Alright, now that we already full, let's go get another herb Flame flower right?"

"Yes!" [Rena]

"Get on my back."

"Umm...." [Rena]

"What is it? My body sweaty?"

I asked before sniffing my body before nodding. Yes, my body is kinda smelly... *sigh* I should find lake nearby... I slumped in defeat. why every thing hate me today!?

"U-um, Ryazu? Are you okay?" [Rena]

"Is my body that smelly?"

Maybe I showed her my pitiful face, she waved both her hands away totally deny it.

"N-no,no,no! It's just feel a bit shy." [Rena]


I tried to guessed...

"You like me?.... I'm not narcissist, so that should be wrong answer."

"I know, it's that month. Right!?"

I said pointing my finger at her in confidence, which she returned with scoffed before getting on my back and pinched my side.

"O-Ouch! Why?!"

"Nothing." [Rena]

Ignore those still aching side, we continued our journey toward the fire land. As we continue moving toward the Fire element forest, We saw a group of fire imp. This creature is like a goblin but smaller and more annoying to handle. In terms of rpg games I played before but it wouldn't be that easy right?

My move became slower, step by step, I moved to the bush and watch this creature seemed to going somewhere. There was a walking one spoke to another before the waking one raised it's hand as if to ask it to join in. Intrigued, I followed after it.

After long walked, I noticed they went inside the cave. This is pretty suspicious, because I don't think these unsuitable fire element creature should be sitting on Fire element forest but these creature going to Earth element forest.

"What do you think, Rena?"

"A-ah?! Yes, I agree!" [Rena]

Frowning, I glanced at her. This girl today seemed really not like her before.

"What you agreeing about?"

"O-oh, whatever you said!" [Rena]

"I didn't say anything though?"

"S-sorry, just got something on my mind." [Rena]


"Yes." [Rena]

I sighed again before tell her what I did until coming here so that she could understand what I was saying. After a while, she nodded understanding.

"I see..." [Rena]

"Right, it's suspicious right?"

"It's normal." [Rena]

"Yes, it is suspicio- wait what?!"

"It's normal." [Rena]

"What do you mean?"

"Even Each of element forest was fighting which fighting for territory, the strongest right now is Earth as it have expert that wise and lived longer than other element. Moreover, there is Elf kingdom on it's side." [Rena]

"Is this new one?"

"Same as Human." [Rena]

"Wait, do you mean, there were ancient species?"

"Yes, my race have seen them. They couldn't contain purity of ancient human, that's why they aren't living long. But your case is weird, maybe you're ancient human species?" [Rena]

"Hey, there is no way that happen right? Stop with that speculation. I'm getting goosebump here."

"Okay, let's stop it there, should we going inside?"

"My body is okay and could help you more than a lightning without aggravating the poison inside of me." [Rena]

Nodding, we went inside the cave. Rena instantly use her Light Sphere to brighten our path. Along the way, we got to see many things. Mostly corpse that is and cries of person there. If I was before going here, I'll cower and run away but I met death already. At the very worst I died, Rena died and nothing happen after that. But I won't let Rena die stupidly like that, my left arm still limp and could only moved upper part only why the lower part swaying.

As We continued treading here, we heard a loud cries. Presumably imp, that fire imp. Brandished my metal fragment, I parried it's attack before slid it's throat before another jump attacking my blindside. I who heard yelling from behind turned around and parry it's attack before landing a satisfying hit on it's chest. I heard a loud crack on it's body, the heat made my skin hurt but not much.

"Rena, is there any presence than these imps?"

"There is! There are a black element creature and a mix of humans and elves in some place." [Rena]

"Lead me there."

She nodded before started pointing the direction. I mowed any imp blocking my way, get out peasant! This king is walking! Roleplaying in my mind as my body one hit kill each imp without difficulties. After a while, we arrived at the cage where we saw a humanoid creature with dark skin, I think greyish, black horns and glowing eyes.

"You're demon."

I said instinctively, while the demon was looking at me incredulous.

"Impossible, how do you even know me!?" [???]

He said with same language as I am.

"By the way, demon!"

"What is it!?" [???]

"Is common language is Ancient Genshil?"

As if hearing a bad joke, he scoffed. He looking at me with scorn.

"Ancient Genshil is used for higher race creature. You human, are weirdly proficient in this noble language compare to other human. Do tell me what are you?" [???]

This demon asked me arrogantly. What's with this mob young master cultivator act!? This is stupid, bs, waste of time, waste of author's idea! Knocking aside those joke, this guy is pretty dangerous. But, let's be extra careful...

"It's a secret!"

"Huh, so I need to pry it from your body. Kukuku! Interesting! Amuse me mortal!" [???]

This guy sure have some complex. Before that...

"Rena, would you mind support me. My left arm still limp, it looks funny though!"

I joked but Rena countered with serious tone,

"This demon is no ordinary. I don't think you can win." [Rena]

"Is there a way to fight this annoying 'Young master'?"

"There is but...." [Rena]


"Master said it must be on someone you can believed with your life." [Rena]

"I believed it must deeper than that."

"I'm not sure since I'm still a child that time." [Rena]

"You sure lucky to forget something that important."

"A-anyway! This is thing I should do since we need to survive." [Rena]

The demon was looking at me while scoffing.

"think of last struggle strategy? Go on then." [???]

Hearing this arrogant demon's word. I hope he will not lick back his spit since that would be pretty embarrassing. Then again this guy a demon, not trustworthy except with contracts.

"Let's do that then."

I said before rena nodded toward me. She closed her eyes before biting her right finger and started drawing on my left arms. As soon the finger that dripped with blood touch. I could feel intensifying heat that burning me but it's just tad tame compare those tiger biting.

The blood that seemed poured out of her seemed to be faster as it covering my left arm like a red tattoo with a mythic element. they are like dragon, phoenix, turtle and tiger mixed beautifully on my whole left arm and started to burn to my left chest. The demon who I thought watching saw it rushed to me trying to kill us before completing this ritual.

As soon he almost touch us , my idle right hand holding metal fragment swung toward her at blank point range. This demon teleport back before looking at me incredulous,

"W-why, you so wary!?"

"Because you're demon, idiot."

I muttered before noticed Rena was panting and looking at this almost mystifying tattoo as if wanting to lick it. Her face is arouse me but I should focus. Looking at her sweating face.

"Thank you."

I muttered before moving my left arm that's feel more powerful then right arm.

Now, first round!

A chap for champ a day,

read for me champ,

because your guys made my day!

It's bit cringey, still. thanks for reading!

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