
How to survive in the World DxD with Fragment Memories

Awaken in the world of DxD with broken memories related to it, yet having almost to no memories of his previous life other than his personality and ego remaining intact. Masaru discovered a day after his reincarnation or perhaps transmigration, that he turned out to be the son of Diehauser Belial, and that he was kidnapped the night his mother (Human) was killed by an assassin. With no other way but to play the fool in appearing to trust each and every person he met till he became strong enough to guard himself, Masaru starts to live as the chosen heir of the Belial Family. Using his fragmented memories of the World of DxD, Masaru takes the lead to take control of the flow of fate surrounding the world. To ensure the safety of himself, his beloved family... This is the story of a Wonder Child, who hates his title but can't resist creating miracles that can make one wonder.

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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175 Chs

Schemes in plain sight, yet the source remains hidden

"If you don't mind me asking" Priscilla spoke while glancing at Ophis who was still sitting without a care for the world on Masaru's shoulders, she had an inkling that she knew who this girl was and wanted to at least confirm.

"I would like to know this as well, it has been a while now and this girl keeps disrespecting her imperial highness for long enough" Marius Sr who kept silent for a while now finally had time to speak, he gave Priscilla a fierce hidden glare before standing before her. Even Priscilla was left silent with no way to retort him since she understood that glare better than anyone.

"It will be in your best interest to make that girl kneel before her imperial highness, or she will be killed according to our imperial laws for disrespecting our empire" Marius Sr spoke with a solemn voice while hiding his viciousness, he really wanted to kill off these people. For some reason he felt an urge telling him to get rid of them or troubles will come knocking at his door.

Despite being disrespectful, not a single noble or official stopped him from doing what he wanted, no one wanted to offend this mad old man and end up as a corpse the next morning.

"Are you certain you want to make this girl kneel? Are you willing to take on the consequences for trying to kill this girl for the sake of your empress?" Masaru asked with a stoic face, but his eyes were laughing at the idiocy of this old man who could not recognize the number one most powerful being in the world. The Ouroboros Dragon.

"What are you going against our decree? Even if you are not of our citizens. We will hang you as an example for disrespecting our country" Marius Sr growled, his eyes becoming bloodshot. The urgency within his heart was growing more and more, he could almost not stop his impulse to leap towards Masaru behead him.

Hearing this Masaru was vigilant while secretly scanning the old man, it did not take him long to realize that this old man was stimulated. Or more accurately, his fear was greatly stimulated through a drug. 'To think that even the puppet would get schemed against by its own controller' Masaru thought with a faint smile.

Seeing Masaru's smile caused everyone to feel a cold sweat running down their spine, they were not entirely certain why this boy who was as young as a baby compared to them would terrify them to this degree. But whatever the reason was, it could prove lethal for them.

Even Marius who wanted to kill Masaru more than anything, even with his face twisted with rage and eyes glaring his intent to kill. He could not help but flinch at how his father was conducting himself, glancing left and right he felt that if he did not stop his father then something bad might happen.

"Father" Marius called out when he reached near enough for Marius Sr to hear him, instantly the prime minister snapped out of his stupor looking into the eyes of his son. Seeing the confusion in Marius's eyes, the prime minister turns to look at his surroundings while thinking about what he had just been doing.

Instantly his face was flushed red from embarrassment, and anger. 'Who is the one to scheme against me!? I lost my face!' He screamed internally before taking a deep breath, he glanced nonchalantly towards Masaru.

"Apologies, there are many troublemakers appearing in our country that I have to crack them down the hard way. But it still remains a fact that little girl is being too disrespectful" Marius Sr said,

Hearing his words almost everyone in the audience hall was floored, although they were not certain what caused the prime minister to lose his temper so fast, but they knew something was wrong with him and that he would cover it up with a lie.

"Even if she is the Ouroboros Dragon..." Masaru said with a pause before completing his sentence, "Ophis?"

The surrounding who was shocked by the sudden change in the Prime Minister all froze, the atmosphere felt as if it transformed into an icy north pole. Everyone with stuttering movements turned to look at the girl who was nonchalantly munching a cookie, found it odd that she did indeed look like Ophis.

Watching some more, only then the faces of the nobles and officials became incredibly pale. Priscilla who asked the question felt relieved that she only wanted to know who that girl was, she did not expect that she was indeed correct that the little girl was Ophis.

'Just how did he managed to tame the Ouroboros Dragon to become so close to him?' She thought while looking at him intently.

'The hell!? Ouroboros dragon!?' Marius Sr felt like crying when he heard what Masaru said, but he used his many years of experience to prevent himself from shivering in fear. 'P-perhaps he is bluffing! Yes right, how can someone like him possible have tamed the ultimate dragon goddess!?'


