

Zaya Mars and Kabir Asad have been married for a year but yet felt like strangers in their own homes. Zaya has been trying everything possible to make the marriage work but to no avail. Kabir, on the other hand, has made it clear that he has nothing to offer since the marriage is a contract marriage and he was forced into it by his family. He blames Zaya for having to end his relationship with his long-time girlfriend. Things took a new turn for their love story when Kabir purposely arrived home late on their first wedding anniversary and Zaya questions him about his whereabouts. Feeling annoyed by the pestering of Zaya, Kabir uttered in anger: “This is just a contract marriage. I have nothing to offer to you because you were never my choice!” In tears, Zaya makes a vow to make him love her even though they are in a contract marriage.

Hassana_Zubair · Urban
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86 Chs


Adam and Althea made love and had pure ecstacy for hours, until finally they both collapsed, utterly spent. They slept in each other's arms, their bodies wrapped around one another like two puzzle pieces that had finally found their perfect fit. One would never believe that they hated each other.

 Althea woke up in the middle of the night, with a pressing need to relieve herself. She quietly slipped into her clothes and out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, trying not to wake him. 

After she was done, she found herself wide awake and decided to step out onto the balcony, the allure of sleep eluding her for the time being.