
How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Living life in this new world was already hard enough.... So why? Why is the villainess of this world obsessed with me?

MCPG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
329 Chs

Falling Snow 2

With steady steps, Snow made her way toward the academy infirmary, her mind grappling with anxiety as she got closer to Riley's room.

'What should I say?' she wondered, her thoughts swirling in a chaotic dance of uncertainty and anticipation.

Walking past some students and staff who greeted her, Snow made sure to practice her most impeccable smile.

She couldn't afford to let anyone, especially Riley, think that she was in distress right now. She needed to maintain her composure, to present herself as the confident and unshakable princess she was known to be.

Gripping her thumb tightly, she tried to use the pressure and pain to distract herself from the boiling thoughts and emotions raging inside her.

Each step felt like a march towards an uncertain fate, her heart pounding louder with every stride.