
How to survive in the World of Naruto with Fragmented Memories

After living long enough in the world of DBZ, Yozu aka Masaru Belial decides it was time to take the second phase of the trials, to survive in a new world. During the reincarnation spell his soul touches the boundaries of where Hagomo's soul rests and incidentally get influenced before returning to the cycle of rebirth as he went to the World of Naruto. Masaru Belial now called Yuuma (Otsutsuki / Kurama) Terumi, born in the land of fire escaped with his father and mother only to be left in an orphanage near the Village Hidden in the mist. Later had himself adopted by Terumi Family. Plotted to have him killed or sold off by many, Yuuma has to walk the path ahead to become the sole existence at the top. To make them acknowledge him, and to protect what he wants to. Many years later Yuuma came in touch with a peculiar girl that gave him a sense of familiarity and bit by bit fragmented memories of his past life as Masaru Belial and Yozu Brief came back to him. -------- Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, and the picture I got from Google which was by luck it fitted my MC's looks! Trying my hand on making a naruto fanfiction

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

I believe in Equality

Yuuma sat together with four burly men wearing farmers outfit stinking worth than a corpse and an elderly woman who treats each of them so preciously, after helping the old lady carry her shopping bags Yuuma was invited for lunch. Clang! The elderly lady dishes up their lunch before placing it in front of each of them, it was safe to say the lunch looked like a pile of faeces on the plate.

"You should not be picky, food is meant to enjoyed as if it were your last" The elderly lady spoke sternly to Yuuma who smiled, "And what do you think of liar?" Yuuma asked causing the old lady to twitch before she glances at him with a smile "I honestly don't like dealing with Liars, they are troublesome existences" Yuuma nodded as he pushed the plate a bit to the front, "I see, I agree with you... Although you know what I hate the most?"

The elderly lady looks at Yuuma vigilantly, yet Yuuma still had not made a move. "I hate people who use the kindness of others to hurt them!" Yuuma slapped the plate to make it crash into the first burly man's face breaking into pieces. The old lady waved her hands as she throws needles towards Yuuma.

Yuuma sensed her incoming attack so he kicked up the table to block the needles, the man on his right stood up throwing a punch towards him, Yuuma used his left hand to redirect the attack further away from him before Yuuma slammed his right palm straight into the man's throat while his palm was coated with lightning chakra shocking the throat enough to burn it into a mess. The man collapsed on his knees while holding his throat unable to breathe, Yuuma kicked the table towards the wall prompting the old lady to dodge the attack towards the right side.

"You bastard!" The three men came towards Yuuma while each of their attacks contained deadly poison making it difficult for Yuuma to make physical contact with them, but it was at this moment he looked at his right hand luckily he was not poisoned when he attacked the man with a lightning palm strike. Weaving his hands Yuuma took a deep breathe "Water style: Raging Waves!" Yuuma spewed out a massive amount of water that flooded the already cramped house to break down, using this opportunity Yuuma used body flicker movement to leave the house that was collapsing.

Not far from him the three men appeared with the elderly lady piercing her needle into the throat of the fourth man enabling him to breathe with difficulty as she starts to treat him. "You have no manners boy, treating a host with so much disrespect" The Elder lady spoke with a tone as if she has been wronged, this prompted the three men to weave their hand seals "Poison Style: Poison Mist!" Yuuma snorted as he weaved his hand seals "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

The water that broke down the house began to emerge from the rubbles forming a massive wingless dragon made out of water rushing towards the mist, the poison mist was absorbed into the dragon as it continues to move towards the three burly who sprinted away from the location. The elder lady pulled up the fourth man to dodge the water dragon jutsu.

Meanwhile. Yuuma pulled out his special kunai and his right hand held his katana, with a wave of his hand he threw the kunai towards the first shinobi who used his Kunai to deflect it. They never knew they were up against the Joker, Yuuma teleported to the Kunai impaling his katana into the head of the burly man killing him.

But Yuuma did not stop as he picked up his kunai throwing it to the second burly man who dodged the kunai thinking that touching it activates some kind of movement jutsu which was how his ally dies, but Yuuma still appeared near him killing the man effortlessly. The old lady shivered as she pointed her finger at Yuuma, "Y You are the Joker...!!!!" Her voice was filled with dreadful fear she contained for Yuuma, she would have never expected the man they targeted was the Joker.

"You two protect my escape!" The Elder Lady commanded the two but Yuuma reappeared in the direction she was about to run off to, "N-No! This is a mistake! If we had known it was you we would not have taken the job even if it was worth millions!" The Elder lady tried to reason with Yuuma hoping she could stop the boy from killing her, Yuuma snorted as he placed his kunai back into its pouch so he could draw his wakizashi. "Attack him!" The elder lady screamed prompting the two men to rush towards Yuuma.

Yuuma raised his Wakizashi towards the skies as he channelled his chakra into it causing electric sparks clacking noise, "Lightning Style Kenjutsu: Railgun sweep" a strong surge of lightning stream of energy emerged from the edge of the blade making it appear like an extension, with a horizontal slash the two mean were slashed in half with their flesh charred from the strong lightning surge as they crashed into the ground. "W-Wait! You are not going to harm an old lady like me are you?"

Yuuma smiled warmly, "Granny, I am a person who believes in Equality" This was the last words she heard as Yuuma flickered past her, beheading her in the process. Looking at the bodies Yuuma began to move them together before he used a fireball jutsu to light then up on fire, Yuuma watched the bodies burnt as he began to wonder just who is trying to come after him to send these professional Bounty hunters.

