
How to survive in the World of Naruto with Fragmented Memories

After living long enough in the world of DBZ, Yozu aka Masaru Belial decides it was time to take the second phase of the trials, to survive in a new world. During the reincarnation spell his soul touches the boundaries of where Hagomo's soul rests and incidentally get influenced before returning to the cycle of rebirth as he went to the World of Naruto. Masaru Belial now called Yuuma (Otsutsuki / Kurama) Terumi, born in the land of fire escaped with his father and mother only to be left in an orphanage near the Village Hidden in the mist. Later had himself adopted by Terumi Family. Plotted to have him killed or sold off by many, Yuuma has to walk the path ahead to become the sole existence at the top. To make them acknowledge him, and to protect what he wants to. Many years later Yuuma came in touch with a peculiar girl that gave him a sense of familiarity and bit by bit fragmented memories of his past life as Masaru Belial and Yozu Brief came back to him. -------- Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, and the picture I got from Google which was by luck it fitted my MC's looks! Trying my hand on making a naruto fanfiction

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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Yuuma is dead!?

The past few weeks it has been incredibly tense in Kirigakure, the group who was planning the Coup to take down Mei Terumi went completely silent as if it never existed. The entire Kirigakure village was in a high alert yet the Mizukage ordered the shinobi to work regularly and have no need to work overtime, this caused many people to doubt the Mizukage but even more were wondering if the Mizukage had a plan towards the four villages who sent their teams to their village.

Joker's fame within Water Nation exploded when the people realized just how many villages were looking for this peculiar ninja who was rumoured to have close ties to Kirigakure, many of the Mist Village felt incredibly proud that their village had a connection with someone who could rise up to be equal to Konoha's Sannin but the Joker had not surfaced even once in the face of the four villages elite teams.

They have investigating Yuuma daily but mysteriously each time one of their men were sent to hunt him they all end up dead, they continued three more times only to realize a mysterious group was acting against them aggressively. This forced the four teams to retreat making the situation in a stalemate, they retry sending only one shinobi to investigate Yuuma but this time the mysterious organisation did not act which gave the shinobi a chance to kill Yuuma which he succeeded.

But the fool did not realize what he stabbed was a doll one of Yuuma's subordinates that was from the Sand Village, Yuuma already plotted to falsify his death to allow him to work in the shadow as he already prepared a unique mask for when he acts as Mei's personal Anbu which was a Blood red devil mask with openings for his eyes making his appearance even more creepy with his odd eyes. Mei had a difficult time to arrange the funeral for Yuuma as she had to act the part although she felt the urge to laugh about it.

With no need to keep up appearances Yuuma made some time to occasionally visit his parents, he came to understand that his father came from an otherworldly family called the Otsutsuki and the reason they dropped him in the Orphanage was the fact they were being chased after by two of their members who originally came to inspect on Kaguya Otsutsuki. He could finally piece the complete puzzle behind his eyes and extraordinary genjutsu talents, although he did not blame his parents for their choices as it was the correct one according to the situation he still was reluctant to call them Mom and Dad from his heart.

"Master, are you going to Sunagakure?" Shinomi asked Yuuma who was getting dressed in his dark brown camo pattern shinobi clothes, he wrapped a yellow scarf around his neck. Since he "died" he handed Kiba back to Mei, however, thanks to his father he was able to unlock the two swords he originally had. The names his father gave the swords were Sokushi, the katana that secretes poison from the blade whenever chakra is channelled into the hilt. The other sword was TentoKage, similar to Kiba it enhances lightning ninjutsu, stores and unleash lightning strikes.

"Yes, I heard one of Akatsuki bases is in that area. And I have to make a turn at the Sand Village as well, perhaps I might find some more subordinates to join our organisation" Yuuma answered as he puts on his dark brown flak jacket loaded with scrolls, his two bracers around his wrist and the large contract scroll related with the White tigers attached to his lower back. "Will you be taking anyone with?"

