
How To Summon A Human

2,400 years ago a war raged on between the Human and Demon race with neither side ever gaining any ground on the other. The war ended with the sacrifice of the Demon King of Slaughter and the Extinction of the Human race. 2,400 years later Demon kind knew peace and prosperity, however tensions were high with the Demon Kings Throne empty since the Great War, Demon Territories similar to Human nations fought over who should claim the throne. In one of the Thirteen Territories, a young female Demon known as Ardere was in her first year at one of the most prestigious schools in the Demon realm. The Demon school Inferis was a school famous for the quality of Demons they produced by the end of their learning period. Arderes dream was to one day boost her family rank, however she was always a weaker Demon having little mana and weak magic. Ardere had worked hard to get into Inferis and would soon discover what it takes to surpass those who held the ranks above her. Everything was supposed to change when she Summoned her Magic Beast. A companion composed of the very Mana she was surrounded by who she would form a Pact with and would assist her in her time at school. Ardere had info from a reliable source that she was going to summon something great, but when it came her turn to call forth the mana to summon a Magic Beast instead by the end of the ritual a person laid in its place.

KJ1415 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


The day went by slow for Ardere as she and Melodi continued training with the doll while Kenji watched and eventually when the Dinner bell rang they all went to eat as a group.

Melodi was nervous eating together with her two new friends and more so now that she was in between Kenji and Ardere.

Ardere couldn't help but constantly look to the students around her wondering if Ian would replace one of them and threaten her once again.Her paranoia was showing, so much so that even the students around her felt uncomfortable when she would glance at them.

Kenji could see that Ardere was troubled, she was constantly eyeing everyone around her and was hardly eating.

"Can you stop acting like a crack head for ten seconds."

Ardere was shocked by what Kenji had said.


"You keep looking around like you expect one of these people to pull a gun out on you. Can you not do that, because i've had enough of that for one lifetime."

Ardere had heard some strange things from Kenji within the short amount of time she had known him and she wasn't getting used to any of it. Everything he saud was strange and foreign, his speech was rough and cruel and his manners were basically non-existent.

Kenji had gone back to eating and for the first time Ardere really took a good look at him. Despite his rough demeanor and complete lack of courtesy, he did in fact have manners; Ardere just never noticed before.

Kenji was sitting up straight in his chair, he was pacing himself while eating his food and not scarfing it down like most men would often do and he kept his elbows off the table. Kenji had proper table etiquette; aside for the rude comments he makes every now and then.

Ardere had finally felt as if Kenji made sense for once, table etiquette is not something you pick up from a single meal in a with a noble, it's taught.

Finally Ardere had calmed down and for once felt like everything was alright.

"If I may ask, what is a crack head?" Melodi had asked looking at Kenji.

Kenji had gave a glance to Melodi before swallowing his food and laying his flatware down.

"The term i used is more slang than anything. I use it as a term for anybody acting erratic, paranoid or crazy. The actual definition of the word meaning someone who takes a drug known as crack cocaine. The slang comes from how people who use the drug act after they use way too much."

Melodi felt awkward after the explanation. It wasn't uncommon for demon to use elixirs to give them massive amounts of strength or seemingly unlimited stamina; and these elixirs tended to be addicting for their enhancing nature, but Melodi had never heard of them making Demons crazy before.

"That wasn't much of a great conversation starter was it?" Kenji had said breaking the silence.

"There's too many things about this world that are different compared to mine, but there's also too many things that are the same. Unfortunately it seems your world isn't much different than mine."

Melodi couldn't understand what Kenji was saying. It was almost like something had clicked in him and he just seemed to completely change from his rough attitude to one more depressing.

Kenji realised both the girls were staring at him and he quickly gained his composure.

"This food is surprisingly good; way better than the food they have at my school."

Ardere and Melodi both looked at each other for a moment before looking back to their food. Ardere felt like Kenji had some emotions hidden behind his aggressive attitude and Melodi felt the same way.

Dinner had ended and Ardere, Melodi and Kenji had decided to call it a night. Melodi and Ardere began walking one direction and Kenji went the other. Ardere had noticed this and called out to Kenji.

"Where are you going? The dorms are this way." Ardere saud pointing the direction she was going.

"I was gonna go find the guy who runs this place."

