

Zaya Mars and Kabir Asad have been married for a year but yet felt like strangers in their own homes. Zaya has been trying all within her possible best to make the marriage work but all to no avail. Kabir, on the other hand has made it clear through his words and actions that he has nothing to offer since the marriage is a contract marriage and he was forced into it by his family. He blames Zaya for having to end his relationship with his long time girlfriend and as punishment, he makes Zaya suffer for it. Things took a new turn for their love story when Kabir purposely arrived home late on their one year wedding anniversary. To this, Zaya questions him about his whereabouts stating that it was their wedding anniversary and how could he come home late for it. Feeling annoyed by the pestering of Zaya, Kabir uttered in anger; “This is just a contract marriage. I have nothing to offer to you because you were never my choice so don't forget that!” In tears and on the ground, Zaya makes a vow on their wedding night to seduce Kabir, be his choice and leave him yearning for her! Making him love her would be the best plot twist to a contract marriage, Zaya said.

Hassana_Zubair · Urban
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53 Chs


Kabir got there and realized there was nothing there too. Nothing on the kitchen counter. He went through the pots and the whole utensils to check if he would be able to find anything but there was nothing there. In utter disbelief, it came to Kabir's mind that Zaya didn't make him anything.

Kabir headed back to the living room feeling hungry and in pain. He slumped on the sofa as he groaned in pain at the fact that the headache was becoming more unbearable. His thoughts were all about Zaya and her date with Zafar. The more he tried to stop himself from thinking about her, the more he thought about her. He was becoming infuriated at his own mind but that did not stop the thought from popping up in his mind. Zaya's dress, her scent, how she paired perfectly with Zafar, the words she whispered into his ears all came popping up at the top of his mind at once. He was trying really hard not to care about her or what she was going to do tonight but it wasn't working.

Kabir headed for the showers to take a cold shower. Maybe that would reduce the pain of the headache and stop him from thinking about Zaya. He would have whipped himself a quick meal but he was too tired and his body was beginning to hurt. Kabir decided to just take a bath, some painkillers and go to bed. That would do the trick!

As Kabir immersed himself in the running shower, his thoughts once in a while would be about Zaya. He started to imagine what she would be doing with Zafar. Indeed, they were bad thoughts. He was trying hard to keep himself in check. He didn't know why he was suddenly caring about Zaya. He didn't even like her!

As Kabir got out of the showers, put on his night clothes and took some painkillers, he decided to put a call through to Lara, maybe he could invite her over.

"Two can play that game, Zaya" he said in his mind.

Unfortunately for him, Lara was not in the country. She traveled out yesterday for a fashion week event and wouldn't be able to come so Kabir's plan was a failure. Lara actually lied to him. It was all a part of Operation Kabir. Kabir decided to go to bed, hoping that the pain would go away before the next morning. It was the first time Kabir was actually noticing that he was lonely. Alone in the house with no one. Usually it would be the other way round with Zaya being the only one at home and waiting for his arrival but tonight, things were different. Nonetheless, Kabir remained unbothered by it.

While Kabir was fighting his own war, Zaya, on the other hand, arrived at Zafar's house, more of a mansion with his car pulling up at the front yard. Zaya gasped in surprise and amazement at the fanciness of the mansion-house.

She always thought that their house was the best, most beautiful but after looking at only the exterior of Zafar's house, she was suddenly filled with doubts.

"You never told me that your house was this beautiful!" Zaya exclaimed.

"You never asked" Zafar pointed out as he turned off the car.

"What?... I never asked?" Zaya countered.

"Exactly" Zafar replied.

"Okay fine, Mr Zafar Ali, why is your house this beautiful and what do you do for a living?" Zaya asked curiously as she smiled brightly.

Zaya had sparked off a conversation in the car which looked like it wasn't ending anytime soon.

"I…" Zafar hesitated to say, feeling somewhat shy.

"You…" Zaya said back in the same manner as Zafar did.

Zafar chuckled softly before saying "I work"

Zaya rolled her eyes in disbelief at what Zafar just said.

"Oh my God! I know you work but what job do you do?" Zaya uttered the obvious.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Zafar, who had noticed her doing it, asked.

Zaya gasped in shock with her mouth open after Zafar called her out. She went on to place her hand over her mouth as she looked away.

"I didn't " she muttered almost inaudibly.

"I didn't get that" Zafar said.

"I said I didn't " Zaya repeated again with her voice loud enough for Zafar to hear.

"I know you are lying!. Look me in the eyes and tell me what you just said" Zafar said to Zaya as she was still looking the other way.

"No" she muttered while smiling mischievously, waving her head.

"Look at me" Zafar said playfully as he smirked.

"Nooo, I can't" Zaya said as she chuckled lightly.

"If you don't look at me, I'll make you do it" Zafar told her.

"You can't! I dare you to touch my face!" Zaya let out confidently.

"Alright, fine! Challenge accepted!" Zafar said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and reached forward for Zaya, trying to turn her face to his.

"No! No! Zafar, I have make up on!" Zaya protested as they both chuckled softly.

"Just look me in the face!" Zafar went on as he smirked in excitement trying to turn Zaya's face to meet him while she struggled not to let him do so.

"Neverrrr!" Zaya said playfully as they both let out a laugh.

Zafar finally succeeded in turning Zaya's face to look at him. Their faces were so close to each other as they let out smiles. Zaya's was friendly, Zafar's held so much emotions in them. The feeling of want. He wanted Zaya!

Zafar stared immensely into Zaya's eyes as he caressed her face. His gaze carried a lot of unspoken words, unspoken desires, unspoken wishes. It was as if Zaya knew what his eyes conveyed and it made her feel nervous. She didn't want Zafar to fall for her. That would ruin the whole plan. She liked them being friends.

Zafar rested his gaze at Zaya's lips. Her thin, glossy lips filled with lipstick were tempting to him. Zaya noticed that his gaze was on her lips and it made her even more worried.

Zafar had fallen for her!

All the past conversations they had which she never took seriously came flashing before her eyes. She remembered how Zafar would address her with endearment, telling her that if he had his way, she would have been his wife, teasing her with sweet words. It finally dawned on her that Zafar might have actually been serious about it all.

As Zafar stared at Zaya's lips, he could feel the urge within himself to kiss her growing by the minute. He wanted to know how her lips tasted. He longed and yearned for her. He had been loving Zaya even before he approached her for a partnership. He had always wanted to date her but she was never single. It has always been Roy and Kabir in his way. When Zaya started having issues in her marriage, he was quite happy, hoping that she would be able to divorce Kabir so he could shoot his shot but after finding out that it had to be after five years, he was broken. But he made it a decision to wait for her. To wait for her until the five years elapsed.

What ruined his resolve was when Zaya called for a meeting, wanting to fix her broken marriage. It really hurt him deep down but he decided to play along, being the good friend that she had known him to be. When Mrs Salma announced to him that he was going to be her fake boyfriend, he felt elated. He saw it as an open chance to shoot his shot from the sidelines, hoping that Zaya might notice him. He really prayed that Operation Kabir would be a mess so she could divorce Kabir and he could have her.

He didn't want to be just friends!

He wanted something more. He wanted to build a beautiful relationship with her!

Zafar felt extremely happy at the scene that happened in Kabir's home. When Zaya addressed him as 'my love' and he wrapped his hands around her waist, he felt like the happiest man in the world. When she called him 'her boyfriend' and hit his chest lightly, his heart thumped faster and when he pulled her face closer to his and she planted a kiss on his cheek, he felt his soul leave his body.

He was truly happy!

As Zafar stared at Zaya's lips seductively, he could feel himself getting hot. Zaya would never know what her presence was doing to him. He wanted to press his lips against her and do bad things to her.

"Zaya…" He whispered her name softly as he leaned in on her.

Zaya pulled away from him and said politely

"I think it's best if we go in"

Zaya unbuckled her seatbelt as she opened the car door and made her way to the door while Zafar stared at her, sighing in frustration as he rested his back on the car seat.

Team Zaya and Zafar or Team Zaya and Kabir?

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