Yuuma shook his head, "Right now I need you, four girls, to operate Hiei perfectly and support Mei while watching over Kirigakure for me. I bought us at least four months up to a years time before those men will restart their coup plans, I need to catch the heels of Akatsuki before then if I can" Yuuma answered her with an apologetic face as he knew these girls wanted to come with him more than anything but right now they were needed here.

Shinomi nodded reluctantly but Aiji stepped forward with a sly smile "Will you take us out on a date each?" Hearing Aiji's question Yuuma stopped for a moment to think about it and nodded, the girls smile happily as they said goodbye to Yuuma. First, he used transformation jutsu to change his overall appearance to a young man in his mid-twenties, putting on the red Devil mask before he disappeared from Hiei office into the Mizukage office.

Inside the Mizukage office Mei, Ao and Chojuro were silently till Yuuma appeared in the office kneeling beside Mei, "You finally arrived" Mei stood up as she embraces Yuuma, he did not reject her embrace as he already perceived there was no Anbu in the surroundings and the people inside the offices were the only ones who knew the truth. Yuuma smiled wryly as he held Mei firmly.

"Never thought I would get to experience being visited by a dead boy" Ao spoke with a teasing smile looking at Yuuma, Chojuro could only chuckle after his continued spars against Yuuma over the long period of time he was confident and no longer the timid old self. "Teacher no need to bully Yuuma, he had sacrificed too much for the sake of the village. Thanks to him our Jutsu archives have increased explosively from the bodies we managed to snatch from the other villages"

Ao sighed as he knew what Chojuro said was true, this was part of the plan Yuuma came up with to increase the arsenal of Jutsu the village can use to train more ninjas in different styles which meant they could explore new unique formations should another war break out. "Hmph! It is my right as his teacher to say whatever I like whether he is right or wrong" Ao mumbled not believing what he just said out of a spur of the moment but everyone began to laugh at him.

"So where will you be heading to?" Mei asked as she sat together with Yuuma on the couch opposite of Ao and Chojuro, "After Teacher Ao got his hands on the information about the man who controlled Yagura and his connection with the rising Akatsuki, I thought of heading to Sunagakure where one of their bases should be located at so I can get some answers" Yuuma spoke of his plans, since he was not dead on official record he could now move around the nations with different identities.

Ao nodded as he approved of this idea, he knew Yuuma was skilled enough to look after himself. "How will you be planning your route?" Yuuma took out a map as he starts to explain the route, "I will take the boat to head south towards Hagi Island, from Hagi Island I will head south-west to their Port City to take the Boat to Rice Country to their west. From the Rice country, I will cross the sea to the west to enter the Tea country"

Ao nodded, "Heading for the Tea Country might be a good chance, Mei how about you have him act as Akaoni (Red Oni) and deliver a message for the Hagi Island for support. With the Water Daimyo in a mess we need a different supply, most of the large corporation merchants of the water nation are messing up the prices of products with no one to monitor them properly. All the relatively honest merchants are not enough to supply the village"

Mei nodded, although she could not say that Hiei was already supporting the Village with supplies but they needed a different supplier on the surface "Will you be fine to handle it Yuuma?" Mei asked to which Yuuma nodded, "It is along the way so it will be fine" He also intends to hunt for bounty targets along the way to make some money for his journey as he did not want to spend the money the assassins of Hiei were working hard for.

So you want to reach Sunagakure through the Sand Peninsula?" Chojuro asked Yuuma, "Correct, it's practically a hot water zone and not many consider infiltrating the Sand Village from this direction because of how inconvenient it is for them." Yuuma answered the question along with an explanation for his choice, Chojuro nodded. After chatting for a while longer Yuuma said his farewells giving Mei a light kiss on the lips before disappearing from the office.

Ao and Chojuro said nothing about what they just saw, in fact the two of them were supportive as they felt Yuuma was indeed a good choice for Mei if she was willing to wait for a decade for him to grow up. Suddenly Shinomi appeared in the office which alerted the three of them as she reported "Hiei just killed an entire group of shinobis who calls themself Root, we are led to believe they are from Konoha" Shinomi's words sent an alert signal for Ao as he knew who was behind the Root, "Danzo..."