"The Head Master, but why?" Melodi had said.

"Well, even though I am now a student of this illustrious school I still don't have a room so unless one of you are willing to share, I need a room."

Ardere and Melod's faces turned a bright red as Ardere spoke out.

"To share a bed with you would be revolting! How dare you suggest such a thing!" Ardere screamed.

"ye...yeah" Melodi said trying to cover her face.

"Okay first of all I never said share a bed I said to share a room and second even if we did share a room what makes you think i would sleep in the bed with you?"

Ardere and Meldi were quiet for a moment until they heard a voice.

"Sharing a room won't be necessary." Alice had said coming down the hall.

Alice had looked to Kenji before handing a piece of paper with a magic circle to Ardere.

"Those are the directions to your summons room, unfortunately since he was a late entry his room will be quite the distance from yours so use that to find him in the morning."

Ardere poured mana into the magic circle and it began to glow until the circle had faded and Ardere knew where Kenji would be sleeping.

"Thank you Ms.Black, alright lets go Kenji."

"Actually I will be escorting your summon to his room, since he can't seem to understand when I say not to start any sudden fights."

"Hey I didn't start that fight with those other students, I just finished it."

"Nevertheless I can't trust you won't do something else today."

Ardere knew she wasn't going to take no for an answer so she and Melodi left to their own rooms.

Kenji and Alice walked down the long halls for a but of time, no one saying a single word as they made their way down the hallway.

Eventually they finally stopped at a door and Alice opened the door revealing a room quite large.

"The Head Master took the liberty of stocking your room with extra clothes and a couple of extra uniforms. Try not to make a mess that the servants will have to clean up, they have other things to do other than clean your room all day."

Alice turned and began walked away leaving Kenji alone in his room.

The room was approximately 10 meters by 10 meters. The bed was a king and way too big for Kenji alone. There was a desk with a lamp and drawers and finally there was a dresser. The dresser was almost as tall a Kenji and had several large drawers.

When Kenji opened one of the drawers he found several different clothes folded for him. Pulling out pajamas and feeling the fabric they were soft and the fabric had a shine to it.

across from the bed was a door; when Kenji opened it, it revealed a bathroom. The bathroom had a toilet and a sink, but no bathtub.

Looking across the room was another door. Opening it revealed a large tiled room. The room had a hole in the ground a little over half a meter deep.

walking over to the hole it was covered in grey tiles as opposed to the white ones that covered the walls and roof, and looking into the hole there was a large magic circle on the wall of the hole.

Kenji touched the magic circle and he felt something drain out of his body. Ever since he woke up he felt something different withing his body, however he couldn't explain exactly what it felt like and now he almost felt normal.

When Kenji pulled his hand away from the magic circle it began to glow and hot water bagan flowing out of it.

"This place is fucking nuts!" He exclaimed

The water began to fill the hole and as it did so Kenji noticed a nice smell coming from the water. The hole was actually a bathtub, the only problem was it needed Mana to function.

This was a problem for Kenji, but right now it didn't matter; he desperately needed a bath.

After soaking in the water for a bit of time he got out of the tub and realised he had no towels. Kenji went looked around the room and found another Magic circle on the wall; when Kenji put his hand to it a burst of air hit his whole body and he felt something draining from him again.

The draining had stopped suddenly and so did the air he had run out of Mana from the potion, luckily he had dried off before he had run out.

Kenji had tried on the pajamas he pulled out before and even though they were soft the shirt felt too constricting. The clothes fit nicely, but he felt as if he had to fight with someone then the buttons would rip from the shirt and become a problem so he just decided to sleep without the shirt.

Kenji laid in the bed for a short bit of time before drifting off to sleep.


Ardere had awoken earlier in the morning than usual. She had cleaned herself and gotten ready and just as she was about to leave her room there was a knock at her door

Ardere had opened her door and there stood Melodi.

"I was hoping you would be awake." She said in a cheery tone.

"Yes, i must make sure Kenji is awake in time for breakfast."

"May i come with you? So that we can eat together."

Ardere still had a bit of trouble understanding Melodi. She didn't seem to fear Kenji however she also seemed to be more quiet around him, she almost never contributed to a conversation when he was around and yet when they first met and even when he had left to take the injured students to vincent she talked quite a lot.

"I don't see why not. Follow me."

