
How To Summon A Human

2,400 years ago a war raged on between the Human and Demon race with neither side ever gaining any ground on the other. The war ended with the sacrifice of the Demon King of Slaughter and the Extinction of the Human race. 2,400 years later Demon kind knew peace and prosperity, however tensions were high with the Demon Kings Throne empty since the Great War, Demon Territories similar to Human nations fought over who should claim the throne. In one of the Thirteen Territories, a young female Demon known as Ardere was in her first year at one of the most prestigious schools in the Demon realm. The Demon school Inferis was a school famous for the quality of Demons they produced by the end of their learning period. Arderes dream was to one day boost her family rank, however she was always a weaker Demon having little mana and weak magic. Ardere had worked hard to get into Inferis and would soon discover what it takes to surpass those who held the ranks above her. Everything was supposed to change when she Summoned her Magic Beast. A companion composed of the very Mana she was surrounded by who she would form a Pact with and would assist her in her time at school. Ardere had info from a reliable source that she was going to summon something great, but when it came her turn to call forth the mana to summon a Magic Beast instead by the end of the ritual a person laid in its place.

KJ1415 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Hand That Feeds You

The boy stood there for a moment while the circle hovered above him. His eyes were blank, like his mind could not yet comprehend what was going on and then the circle disappeared and the boy fell to his knees.

The boy wore a white shirt with grey trousers that had pouches running down the sides of his legs. The boys had a tanned skin tone, black hair and blue eyes. Ardere had never seen the boy before but something about him seemed off.

The Head Master walked up to the boy and lifted his head to look into his eyes and just then, the color returned to his eyes and the boys face twisted from neutral to provoking. The boy backed up from the Head Master and looked at his surroundings. The boy looked puzzled and irate.

At this point the teacher was on edge and had one of her clones walk up behind the boy and just as she sent a threads of light towards him he moved out of the way avoiding them by inches and grabbing dirt from the ground and tossing it at the clones eyes. The boy then rushed forward and using his momentum kicked the clone dead center sending her flying back into the students and knocking a few of them over. Then the boy made a run for it stepping over the students and moving his limbs from the teeth and claws of their Magical Beasts just in time and before anyone knew it he had no obstacles in front of him.

The boy ran fast into the field as some of the students angry at what the boy had done sent their Summons after him. The boy was fast but outrunning wolves and large predatorial birds wasn't going to happen. As the Summons caught up to him and were about to lunge at him he stopped dead in his tracks and each Summon missed hitting each other and tumbling to the ground.

The boy was about to move again when the same magical threads came from behind him and held him in place. One of the Teachers clones had caught him and as he struggled to get free the teacher stood in front of him and sent a light arrow into his shoulder.

The boy groaned in pain and as he winced he gritted his teeth and took a step towards the teacher dragging the clone that was restraining him along. Another clone joined in and held the boy in place, but the boy just pushed harder and took an even bigger step as the two clones were almost pulled of balance. The teacher sent another arrow into the boys leg and the boy fell to one knee, but pushed forward once again and this time he pulled the clones off balance and jumped at the teacher reaching for her throat.

Just before the boy could make contact the Head Master sent a wave of energy forward sending the boy flying to the side until he hit a boulder. The boy was bloody with two major wounds on his shoulder and leg with blood dripping down his face. The boy began to move as he struggled to pick himself up, once he was standing he panted, out of breath he stood still for a moment with one eye closed as blood was dripping out from his head over his eye.

The Head master aimed another spell at the boy neither making the first move and only waiting. All the students were watching no one making a sound until someone screamed.


The teacher turned around as the Head Master kept eye contact with the boy, not daring to take his eyes off him. Ardere ran up to the two still physically exhausted from using her magic.

"What's going on here Ms.Daemonium do you know this boy." The teacher exclaimed.

Ardere looked closely at the boy and couldn't believe what she was seeing the boys ears were round his teeth were strait and his eyes were circular. Even though some Demons didn't have horns every Demon had pointed ears, fangs and elliptical pupils. Ardere walked slowly up to the boy and almost walked past the Head Master before she was stopped.

"Don't go any further he's dangerous!" The Head Master yelled.

Ardere pulled from his grasp and began walking again.

"You saw what I did as well, he came from my summon so I am his Master he won't hurt me."

Ardere walked towards the boy as the Head Master whispered to the Teacher.

"Ms.Black be ready to pull her out of there if anything happens."

The teacher nodded and readied her spell. As Ardere was within a few feet of the boy she stopped and began nervously speaking.

