
How to survive in the World DxD with Fragment Memories

Awaken in the world of DxD with broken memories related to it, yet having almost to no memories of his previous life other than his personality and ego remaining intact. Masaru discovered a day after his reincarnation or perhaps transmigration, that he turned out to be the son of Diehauser Belial, and that he was kidnapped the night his mother (Human) was killed by an assassin. With no other way but to play the fool in appearing to trust each and every person he met till he became strong enough to guard himself, Masaru starts to live as the chosen heir of the Belial Family. Using his fragmented memories of the World of DxD, Masaru takes the lead to take control of the flow of fate surrounding the world. To ensure the safety of himself, his beloved family... This is the story of a Wonder Child, who hates his title but can't resist creating miracles that can make one wonder.

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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175 Chs

More trouble is coming

Next day Masaru was already heading towards the Sitri Family once again, but this time he was called to visit a very special individual who requested to see him personally to which he naturally did not decline as he too would like to meet her for his own personal reason as well.

Masaru had Ingvild travelling with him today since he could allow Ingvild to also get to know another person who had a similar case as she had and provide advice if required although he was certain that anyone who trained that muscle head friend of his to be that earnest must be strong-willed, incredibly so.

"Master Masaru, will we be visiting Lady Misla today?" Masaru nodded at Ingvild's question, he was not sure why she wanted to see him personally but he too wanted to meet her at least once.

"Yes, she requested for me so I brought you along as someone who also experienced the same kind of situation of sleeping for a long time as she had, and well... Support me" Masaru scratched the back of his head since he was not certain what kind of topics he could talk about Misla other than her son.

Ingvild, however, felt a bit excited to meet the one who was the mother of Sairaorg whom Masaru respects. "But it sure was a good stroke of luck. I managed to bribe those journalists"

Masaru muttered when he opened up the newspaper with an affair story where information from an anonymous source was given where the Journalist managed to snap a shot of a top-ranking Rating Game player's wife straddling another man. "Damn! Two men!? I never would have expected that this girl had such heavy taste"

Ingvild's face was blushing when she read that story this morning, she never believed her King who was also her lover would actually reveal such information for the sake of insuring that baseless stories about him taking Sona to a party from emerging.

"Heh, I will never understand how scandals can have two to three pages in the newspaper but good news will only have a tiny paragraph" Masaru laughed reading this newspaper, he knew what he did was not right morally. For his sake, he revealed the news that would have come out sooner or later so he only made use of the information and released it sooner.

Shortly they arrived at relatively smaller Manor compared to the Main Manor the Sitri Family lives at, the general appearance of the manor was quite western with white painted walls and two fountains at either side of the walkway to the entrance.

Masaru took Ingvild's hand to help her climb out before the two of them walked till they entered the manor where they were welcomed by the butler who opened the door for them.

"Welcome Young lord Masaru Belial, Lady Ingvild Leviathan. Please follow me" Masaru followed the butler who led them up the stairs to the second floor, the first room on the left which was quite a large bedroom with a double bed in the centre against the wall with a beautiful lady sitting upright.

Shoulder-length dark brown hair, blue eyes and a slender body which show signs of regaining some weight after the long time of sleeping she was through. "Welcome, thank you for accepting my selfish request. I have always wanted to meet the best friend of Sairaorg and my saviour"

Masaru came closer taking his seat on a chair placed for them next to the bed along with Ingvild, "It's a pleasure to receive an invitation from Lady Misla-sama, I'm Masaru Belial and this is my queen Ingvild Leviathan. I too wanted to meet the Legendary Mother who trained my best friend" Masaru introduced himself and Ingvild,

"Fufu, I'm not legendary but an ordinary mother who wants the best for her child. However, you are polite and well mannered. You may drop the formalities since I am no longer noble. I really am happy Sairaorg managed to find a friend who understands his worth"

"I'm blessed to have such a friend, he is truly a gem carved carefully by lady Misla. His worth towards the lower-ranked and the less privilege Devils is astronomical because he can inspire those who do not have many talents in Demonic power that there is more ways to become stronger" Masaru said as he also made some of his intention to Misla clear, that he wanted to use Sairaorg to inspire hope.

Misla naturally caught his intention but still felt incredibly happy because this was indeed the dream Sairaorg wanted to lead, and that there is someone to help him along his journey she can only be happy as his mother

'You really found a good friend, Sairaorg' She thought.