Aira used the instruction Yuuma handed over to deal with prisoners marked with seals to prevent them from talking. Those instructions were Yuuma's experience in dealing with a variety of seals especially the kinds to silent the ones planted on, Yuuma experimented on the Root Shinobis who came first when he leaked the information.

At first he thought of removing the tongue but realized it will make the shinobi unable to speak, after that he had studied sealing arts on them until he managed to create a method to prevent the seal from triggering long enough to get information out of their hosts. He was not able to make a permanent removal technique due to his mission that came up.

"So come tell us why are you seeking for my master?" Aiji spoke with a Root Shinobi who was drooling while his tied hands were preventing him from falling since it was tied onto the roof. Aiji channelled lightning nature chakra to cloak her whip as she strikes the back prompting the man to moan strangely as he began to huff out of breath... "I-If you promise to keep hitting me I will answer..." The Root Shinobi spoke, he already lost his pride as a man when he has awoken a new fetish under Aiji's repeated tortures.

Aiji stood behind him so he did not see her disgusted face but she still answered "Very well, now spit it out" Hearing her answer made him feel exhilarated as he could not get enough of her whips, he began to spew out information about Danzo and his plans to have Yuuma killed. Surprisingly this man also knew about the arm that Danzo wanted to reconstruct. Aira was there to note down all the information which even included some of Konoha's top secrets, and the infamous Forbidden Jutsu "Multiple Shadow Clones Jutsu".

"I have told you everything I know, now reward me my mistress" The Root shinobi spoke with his saliva flying from his mouth that could not stop drooling, Akeno smiled sinisterly as she strikes the man's balls before she activated her bloodline release: Explosion which exploded the poor man's balls to oblivion. a Dreadful scream filled the entire underground prison area where the rest of the Root Shinobis began to hold their crotches shivering, they would have never expected their ally would go to the afterlife only after losing his balls.

"Inouye, collect the next one" Aiji spoke to Inouye who was blushing at the sight of Aiji's sadistic side, it was a side she never has shown to neither Yuuma/Masaru because she knew how dreadful it appeared so only the girls knew of this side. Inouye nodded as she went to collect the next Root Shinobi, meanwhile, Akeno exploded the body leaving nothing behind. "When am I going to grow up so Master can bully me instead?" Aiji asked while Aira only smiled wryly as this was something the five of them were all waiting for...


Yuuma was currently on a ship heading for Hagi Island completely oblivious of his women who were performing exemplary for his Hiei Organisation, "Sir, can I offer you a drink?" The Captain of the ship asked, his name was Seo and he had two wives who were twins Himari and Hikari. The three of them have a good friendship with Yuuma and was Hiei's contracted captain in charge of water transportation, "I'm Fine thanks Seo" Yuuma answered with a smile.

For some reason, Yuuma was feeling that he was approaching someone who felt similar to how the girls at Hiei and Mei felt for him. 'Just what is going on? What is this link I feel? From the looks of it, the girls know but they refuse to explain to me... Just who was I?' Yuuma thought as he glances at the full moon which appeared to look a little lonely tonight, meanwhile, under the same moonlight two girls born with natural cat ears and tail, white and black respectively was running from bounty hunters. "After them! They are worth Millions each!"


Author Note:

Yes I made changes to Shirone's identity (I could do it since the MC did not meet "Airi" the white tiger for her to regain her memories) SO I'm SAFE!

Volume One came to an end!

Volume one was about the journey of Yuuma's growth from Genin till Jonin while the death of the Water Daimyo signalled the end.

From here on will be Volume 2 where Yuuma will focus on dealing with the Coup de tat that is being planned from the shadows while he journeys around finding some of his past life girls.

Danzo still lives while fearing his incoming death, but any villian is useful so we shall let him live a bit longer for more trolling purposes

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