"I am the one who summoned you! I am your master and you will obey..." just then Ardere had taken a step closer and the boy jumped at Ardere and went for her throat. The boy had moved faster than anyone had seen him move before and couldn't react on time and just before the boy touched Arderes throat a shock was sent throughout his body making the boy pull his arm back and choke up blood.

The boy laid on the ground blood slowly seeping from his wounds. It was as Ardere said, she was his Master and the punishment for a Summon who tries to harm their own Master is death. The Head master and the Teacher had dispelled their magic and the Teacher turned around to lead the students away as the Head Master walked to Ardere.

"The Contract has done it's work. Now that he is dead you can Summon a real Beast another day until then we will delay your classes." The Head master spoke in solemn words as it was considered disgraceful to have your Summon die, whether they attacked you or not. The Head master put his hand on Arderes shoulder and turned her from the boy.

As the two walked away they heard some rustling from behind and when Ardere looked behind her it sent a shiver down her spine. The boy had sat up and was laying against the rock with shallow breaths he was in bad shape and was getting worse by the minute when the Head Master saw Ardere looking back and did so himself. The boy was still breathing and it shocked him to his core.

'The punishment for Attacking your master is Death, how is he still alive?' he thought as he walked back to the boy. The boys breaths were shallow and heavy. The Head Master stopped in front of him and the boy looked the Head Master in the eyes as he aimed another spell at the boy.

The boy struggled once more to get up barely making it to his feet his breaths grew heavier and his bleeding began to slow. The Head Master was shocked, a moment ago the boy was on his last leg and now he was standing.

The boy walked up to the Head Master and reached for his collar and pulled him in close glaring into his eyes. The two stood for a moment and then the boy spoke.

"Do it." He said in a moderate tone. The Head Master was speechless and when he did nothing the boy spoke again.

"Pussy." The boy then pushed the Head Master back and turned around and began to limp away. Everyone watched in awe as the boy walked through the field until he made it about ten meters from the rock and fell face first into the dirt.

Ardere ran to the boys side and hesitated to touch him, not knowing what to do she screamed for the Head Master.

"Head Master please help him!"

The Head Master was still dumbfound, but Arederes yelling snapped him out of it. He walked to Arderes side and contemplated what to do. The boy had done nothing to hurt them until they had attacked him and amongst the chaos he failed to notice this and not only that the boy was still alive. The fact that the Contract intervened in such a violent manner meant the boy would have killed Ardere if the Contract didn't stop him, but the boy was still alive. There was no in between with punishments when it came to the Contract you either bit the hand that feeds you and experienced a quick slap on the wrist or tried to kill the one that feeds you and instead received a killing blow, but the boy was alive.

Now Albeon had to think quick the wounds were fatal if he was lucky he could stop the bleeding and close the wounds but the strain on the body would most likely still be there and the wounds could just reopen causing more damage than was initially there. Albeon looked to Ardere and remembered how she put everything she had into her summon, letting this one die would put strain on her young mind and doing another summon in that state would only bring forth something more viscous.

Albeon could not make this decision or more accurately it wasn't his decision to make. Albeon looked to the boy and pulled the natural Mana into the boy using it as a way to find all the damage and would then repair it and using his own Mana he held it all together forcing the boys body heal. The boys heart was still weak so Albeon used his Mana to energize his heart making it beat at a normal rate. He held it like this for few minutes straining as he concentrated on every damaged cell and every blown vessel trying desperately to hold it all together like a house of cards and finally the boys body began to recognize the damage and began to hold itself together.

The boys breaths calmed as Albeon let down his hands and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"i've done what i can now we can only wait for his body to heal him." he looked to Ardere and figured he would take an extra precaution incase the boy tried running away again. Albeon summoned black smoke in the shape of a ring. Albeon opened the ring and placed it on the boys neck. As the smoke closed it solidified turning into a metal collar and once it turned completely it shattered.

Albeon went wide eyed and looked again to Ardere. She was looking back go Albeon wondering what had happened.

"What was that head master." she asked

"That was..." Albeon had no words to say. It was supposed to be a collar that would restrain him if he tried to run off again but it worked by seizing up the flow of mana inside the body making them paralyzed; It only worked once, but it only needed to work once. Albeon sent Mana into his eyes and saw for the first time in his life he saw a being without any Mana. deciding to keep this a secret for now he spoke to Ardere.

"I just needed to make sure he was asleep, don't want him running around when his body is so frail at the moment." He gave a fake smile and turned the boy on his back tapping his chest the boy began to levitate. Then Albeon noticed the boys features, he wasn't a Demon.