"It's fine" Priscilla cut off Marius Sr's attempt to argue with Masaru, she gave Marius Sr a glare of her own before saying it as if she was speaking with everyone. "You all know I have once met Ophis once and I can guarantee, that little girl is indeed the legendary Ouroboros Dragon"

"Impossible! How can someone like him possibly have tamed the ultimate dragon goddess!?" Marius cried out in surprise while the other nobles silently nodded in approval, even they could not believe this little girl was the most dangerous dragon to ever existed.

"Hnn?" Ophis who heard her name being called several times glanced at the surroundings curiously, yet each time her eyes swept pass each noble and official. All of them were left with their backs soaked in sweat that abnormally perspires from their backs due to instinctual fear.

"Ophis-- Ophis will protect Masaru," Ophis said while raising her tiny right fist trying to appear ferocious and failed miserably, but no one dared to retort her as they truly feared this little girl.

As if to respond to Ophis's declaration, Yui immediately activated Incinerate Athemn transforming her clothes into a dark crimson dress. Ulrika lightly tapped the pouches at both sides her waists opening it, pulling two special made revolvers. And Shirone activated her Neko mode, her white cat ears emerged between her hair while her cat tail emerged at her back before splitting into two tails.

"We won't allow you to continue bullying our husband like this!" The three girls said with a solemn voice causing Marius Sr to take a step back unconsciously, even if he did not want to accept it. It was the truth, that little girl was indeed Ophis or at least something incredibly dangerous. Even now his instincts were screaming at him to run.

"The audience is dismissed," Priscilla said with a soft yet clearly audible voice that was heard by the nobles and officials who sighed with relief, rushing to be the first person to leave since they did not want to get involved in this any longer.

"Well then, excuse me" Marius Sr bowed slightly towards Priscilla before leaving the audience hall with his son who fell unconscious when Ophis gave him a single glance which embarrassed the old man. He gave Masaru one last meaningful glance before leaving the audience hall.

"You created a big mess for me to deal with," Priscilla said glancing at Masaru intently, she felt a bit frustrating how he was being nonchalant towards what just happened while gently patting the heads of his fiancees

"If you are decisive, you would not have landed in this situation from the start," Masaru said without giving Priscilla a glance,

"Nyan!" Shirone closed her eyes in delight when Masaru gently patted her head, "Besides, what could get worse than it already is"

"True" Priscilla nodded before glancing at Azazel, "The reason I sent Elmenhilde was in hopes I could ask for your cooperation in our sacred gear research"

"Ho?" Azazel who had remained quiet throughout the entire show, finally smiled while his eyes sparkled with great interest towards this subject. "Although you asked for Lady Gremory to bring her servant to aid you?"

"We knew from the start she would not easily agree, what we truly need is your knowledge and for that, we are willing to sign the peace treaty" Priscilla responded,

"That's harsh," Azazel said with a wry smile, "However if you join the alliance for the sake of sharing the knowledge I can happily agree with this," He said while crossing his arms, his smiling face became serious.

"But you will have to clean your empire first," Azazel said, he glanced briefly at Masaru for a moment before turning his face back towards Priscilla.

"I know, I intend to clear out the officials soon," Priscilla said while nodding her head,

[Don't mention the evil dragon] Masaru sent a mental communication.

[You intend to let them experience a disaster?] Azazel asked while his eyes became serious.

[It is because it's a serious topic, do you think she would believe us? Especially when we tell her to slaughter half her citizens? she will instantly stand against us] Masaru responded, it was then Azazel understood what Masaru said was the truth.

'No wonder he said that allowing them to experience despair would make them truly grateful' he thought while taking a deep breath. "Well then, I agree with your condition," Azazel said.

"Good" Priscilla clapped her hands, shortly a servant wearing a white lab coat entered the audience hall. "This is Andrei, our head of research department. He will explain things for you along the way"

Masaru glanced at Azazel who exchanged a few more words with Priscilla before leaving together with Andrei chatting with even more vigour, from the sounds of it they have already started talking about sacred gears. "He really loves them... Sacred Gears" Masaru muttered.

Suddenly Masaru lowered his body, twist his body in a spinning motion while a massive silver numerical magical circle spread beneath his feet. "Codex of the Worthless: The domain of the Worthless!"

Instantly the surroundings of Masaru vibrated for a split instant before all kinds of energies vanished without a trace, the shadow that sped towards Masaru began to emerge from the ground like smoke rising up before shaping into a humanoid form, solidifying.

"It's been a while" a Familiar feminine voice could be heard, a pair of aqua coloured eyes revealed themselves followed by a beautiful alluring face. Black hair with purple and pink highlights at the ends, wearing a black school blazer over her white sleeveless shirt, black school short skirt. Her left leg was covered with a shin guard and a pair of white sneakers. Her left hand was covered with a crimson coloured gauntlet, two swords attached to her back in their sheaths.

