
How to survive in the ancient world

After taking revenge against one who betrayed him and destroyed his enemy organisation, John died because of severe wounds. But he has got a new chance. He has reincarnated in the ancient, primordial world, where the tribes have gotten the strongest power of humankind. However, that doesn't mean that humans are the strongest in the world. Few generations ago, after the rein of meteors this ancient world got new energy - Qi. Everyone can become stronger. But In the new world, there are also other creatures and they have at least equal power with humans. The protagonist wants to survive and also defend his family. However first of all he will have to get strong enough for that. P.S. The cover photo isn't mine. If there is an Author who wants me to remove it, contact me.

giorgige · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 40 - Eruption

Be it up or down, there was a huge mess everywhere.

The blue remnants of the qi tornado were mixed with the dust of numerous different sizes of rocks and red-coloured substances, which naturally was the lava. The impact caused by the sudden eruption was so strong that even some small clouds nearby the mountain dissipated and disappeared instantly.

Even if the mountain was at least four or five thousand meters in height and Ulf had token a large distance from it too, waves of explosion still reached and hit him hard after a couple of seconds.

The tremor coming from the deep underground was still very active. Some of the formed cracks were so large that jumping over them would be a pipe dream. But the coming horror from the ground didn't stop there.

The extremely loud eerie wails coming from these pits of the abyss could shake the soul of any existence.

It was so terrifying to hear that no man would doubt that there was hell in the underground and that these wails were produced by sinful beings. Thanks to the past life for the useless knowledge that Ulf knew it was sounds of after the earth rocks smashed each other.

'That smell? the gases are gushing out from the cracks. They will be very poisonous if I stay longer and don't stop idling here.'

The beasts in front were in worse conditions than him as they were much closer to the mountain. However, it was when Ulf noticed another huge anomaly.

He expected that after such a turn of events, every being, presented below the mountain, would disperse and run away desperately. However, they not only didn't retreat, but some of them even started advancing.

'These brainless creatures are going to commit suicide or what?' Ulf was stunned.

The whole scenario was like the earth's ending was nearing and these beasts had the guts to search for some profits.

'What can there be other than destructive streams of lava?'

These beasts weren't so foolish as to put themselves in danger without a chance of survival. Though, it was shown soon that the beasts became crazed for something, even after the meteors smashed like rain.

The entire valley was in a range of volcanic rocks. It was easy to imagine the power of even some small rocks after they were pushed by the massive eruption and accelerated their speed through the thousands of metres of free fall.

Another misfortune was that explosions on top of the mountain's different spots continued, which became the perfect suppliers for the bulleting every inch of the landscape.

Ulf began to consider hearing the hellish sounds from underground, a kind of luxury due to the development of a worse version of hell up, on the ground.

Even area damage caused by the volcanic rock was deadly for Ulf. Countless fragments of trees thrown into the surroundings could injure or kill the strong hunter.

Ulf wasn't excluded and had to use his full capabilities to avoid the rocks or other upcoming flecks, as he was retreating. Of course, he didn't want to take part in the beasts' 'happy event'.

In order to deal with the unavoidable missile-like small fragments, Ulf had to use Aeglos to deal with them. But after several minutes, he was still covered with many minor injuries. His spiritual energy naturally played a major role surviving in this disaster too.

'I can only blame myself for believing in these beasts' intelligence. They transformed into the simpleton machines in a few seconds.'

The consequences of the beasts' bravery were reviewed by the rainfall of the rock. They were very close to the mountain and didn't have as much time as Ulf to observe and avoid all falling stonebulletes.

Ulf couldn't hear the sounds but saw that several unfortunate beasts were bombarded and turned into flattened beefs.

Astonishingly for Ulf, the beasts, which moved forward instead of waiting or retreating, were still alive. He could look in their direction only for a brief moment but understood that they must have been peak-grade beasts. Remembering the fight between the two mooses, they weren't as fast as these rushing beasts.

Those beasts' manoeuvres were so clean that they were only getting light wounds.

The cataclysmic situation was far from over for Ulf, but he still had a remnant lingering interest in the beasts' strange and suicidal behaviours.

'What is worth risking their lives?'

At the same time, suddenly, Ulf got a weak sensation from his spiritual energy, there were coming from several places around the howling mountains. The nearest one was faint but was getting stronger at an alarming pace. Provoked by the spiritual energy, Ulf started looking around and searching for the source of his restlessness.

Because of the superb ability of his mind cultivation, Ulf didn't have to look for a long time. He just had to follow where his spiritual energy was pointing.

'Oh no, I have to get away fast.'

It was a huge, burning volcanic rock rushing right where Ulf was running around. The aftermath force created by the collision resulted in colossal demolition. As Ulf used his inner qi on his legs, he vanished and emerged more than a hundred meters away from the epicentre of the clash.


After the clash, the sensation got stronger. It was more powerful than anything else Ulf had sensed. Whatever had been calling for Ulf was inside that rock that broke in countless parts.

When Ulf approached the crushed meteor, He got near to one particular part and split it in half by using Aeglos. Abruptly the very bright blue light escaped and spread out.

'What?... What kind of thing is this object? It contains the purest qi I have ever seen or sensed.'

There wasn't a need to question, that he hit a huge fortune this time. It was a stone, smaller than his thumb, but emitting blue light.

Maybe the origin of this stone was unknown to Ulf, but it didn't matter right now. Important was that the high risk he put himself in, paid off.

A happy time was presented for Ulf, but the chaotic event in the central part of the southern forest didn't let his mind wander somewhere else.

The spiritual energy was giving him warning like an emergency siren.

When Ulf looked ahead of him, he was left in daze due to another big headache that was coming especially for him.

'What had gotten in these beasts? Why are they rushing in my direction?'

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