"But still I want to thank you for what you have done for my son and for me"

Masaru took Misla hand with a smile, "Your thanks are more than enough and my friendship with Sairaorg is more important than benefits, having you awake brought happiness to my friend which in turns makes everything much better. So I would like to thank you Misla, thank you for supporting Sairaorg even though the family were harsh on you, even though it was tough for you, you still trained him and supported him..."

Masaru choked a bit feeling emotional as he could more or less feel the pain this mother went through for her child and it touched him, it even caused Misla who was calm to feel all kinds of emotions that she kept inside was slowly beginning to flow out, her sadness, anger, everything she kept inside was flowing out with her tears.

It was the first time a stranger thanked her for what she went through, what she has done, she never wanted everything but only to be acknowledged, appreciated and her son's worth to be acknowledged. "Your son Sairaorg has inherited a power far more precious than the Destruction power of the bael... He inherited your families power and pride of the lions"

Misla broke into tears which caused even Ingvild who felt the pain to move to the other side of the bed hugging her, Ingvild was not sure why but she just really wanted to hug Misla.

After a while Misla recomposed herself but her smile this time was more natural, "Sorry for such a display"

Ingvild shook her head, "No, you have been holding on all this time it is only natural you needed a release"

Misla moved her hand which Masaru let go a while ago and gently touched Ingvild cheek, "Such a good child"

Masaru and Ingvild spent some time together with Misla updating her about what happened especially about her son although she heard it many times she would still want to hear them some more.


From within a territory bordered with the Belial Territory in an old wooden abandoned house in a town, a group of devils were gathering but only the leaders of the groups were entering while the rest were moving towards Bars and shops to pretend they are visitors.

Today was a monthly report meeting for them where they had to report to a representative of the Original Satan Faction who was part of another faction, they were quite noisy when they're entered since the house was encased with a barrier that eliminated any form of a trace of them as if they entered a different dimension.

"Now then, how is the progress of inciting the lower-ranked devils to rebel against the oppression of the higher-ranked nobles?" The representative asked as he looked over the several leaders who were responsible for inciting the commoners to rebel against the higher rank devils who refuses to give them proper education, nor any proper support.

"It was going good till all of the heads of several families were replaced at the same time, not to mention the others stopped their suppression... It's impossible to incite the people in Gremory, Bael, Sitri, Agares, Belial and a few other territories... These nobles support their people to the point that the commoners would support them unconditionally"

"What about the other villages and areas?"

This time a different leader answered, "Minimal, whatever movement happened in the shadows was extremely fast and effective. We had no time to respond to it, some of the territories rebelled as planned but they were too easily appeased"

The Representative really wanted to shout at these low ranked cannon fodders who were extremely useless and pathetic he was not even sure why his leaders were not sending someone to simply take over these scums and lead them properly but he took a deep breathe then began to give out orders.

"Since incitement will not work then start hitting their villages! Do something to make the commoners feel their lords are not protecting them and supporting them properly! Do I have to tell you how to do your jobs!? Use any means necessary to create chaos here! So the day we strike we can take them by surprise" The Representative soon calmed down, even the Leaders pulled back by the sheer pressure he gave of while he was shouting at them.

"I will be back next month and I hope to hear something more... pleasant to my ears next time"

When the representative left the first leader to speak snorted, "This scum sure likes to talk big, he has no idea what happened here but he wants us to do something? I mean there is no shit for us to stir"

The other leaders joined the discussion which was simply a long-winded complaint about how these representatives were simply treating them like dogs.


"Thank you for visiting her at such a short notice Ma-kun" Serafall was sitting in the lounge room on the ground floor where Masaru just arrived after leaving Ingvild to keep Misla company, the strangest thing was Sona who was sitting next to her as well.

"I want to confirm a few things with you Ma-kun, I heard about your deal with So-tan so I want to know what is your true motive?" Masaru felt the pressure of the girl who cared more about her sister to the point she would go explode heavens if something happened to her.

"Your elders do not take her dream kindly... do they?" Upon hearing this question Serafall could not give an answer because it was true, Masaru did not wait for her to respond and he continued.

"Yet I can see the true value of her dream, if Sairaorg's dream is to give a voice for the commoners then Sona's dream is to uplift the entire devil nation. Even I can't even begin to understand how these old fools think, by educating Low-class devils we promote growth in varies sectors not only in Rating Games but also stimulate our country to grow even further.

"If the people are strong the country is strong. If the people are smart the country is smart. The fate of the devils does not rest in the hands of the old but in the young. I, Masaru Belial firmly believe Sona's dream has more potential than the current educational system which only supports high-class devils"

Serafall was taken aback, she never thought the boy would actually look at such a broad sense in the small dream her sister would have, 'To think Ma-kun thought about it this deep.I feel I can trust him to support So-tan since Father would agree as well because the elders of the Family is making it difficult'

"What do you get out of it?" Masaru leaned back on the chair with a smile, he didn't have any intentions to hide it.