Ardere and Melodi had begun walking through the halls of the dorm area. The halls were still almost completely void of any students since it was still early.

"So, how does it feel to walk to a boys room so early in the morning?" Melodi teased Ardere.

Ardere wasn't bothered by her comment, but it did make her wonder how her father would react when he would eventually meet Kenji.

"I guess i could ask you the same thing."

Melodi let out a cheery giggle as her cheeks flushed red.

Ardere chuckled at Melodi's embarrassment and they continued their walk until they reached Kenjis door.

Ardere knocked on the door and waited...

There was no answer, so Ardere knocked again.


Melodi covered her mouth and snorted as she tried not to disrupt the silence in the halls with here laughter.

"Sounds like he's awake now."

Ardere went to knock on the door again.

"Kenji you need to wake up and get ready breakfast will be starting soon."

This was a lie as breakfast didn't start for a but more time, however she figured he would still need a but of time to get ready.

Ardere and Melodi could hear a loud groan from the other side of the door and after a moment the doors lock was disengaged and the door swung open.

Kenji was standing in the doorway without a his shirt. Melodi and Ardere were both shocked as they both stood there in silence

"Well what are you waiting for? Come in."

Ardere reached into the room and pulled the door closed.

"Are you out of you mind put some clothes on!"

Melodi stood in shock for a moment as images of what had just happened flashed in her mind. Melodi knew Kenji was strong, but he was built a lot better than she had originally thought, but he didn't have muscles you got from working out. His muscles were toned quite well and you could tell he's trained his entire life.

"Why are you being so shy now? you weren't like this in the infirmary."

Arderes face was flushed with embarrassment and annoyance.

"One time is too many, besides it's not proper for a lady to see a man in such a state especially not a noble."

Kenji opened the door wearing a clean uniform and stepped out closing the door behind him.

"Yeah, whatever you say."

They all began walking through the halls that were still quite empty. Kenji had gotten ready faster than she had expected. Most noblemen take extra time and effort to make sure their hair and looks are perfect.

"You know you really shouldn't show your body around like that a lady might think your trying to impress her." Ardere said in a teasing tone.

"Calm down i'm not gonna jump on you; you're not my type."

Ardere stopped in her tracks for a moment and wondered just what kind of woman someone as violent and rough as Kenji would be interested in. The thought alone had made Ardere shudder.

The group walked throughout the halls until they eventually reached the dinning hall.

Kenji was never too picky with his meals, god knows how bad they tasted, but he always felt as long as it was edible he would eat it. However despite how these meals were some of the best tasting he had ever had, they were missing something and he couldn't figure out what.

Breakfast was quiet and uneventful and Kenji felt that each meal was begining to get tasteless and he began missing the foods he once had at home.

The group eventually had to split off since Melodi still had classes she was not excused from. Ardere and Kenji decided to head to the library and research the Black Wolf.

The two had spent every hour of the day in the library; not that finding information on the black wolf was difficult; it was actually the opposite.

The black wolf was an incredibly popular Summon, It was the size of a lion, had a magic resistance to fire and had great speed despite its size.

The problem Ardere and Kenji were having was how they were going to fight against this beast and Ian as well.

Ardere was constantly moving throughout the library, she must have checked every book on Black Wolves in the massive room twice by the time dinner had arrived and it was begining to get frustrating as Kenji sat at a table staring at a piece of paper.

Ardere was trying her best to find a weakness somewhere in the vast archives that laid before them and Kenji was doing nothing.

"This could go faster if you helped look with me."

"You already found what you could, we need a plan now and it's getting a bit difficult to imagine what we can do against a giant dog."

Kenji had stayed looking at the piece of paper in silence for a moment.

"How many elements can you control?"

Ardere had walked closer to Kenji and looked at the paper. It was still blank so it made her wonder what he was thinking.

"I can use fire and water at long distances, however I am more proficient in fire magic."

"What about earth and ice magic can you do any of that?"

"I can't control those at long distances I would need to be in contact with a person in order to actually use those and even if i was to be in contact with that person my magic is only at the intermediate level, there won't be much I can do."

Through out the whole day Kenji had a serious look on his face all day; like he was constantly thinking, but now lips curved into a smile and his eyes narrowed.

"Oh, this is going to be fun."