"It sure has," Masaru said with a wry smile as he slowly stood up tall looking at the beautiful girl before him, it has been a few years but like her sister, she had not changed much after all these years. "Cicily"

"So this is the nekomata, Shirone. The Gunslinger Ulrika and Destruction Empress Yui" Cicily called out each of Masaru's fiance's, a bright smile appeared on her face as she stepped closer to the girls. "It's an honour to meet you all, my name is Cicily Carmilla. Just call me Cicily"

Cicily handed over a small packet of strawberry flavoured sugar sweets to the dragon goddess and tribute, Ophis said nothing and took the packet before nodding in acknowledgement. Masaru who saw this felt shocked at how this little dragon goddess was accepting bribes right in front of him.

"I will leave you all alone to catch up," Priscilla said smiling warmly towards her little sister before leaving the audience hall.

"Just what is going on" Masaru muttered glancing at the closing door.

"My sister has changed," Cicily said with a saddened expression, "She used to be decisive, but now she keeps hesitating as if she was carrying a burden far greater than the empire"

"I see" Masaru did not question her any further as he could vaguely sense that Cicily did not have any idea what was going on around Priscilla, he turned his attention away from her allowing her to chat with Shirone, Ulrika and Yui.

Glancing towards the window, Masaru saw for an instant a shadow figure peeking at him from the window. He had been aware ever since he travelled to the Vampire Empire, he had been monitored and it was strangely baffling. That he felt a gaze filled with worship directed at him from the shadow figure that was monitoring him, or he felt that he was being monitored.


The audience hall door opened once more, revealing the face of Marius was appeared to be looking for someone. When he noticed Masaru, he instantly had a cold look on his face till he noticed Cicily, only then did he smile warmly entering the audience hall with light steps as if he was skipping.

"Cicily my darling, our wedding has been confirmed!" Marius spoke with a happy smiling face, his eyes not hiding his lust directed towards her body. Even Shirone, Ulrika and Yui could not help feel disgusted at him with such looks, yet Marius dared not look with such a gaze towards Masaru's woman due to his fear of Ophis.

"I never agreed to that" Cicily said with a solemn voice, her fist clenched tightly as she fought against her impulse to kill off this shameless piece of trash that kept pestering her to marry and having such a disgusting gaze towards her body that was pure.

"Hoho, it does not matter," Marius said while spreading his palms sideways with a crazed smile, "Because your sister has already agreed firmly"

Masaru who heard this could not help narrow his eyes when he heard this, even he knew Priscilla would not do such a thing. But after thinking for a moment he remembered that Cicily mentioned just now her sister had changed, 'Could it be she is being controlled?' Masaru thought.

"Impossible!" Cicily said with a confident tone as she knew her sister would not really sell her out, even if it was part of the plan to deceive their enemies she would never really go through with something like that.

"I thought you would say that," Marius said while taking out a scroll with an imperial crest embedded onto the scroll, seeing this Cicily knew that this document was not fake.

With shaky hands, Cicily took the scroll carefully opened it. When she read the contents her face became pale, her hands shivering more intensely as tears began to roll down her cheek. With no words, she turned and ran out of the audience room.

Masaru who saw this felt that whatever was written in that scroll, it dealt a great blow to Cicily to make her cry like that. He glanced at Marius who had a big smile on his face as if he won this round at last, but soon he shook his head thinking it was best to wait for Cicily to see him and explain herself what was going on.

To the bitter end, he was a foreigner. Hench, he would not personally move to get involved, and will instead wait for her to request his help. That way, he could drag in the Hiei Mercenary group to join the civil war.

"From now on you best stay away from Cicily, she is my woman," Marius said with a vigilant glare at Masaru, but when Masaru turned to look towards Marius with a solemn glare. It scared the man more than enough to make him scamper out of the room wishing he could use his third leg to run even faster.

"Is it truly fine?" Ulrika asked,

"It's best she comes to us herself," Masaru said glancing at the door, "If we carelessly meddle, we might create trouble for ourselves instead of helping. So all we can do is wait, as for the evil dragons... I am considering to secretly evacuate those who are not infected and replace them with men of our own using the transformation bracelet to hide their real appearance"

"Should I start with the operation?" Ulrika asked,

"Hmm..." Masaru caressed his chin, "Proceed with the plan, also have Zhao Hai ready his men. Within the next two days, Hiei will join the civil war"

"Are you serious?" Ulrika asked,

"Yes," Masaru nodded, "Because even if Cicily doesn't come to us. Priscilla will definitely"

"Should we do anything?" Yui asked,

"Yes" Masaru smiled mysteriously, "I want you girls to help me catch my stalker"

The final chapter for the day!

Sorry, my brains are fried. I need some decent music to inspire my inspiration and blah blah...

The noob will resume his beginner dungeon raid tomorrow morning!

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts