
Second Rule

As the battle raged on, the three of us continued wielding our magic and weapons, slowly chipping away at Selgaath's health.

Admittedly, I had to give credit to the shitty god; he made this battle incredibly challenging by making the first boss actually hard.

In the original story, Arthurr became an overnight sensation at the academy, credited as the victor of the battle with a demon.

"Oh my gosh! How did a student win a battle with a demon!?"

However, in reality, during the battle, he was fighting not to win, but to survive. Just as Selgaath was about to strike the final blow, plot armor kicked in, and he was saved by the timely return of the headmistress.

She not only saved his life but defeated the demon in a single combo; one of the few instances that she appeared in the story despite being one of the strongest humans.

This time, things had to be different.

I was determined to defeat the demon before the headmistress arrived.