
How to run your dungeon

BloodPainter · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A harsh battle

"We'll go ahead and get started with the fight ." I said to both parties

"You know you're not in charge of us you dirty demon." Said the small hooded figure.

The comment about demons aggravated me a bit but I wasn't super angry.

The first person to make a move was the armored man, he charged towards the knight goblin.

When the armored man got within fighting range the ranger fired an arrow towards him, but it was countered by the hooded figures magical shield.

The enchanter didn't know any offensive spells so he grabbed a few rocks he found around him and started throwing them at the girl with a knife in her hand, he managed to hit her in her head with one causing her head to start bleeding, Seeing this the formal man charged toward the enchanter only to be intercepted by my rolling pin.

"Sorry buddy but I can't let you do that." I said in a condescending tone.

After a moment of our weapons being crossed, I applied some pressure, although I only put a small bit of power into it he flew back to the edge of the cave.

"You filthy demon how dare you hurt my companions." Said the small hooded figure

"For someone so small you sure talk with a lot of confidence." I said smirking

The formal man stood up slowly while coughing and said "He's from the church if you're catching my drift."

"Do I sense some infighting, the plot thickens." I said snickering.

To my surprise the formal man joined me in my laughter.

"I quite like you after I've dealt with these bastards you're free to go." I said.

He leaned against the cave wall and looked at me before saying "I'm not the type to betray my comrades, but I've only know these guys for a few days now so I'll take you up on that offer."

While we had been speaking the knights were dueling and it seemed as if the goblin knight was going to come out on top.

"Amateurs." I said under my breath.

The girl with the knife was also fighting the ranger at the same time but she was winning instead.

I ran at top speed and disarmed her before she even saw me move.

"Tha-that's that's not fair." She whined

"Never said it was." I replied

Seeing the opportunity the ranger goblin shot an arrow into the girls shoulder causing her to fall onto the caves wet floor.

The girls eyes had a pure look of fear as she realized that although all of our banter was friendly she could actually die here today.

She groaned loudly and stood up quickly before attempting to run out of the cave, only to be met with a stone tipped arrow to the back.

"Yay." Said the little goblin ranger.

"Good job little one." I said while patting her head.

The small hooded figure turned and started to run out of the cave.

They made it to the entrance way before falling into a pitfall, their deafening screams echoed through the cave before stopping completely.

I patted myself on the back for adding spikes to the bottom of the trap.

When I looked back at the knight goblin he was sitting atop the armored mans body smiling.

"Looks like your friends have all perished." I said sarcastically.

"They weren't my friends." The formally dressed man replied.

"Oh yeah I never for asked your name." I said while helping him exit the cave

"My name is Welt, what's yours?" Welt asked.

"My friends call me Zaizel." I replied

He got onto one of my horses and said "So I'm your friend now?"

I smiled and said "As long as you lie about what happened here today, I need a few more amateurs before they send in the big guns."

Welt smirked and said "Works for me."

He then rode off into the forest.

I turned back to the alpha squad and asked them "Are you ready?"

Which only got me a few confused looks before they were all enveloped in a bright white light.

When the light finally faded, 3 figures stood there they were all about 5'5ish.

"One fight and you gained enough battle experience to unlock your subclasses." I said while putting my aura weapon into the ethereal plane.

I looked them over and determined that their subclasses were fairly unique.

The knight was now a death knight and was clad in a large suit of dark black armor, he was carrying a black and purple long sword which had to be at least double his size.

The ranger had become a shadow rogue wearing a black cloak that concealed several weapons, 2 daggers, a short sword, and a dozen throwing knives, just to name a few.

The enchanter didn't unlock a subclass, it seemed he actually awakened his bloodline, seeing as he grew two horns and was wearing a suit similar to mine and his book had my family insignia imbedded onto it.

"Welcome to the family little guy." I said somewhat surprised at this development.

They all took a moment to adjust to their new forms before standing at attention.

"Alright you little buggers seem to have some potential so I'll give you your names." I said the them

I went on to name the death knight Titan, the shadow rogue was named Aven, and the enchanter took my fathers name Mephisto seeing as he was summoned into this world as a member of my family.

"Alright Titan train 5 of them to be knights or warriors, and Mephisto see to it that the other five become lumber jacks and craftsmen, Aven go hunting and bring enough for everyone." I ordered them

Before saying "Dungeon menu."

[Dungeon menu LV2]

[200 dungeon points daily]

(200/2000) points

{Goblin 10p}

{Trap 30p}

{Imp 40p}

{Expansion 100p}

'Good' I thought.

"This will work perfectly." I said before laughing at that statements cliche.

Let's get to work...

HeyCreation is hard, cheer me up!

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