'Even the Zhou Family connection can't be this deep' Yuuma thought as he turned and head back to the port city, along the way he walked past a person who appeared to look familiar to him. "Deidra?" Yuuma turned around but Deidra who was there was gone all of the sudden, Yuuma leap onto the roof of the building placing a mask over his face before activating his eyes scanning his surroundings by Deidra was already gone. 'What is he doing here in Hagi Island' he thought

Meanwhile. "Phew! That was dangerous" Deidra thought of walking without any disguise wearing civilian clothes, he did not expect someone, especially Yuuma would be able to recognize him. 'This man is not a Samurai' Deidra thought for a moment as the Land of Iron rarely took interest in the Bingo Book targets, Deidra shook his head feeling a headache was approaching "GAH! I hate politics and scheming! I just want to blow him up!"

"Shit! His a sensory type too!?" Deidra used a shadow clone to divide his chakra reserves making his presence weaker before the two split up and ran away, Yuuma just arrived a few moments later looking at the surroundings 'I sensed someone strong here, was I mistaken?' Yuuma thought for a moment trying to sense a strong presence but this time he came out empty-handed, 'I best focus on Zhou Hai' Yuuma thought as he left the alley heading straight back to the shop.


Zhou Hai was sitting with a happy smirk on his face when he told his father about the massive long term deal he would conclude with Kirigakure, when Yuuma arrived the Fatty stood up vigorously "Sir you really are my shining star!" Zhou Hai laughed happily as he throws in orange juice for Yuuma in a glass before bringing it for Yuuma feeling all excited.

"I take it you managed to convince your family" Yuuma felt relieved, "Convince? I became the representative! And my seat and heir is solid! I only have to make sure that Lady Mizukage comes tomorrow night along with me to meet my father so we can finalize the deal" Zhou Hai reported with a happy smiling face but Yuuma had a stern face.

"We will have to plan for your cousin to intervene, this news is definitely going to make him act... More like force him to" Yuuma spoke with a serious face, Zhou Hai nodded as he sits opposite of Yuuma listening to him "That's fine, he can act all he wants since I am here already" Mei spoke when she, Shinomi, Aira, Aiji and Inouye appeared in the offices. "You arrived" Yuuma embraced each of the girls before allowing Mei to sit where he sat as he took his seat next to her.

"I-It's nice to meet you Lady Mizukage" Zhou Hai nervously greets Mei who was sitting opposite of him, he could already guess the relationship between Yuuma and the girls in the room were special from the way they all looked at Yuuma so he did not want to cause any trouble, he values his friendship with Yuuma after he saved his life after all. "Nice to meet you as well Heir of the Zhou Family, Zhou Hai. I am sure you already know of the list of supplies we would like to buy in periodic intervals"

Zhou Hai nods, "Yes! The family already agrees with the deal, it's just that my cousin spoke up that I was only trying to hype things up to get the position of Heir that made the people put the condition that you meet with them" Mei smiled "Then they will have to pay compensation for thinking they can order a Mizukage as they feel like, I only came here today because of Yuuma. If he did not care, I would not even bat an eye"

Zhou Hai nods once again while wiping the sweat from his forehead, he knew he was lucky because of his relationship with Yuuma. "I have already spoken with the family how inappropriate it was to make a Mizukage come for their selfish reason. So they agreed to a forty percent discount on each transaction as payment for your presence" Mei nodded with a satisfied smile and Zhou Hai felt relieved as what the Zhou Family required was the backing of Kirigakure for their businesses in the water nation and surrounding islands.

"Hiei will take care of the security detail during the travels, I suspect we will be having trouble before or after the dinner party" Yuuma mentions, "How far do you think your cousin would go?" Zhou Hai thought for a moment, "Honestly I don't know" Yuuma nodded "We will then with the scenario that he will do anything, Mei will you be Zhao Hai's bodyguard during the party?" Mei glances at Yuuma with a smile "Will you pay me?"

"I will owe you a favour" Yuuma smiled wryly, Mei felt she could give herself a fistbump with this she could ask one thing of Yuuma 'What should I have him do? Dress him up while he is still a young boy' Mei's imagination went wild, "So you will have to make sure you use every possible excuse to keep Mei at your side during the party" Yuuma told Zhou Hai, since they could not send in bodyguards then Mei as a guest will be the best one they can make use of.

"Understood" Zhou Hai nodded, Yuuma turn to look at Shinomi "How many of our subordinates work in this area?" Shinomi thought for a moment before answering, "Three, one is in the Capital city. One is near the port city with boats heading for Tea Nation and one in this port city" Yuuma nodded "Contact the one in this area to protect this store while we will head out to guard Mei and Zhou Hai from the shadows"

"What you coming along?" Zhou Hai asked feeling quite surprised, "No, we will be as close as possible to the building, should anything happen I will teleport the moment you throw the Kunai I gave you" Zhou Hai nods, Aira came bringing cups of tea she brewed for everyone. Aiji came leaning over Yuuma's ear since the discussions were more or less done for now, "Master I have some rumours about two cat-like girls being chased by Assassins from Root"

Yuuma squinted his eyes, "Do you have more information?" Aiji nodded "Currently the two managed to escape from Tea Nation, the contact in South West Port City reported the girls have safely arrived. Want me to approach them?" Yuuma thought for a moment, "No just keep an eye on them, once we are done with this deal I will take Inouye and you to follow me so we can meet them personally then" Aiji nodded with a smile, Yuuma was rubbing his forehead thinking that Root was something he will have to deal with in the future.


"So you saying that Mei Terumi will be coming to Hagi Island?" Deidra in his transformed state asked Zhou Wei who was feeling anxious, "Yes! And my cousin made some deals with the family, we only need to prevent her from going to the party" Deidra nodded "Zhou Wei, can you give me the details of their carriage? I will personally take care of this myself" Zhou Wei nodded "Of course!" He stood up running out of the abandoned Hut somewhere near the northern Port City of Hagi Island, "Kukuku, with this I can show off my art"