"The first... Since my family's territory would support Sona 100% in her endeavour in Education. She will have to start her dream in our territory as a trial run to make the surrounding devils aware of it's importance, not only that but while she running it in our country we will become the first to secure many kinds of talents, able working Devils and thus bring forth new ideas, new businesses and much more. You can imagine it right, a territory that starts to lead a new era is always the one most likely to end up the strongest when the era changes"

"You are quite ambitious" Masaru laughed at Serafall's remark but he shook his head.

"This is for survival and prosperity, I need a strong territory, strong people, and strong allies to survive in this world and keep them safe. The state Belial was in before I arrived was a good example, being scammed, being pressured, had to bow our heads to worthless family heirs.

"I experienced it all, and to live through it too. I knew if I want to survive and never have to experience it again, I simply need everything around me to become stronger, I want those close to me feel safe, my allies are safe and my people... If everyone is safe it means I am going the right way"

"Would you support anyone else who would have the same dream?" Masaru shook his head again, as this was another question he expected.

"No, I know Sona, what she likes, what she hates. I trust her and if it's not her I will not support it. If it was another person? I would throughly investigate them to the point that I needed to know their clothes sizes to make sure I can trust these people or not, with Sona I have no need to do such pointless things"

Serafall froze at what Masaru just mentioned as she would definitely go berserk if Masaru ever do such a thing to Sona, but luckily he mentioned he will not so she nodded. Sona who listened to it all was feeling a bit under the weather so she was secretly wiping her tears feeling happy being acknowledge and to have someone who sees the same direction as she does. Although she felt a bit embarrassed at how far Masaru would investigate someone.

"Besides, I am doing it to help you Devil Kings as well. When it is proven that Sona's dream is for the best for the Devil Country, you can use us as an excuse during the time you want to spread out the education plan and those who refuse to help. You can then "investigate" them to ensure that are not traitors since they don't want to support the education of lower class Devils"

Serafall smiled meaningfully at Masaru as she really enjoy working with him the most, it is through Masaru that she gets the chance to beat up the devils who bullies her So-tan "You really like to cause trouble don't you?"

"No, it just so happens every time I try to stay low key it ends up being too flashy" Masaru muttered

"I see, sorry for testing you I just wanted to make sure my sister is not being scammed or dragged into something troublesome" Masaru smiled warmly at Serafall who honestly apologize, he can understand better than anyone just how much Serafall loves her sister.

"Levia tan-tan, it is because of the way you two sisters are that I feel comfortable working with."

The three of them continued their chats till it was a bit late so Masaru said his goodbyes and left together with Ingvild heading back home. Serafall jump hugs her sister causing Sona to blush.

"So-tan you finally found one! I'm so happy" Sona who usually feel embarrassed at this kind of thing was feeling happy instead.

"So-tan, do you think you can trust him?" Sona smiled at Serafall's question which was quite rare to the point Serafall felt a bit jealous.

"He is the only one outside our family who acknowledged my dreams and support me with his all... If I can't trust him then who will I trust?"


"Masaru, I need you to head towards the Northern town. Take someone with you and head over there tomorrow, I am not sure why but there has been several cases of a rebellion in other noble territories. There is a chance that the same thing might rise up in some of our territories. I am not sure if this happening is coincidental or intentional" Dominic spoke as he was signing off papers.

Masaru and Ingvild just got back from Sitri's territory after their talks with Misla. "What will I need to do once I am there?"

Dominic who heard the question did not raise his head but instead answered, "Inspect the area, hear the opinions of farmers, citizens, check the hygiene and order of the place. Since you will become the lord of the Territory in the future you will need to know how to do these things at an early age."

"Understood" Masaru stood up and left the office, he was already considering who to take but the best choice would be Sakura since Akeno, Ingvild and Ichika will leave together with Diana, Angelica went to travel towards the other town for a similar task as he did.

Everest went back home since Tiamat wants to see her again, Yui is assisting Elizabeth in the lab, Shirone went together with Jacob to a different town and Stephani is helping his grandmother Calfa.

'Well it will be a good time to have a decent chat with her since she joined my peerage not too long ago' Masaru thought

08/08/2020 - changes made

Pessimist: Things just can't get any worse!

Optimist: Nah, of course they can!

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts