
How to survive in the World of Naruto with Fragmented Memories

After living long enough in the world of DBZ, Yozu aka Masaru Belial decides it was time to take the second phase of the trials, to survive in a new world. During the reincarnation spell his soul touches the boundaries of where Hagomo's soul rests and incidentally get influenced before returning to the cycle of rebirth as he went to the World of Naruto. Masaru Belial now called Yuuma (Otsutsuki / Kurama) Terumi, born in the land of fire escaped with his father and mother only to be left in an orphanage near the Village Hidden in the mist. Later had himself adopted by Terumi Family. Plotted to have him killed or sold off by many, Yuuma has to walk the path ahead to become the sole existence at the top. To make them acknowledge him, and to protect what he wants to. Many years later Yuuma came in touch with a peculiar girl that gave him a sense of familiarity and bit by bit fragmented memories of his past life as Masaru Belial and Yozu Brief came back to him. -------- Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, and the picture I got from Google which was by luck it fitted my MC's looks! Trying my hand on making a naruto fanfiction

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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Ambush? No this is how you Ambush

Later that night Yuuma was awakened when he heard the sound of several heavy footsteps approaching this house, he also sensed that Tatsuya and his wife hid themselves underground. He felt complicated about his current situation since Tatsuya betrayed him, but then again the man was only ordinary and not a shinobi so he could have his reasons too. Yuuma swiftly dressed himself in his dark grey shinobi outfit, his dual swords Kiba was in their sheaths attached to his back.

Yuuma touched the pouch attached his right thigh as he silently checked if it was still full of shurikens, in the meantime, his left hand was holding several water needles he materialized using [Water Style: Water Needle Jutsu]. Yuuma lowered himself as he stood against the wall near his bedroom door, "The Kiri Shinobi is upstairs, move silently like Boss taught you" One of the voices spoke before Yuuma could feel slight vibrations of footsteps heading up the stairs.

Just as the door opens Yuuma pulls the man into the room, the man did not have a moment to cry out when his throat was pierced with several water needles. Silently Yuuma laid the man down as he opened the door and glances out into the corridor, 'It's clear' Yuuma thought as he activates his golden Byakugan to glance at the floor below him. Yuuma saw several people with extremely weak chakra flows and the only single person had a more vigorous flow compare to them, 'Three ordinary people and a single shinobi' Yuuma thought as he began to move silently.

Yuuma secretly glanced at the edge of the stairs looking down at the four men waiting patiently, after a while they became impatient "You go up there and see what is going on" The shinobi orders the man closest to the stairs, the man nodded as he pulls out his dagger while he took each step carefully. But when he was halfway Yuuma threw a shuriken into his head, weaving his hand seals [Ninja Arts: Shuriken Replacement Jutsu] Suddenly Yuuma appeared near the man's head as he used Body flicker to slam his open palm into the chest of the remaining two ordinary bandits killing them instantly.

"You who are you!?" The shinobi spoke but suddenly he was restricted by Yuuma who moved behind him before he could run away, pressing the shinobi's right arm behind his back while slamming his face into the ground. "You bastard! I will kill you!" The shinobi screamed out in rage hoping he could flinch Yuuma as he noticed Yuuma was only a little boy, but Yuuma smirked as he moved closer "How about I torture you?" Yuuma spoke.

The Shinobi who heard this at first did not want to believe it but once he caught sight of the barely visible pupil light blue eyes, he could see this boy was not the least bit disturbed about the idea of torturing him which began to make him anxious. "Wha What is it!? What do you want? If you want to know about my boss you might as well kill me!" The Shinobi spoke anxiously although he honestly did not want to die, but knowing about his boss to die was an easier way out for him.

Yuuma chuckled as he could see the man's heartbeat increasing when he activated his eyes to have a look, "Since you are so scared of your boss it means you are not a man, perhaps I should castrate you and torture you as a woman" Yuuma muttered as he glances at the Shinobi's crotch for an instant, this sent a terrifying shiver down the Shinobi's spine as his eyes widen at Yuuma's crazy idea. "You monster! You would smear my honour as a shinobi for the sake of information?"

Yuuma smirked "You are not a shinobi, but a missing one who betrayed his village. You have no honour, so I will castrate you to display your dishonourable figure in front of everyone before I kill you... Isn't that right Endou" Hearing Yuuma recognized his identity made Endou shiver as he fearfully glances at Yuuma whose smile was much scarier compared to his boss's stern face, "And perhaps I will attach your son's head in its place as a final gift before you are executed" Yuuma muttered, although he would not do such crazy things but he knew he would have to dismantle this man's pride and then strike his weak point to get him to talk.

"Don't you dare touch my son! How did you find out!? Even my boss does not know of his existence" Endou spoke with an anxious voice, he no longer cared about his loyalty to his boss as he only had a single son who could not become a shinobi because of an illness. So he lives his life as an ordinary blacksmith, strangely enough he lives in this very village as well. As they say, the safest place was the most dangerous place. "That is not important Endou, what I want to know is the location of your boss. You will surrender to the Anbu of Kirigakure and your son will come into our custody so we can safeguard him" Yuuma spoke but Endou knew that Yuuma intends to use his son to ensure he cooperates fully.

Endou took a deep breath while looking into Yuuma's eyes, he felt he met up with a demon that would not hesitate to cut off anything for the sake of results. Although that was his own interpretation since Yuuma would not do such things, but acting as if he would do such things was quite fun in its own way. "Fine, the Boss's name is Hideatsu Torii." Endou explained the location of the base to Yuuma until several Kiri Anbu appeared, "Team Leader, we will take it from here" The Anbu spoke while Yuuma nodded.

"My son! Protect my son!" Endou screamed out until one of the Anbu knocked him out, "Make sure to take his on along" Yuuma ordered the Anbu who nodded as his order before disappearing, Yuuma went to the kitchen where he located the floor door leading to the underground hiding place. "You can come out Tatsuya" Yuuma called out.

"Y-Yuuma? Thank god you are alright" Tatsuya spoke out as he climbed the stairs back into the kitchen, facing Yuuma he immediately kowtowed. Even his wife who followed him did not allow her husband to be the only one to kowtow, but Yuuma helped them both up with a wry smile. "You will tell me what happened right?" Hearing Yuuma's question Tatsuya nodded as his wife went to brew them some tea.

According to Tatsuya, they have indeed submitted the request for the VIllage to kill Hideatsu Torii, but when Hideatsu became aware of this he forcibly took control over the village and made the villagers cooperate with him to sneakily kill the Shinobis who takes the quest at night. Tatsuya and his wife were chosen as the next pair to welcome the Shinobi into their household, Tatsuya could not allow his wife to poison the food otherwise Yuuma would have already been alerted of this.

This also displayed that Tatsuya and his wife did not want to harm him, soon Tatsuya's wife arrived with three cups of green tea. "We have no choice, against Hideatsu who can use Shinobi techniques? We are powerless and can only comply, which is why I hope you can succeed or we will die" Tatsuya spoke as he held his wife hands firmly despite shaking from fear. Yuuma took a sip of his tea before he glances at Tatsuya, "I can understand your predicament, you are honestly lucky it was me tonight. If it was any other Kiri Shinobi, they would have killed you both even if you did it for your safety"

Hearing Yuuma's words caused both Tatsuya and his wife to shiver involuntarily as they realized they had escaped death only because it was Yuuma, "So for now, I want you to tell the other villagers that they managed to kill me. Okay?" Tatsuya and his wife both nodded as Yuuma stood up, "Thanks for the hospitality, take care of yourselves" He turned and vanished from their sight. 'I will have to wait for one of Hideatsu's men to appear, then I can take his place and head for their hidden base' Yuuma thought as he leaned against the wall of Tatsuya's house hidden in the shadows.


Next morning the village operated the same as yesterday but the atmosphere was gloomier the moment the villagers were notified that Yuuma died in the hands of Hideatsu's men. They lamented at the fact Yuuma was only a young boy, and he died to complete a request they had placed. But between them approached a red hair tied into twin buns behind his head, sharp-looking eyes and a delinquent smile.

Wearing a black shirt with a black vest studded with wolf fangs, short black pants and sandals. He was Hideatsu Torii's right-hand man named Togashi, he came today after he was reported the mission succeeded but their men never returned so he came with intentions to learn about what happened last night from Tatsuya. "Yo Tatsy, How have you been?" Togashi spoke as he links his right arm around Tatsuya with his hand grasping his shoulder with a tight grip, Tatsuya felt an instant surge of pain from his shoulder as he flinched.

"S-Sir Togashi, what an honour to have you here" Tatsuya spoke with a shaky voice while he began to sweat unnaturally from stress, "What is the matter Tatsy? You are sweating quite a lot, aren't you afraid you might dehydrate yourself like this?" Togashi spoke as he entered Tatsuya's house, "Your wife is still as diligent as always, I wonder what really happened last night? I Heard people came to attack the village and I fear she might just become their target of lust"

Tatsuya shivered out of fear, but Togashi did not have a chance to push him further when Yuuma appeared behind Togashi driving a kunai into his head. "HIIII!!!!" Tatsuya collapsed on the ground crawling backwards as he gazes at Yuuma with fear who killed Togashi, Yuuma did not pay attention to Tatsuya as he inspects Togashi's looks before destroying the body. "Good Work Tatsuya, with this I will start working" Yuuma muttered with a smile, but Tatsuya was considering to leave this village with his wife as he could not believe Yuuma would be able to complete this mission.

Yuuma left the house after he transformed himself into Togashi using [Ninja Arts: Transformation Jutsu], he went out of the village heading into the forest that was in the direction of the Black bears where Tatsuya once pointed Yuuma at but along the way, there was a hidden footpath behind a bush. The pathway led him deeper into the forest towards a nearby small hill, when he reached the end of the pathway he faced a double wooden door built inside the mountain.

'This is his hideout huh? I'm coming to claim my treasure Hideatsu' Yuuma thought as he pushes open the door, what he was welcome by was several swords pointing at him. "Togashi? For Sage's arse can you knock the code!? We almost killed you!" One of the gate guards scolded Yuuma, "I have to report to Hideatsu about the Shinobi that was recently killed and it is important, I did not have the time to knock" He spoke.

The gate guard was quite surprised as normally Togashi would shout at him but he did not suspect a thing since there was instances where Togashi was in a good mood and never shouted, 'So he is in a good mood today? Maybe I can ask for an additional service time tonight' The gate guard thought as he looks at Yuuma who went on ahead following the dimly lit Corridor.

At the end of the corridor, Yuuma was welcomed by the sight of a mini-village built inside the mountain. All of the houses were built from mud and rocks, the strange thing was the fact he spotted a few Iwagakure shinobis in the vicinity. 'Never thought I would get involved with these blockheads so soon' Yuuma thought as he entered the town, but never would he imagine to see such sights... of What Iwagakure does with people from his village.